jubeat-button-board v1.0

Includes kicad project and gerbers.
This commit is contained in:
veroxzik 2021-02-13 17:52:30 -05:00
parent d302216b89
commit b3c036dfb3
11 changed files with 1409 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -24,3 +24,8 @@ fp-info-cache
# Exported BOM files
# Gerbers (all gerbers are released in a .zip)

View File

@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
# jubeat-boards
A collection of boards related to jubeat things.
## jubeat-button-pcb
This is a clone of the button PCB located in the panel (qty 8 per panel). See its readme for more information.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# jubeat-button-pcb
There is only one component on the board:
|Mfg|Part No.|Qty|
* https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/jst-sales-america-inc/S9B-PH-K-S-LF-SN/926633
* https://lcsc.com/product-detail/Wire-To-Board-Wire-To-Wire-Connector_JST-Sales-America-S9B-PH-K-S-LF-SN_C157912.html
* https://lcsc.com/product-detail/Wire-To-Board-Wire-To-Wire-Connector_BOOMELE-Boom-Precision-Elec-PH-9AWD_C82518.html
* https://lcsc.com/product-detail/Wire-To-Board-Wire-To-Wire-Connector_BOOMELE-Boom-Precision-Elec-PH-9AW_C10404.html
## How to order this board
Upload `jubeat-button-pcb_v1.0.zip` from the `gerbers` folder to your favorite PCB website. JLCPCB is a common one.
For best performance, choose ENIG for your surface finish. This will increase cost by quite a bit, but will significantly reduce the level of corrosion you can expect over the lifetime of the boards. It's up to you.
All other settings can remain the defaults. Thickness should be 1.6 mm.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(lib (name jubeat-button-pcb)(type KiCad)(uri ${KIPRJMOD}/jubeat-button-pcb.pretty)(options "")(descr ""))

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.4
#encoding utf-8
# Connector_Generic_Conn_01x09
DEF Connector_Generic_Conn_01x09 J 0 40 Y N 1 F N
F0 "J" 0 500 50 H V C CNN
F1 "Connector_Generic_Conn_01x09" 0 -500 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
S -50 -395 0 -405 1 1 6 N
S -50 -295 0 -305 1 1 6 N
S -50 -195 0 -205 1 1 6 N
S -50 -95 0 -105 1 1 6 N
S -50 5 0 -5 1 1 6 N
S -50 105 0 95 1 1 6 N
S -50 205 0 195 1 1 6 N
S -50 305 0 295 1 1 6 N
S -50 405 0 395 1 1 6 N
S -50 450 50 -450 1 1 10 f
X Pin_1 1 -200 400 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_2 2 -200 300 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_3 3 -200 200 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_4 4 -200 100 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_5 5 -200 0 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_6 6 -200 -100 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_7 7 -200 -200 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_8 8 -200 -300 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X Pin_9 9 -200 -400 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
# Mechanical_MountingHole
DEF Mechanical_MountingHole H 0 40 Y Y 1 F N
F0 "H" 0 200 50 H V C CNN
F1 "Mechanical_MountingHole" 0 125 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
C 0 0 50 0 1 50 N
# Switch_SW_Push
DEF Switch_SW_Push SW 0 40 N N 1 F N
F0 "SW" 50 100 50 H V L CNN
F1 "Switch_SW_Push" 0 -60 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 200 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 200 50 H I C CNN
C -80 0 20 0 1 0 N
C 80 0 20 0 1 0 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 50 0 120 N
P 2 0 1 0 100 50 -100 50 N
X 1 1 -200 0 100 R 50 50 0 1 P
X 2 2 200 0 100 L 50 50 0 1 P
#End Library

View File

@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew "(5.1.6)-1")
(thickness 1.6)
(drawings 58)
(tracks 148)
(zones 0)
(modules 13)
(nets 10)
(page A4)
(0 F.Cu signal)
(31 B.Cu signal)
(32 B.Adhes user)
(33 F.Adhes user)
(34 B.Paste user)
(35 F.Paste user)
(36 B.SilkS user)
(37 F.SilkS user)
(38 B.Mask user)
(39 F.Mask user)
(40 Dwgs.User user)
(41 Cmts.User user)
(42 Eco1.User user)
(43 Eco2.User user)
(44 Edge.Cuts user)
(45 Margin user)
(46 B.CrtYd user)
(47 F.CrtYd user)
(48 B.Fab user)
(49 F.Fab user hide)
(last_trace_width 0.25)
(user_trace_width 0.4)
(user_trace_width 0.5)
(user_trace_width 0.75)
(user_trace_width 1)
(trace_clearance 0.2)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_45_only no)
(trace_min 0.2)
(via_size 0.8)
(via_drill 0.4)
(via_min_size 0.4)
(via_min_drill 0.3)
(user_via 1.3 0.8)
(uvia_size 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(uvias_allowed no)
(uvia_min_size 0.2)
(uvia_min_drill 0.1)
(edge_width 0.05)
(segment_width 0.2)
(pcb_text_width 0.3)
(pcb_text_size 1.5 1.5)
(mod_edge_width 0.12)
(mod_text_size 1 1)
(mod_text_width 0.15)
(pad_size 1.524 1.524)
(pad_drill 0.762)
(pad_to_mask_clearance 0.05)
(aux_axis_origin 0 0)
(visible_elements 7FFFF7FF)
(layerselection 0x010fc_ffffffff)
(usegerberextensions false)
(usegerberattributes true)
(usegerberadvancedattributes true)
(creategerberjobfile true)
(excludeedgelayer true)
(linewidth 0.100000)
(plotframeref false)
(viasonmask false)
(mode 1)
(useauxorigin false)
(hpglpennumber 1)
(hpglpenspeed 20)
(hpglpendiameter 15.000000)
(psnegative false)
(psa4output false)
(plotreference true)
(plotvalue true)
(plotinvisibletext false)
(padsonsilk false)
(subtractmaskfromsilk false)
(outputformat 1)
(mirror false)
(drillshape 0)
(scaleselection 1)
(outputdirectory "gerbers/"))
(net 0 "")
(net 1 COM)
(net 2 SW8)
(net 3 SW4)
(net 4 SW7)
(net 5 SW3)
(net 6 SW6)
(net 7 SW2)
(net 8 SW5)
(net 9 SW1)
(net_class Default "This is the default net class."
(clearance 0.2)
(trace_width 0.25)
(via_dia 0.8)
(via_drill 0.4)
(uvia_dia 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(add_net COM)
(add_net SW1)
(add_net SW2)
(add_net SW3)
(add_net SW4)
(add_net SW5)
(add_net SW6)
(add_net SW7)
(add_net SW8)
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014F0C)
(at 83 127 180)
(path /600162AA)
(fp_text reference SW8 (at 4 0) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 2 SW8) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014F06)
(at 164.5 127 180)
(path /600162A4)
(fp_text reference SW7 (at 3.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 4 SW7) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60026FD8)
(at 83 57.5 180)
(path /6001629A)
(fp_text reference SW6 (at 4 0) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 6 SW6) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014EFA)
(at 164.5 57.5 180)
(path /60016294)
(fp_text reference SW5 (at 3 -3) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 8 SW5) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014EF4)
(at 152.5 127 180)
(path /60013620)
(fp_text reference SW4 (at -3.5 2.5) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 3 SW4) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014EEE)
(at 234 127 180)
(path /6001361A)
(fp_text reference SW3 (at -1.5 3) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 180) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 5 SW3) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014EE8)
(at 152.5 57.5 270)
(path /60011C29)
(fp_text reference SW2 (at 3 -3 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 270) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 270) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 7 SW2) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9) (tstamp 60014EE2)
(at 234 57.5 270)
(path /60010ADB)
(fp_text reference SW1 (at 3 -1.5 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PAD (at 0 2.3 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0 270) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 1 COM) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0 270) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 9 SW1) (zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(module MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56D1B4CB) (tstamp 60014EDC)
(at 158.5 115.5)
(descr "Mounting Hole 4mm, no annular")
(tags "mounting hole 4mm no annular")
(path /60026948)
(attr virtual)
(fp_text reference H4 (at 0 -5) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value MountingHole (at 0 5) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4 0) (layer Cmts.User) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4.25 0) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0.3 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 np_thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 4 4) (drill 4) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(module MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56D1B4CB) (tstamp 60014ED4)
(at 158.5 69)
(descr "Mounting Hole 4mm, no annular")
(tags "mounting hole 4mm no annular")
(path /60026942)
(attr virtual)
(fp_text reference H3 (at 0 -5) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value MountingHole (at 0 5) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4 0) (layer Cmts.User) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4.25 0) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0.3 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 np_thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 4 4) (drill 4) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(module MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56D1B4CB) (tstamp 60014ECC)
(at 62 124.5)
(descr "Mounting Hole 4mm, no annular")
(tags "mounting hole 4mm no annular")
(path /6002558A)
(attr virtual)
(fp_text reference H2 (at 0 -5) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value MountingHole (at 0 5) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4 0) (layer Cmts.User) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4.25 0) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0.3 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 np_thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 4 4) (drill 4) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(module MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56D1B4CB) (tstamp 60014EC4)
(at 62 60)
(descr "Mounting Hole 4mm, no annular")
(tags "mounting hole 4mm no annular")
(path /60023F4D)
(attr virtual)
(fp_text reference H1 (at 0 -5) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value MountingHole (at 0 5) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4 0) (layer Cmts.User) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 4.25 0) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 0.3 0) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 np_thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 4 4) (drill 4) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(module Connector_JST:JST_PH_S9B-PH-K_1x09_P2.00mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5B7745C6) (tstamp 60014EBC)
(at 55.38 84.25 270)
(descr "JST PH series connector, S9B-PH-K (http://www.jst-mfg.com/product/pdf/eng/ePH.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "connector JST PH top entry")
(path /6000F848)
(fp_text reference CN1 (at 19.75 4.38) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value S9B-PH-KL (at 8 7.45 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -0.86 0.14) (end -1.14 0.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.14 0.14) (end -1.14 -1.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.14 -1.46) (end -2.06 -1.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.06 -1.46) (end -2.06 6.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.06 6.36) (end 18.06 6.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 18.06 6.36) (end 18.06 -1.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 18.06 -1.46) (end 17.14 -1.46) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 17.14 -1.46) (end 17.14 0.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 17.14 0.14) (end 16.86 0.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.5 6.36) (end 0.5 2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.5 2) (end 15.5 2) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 15.5 2) (end 15.5 6.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.06 0.14) (end -1.14 0.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 18.06 0.14) (end 17.14 0.14) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.3 2.5) (end -1.3 4.1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.3 4.1) (end -0.3 4.1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.3 4.1) (end -0.3 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.3 2.5) (end -1.3 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 17.3 2.5) (end 17.3 4.1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 17.3 4.1) (end 16.3 4.1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 16.3 4.1) (end 16.3 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 16.3 2.5) (end 17.3 2.5) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.3 4.1) (end -0.3 6.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.8 4.1) (end -0.8 6.36) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.45 -1.85) (end -2.45 6.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.45 6.75) (end 18.45 6.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 18.45 6.75) (end 18.45 -1.85) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 18.45 -1.85) (end -2.45 -1.85) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.25 0.25) (end -1.25 -1.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.25 -1.35) (end -1.95 -1.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -1.35) (end -1.95 6.25) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1.95 6.25) (end 17.95 6.25) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 17.95 6.25) (end 17.95 -1.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 17.95 -1.35) (end 17.25 -1.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 17.25 -1.35) (end 17.25 0.25) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 17.25 0.25) (end -1.25 0.25) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.86 0.14) (end -0.86 -1.075) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0 0.875) (end -0.5 1.375) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -0.5 1.375) (end 0.5 1.375) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0.5 1.375) (end 0 0.875) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_text user %R (at 8 2.5 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 16 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 COM))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 14 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 SW8))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 12 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 3 SW4))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 10 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 SW7))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 8 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 5 SW3))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 6 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 6 SW6))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 4 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 7 SW2))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 2 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 8 SW5))
(pad 1 thru_hole roundrect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.2 1.75) (drill 0.75) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (roundrect_rratio 0.208333)
(net 9 SW1))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Connector_JST.3dshapes/JST_PH_S9B-PH-K_1x09_P2.00mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(gr_text SW6 (at 58.42 90.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E6)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW5 (at 58.42 86.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E5)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW3 (at 58.42 92.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E4)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW2 (at 58.42 88.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E3)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW1 (at 58.42 84.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E2)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW7 (at 58.42 94.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E1)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text COM (at 58.42 100.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266E0)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW8 (at 58.42 98.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266DF)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text SW4 (at 58.42 96.25) (layer B.SilkS) (tstamp 600266DE)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(gr_text "Jubeat Button PCB" (at 52 63 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text COM (at 58.38 100.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW8 (at 58.38 98.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW4 (at 58.38 96.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW7 (at 58.38 94.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW3 (at 58.38 92.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW6 (at 58.38 90.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW2 (at 58.38 88.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW5 (at 58.38 86.25) (layer F.SilkS) (tstamp 6002564F)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text SW1 (at 58.38 84.25) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_text "Layout: VeroxZik\nv1.0" (at 52 123 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(gr_circle (center 158.5 133.016) (end 163.5 133.016) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.15) (tstamp 60023078))
(gr_circle (center 77 133.016) (end 82 133.016) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.15) (tstamp 6002305E))
(gr_circle (center 158.5 51.484) (end 163.5 51.484) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.15) (tstamp 60023042))
(gr_circle (center 77 51.484) (end 82 51.484) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.15))
(gr_line (start 73.25 130.5) (end 49 130.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015DA4))
(gr_line (start 154.75 130.5) (end 80.75 130.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D8C))
(gr_arc (start 158.5 133.016) (end 162.25 130.5) (angle -112.3) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D88))
(gr_arc (start 77 133.016) (end 80.75 130.5) (angle -112.3) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D78))
(gr_arc (start 77 51.484) (end 73.25 54) (angle -112.3) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D74))
(gr_line (start 80.75 54) (end 154.75 54) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D66))
(gr_line (start 162.25 54) (end 234.5 54) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D49))
(gr_arc (start 158.5 51.484) (end 154.75 54) (angle -112.3) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 237.5 127.5) (end 234.5 130.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D19))
(gr_line (start 234.5 54) (end 237.5 57) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015D14))
(gr_line (start 70 109.5) (end 70 75) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 600155EC))
(gr_line (start 87 126.5) (end 70 109.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 148.5 126.5) (end 87 126.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 152 123) (end 148.5 126.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 152 110.5) (end 152 123) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 165 110.5) (end 152 110.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 165 123) (end 165 110.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 168.5 126.5) (end 165 123) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 230 126.5) (end 168.5 126.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 233.5 123) (end 230 126.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 233.5 61.5) (end 233.5 123) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 230 58) (end 233.5 61.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 168.5 58) (end 230 58) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 165 61.5) (end 168.5 58) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 165 74) (end 165 61.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 152 74) (end 165 74) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 152 61.5) (end 152 74) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 148.5 58) (end 152 61.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 87 58) (end 148.5 58) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 70 75) (end 87 58) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 49 130.5) (end 49 54) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05) (tstamp 60015311))
(gr_line (start 234.5 130.5) (end 162.25 130.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 237.5 57) (end 237.5 127.5) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(gr_line (start 49 54) (end 73.25 54) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.05))
(segment (start 165.8 55.3) (end 162.69 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 60023384))
(segment (start 160.84 57.15) (end 162.69 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 154.31 55.3) (end 156.16 57.15) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 156.16 57.15) (end 160.84 57.15) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 152.5 55.3) (end 154.31 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 231.5 55.3) (end 233.7 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 84.3 129.19) (end 84.31 129.2) (width 0.4) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 154.31 129.2) (end 156.16 127.35) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 156.16 127.35) (end 160.84 127.35) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 162.69 129.2) (end 160.84 127.35) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 152.5 129.2) (end 154.31 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 150 129.2) (end 152.5 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 84.31 129.2) (end 150 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 67.8 100.25) (end 55.38 100.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 67.8 68.7) (end 67.8 100.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 84.3 55.3) (end 81.2 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 81.2 55.3) (end 67.8 68.7) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 67.8 101.2) (end 67.8 100.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 67.8 115.8) (end 67.8 101.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 81.2 129.2) (end 67.8 115.8) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 152.5 129.2) (end 152.5 128.53) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 152.5 128.3) (end 152.5 128.53) (width 0.4) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 165.38 129.2) (end 162.69 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 165.38 129.2) (end 165.38 128.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 234.03 129.2) (end 165.8 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 234.38 128.5) (end 234.38 128.85) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 165.8 129.2) (end 165.38 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 234.38 128.85) (end 234.03 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 233.7 55.3) (end 233.73 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 233.73 55.3) (end 233.98 55.55) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 233.98 55.55) (end 233.98 56) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 166.73 55.3) (end 166.73 57.35) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 166.73 55.3) (end 165.8 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 231.5 55.3) (end 166.73 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 166.73 57.35) (end 166.53 57.55) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 166.53 57.55) (end 166.03 57.55) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 152.5 55.3) (end 152.5 55.996059) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 85.23 55.3) (end 85.23 56.15) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 85.23 55.3) (end 152.5 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 84.3 55.3) (end 85.23 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 85.23 56.15) (end 84.78 56.6) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 84.78 56.6) (end 84.53 56.6) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 83.33 129.2) (end 83.33 128.55) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 83.33 129.2) (end 81.2 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 84.31 129.2) (end 83.33 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(via (at 69.2 112.7) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 2))
(via (at 64 98.2) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 69.2 112.7) (end 64 107.5) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 63.95 98.25) (end 64 98.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 55.38 98.25) (end 63.95 98.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 64 98.2) (end 64 107.5) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 69.2 115.1) (end 81.08 126.98) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 69.2 112.68) (end 69.2 115.1) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 81.1 127) (end 81.45 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 87.2 128) (end 148 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 85.5 126.775) (end 86.725 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 86.725 128) (end 87.2 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 148.378872 128) (end 148 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(via (at 85.5 126.775) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 55.38 96.25) (end 65.55 96.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 65.55 96.25) (end 65.6 96.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 65.6 106.875) (end 65.6 96.3) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 71.5 112.775) (end 65.6 106.875) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(via (at 65.6 96.3) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 85.5 126.775) (end 71.5 112.775) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 85.507232 126.775) (end 85.5 126.775) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 148.378872 128) (end 148.43 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 148.378872 128) (end 148.898075 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 148.898075 128) (end 148.898075 127.981925) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 148.898075 127.981925) (end 149.88 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(segment (start 149.88 127) (end 150.93 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 3))
(via (at 62.4 94.2) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 62.35 94.25) (end 62.4 94.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 55.38 94.25) (end 62.35 94.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 161.35 126.15) (end 161.35 126.15) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 4) (tstamp 600238F5))
(via (at 161.35 126.15) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 161.35 126.15) (end 162.2 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 163.2 127) (end 162.2 127) (width 0.4) (layer F.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 62.4 108.3) (end 62.4 94.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.8 128) (end 82.1 128) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 82.1 128) (end 62.4 108.3) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 161.35 126.15) (end 155.65 126.15) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 155.65 126.15) (end 153.8 128) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 162.2 127) (end 162.98 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 232.1 127) (end 231.4 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 231.4 127) (end 230.4 128) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(via (at 60.8 92.3) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 156.16 127.35) (end 160.84 127.35) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 154.31 129.2) (end 156.16 127.35) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 81.2 129.2) (end 154.31 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 160.84 127.35) (end 162.69 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 162.69 129.2) (end 229.175 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 229.175 129.2) (end 230.4 127.975) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 230.375 128) (end 230.4 127.975) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(via (at 230.4 127.975) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 55.38 92.25) (end 60.65 92.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 60.65 92.25) (end 60.7 92.3) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 60.8 92.3) (end 60.8 108.8) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 60.8 108.8) (end 81.2 129.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 232.1 127) (end 232.48 127) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 5))
(via (at 69.2 71.8) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 6) (tstamp 600249D1))
(via (at 64 90.25) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 55.38 90.25) (end 64 90.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 64 77) (end 69.2 71.8) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 6) (tstamp 6002512E))
(segment (start 64 90.25) (end 64 77) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 69.2 69.4) (end 80.98 57.62) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 69.2 71.8) (end 69.2 69.4) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 80.98 57.62) (end 81.1 57.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 81.1 57.5) (end 81.5 57.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 6))
(via (at 65.7 88.2) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 6002496E))
(segment (start 85.6 57.725) (end 86.825 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 6002497C))
(segment (start 87.3 56.5) (end 148.1 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 6002497B))
(segment (start 86.825 56.5) (end 87.3 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 6002497A))
(via (at 85.6 57.725) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 60024979))
(segment (start 65.65 88.25) (end 65.7 88.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 60024977))
(segment (start 65.7 77.625) (end 65.7 88.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 60024976))
(segment (start 71.6 71.725) (end 65.7 77.625) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 60024975))
(segment (start 85.6 57.725) (end 71.6 71.725) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 60024974))
(segment (start 148.478872 56.5) (end 148.1 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7) (tstamp 60024970))
(segment (start 65.65 88.25) (end 65.7 88.2) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 55.38 88.25) (end 65.65 88.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 148.478872 56.5) (end 148.48 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 148.48 56.5) (end 149.83 57.85) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 149.83 57.85) (end 150.98 57.85) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 7))
(segment (start 161.35 58.35) (end 161.35 58.35) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 8) (tstamp 60024834))
(via (at 161.35 58.35) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 161.35 58.35) (end 162.2 57.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 8) (tstamp 60024823))
(via (at 62.4 86.25) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 55.38 86.25) (end 62.4 86.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 82.1 56.5) (end 62.4 76.2) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 62.4 76.2) (end 62.4 86.25) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 153.8 56.5) (end 82.1 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 161.35 58.35) (end 155.65 58.35) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 155.65 58.35) (end 153.8 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 8))
(segment (start 162.2 57.5) (end 162.93 57.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 8))
(via (at 230.4 56.525) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 9) (tstamp 600248F4))
(segment (start 231.4 57.5) (end 230.4 56.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 9) (tstamp 600248F6))
(via (at 60.8 84.25) (size 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers F.Cu B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 55.38 84.25) (end 60.8 84.25) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 60.8 84.25) (end 60.8 75.7) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 162.69 55.3) (end 229.175 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 81.2 55.3) (end 154.31 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 229.175 55.3) (end 230.4 56.525) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 60.8 75.7) (end 81.2 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 156.16 57.15) (end 160.84 57.15) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 160.84 57.15) (end 162.69 55.3) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 154.31 55.3) (end 156.16 57.15) (width 0.75) (layer B.Cu) (net 9))
(segment (start 231.4 57.5) (end 232.48 57.5) (width 0.75) (layer F.Cu) (net 9))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
(module membrane-pad (layer F.Cu) (tedit 600255E9)
(fp_text reference REF** (at 0 -2.4) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value membrane-pad (at 0 2.3) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_poly (pts (xy 1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 1.5) (xy -1.5 -1.5) (xy 1.5 -1.5)) (layer F.Mask) (width 0))
(pad 2 smd custom (at 1.3 0) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy -2.12 0.92) (xy -0.2 0.92) (xy -0.2 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.14) (xy -2.12 -0.64)
(xy -0.2 -0.64) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 -1.5) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -2.12 1.5)
) (width 0))
(pad 1 smd custom (at -1.3 0) (size 0.4 0.4) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(zone_connect 0)
(options (clearance outline) (anchor rect))
(gr_poly (pts
(xy 2.12 -0.92) (xy 0.2 -0.92) (xy 0.2 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.14) (xy 2.12 0.64)
(xy 0.2 0.64) (xy 0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 1.5) (xy -0.2 -1.5) (xy 2.12 -1.5)
) (width 0))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
update=1/15/2021 7:19:30 PM

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 1 1
Title "Jubeat Button PCB"
Date "2021-01-15"
Rev "v1.0"
Comp ""
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x09 CN1
U 1 1 6000F848
P 3650 3300
F 0 "CN1" H 3600 3800 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "S9B-PH-KL" H 3400 2800 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Connector_JST:JST_PH_S9B-PH-K_1x09_P2.00mm_Horizontal" H 3650 3300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3650 3300 50 0001 C CNN
1 3650 3300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3450 3700 3300 3700
Text GLabel 3300 3700 0 50 Input ~ 0
L Switch:SW_Push SW1
U 1 1 60010ADB
P 5700 2650
F 0 "SW1" H 5700 2935 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 5700 2844 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 5700 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5700 2850 50 0001 C CNN
1 5700 2650
1 0 0 -1
L Switch:SW_Push SW2
U 1 1 60011C29
P 5700 3100
F 0 "SW2" H 5700 3385 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 5700 3294 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 5700 3300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5700 3300 50 0001 C CNN
1 5700 3100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5500 2650 5350 2650
Text GLabel 5350 2650 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5500 3100 5350 3100
Text GLabel 5350 3100 0 50 Input ~ 0
L Switch:SW_Push SW3
U 1 1 6001361A
P 5700 3550
F 0 "SW3" H 5700 3835 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 5700 3744 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 5700 3750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5700 3750 50 0001 C CNN
1 5700 3550
1 0 0 -1
L Switch:SW_Push SW4
U 1 1 60013620
P 5700 4000
F 0 "SW4" H 5700 4285 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 5700 4194 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 5700 4200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 5700 4200 50 0001 C CNN
1 5700 4000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5500 3550 5350 3550
Text GLabel 5350 3550 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5500 4000 5350 4000
Text GLabel 5350 4000 0 50 Input ~ 0
L Switch:SW_Push SW5
U 1 1 60016294
P 7500 2650
F 0 "SW5" H 7500 2935 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 7500 2844 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 7500 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7500 2850 50 0001 C CNN
1 7500 2650
1 0 0 -1
L Switch:SW_Push SW6
U 1 1 6001629A
P 7500 3100
F 0 "SW6" H 7500 3385 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 7500 3294 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 7500 3300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7500 3300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7500 3100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7300 2650 7150 2650
Text GLabel 7150 2650 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7300 3100 7150 3100
Text GLabel 7150 3100 0 50 Input ~ 0
L Switch:SW_Push SW7
U 1 1 600162A4
P 7500 3550
F 0 "SW7" H 7500 3835 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 7500 3744 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 7500 3750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7500 3750 50 0001 C CNN
1 7500 3550
1 0 0 -1
L Switch:SW_Push SW8
U 1 1 600162AA
P 7500 4000
F 0 "SW8" H 7500 4285 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "PAD" H 7500 4194 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "jubeat-button-pcb:membrane-pad" H 7500 4200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 7500 4200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7500 4000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7300 3550 7150 3550
Text GLabel 7150 3550 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7300 4000 7150 4000
Text GLabel 7150 4000 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5900 2650 6050 2650
Text GLabel 6050 2650 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5900 3100 6050 3100
Text GLabel 6050 3100 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5900 3550 6050 3550
Text GLabel 6050 3550 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5900 4000 6050 4000
Text GLabel 6050 4000 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7700 4000 7850 4000
Text GLabel 7850 4000 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7700 3550 7850 3550
Text GLabel 7850 3550 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7700 3100 7850 3100
Text GLabel 7850 3100 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7700 2650 7850 2650
Text GLabel 7850 2650 2 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 2900 3300 2900
Text GLabel 3300 2900 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3100 3300 3100
Text GLabel 3300 3100 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3300 3300 3300
Text GLabel 3300 3300 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3500 3300 3500
Text GLabel 3300 3500 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3600 3300 3600
Text GLabel 3300 3600 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3400 3300 3400
Text GLabel 3300 3400 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3200 3300 3200
Text GLabel 3300 3200 0 50 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3450 3000 3300 3000
Text GLabel 3300 3000 0 50 Input ~ 0
L Mechanical:MountingHole H1
U 1 1 60023F4D
P 800 6800
F 0 "H1" H 900 6846 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "MountingHole" H 900 6755 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm" H 800 6800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 800 6800 50 0001 C CNN
1 800 6800
1 0 0 -1
L Mechanical:MountingHole H2
U 1 1 6002558A
P 800 7050
F 0 "H2" H 900 7096 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "MountingHole" H 900 7005 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm" H 800 7050 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 800 7050 50 0001 C CNN
1 800 7050
1 0 0 -1
L Mechanical:MountingHole H3
U 1 1 60026942
P 800 7300
F 0 "H3" H 900 7346 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "MountingHole" H 900 7255 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm" H 800 7300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 800 7300 50 0001 C CNN
1 800 7300
1 0 0 -1
L Mechanical:MountingHole H4
U 1 1 60026948
P 800 7550
F 0 "H4" H 900 7596 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "MountingHole" H 900 7505 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "MountingHole:MountingHole_4mm" H 800 7550 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 800 7550 50 0001 C CNN
1 800 7550
1 0 0 -1