Software adapter for various Chunithm slider controllers with a built-in Brokenithm web controller. Has support for keyboard/gamepad output and LED lighting. Requires Windows 8 or later.
> Starting 0.2.0, there are reports that windows defender may block this software. You may need to disable windows defender the first time you run slidershim. If you are not comfortable with this, you can [download an older version here]( that is known to be OK with windows defender.
4. Pick your input device, output method and preferred lighting.
5. Click apply.
6. ???
7. Profit!
### Extra Pointers
- Less resources are used when the configuration window is hidden.
- Un-hide the configuration window from the system tray.
- For gamepad output, you will need to install [ViGEmBus]( for it to work.
- For serial LED input, you may need to install [com0com]( to bridge slidershim with the LED data stream.
### Brokenithm Setup
1. Set the device option to "Brokenithm" and apply.
<summary><strong>slidershim crashes when I am running it for the first time</strong></summary>
- Use the .msi installer file instead of the .zip. You may be missing some windows addons that the installer will take care of (specifically Edge WebView).
- Hotplug is not supported. If you plugged in the controller after starting slidershim, re-connect your controller by just clicking the "Apply" button (even if it is grey).
<summary><strong>I am using a controller and my keyboard buttons are pressed too often</strong></summary>
- Adjust the sensitivity options.
- The higher the number, the harder it is for keyboard buttons to be pressed.
<summary><strong>Keyboard / XBOX Controller output feels sluggish</strong></summary>
- Increase output polling rate. This does not change how fast your controller is updated, but it does reduce lag with keyboard / XBOX controller simulation.
- Built with Rust, [tauri]( + [Svelte](, [rusb](, [vigem]([-client](, [hyper](, [tokio-]([tungstenite](, [serialport](, [dtolnay/cxx]( and [wjwwood/serial](
- USB device and serial polling is done on a dedicated thread while everything else is done on a async runtime.
- [`src-wwserial`](./src-wwserial): FFI to [wjwwood/serial]( using [dtolnay/cxx]( For some reason [serialport]( does not work well with hardware devices, so we use this as an alternative.