2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2023-12-29 19:37:39 +01:00
__version__ = "0.3.5"
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
__author__ = "spicyjpeg"
import json, re
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, Namespace
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from struct import Struct
2023-09-14 23:54:59 +02:00
from typing import Any, ByteString, Generator, Mapping, Sequence
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZIP_STORED, ZipFile
2024-04-04 14:39:52 +02:00
import lz4.block, numpy
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
from numpy import ndarray
from PIL import Image
## .TIM image converter
TIM_HEADER_STRUCT: Struct = Struct("< 2I")
TIM_SECTION_STRUCT: Struct = Struct("< I 4H")
# Color 0x0000 is interpreted by the PS1 GPU as fully transparent, so black
# pixels must be changed to dark gray to prevent them from becoming transparent.
BLACK_COLOR: int = 0x0421
def convertRGBAto16(inputData: ndarray) -> ndarray:
source: ndarray = inputData.astype("<H")
r: ndarray = ((source[:, :, 0] * 249) + 1014) >> 11
g: ndarray = ((source[:, :, 1] * 249) + 1014) >> 11
b: ndarray = ((source[:, :, 2] * 249) + 1014) >> 11
data: ndarray = r | (g << 5) | (b << 10)
data = numpy.where(data != TRANSPARENT_COLOR, data, BLACK_COLOR)
if source.shape[2] == 4:
alpha: ndarray = source[:, :, 3]
data = numpy.select(
alpha > UPPER_ALPHA_BOUND, # Leave as-is
alpha > LOWER_ALPHA_BOUND # Set semitransparency flag
), (
data | (1 << 15)
return data.reshape(source.shape[:-1])
def convertIndexedImage(imageObj: Image.Image) -> tuple[ndarray, ndarray]:
# PIL/Pillow doesn't provide a proper way to get the number of colors in a
# palette, so here's an extremely ugly hack.
colorDepth: int = { "RGB": 3, "RGBA": 4 }[imageObj.palette.mode]
clutData: bytes = imageObj.palette.tobytes()
numColors: int = len(clutData) // colorDepth
clut: ndarray = convertRGBAto16(
numpy.frombuffer(clutData, "B").reshape(( 1, numColors, colorDepth ))
# Pad the palette to 16 or 256 colors.
padAmount: int = (16 if (numColors <= 16) else 256) - numColors
if padAmount:
clut = numpy.c_[ clut, numpy.zeros(padAmount, "<H") ]
image: ndarray = numpy.asarray(imageObj, "B")
if image.shape[1] % 2:
image = numpy.c_[ image, numpy.zeros(image.shape[0], "B") ]
# Pack two pixels into each byte for 4bpp images.
if numColors <= 16:
image = image[:, 0::2] | (image[:, 1::2] << 4)
if image.shape[1] % 2:
image = numpy.c_[ image, numpy.zeros(image.shape[0], "B") ]
return image, clut
def generateIndexedTIM(
imageObj: Image.Image, ix: int, iy: int, cx: int, cy: int
) -> bytearray:
if (ix < 0) or (ix > 1023) or (iy < 0) or (iy > 1023):
raise ValueError("image X/Y coordinates must be in 0-1023 range")
if (cx < 0) or (cx > 1023) or (cy < 0) or (cy > 1023):
raise ValueError("palette X/Y coordinates must be in 0-1023 range")
image, clut = convertIndexedImage(imageObj)
mode: int = 0x8 if (clut.size <= 16) else 0x9
data: bytearray = bytearray(TIM_HEADER_STRUCT.pack(TIM_HEADER_VERSION, mode))
TIM_SECTION_STRUCT.size + clut.size * 2,
cx, cy, clut.shape[1], clut.shape[0]
TIM_SECTION_STRUCT.size + image.size,
ix, iy, image.shape[1] // 2, image.shape[0]
return data
## Font metrics generator
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
METRICS_HEADER_STRUCT: Struct = Struct("< 3B x")
METRICS_ENTRY_STRUCT: Struct = Struct("< 2B H")
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
def generateFontMetrics(
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
metrics: Mapping[str, int | Mapping[str, Mapping[str, int | bool]]]
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
) -> bytearray:
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
data: bytearray = bytearray(
spaceWidth: int = int(metrics["spaceWidth"])
tabWidth: int = int(metrics["tabWidth"])
lineHeight: int = int(metrics["lineHeight"])
data[0:METRICS_HEADER_STRUCT.size] = \
METRICS_HEADER_STRUCT.pack(spaceWidth, tabWidth, lineHeight)
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
for ch, entry in metrics["characterSizes"].items():
index: int = ord(ch)
#index: int = ch.encode("ascii")[0]
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
if (index < 0) or (index > 255):
raise ValueError(f"extended character {index} is not supported")
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
x: int = int(entry["x"])
y: int = int(entry["y"])
w: int = int(entry["width"])
h: int = int(entry["height"])
i: bool = bool(entry.get("icon", False))
if (x < 0) or (x > 255) or (y < 0) or (y > 255):
raise ValueError("all X/Y coordinates must be in 0-255 range")
if (w < 0) or (w > 127) or (h < 0) or (h > 127):
raise ValueError("all characters must be <=127x127 pixels")
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
if h > lineHeight:
raise ValueError("character height exceeds line height")
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
2023-09-17 13:41:35 +02:00
offset: int = \
data[offset:offset + METRICS_ENTRY_STRUCT.size] = \
METRICS_ENTRY_STRUCT.pack(x, y, w | (h << 7) | (i << 14))
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
return data
2023-09-14 23:54:59 +02:00
## Color palette generator
PALETTE_COLOR_REGEX: re.Pattern = re.compile(r"^#?([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})$")
PALETTE_COLORS: Sequence[str] = (
PALETTE_ENTRY_STRUCT: Struct = Struct("< 3s x")
def generateColorPalette(palette: Mapping[str, str]) -> bytearray:
data: bytearray = bytearray()
for entry in PALETTE_COLORS:
color: str | None = palette.get(entry, None)
if color is None:
raise ValueError(f"no entry found for {entry}")
matched: re.Match | None = PALETTE_COLOR_REGEX.match(color)
if matched is None:
raise ValueError(f"invalid color value: {color}")
return data
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
## String table generator
TABLE_ENTRY_STRUCT: Struct = Struct("< I 2H")
TABLE_ESCAPE_REGEX: re.Pattern = re.compile(rb"\$?\{(.+?)\}")
TABLE_ESCAPE_REPL: Mapping[bytes, bytes] = {
2023-12-29 19:37:39 +01:00
b"UP_ARROW": b"\x80",
b"DOWN_ARROW": b"\x81",
b"LEFT_ARROW": b"\x82",
b"RIGHT_ARROW": b"\x83",
2024-01-03 14:13:02 +01:00
b"UP_ARROW_ALT": b"\x84",
b"DOWN_ARROW_ALT": b"\x85",
b"LEFT_ARROW_ALT": b"\x86",
b"RIGHT_ARROW_ALT": b"\x87",
2023-12-29 19:37:39 +01:00
b"LEFT_BUTTON": b"\x90",
b"RIGHT_BUTTON": b"\x91",
b"START_BUTTON": b"\x92",
b"CLOSED_LOCK": b"\x93",
b"OPEN_LOCK": b"\x94",
b"DIR_ICON": b"\x95",
b"PARENT_DIR_ICON": b"\x96",
b"FILE_ICON": b"\x97",
2024-01-03 14:13:02 +01:00
b"CHIP_ICON": b"\x98",
b"CART_ICON": b"\x99"
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
def hashString(string: str) -> int:
value: int = 0
for byte in string.encode("ascii"):
value = (
byte + \
((value << 6) & 0xffffffff) + \
((value << 16) & 0xffffffff) - \
) & 0xffffffff
return value
def convertString(string: str) -> bytes:
lambda match: TABLE_ESCAPE_REPL[match.group(1).strip().upper()],
def prepareStrings(
strings: Mapping[str, Any], prefix: str = ""
) -> Generator[tuple[int, bytes | None], None, None]:
for key, value in strings.items():
fullKey: str = prefix + key
if value is None:
yield hashString(fullKey), None
elif type(value) is str:
yield hashString(fullKey), convertString(value)
yield from prepareStrings(value, f"{fullKey}.")
def generateStringTable(strings: Mapping[str, Any]) -> bytearray:
offsets: dict[bytes, int] = {}
chains: defaultdict[int, list[tuple[int, int | None]]] = defaultdict(list)
blob: bytearray = bytearray()
for fullHash, string in prepareStrings(strings):
if string is None:
entry: tuple[int, int | None] = fullHash, 0
offset: int | None = offsets.get(string, None)
if offset is None:
offset = len(blob)
offsets[string] = offset
while len(blob) % TABLE_STRING_ALIGN:
entry: tuple[int, int | None] = fullHash, offset
chains[fullHash % TABLE_BUCKET_COUNT].append(entry)
# Build the bucket array and all chains of entries.
buckets: list[tuple[int, int | None, int]] = []
chained: list[tuple[int, int | None, int]] = []
for shortHash in range(TABLE_BUCKET_COUNT):
entries: list[tuple[int, int | None]] = chains[shortHash]
if not entries:
buckets.append(( 0, None, 0 ))
for index, entry in enumerate(entries):
if index < (len(entries) - 1):
chainIndex: int = TABLE_BUCKET_COUNT + len(chained)
chainIndex: int = 0
fullHash, offset = entry
if index:
2023-06-08 00:30:50 +02:00
chained.append(( fullHash, offset, chainIndex + 1 ))
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
buckets.append(( fullHash, offset, chainIndex ))
# Relocate the offsets and serialize the table.
blobAddr: int = TABLE_ENTRY_STRUCT.size * (len(buckets) + len(chained))
data: bytearray = bytearray()
for fullHash, offset, chainIndex in chain(buckets, chained):
absOffset: int = 0 if (offset is None) else (blobAddr + offset)
if absOffset > 0xffff:
raise RuntimeError("string table exceeds 64 KB size limit")
data.extend(TABLE_ENTRY_STRUCT.pack( fullHash, absOffset, chainIndex ))
return data
## Main
def createParser() -> ArgumentParser:
parser = ArgumentParser(
description = \
"Parses a JSON file containing a list of resources to convert, "
"generates the respective files and packs them into a ZIP archive.",
add_help = False
group = parser.add_argument_group("Tool options")
"-h", "--help",
action = "help",
help = "Show this help message and exit"
2024-04-04 14:39:52 +02:00
group = parser.add_argument_group("Compression options")
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
2024-04-04 14:39:52 +02:00
"-c", "--compression",
type = str,
choices = ( "none", "deflate", "lz4" ),
default = "deflate",
help = "Set default compression algorithm (default DEFLATE)"
"-l", "--compress-level",
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
type = int,
default = 9,
2024-04-04 14:39:52 +02:00
help = "Set default DEFLATE and LZ4 compression level (default 9)",
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
metavar = "0-9"
group = parser.add_argument_group("File paths")
"-s", "--source-dir",
type = Path,
help = \
"Set path to directory containing source files (same directory as "
"resource list by default)"
type = FileType("rt"),
help = "Path to JSON resource list",
type = Path,
help = "Path to ZIP file to generate"
return parser
def main():
parser: ArgumentParser = createParser()
args: Namespace = parser.parse_args()
with args.resourceList as _file:
assetList: list = json.load(_file)
sourceDir: Path = args.source_dir or Path(_file.name).parent
with ZipFile(args.output, "w", allowZip64 = False) as _zip:
for asset in assetList:
match asset.get("type", "file").strip():
case "empty":
data: ByteString = b""
case "text":
with open(sourceDir / asset["source"], "rt") as _file:
data: ByteString = _file.read().encode("ascii")
case "binary":
with open(sourceDir / asset["source"], "rb") as _file:
data: ByteString = _file.read()
case "tim":
ix: int = int(asset["imagePos"]["x"])
iy: int = int(asset["imagePos"]["y"])
cx: int = int(asset["clutPos"]["x"])
cy: int = int(asset["clutPos"]["y"])
image: Image.Image = Image.open(sourceDir / asset["source"])
if image.mode != "P":
image = image.quantize(
2023-09-14 23:54:59 +02:00
int(asset["quantize"]), dither = Image.NONE
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
data: ByteString = generateIndexedTIM(image, ix, iy, cx, cy)
case "metrics":
if "metrics" in asset:
metrics: dict = asset["metrics"]
with open(sourceDir / asset["source"], "rt") as _file:
metrics: dict = json.load(_file)
data: ByteString = generateFontMetrics(metrics)
2023-09-14 23:54:59 +02:00
case "palette":
if "palette" in asset:
palette: dict = asset["palette"]
with open(sourceDir / asset["source"], "rt") as _file:
palette: dict = json.load(_file)
data: ByteString = generateColorPalette(palette)
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
case "strings":
if "strings" in asset:
strings: dict = asset["strings"]
with open(sourceDir / asset["source"], "rt") as _file:
strings: dict = json.load(_file)
data: ByteString = generateStringTable(strings)
case _type:
raise KeyError(f"unsupported asset type '{_type}'")
2024-04-04 14:39:52 +02:00
compressLevel: int | None = \
asset.get("compressLevel", args.compress_level)
match asset.get("compression", args.compression).strip():
case "none" | None:
_zip.writestr(asset["name"], data, ZIP_STORED)
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
2024-04-04 14:39:52 +02:00
case "deflate":
asset["name"], data, ZIP_DEFLATED, compressLevel
case "lz4":
# ZIP archives do not "officially" support LZ4 compression,
# so the entry is stored as an uncompressed file.
compressed: bytes = lz4.block.compress(
mode = "high_compression",
compression = compressLevel,
store_size = False
_zip.writestr(asset["name"], compressed, ZIP_STORED)
case _type:
raise KeyError(f"unsupported compression type '{_type}'")
2023-05-30 18:08:52 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":