
576 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 573in1 - Copyright (C) 2022-2024 spicyjpeg
# 573in1 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# 573in1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# 573in1. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections.abc import ByteString
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum
from .util import decodeSigned, encodeSigned
## Register definitions
class Register(IntEnum):
ZERO = 0
AT = 1
V0 = 2
V1 = 3
A0 = 4
A1 = 5
A2 = 6
A3 = 7
T0 = 8
T1 = 9
T2 = 10
T3 = 11
T4 = 12
T5 = 13
T6 = 14
T7 = 15
S0 = 16
S1 = 17
S2 = 18
S3 = 19
S4 = 20
S5 = 21
S6 = 22
S7 = 23
T8 = 24
T9 = 25
K0 = 26
K1 = 27
GP = 28
SP = 29
FP = 30
RA = 31
class COP0DataRegister(IntEnum):
BPC = 3 # Breakpoint program counter
BDA = 5 # Breakpoint data address
DCIC = 7 # Breakpoint control
BADVADDR = 8 # Bad virtual address
BDAM = 9 # Breakpoint program counter bitmask
BPCM = 11 # Breakpoint data address bitmask
SR = 12 # Status register
CAUSE = 13 # Exception cause
EPC = 14 # Exception program counter
PRID = 15 # Processor identifier
class GTEControlRegister(IntEnum):
RT11RT12 = 0 # Rotation matrix
RT13RT21 = 1 # Rotation matrix
RT22RT23 = 2 # Rotation matrix
RT31RT32 = 3 # Rotation matrix
RT33 = 4 # Rotation matrix
TRX = 5 # Translation vector
TRY = 6 # Translation vector
TRZ = 7 # Translation vector
L11L12 = 8 # Light matrix
L13L21 = 9 # Light matrix
L22L23 = 10 # Light matrix
L31L32 = 11 # Light matrix
L33 = 12 # Light matrix
RBK = 13 # Background color
GBK = 14 # Background color
BBK = 15 # Background color
LC11LC12 = 16 # Light color matrix
LC13LC21 = 17 # Light color matrix
LC22LC23 = 18 # Light color matrix
LC31LC32 = 19 # Light color matrix
LC33 = 20 # Light color matrix
RFC = 21 # Far color
GFC = 22 # Far color
BFC = 23 # Far color
OFX = 24 # Screen coordinate offset
OFY = 25 # Screen coordinate offset
H = 26 # Projection plane distance
DQA = 27 # Depth cue scale factor
DQB = 28 # Depth cue base
ZSF3 = 29 # Average Z scale factor
ZSF4 = 30 # Average Z scale factor
FLAG = 31 # Error/overflow flags
class GTEDataRegister(IntEnum):
VXY0 = 0 # Input vector 0
VZ0 = 1 # Input vector 0
VXY1 = 2 # Input vector 1
VZ1 = 3 # Input vector 1
VXY2 = 4 # Input vector 2
VZ2 = 5 # Input vector 2
RGBC = 6 # Input color and GPU command
OTZ = 7 # Average Z value output
IR0 = 8 # Scalar accumulator
IR1 = 9 # Vector accumulator
IR2 = 10 # Vector accumulator
IR3 = 11 # Vector accumulator
SXY0 = 12 # X/Y coordinate output FIFO
SXY1 = 13 # X/Y coordinate output FIFO
SXY2 = 14 # X/Y coordinate output FIFO
SXYP = 15 # X/Y coordinate output FIFO
SZ0 = 16 # Z coordinate output FIFO
SZ1 = 17 # Z coordinate output FIFO
SZ2 = 18 # Z coordinate output FIFO
SZ3 = 19 # Z coordinate output FIFO
RGB0 = 20 # Color and GPU command output FIFO
RGB1 = 21 # Color and GPU command output FIFO
RGB2 = 22 # Color and GPU command output FIFO
MAC0 = 24 # Extended scalar accumulator
MAC1 = 25 # Extended vector accumulator
MAC2 = 26 # Extended vector accumulator
MAC3 = 27 # Extended vector accumulator
IRGB = 28 # RGB conversion input
ORGB = 29 # RGB conversion output
LZCS = 30 # Leading zero count input
LZCR = 31 # Leading zero count output
## Opcode definitions
class Opcode(IntEnum):
J = 2 # Jump to immediate
JAL = 3 # Jump and link to immediate
BEQ = 4 # Branch if equal
BNE = 5 # Branch if not equal
BLEZ = 6 # Branch if less than or equal to zero
BGTZ = 7 # Branch if greater than zero
ADDI = 8 # Add immediate with trap
ADDIU = 9 # Add immediate
SLTI = 10 # Set if less than immediate signed
SLTIU = 11 # Set if less than immediate unsigned
ANDI = 12 # Bitwise AND immediate
ORI = 13 # Bitwise OR immediate
XORI = 14 # Bitwise XOR immediate
LUI = 15 # Load upper immediate
COP0 = 16 # COP0 instruction
COP2 = 18 # GTE instruction
LB = 32 # Load byte signed
LH = 33 # Load halfword signed
LWL = 34 # Load word left
LW = 35 # Load word
LBU = 36 # Load byte unsigned
LHU = 37 # Store halfword unsigned
LWR = 38 # Load word right
SB = 40 # Store byte
SH = 41 # Store halfword
SWL = 42 # Store word left
SW = 43 # Store word
SWR = 46 # Store word right
LWC2 = 50 # Load data word to GTE
SWC2 = 58 # Store data word from GTE
class SubOpcode(IntEnum):
SLL = 0 # Shift left immediate
SRL = 2 # Shift right logical immediate
SRA = 3 # Shift right arithmetic immediate
SLLV = 4 # Shift left register
SRLV = 6 # Shift right logical register
SRAV = 7 # Shift right arithmetic register
JR = 8 # Jump to register
JALR = 9 # Jump and link to register
SYSCALL = 12 # System call
BREAK = 13 # Breakpoint
MFHI = 16 # Move from $hi
MTHI = 17 # Move to $hi
MFLO = 18 # Move from $lo
MTLO = 19 # Move to $lo
MULT = 24 # Multiply signed
MULTU = 25 # Multiply unsigned
DIV = 26 # Divide signed
DIVU = 27 # Divide unsigned
ADD = 32 # Add register with trap
ADDU = 33 # Add register
SUB = 34 # Subtract register with trap
SUBU = 35 # Subtract register
AND = 36 # Bitwise AND register
OR = 37 # Bitwise OR register
XOR = 38 # Bitwise XOR register
NOR = 39 # Bitwise NOR register
SLT = 42 # Set if less than signed
SLTU = 43 # Set if less than unsigned
class SubBranchOpcode(IntEnum):
BLTZ = 0 # Branch if less than zero
BGEZ = 1 # Branch if greater than or equal to zero
BLTZAL = 16 # Branch and link if less than zero
BGEZAL = 17 # Branch and link if greater than or equal to zero
class COPMoveOpcode(IntEnum):
MFC = 0 # Move data from coprocessor
CFC = 2 # Move control from coprocessor
MTC = 4 # Move data to coprocessor
CTC = 6 # Move control to coprocessor
class COP0Opcode(IntEnum):
RFE = 16 # Return from exception
class GTEOpcode(IntEnum):
RTPS = 1 # Perspective transformation (1 vertex)
NCLIP = 6 # Normal clipping
OP = 12 # Outer product
DPCS = 16 # Depth cue (1 vertex)
INTPL = 17 # Depth cue with vector
MVMVA = 18 # Matrix-vector multiplication
NCDS = 19 # Normal color depth (1 vertex)
CDP = 20 # Color depth cue
NCDT = 22 # Normal color depth (3 vertices)
NCCS = 27 # Normal color color (1 vertex)
CC = 28 # Color color
NCS = 30 # Normal color (1 vertex)
NCT = 32 # Normal color (3 vertices)
SQR = 40 # Square of vector
DCPL = 41 # Depth cue with light
DPCT = 42 # Depth cue (3 vertices)
AVSZ3 = 45 # Average Z value (3 vertices)
AVSZ4 = 46 # Average Z value (4 vertices)
RTPT = 48 # Perspective transformation (3 vertices)
GPF = 61 # Linear interpolation
GPL = 62 # Linear interpolation with base
NCCT = 63 # Normal color color (3 vertices)
## Base instruction classes
class Instruction:
address: int
opcode: Opcode
def toInt(self) -> int:
return (self.opcode << 26)
def toBytes(self) -> bytes:
return self.toInt().to_bytes(4, "little")
def toString(self) -> str:
return self.opcode.name.lower()
class SubInstruction(Instruction):
sub: SubOpcode
def toInt(self) -> int:
return super().toInt() | self.sub
def toString(self) -> str:
return self.sub.name.lower()
## Instruction classes
class RegInstruction(SubInstruction):
value: int
rd: Register = Register.ZERO
rt: Register = Register.ZERO
rs: Register = Register.ZERO
def toInt(self) -> int:
return (super().toInt()
| (self.value << 6)
| (self.rd << 11)
| (self.rt << 16)
| (self.rs << 21)
def toString(self) -> str:
match self.sub:
case SubOpcode.SLL | SubOpcode.SRL | SubOpcode.SRA:
args: str = f"${self.rd.name}, ${self.rt.name}, {self.value}"
case SubOpcode.SLLV | SubOpcode.SRLV | SubOpcode.SRAV:
args: str = f"${self.rd.name}, ${self.rt.name}, ${self.rs.name}"
case SubOpcode.JR | SubOpcode.MTHI | SubOpcode.MTLO:
args: str = f"${self.rs.name}"
case SubOpcode.JALR:
if self.rd == Register.RA:
args: str = f"${self.rs.name}"
args: str = f"${self.rs.name}, ${self.rd.name}"
case SubOpcode.MFHI | SubOpcode.MFLO:
args: str = f"${self.rd.name}"
case SubOpcode.MULT | SubOpcode.MULTU | SubOpcode.DIV | SubOpcode.DIVU:
args: str = f"${self.rs.name}, ${self.rt.name}"
case _:
args: str = f"${self.rd.name}, ${self.rs.name}, ${self.rt.name}"
return f"{super().toString():7s} {args}".lower()
class SysInstruction(SubInstruction):
value: int
def toInt(self) -> int:
return (super().toInt() | (self.value << 6))
def toString(self) -> str:
return f"{super().toString():7s} {self.value:#x}"
class SubBranchInstruction(Instruction):
target: int
branch: SubBranchOpcode
rs: Register
def toInt(self) -> int:
value: int = encodeSigned(self.target // 4, 16)
return (super().toInt()
| (value << 0)
| (self.branch << 16)
| (self.rs << 21)
def toString(self) -> str:
target: int = self.address + self.target
return f"{self.branch.name:7s} ${self.rs.name}, {target:#010x}".lower()
class BranchInstruction(Instruction):
target: int
rt: Register = Register.ZERO
rs: Register = Register.ZERO
def toInt(self) -> int:
value: int = encodeSigned(self.target // 4, 16)
return (super().toInt()
| (value << 0)
| (self.rt << 16)
| (self.rs << 21)
def toString(self) -> str:
target: int = self.address + self.target
match self.opcode:
case Opcode.BEQ | Opcode.BNE:
args: str = f"${self.rs.name}, ${self.rt.name}, {target:#010x}"
case _:
args: str = f"${self.rs.name}, {target:#010x}"
return f"{super().toString():7s} {args}".lower()
class JumpInstruction(Instruction):
target: int
def toInt(self) -> int:
if (self.target >> 28) != (self.address >> 28):
raise ValueError("target address out of allowed jump range")
target: int = (self.target // 4) & 0x3ffffff
return (super().toInt() | target)
def toString(self) -> str:
return f"{super().toString():7s} {self.target:#010x}"
class ImmInstruction(Instruction):
value: int
rt: Register = Register.ZERO
rs: Register = Register.ZERO
def toInt(self) -> int:
value: int = encodeSigned(self.value, 16)
return (super().toInt()
| (value << 0)
| (self.rt << 16)
| (self.rs << 21)
def toString(self) -> str:
match self.opcode:
case Opcode.ADDI | Opcode.ADDIU | Opcode.SLTI | Opcode.SLTIU \
| Opcode.ANDI | Opcode.ORI | Opcode.XORI:
args: str = f"${self.rt.name}, ${self.rs.name}, {self.value:#x}"
case Opcode.LUI:
args: str = f"${self.rt.name}, {self.value:#x}"
case Opcode.LWC2 | Opcode.SWC2:
args: str = f"${self.rt}, {self.value:#x}(${self.rs.name})"
case _:
args: str = f"${self.rt.name}, {self.value:#x}(${self.rs.name})"
return f"{super().toString():7s} {args}".lower()
class COPMoveInstruction(Instruction):
move: COPMoveOpcode
reg: COP0DataRegister | GTEDataRegister | GTEControlRegister
rt: Register
def toInt(self) -> int:
return (super().toInt()
| (self.reg << 11)
| (self.rt << 16)
| (self.move << 21)
| (0 << 25)
def toString(self) -> str:
inst: str = f"{self.move.name}{self.opcode.name[-1]}"
return f"{inst:7s} ${self.rt.name}, ${self.reg.name}".lower()
class COP0Instruction(Instruction):
copOpcode: COP0Opcode
def toInt(self) -> int:
return (super().toInt()
| (self.copOpcode << 0)
| (1 << 25)
def toString(self) -> str:
return self.copOpcode.name.lower()
class GTEInstruction(Instruction):
copOpcode: GTEOpcode
param: int
def toInt(self) -> int:
return (super().toInt()
| (self.copOpcode << 0)
| (self.param << 6)
| (1 << 25)
def toString(self) -> str:
return f"gte::{self.copOpcode.name:2s} {self.param:#05x}".lower()
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## Instruction encoders
def encodeLUI(rt: Register, value: int) -> bytes:
return ImmInstruction(0, Opcode.LUI, value, rt).toBytes()
def encodeORI(rt: Register, rs: Register, value: int) -> bytes:
return ImmInstruction(0, Opcode.ORI, value, rt, rs).toBytes()
def encodeADDIU(rt: Register, rs: Register, value: int) -> bytes:
return ImmInstruction(0, Opcode.ADDIU, value, rt, rs).toBytes()
def encodeJAL(target: int) -> bytes:
return JumpInstruction(target, Opcode.JAL, target).toBytes()
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def encodeJR(rs: Register) -> bytes:
return RegInstruction(0, Opcode.SUB_INST, SubOpcode.JR, 0, rs = rs).toBytes()
## Instruction decoder
2024-11-29 00:49:07 +01:00
def parseInstruction(address: int, data: ByteString) -> Instruction:
inst: int = int.from_bytes(data[0:4], "little")
imm5: int = (inst >> 6) & 0x1f
imm16: int = (inst >> 0) & 0xffff
imm19: int = (inst >> 6) & 0x7ffff
imm20: int = (inst >> 6) & 0xfffff
imm26: int = (inst >> 0) & 0x3ffffff
subValue: int = (inst >> 0) & 63
rdValue: int = (inst >> 11) & 31
rtValue: int = (inst >> 16) & 31
rsValue: int = (inst >> 21) & 31
opValue: int = (inst >> 26) & 63
copMoveValue: int = (rsValue >> 0) & 15
copInstValue: int = (rsValue >> 4) & 1
opcode: Opcode = Opcode(opValue)
match opcode:
case Opcode.SUB_INST:
sub: SubOpcode = SubOpcode(subValue)
rd: Register = Register(rdValue)
rt: Register = Register(rtValue)
rs: Register = Register(rsValue)
if (sub == SubOpcode.SYSCALL) or (sub == SubOpcode.BREAK):
return SysInstruction(address, opcode, sub, imm20)
return RegInstruction(address, opcode, sub, imm5, rd, rt, rs)
case Opcode.SUB_BRANCH:
target: int = decodeSigned(imm16, 16) * 4
branch: SubBranchOpcode = SubBranchOpcode(rtValue)
rs: Register = Register(rsValue)
return SubBranchInstruction(address, opcode, target, branch, rs)
case Opcode.J | Opcode.JAL:
target: int = (address & 0xf0000000) | (imm26 * 4)
return JumpInstruction(address, opcode, target)
case Opcode.BEQ | Opcode.BNE | Opcode.BLEZ | Opcode.BGTZ:
target: int = decodeSigned(imm16, 16) * 4
rt: Register = Register(rtValue)
rs: Register = Register(rsValue)
return BranchInstruction(address, opcode, target, rt, rs)
case Opcode.ADDI | Opcode.ADDIU | Opcode.SLTI | Opcode.SLTIU:
value: int = decodeSigned(imm16, 16)
rt: Register = Register(rtValue)
rs: Register = Register(rsValue)
return ImmInstruction(address, opcode, value, rt, rs)
case Opcode.COP0:
if copInstValue:
cop0Opcode: COP0Opcode = COP0Opcode(subValue)
return COP0Instruction(address, opcode, cop0Opcode)
move: COPMoveOpcode = COPMoveOpcode(copMoveValue)
cop0r: COP0DataRegister = COP0DataRegister(rdValue)
rt: Register = Register(rtValue)
return COPMoveInstruction(address, opcode, move, cop0r, rt)
case Opcode.COP2:
if copInstValue:
gteOpcode: GTEOpcode = GTEOpcode(subValue)
return GTEInstruction(address, opcode, gteOpcode, imm19)
move: COPMoveOpcode = COPMoveOpcode(copMoveValue)
rt: Register = Register(rtValue)
if (move == COPMoveOpcode.MFC) or (opcode == COPMoveOpcode.MTC):
gter: GTEDataRegister | GTEControlRegister = \
gter: GTEDataRegister | GTEControlRegister = \
return COPMoveInstruction(address, opcode, move, gter, rt)
case _:
rt: Register = Register(rtValue)
rs: Register = Register(rsValue)
return ImmInstruction(address, opcode, imm16, rt, rs)