2017-11-21 17:34:09 -05:00

120 lines
3.2 KiB

* *
* Taiko Sanro - Arduino *
* Support Arduino models with ATmega32u4 microprocessors *
* *
* Shiky Chang Chris *
* zhangxunpx@gmail.com wisaly@gmail.com *
* *
// New implementation using fast, stable and sensitive piezoelectric
// ceramic sensors (the same sensors used in electirc drum kit).
// No longer need microphones.
#define MODE_DEBUG 0
#define CHANNELS 2
// Caches for the soundwave and power
// Light and heacy hit thresholds
#define LIGHT_THRES 5000
#define HEAVY_THRES 20000
// Forced sampling frequency
#define FORCED_FREQ 1000
#include "cache.h"
unsigned long int lastTime;
int channelSample [CHANNELS];
int lastChannelSample [CHANNELS];
Cache <int, SAMPLE_CACHE_LENGTH> sampleCache [CHANNELS];
long int power [CHANNELS];
Cache <long int, POWER_CACHE_LENGTH> powerCache [CHANNELS];
bool triggered [CHANNELS];
int pins[] = {A0, A1}; // Don, Kat
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
Keyboard.begin ();
analogReference (DEFAULT);
for (short int i = 0; i < CHANNELS; i++) {
power [i] = 0;
lastChannelSample [i] = 0;
triggered [i] = false;
lastTime = 0;
void loop() {
for (short int i = 0; i < CHANNELS; i++) {
channelSample[i] = analogRead (pins [i]);
sampleCache [i].put (channelSample [i] - lastChannelSample [i]);
long int tempInt;
tempInt = sampleCache [i].get (1);
power [i] -= tempInt * tempInt;
tempInt = sampleCache [i].get ();
power [i] += tempInt * tempInt;
if (power [i] < LIGHT_THRES) {
power [i] = 0;
powerCache [i].put (power [i]);
lastChannelSample [i] = channelSample [i];
if (powerCache [i].get (1) == 0) {
triggered [i] = false;
if (!triggered [i]) {
for (short int j = 0; j < POWER_CACHE_LENGTH - 1; j++) {
if (powerCache [i].get (j - 1) >= powerCache [i].get (j)) {
} else if (powerCache [i].get (1) >= HEAVY_THRES) {
triggered [i] = true;
Keyboard.print (heavyKeys [i]);
} else if (powerCache [i].get (1) >= LIGHT_THRES) {
triggered [i] = true;
Keyboard.print (lightKeys [i]);
Serial.print (power [i]);
Serial.print ("\t");
// End of each channel
Serial.print (50000);
Serial.print ("\t");
Serial.print (0);
Serial.print ("\t");
Serial.println ("");
// Force the sample frequency to be less than 1000Hz
unsigned int frameTime = micros () - lastTime;
lastTime = micros ();
if (frameTime < FORCED_FREQ) {
delayMicroseconds (FORCED_FREQ - frameTime);
} else {
// Performance bottleneck;
Serial.print ("Exception: forced frequency is too high for the microprocessor to catch up.");