mirror of https://github.com/whowechina/popn_pico.git synced 2025-03-03 16:43:49 +01:00
2022-08-22 21:51:48 +08:00

208 lines
7.6 KiB

Copyright 2015 Adam Greig
Licensed under the MIT licence, see LICENSE file for details.
Check all library files in a directory against a set of consistency rules.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys
import os
import fnmatch
import re
import argparse
EXCLUSIONS = ("agg-kicad.lib", "conn.lib", "power.lib", "switch.lib",
"tec2.lib", "tel10.lib", "siz340dt.lib")
re_defs = re.compile("^DEF (?P<name>[^ ]*) (?P<des>[^ ]*) ", re.MULTILINE)
re_pins = re.compile("^X (?P<name>[^ ]*) (?P<num>[^ ]*)"
" (?P<x>[0-9\-]*) (?P<y>[0-9\-]*) (?P<len>[0-9]*)"
" [A-Z] (?P<numsize>[0-9]*) (?P<namesize>[0-9]*)",
re_refn = re.compile("^F0 (?P<value>[^ ]*) (?P<x>[0-9\-]*) (?P<y>[0-9\-]*)"
" (?P<size>[0-9]*) (?P<orient>[VH]) (?P<visible>[IV])"
" (?P<hjust>[LRC]) (?P<vjust>[TBC]{1,3})", re.MULTILINE)
re_name = re.compile("^F1 (?P<value>[^ ]*) (?P<x>[0-9\-]*) (?P<y>[0-9\-]*)"
" (?P<size>[0-9]*) (?P<orient>[VH]) (?P<visible>[IV])"
" (?P<hjust>[LRC]) (?P<vjust>[TBC]{1,3})", re.MULTILINE)
re_fp = re.compile("^F2 (?P<value>[^ ]*) (?P<x>[0-9\-]*) (?P<y>[0-9\-]*)"
" (?P<size>[0-9]*) (?P<orient>[VH]) (?P<visible>[IV])"
" (?P<hjust>[LRC]) (?P<vjust>[TBC]{1,3})", re.MULTILINE)
re_ds = re.compile("^F3 (?P<value>[^ ]*) (?P<x>[0-9\-]*) (?P<y>[0-9\-]*)"
" (?P<size>[0-9]*) (?P<orient>[VH]) (?P<visible>[IV])"
" (?P<hjust>[LRC]) (?P<vjust>[TBC]{1,3})", re.MULTILINE)
re_oc = re.compile("^F[4-9] (?P<value>[^ ]*) (?P<x>[0-9\-]*) (?P<y>[0-9\-]*)"
" (?P<size>[0-9]*) (?P<orient>[VH]) (?P<visible>[IV])"
" (?P<hjust>[LRC]) (?P<vjust>[TBC]{1,3})", re.MULTILINE)
re_poly = re.compile("^[SP] .* (?P<fill>[NfF])$", re.MULTILINE)
def checkdefs(contents, libf, errs):
# Check there's only one symbol in the library
n_defs = re_defs.findall(contents)
if len(n_defs) > 1:
errs.append("Found more than one component in library")
elif len(n_defs) == 0:
errs.append("Did not find any components in library")
# Check symbol name matches library name
partname = n_defs[0][0]
designator = n_defs[0][1]
libname = os.path.split(libf)[-1].split(".")[0]
if partname.lower() != libname:
errs.append("Part name '{}' does not match library name '{}'"
.format(partname, libname))
return partname, designator
def checkpins(contents, designator, errs):
pins = re_pins.findall(contents)
nums = []
nums_numeric = []
for name, num, x, y, length, numsize, namesize in pins:
# Check pins lie on 100mil grid
if int(x) % 100 != 0 or int(y) % 100 != 0:
errs.append("Pin '{}' not on 100mil grid".format(name))
# Check pins in IC and U parts are 100mil long
if designator in ("IC", "U") and int(length) not in (100, 150):
errs.append("Pin '{}' not 100 or 150mil long, but part is IC or U"
# Check pin text fields are 50mil sized
if int(namesize) != 50 or (int(numsize) != 50 and num.isdigit()):
errs.append("Pin '{}' font size not 50mil".format(name))
# Collect numeric pins
if num.isdigit():
if nums_numeric:
expected = set(range(min(nums_numeric), max(nums_numeric)+1))
if set(nums_numeric) != expected:
missing = [str(x) for x in set(expected) - set(nums_numeric)]
errs.append("Missing pins {}".format(", ".join(missing)))
if nums:
duplicates = set([str(x) for x in nums if nums.count(x) > 1])
if duplicates:
errs.append("Duplicated pins {}".format(", ".join(duplicates)))
def checkboxes(contents, designator, errs):
if designator == "IC":
boxes = re_poly.findall(contents)
if "f" not in boxes:
errs.append("No background-filled box/poly found, but part is IC")
def checkfields(contents, errs, prettypath):
refn_f = re_refn.findall(contents)
name_f = re_name.findall(contents)
foot_f = re_fp.findall(contents)
data_f = re_ds.findall(contents)
code_f = re_oc.findall(contents)
fields = ((refn_f, "reference"), (name_f, "name"), (foot_f, "footprint"),
(data_f, "datasheet"), (code_f, "order code"))
for field, fn in fields:
for value, x, y, size, orient, visible, hjust, vjust in field:
if fn in ("reference", "name"):
if visible != "V":
if "#invisible{}".format(fn) not in contents:
errs.append("Field {} not visible".format(fn))
if visible != "I":
errs.append("Field {} visible".format(fn))
if orient != "H":
errs.append("Field {} not horizontal".format(fn))
if size != "50":
errs.append("Field {} font size not 50".format(fn))
refn_y = int(refn_f[0][2])
name_y = int(name_f[0][2])
if refn_y <= name_y:
errs.append("Component reference not above component name")
fp = foot_f[0][0][1:-1]
if fp.startswith("agg:"):
fp = fp.split(":")[1] + ".kicad_mod"
path = os.path.join(prettypath, fp)
if not os.path.exists(path):
errs.append("Component references non-existent footprint {}"
elif len(fp) > 0 and ":" not in fp:
errs.append("Footprint '{}' does not specify a library name"
def checklib(libf, prettypath, verbose=False):
errs = []
# Check if there's a corresponding .dcm file
dcmpath = ".".join(libf.split(".")[:-1]) + ".dcm"
if not os.path.isfile(dcmpath):
errs.append("No corresponding DCM found")
with open(libf) as f:
contents = f.read()
# Check there's only one symbol and its name matches the library file
partname, designator = checkdefs(contents, libf, errs)
# Check pins
checkpins(contents, designator, errs)
# If part is an IC check at least one filled box/polyline is present
checkboxes(contents, designator, errs)
# Check fields
checkfields(contents, errs, prettypath)
if len(errs) == 0:
if verbose:
print("Checked '{}': OK".format(libf))
return True
print("Checked '{}': Error:".format(libf), file=sys.stderr)
for err in errs:
print(" " + err, file=sys.stderr)
print("", file=sys.stderr)
return False
def main(libpath, prettypath, verbose=False):
ok = True
for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(libpath):
for f in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.lib"):
path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
if f not in EXCLUSIONS:
result = checklib(path, prettypath, verbose)
if not result:
ok = False
elif verbose:
print("Skipping '{}'".format(path))
return ok
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("libpath", type=str, help=
"Path to libraries")
parser.add_argument("prettypath", type=str, help=
"Path to footprints")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help=
"Print out every library checked even if OK or "
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
result = main(**args)
sys.exit(0 if result else 1)