# Nijiiro Toolset A collection of various python scripts to help you edit and validate taiko nijiiro game files. **This is meant to be placed straight in the game's folder** ```files .\Data\ .\Executable\ extract here <---- ``` Please note that this works both on 08.18 and CHN. ## encryption.py This script allows you to encrypt or decrypt both Datatables and Fumens **You will need to provide your own aes keys for this script to work.** ```py class Keys(Enum): Datatable = "" # Add datatable key here Fumen = "" # Add Fumen key here ``` you also need to install the pip module `cryptography`: > pip install cryptography here's some usage examples : ```py # Display the help message py encryption.py --help # Decrypting a datatable : py encryption.py --input "data.bin" --output "data.json" # Encrypting a datatable : py encryption.py --enc --input "data.json" --output "data.bin" # Encrypting a fumen for use in CHN : py encryption.py --enc --fumen --input "data_e.bin" --output "data_e.bin" ``` ## sortAlphabetically.py This script generates an alphabetically sorted music_order.bin file for a given language. Possible languages are : japaneseText, englishUsText, chineseTText, chineseSText and koreanText Here's some usage examples : ```py # Display the help message py sortAlphabetically.py --help # Sort file by english name py sortAlphabetically.py --language "englishUsText" # Restore a backup of the original music_order file py sortAlphabetically.py --restore ``` ## checkDatatables.py This script generates a comprehensive list of various informations regarding your database files. It is meant to be used for basic checks such as: * Listing the amount of songs in your tables * Listing all vacant entries bellow 1599 to facilitate adding songs in * Checking their uniqueIds to make sure they don't exceed 1599 * Listing all missing word entries for your songlist * Checking for doublons in various files * Checking for id and uniqueId mismatches in various files * Checking for missing sound and fumen files To run this one you simply need to call it like so: > py checkDatatables.py The output will be written in a file named `checks.json`