108 lines
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#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* THIS API IS UNSTABLE. Please do not build alternative implementations of
this DLL just yet unless you are prepared to deal with API breakages. */
HRESULT aime_io_init(void);
void aime_io_fini(void);
HRESULT aime_io_nfc_poll(uint8_t unit_no);
HRESULT aime_io_nfc_get_aime_id(
uint8_t unit_no,
uint8_t *luid,
size_t luid_size);
HRESULT aime_io_nfc_get_felica_id(uint8_t unit_no, uint64_t *IDm);
void aime_io_led_set_color(uint8_t unit_no, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
// #pragma once
// #include <windows.h>
// #include <stddef.h>
// #include <stdint.h>
// /*
// Get the version of the Aime IO API that this DLL supports. This function
// should return a positive 16-bit integer, where the high byte is the major
// version and the low byte is the minor version (as defined by the Semantic
// Versioning standard).
// The latest API version as of this writing is 0x0100.
// */
// uint16_t aime_io_get_api_version(void);
// /*
// Initialize Aime IO provider DLL. Only called once, before any other
// functions exported from this DLL are called (except for
// aime_io_get_api_version).
// Minimum API version: 0x0100
// */
// HRESULT aime_io_init(void);
// /*
// Poll for IC cards in the vicinity.
// - unit_no: Always 0 as of the current API version
// Minimum API version: 0x0100
// */
// HRESULT aime_io_nfc_poll(uint8_t unit_no);
// /*
// Attempt to read out a classic Aime card ID
// - unit_no: Always 0 as of the current API version
// - luid: Pointer to a ten-byte buffer that will receive the ID
// - luid_size: Size of the buffer at *luid. Always 10.
// Returns:
// - S_OK if a classic Aime is present and was read successfully
// - S_FALSE if no classic Aime card is present (*luid will be ignored)
// - Any HRESULT error if an error occured.
// Minimum API version: 0x0100
// */
// HRESULT aime_io_nfc_get_aime_id(
// uint8_t unit_no,
// uint8_t *luid,
// size_t luid_size);
// /*
// Attempt to read out a FeliCa card ID ("IDm"). The following are examples
// of FeliCa cards:
// - Amuse IC (which includes new-style Aime-branded cards, among others)
// - Smartphones with FeliCa NFC capability (uncommon outside Japan)
// - Various Japanese e-cash cards and train passes
// Parameters:
// - unit_no: Always 0 as of the current API version
// - IDm: Output parameter that will receive the card ID
// Returns:
// - S_OK if a FeliCa device is present and was read successfully
// - S_FALSE if no FeliCa device is present (*IDm will be ignored)
// - Any HRESULT error if an error occured.
// Minimum API version: 0x0100
// */
// HRESULT aime_io_nfc_get_felica_id(uint8_t unit_no, uint64_t *IDm);
// /*
// Change the color and brightness of the card reader's RGB lighting
// - unit_no: Always 0 as of the current API version
// - r, g, b: Primary color intensity, from 0 to 255 inclusive.
// Minimum API version: 0x0100
// */
// void aime_io_led_set_color(uint8_t unit_no, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);