Text has size 1mm x 1mm and thickness 0.15mm (checked automatically)
Aim to conform to IPC-7351B footprint design
Reference and Value fields:
On the F.Fab layer (checked automatically)
May only be hidden for non-functional parts such as mounting holes
Place just outside the part courtyard, without overlapping the part
If the part is usually arrayed vertically, place on left and right, with
text running vertically
If the part is usually arrayed horizontally, place on top and bottom,
with text horizontal
Otherwise, prefer top and bottom
Reference on top or left, value on bottom or right
Fabrication Layer:
Include reasonably accurate part drawing
Lines 0.01mm thick on 0.05mm grid (checked automatically)
0.25mm normally
Other clearances as applicable per-package
May be omitted only for very small footprints where inclusion would
impede close packing or soldering, or for non-functional parts such as
mounting holes
All lines 0.15mm thick (checked automatically)
Provide pin 1 indicator where applicable
No silk over exposed copper
Internal drawings where possible
Not for ICs with exposed pads
Be careful of situations where the height of the silk could cause
soldering issues
Placement alignment indications for no-lead packages will need to be
In general prefer less silk visible post-assembly
Associated Documentation
Has the footprint been validated in practice? With what symbol? Where?
Link to any specific layout recommendations or requirements
Any other notes / gotchas
Footprints in unchecked/ have not been standardised or documented yet.
Default NOMINAL environment, -L parts in LEAST environment
Clearance and courtyards are all 0.25mm from the pad edges
Fabrication layer shows typical device and terminal size
Generally all tested in production but are by no means process-optimised
0603 (aka 1.6mm x 0.8mm) sized LED.
Standard 0603 footprint pads
LED polarity arrow with pin 1 as cathode
Farnell codes:
Red 2290329
Green 2290328
Amber 2290330 ("yellow")
Blue 1686062
0805 (aka 2.0mm x 1.25mm) sized LED.
Standard 0805 footprint pads
LED polarity arrow with pin 1 as cathode
Farnell codes:
Red 5790840
Green 5790852
Yellow 5790876
Orange 5790864
Blue 8554749
Standard footprints, either from IPC-7351B in nominal environments or otherwise
modified for a specific package or device.
Generated automatically by scripts/icmod.py. Please see the notes by each
footprint in that script for further details.
MicroUSB connector.
Farnell 1568023
Not tested yet
Bottom mount (so USB cables will be upside down if footprint is on top)
Footprint uses round drill hits for oblong slots
Probably wants hand soldering the through connections
MicroSD card holder.
Farnell 2358234
Used successfully
M3 sized mounting holes.
The M3_MOUNT variant includes a no-mask region with extra drill hits for a
locking washer.
The M3_HOLE courtyard does not include space for a bolt head or washer
(as it may not always be required) so be sure to check this or use the
M3_MOUNT variant.
3mm diameter circular copper pad. Useful for particularly large testpoints and
pads for soldering wires to.