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synced 2025-03-03 16:43:49 +01:00
119 lines
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119 lines
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Copyright 2015 Adam Greig
Licensed under the MIT licence, see LICENSE file for details.
Check all footprint files in a directory against a set of consistency fules.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys
import os
import glob
from decimal import Decimal
import argparse
from sexp import parse as sexp_parse
def checkrefval(mod, errs):
for fp_text in (node for node in mod if node[0] == "fp_text"):
if fp_text[1] not in ("reference", "value"):
layer = [n for n in fp_text if n[0] == "layer"][0]
if layer[1] != "F.Fab":
errs.append("Value and Reference fields must be on F.Fab")
if fp_text[1] == "reference" and fp_text[2] != "REF**":
errs.append("Reference field must contain REF**")
if fp_text[1] == "value" and not mod[1].startswith(fp_text[2]):
errs.append("Value field must contain module name")
def checkfont(mod, errs):
for fp_text in (node for node in mod if node[0] == "fp_text"):
effects = [n for n in fp_text if n[0] == "effects"][0]
font = [n for n in effects if n[0] == "font"][0]
size = [n for n in font if n[0] == "size"][0]
thickness = [n for n in font if n[0] == "thickness"][0]
if (Decimal(size[1]) != 1 or Decimal(size[2]) != 1):
errs.append("Font must all be 1mm x 1mm size")
if Decimal(thickness[1]) != Decimal("0.15"):
errs.append("Font must be 0.15mm line thickness")
def checklines(mod, errs, check_layers, check_width):
line_types = ("fp_line", "fp_circle", "fp_arc", "fp_poly", "fp_curve")
for line in (node for node in mod if node[0] in line_types):
layer = [n for n in line if n[0] == "layer"][0]
width = [n for n in line if n[0] == "width"][0]
if layer[1] in check_layers:
if Decimal(width[1]) != Decimal(check_width):
errs.append("Lines on {} must be {}mm wide"
.format(check_layers, check_width))
def checkctyd(mod, errs):
found_ctyd = False
for ctyd in (node for node in mod if node[0] == "fp_line"):
layer = [n for n in ctyd if n[0] == "layer"][0]
width = [n for n in ctyd if n[0] == "width"][0]
start = [n for n in ctyd if n[0] == "start"][0]
end = [n for n in ctyd if n[0] == "end"][0]
ctyd_layers = ("F.CrtYd", "B.CrtYd")
if layer[1] in ctyd_layers:
found_ctyd = True
if Decimal(width[1]) != Decimal("0.01"):
errs.append("Courtyard lines must be 0.01mm wide")
if (Decimal(start[1]) % Decimal("0.05") != 0
or Decimal(start[2]) % Decimal("0.05") != 0
or Decimal(end[1]) % Decimal("0.05") != 0
or Decimal(end[2]) % Decimal("0.05") != 0):
errs.append("Courtyard lines must lie on a 0.05mm grid")
if not found_ctyd:
errs.append("No courtyard found")
def checkmod(path, verbose=False):
errs = []
with open(path) as f:
mod = sexp_parse(f.read())
checkrefval(mod, errs)
checkfont(mod, errs)
checklines(mod, errs, ("F.SilkS", "B.SilkS"), "0.15")
checklines(mod, errs, ("F.Fab", "B.Fab"), "0.01")
checkctyd(mod, errs)
if len(errs) == 0:
if verbose:
print("Checked '{}': OK".format(path))
return True
print("Checked '{}': Error:".format(path), file=sys.stderr)
for err in errs:
print(" " + err, file=sys.stderr)
print("", file=sys.stderr)
return False
def main(prettypath, verbose=False):
ok = True
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(prettypath, "*.kicad_mod")):
result = checkmod(f, verbose)
if not result:
ok = False
return ok
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("prettypath", type=str,
help="Path to footprints")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Print out every footprint checked even if OK")
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
result = main(**args)
sys.exit(0 if result else 1)