# agg-kicad Contributing Guidelines Thank you for considering contributing to agg-kicad! I am very grateful for new symbols and footprints, and of course fixes for any errors or improvements to the build scripts. If you are contributing a new symbol or footprint, there are a few things to consider: * Please provide a link to the documentation you worked from * If you're adding a generic box symbol (most ICs and modules etc), please create a `.yaml` file instead of a KiCAD symbol directly; these are rendered to KiCAD symbols using the `build-lib-ic.py` script (called via `make`) * If you're adding a surface mount chip device (like a resistor), please add it to the `build-mod-chip.py` script * If you're adding a surface mount IC (like a DFN or QFN or QFP), please add it to the `build-mod-ic.py` script * Please check out the guidelines in the `lib/README.md` and `agg.pretty/README.md` files for specific rules for symbols/footprints I'm happy to accept most parts, but anything weirdly niche or specific or not generally available might not get accepted. Feel free to check with me beforehand. To the extent that your contribution is copyrightable, you agree to licence it under the same MIT licence as the rest of agg-kicad.