# FAQ and troubleshooting ## Running 573in1 ### I cannot get past the BIOS "hardware error" screen and into the main menu - Make sure the disc image has been burned correctly (and not by e.g. dragging the image file onto the disc). The disc should appear as `573IN1_xxxxx` and contain a bunch of files named `README.TXT`, `PSX.EXE` and so on. - Try using a different disc and/or another CD-ROM drive. A list of drives known to be compatible with the stock System 573 BIOS can be found [here](https://psx-spx.consoledev.net/konamisystem573/#known-working-replacement-drives). - Ensure the BIOS is not reporting an actual hardware error with the 573. A CD-ROM error will result in `CDR BAD` being displayed, while other errors will be reported under the PCB location of the chip that failed (e.g. `18E BAD` for a JVS MCU error). A list of BIOS errors can be found [here](https://psx-spx.consoledev.net/konamisystem573/#boot-sequence). ### I get an error about a missing file or the CD-ROM being incorrect - You have booted into the game currently installed on the 573's internal flash rather than from the disc. Turn off DIP switch 4 (the rightmost one) and power cycle the 573. ## Security cartridges ### My cartridge does not get recognized - Make sure the cartridge's contacts are clean and the security cartridge connector on the 573 has no bent pins and is not worn out, corroded or otherwise damaged. ## IDE devices ### My IDE cable does not fit into the 573 - The 573 motherboard has pin 20 populated on the IDE connector, but most cables use it as a keying pin (as per later versions of the IDE specification) and thus have it blocked off. You may either try to find another cable or drill a small hole in the cable's connector. - You can also cut or desolder pin 20 on the 573, however this is not recommended. ### My IDE drive, CF card or adapter does not show up - Try using a different drive or adapter. Some CF cards, SD card adapters and IDE-to-SATA converters are known to be problematic. ### My IDE drive, CF card or adapter shows up but is unreadable - Ensure the drive supports LBA addressing. All CF cards, SD card adapters and the vast majority of hard drives do, however older hard drives (typically ones with a capacity lower than 8 GB or manufactured before the mid 1990s) may only support CHS addressing. - Ensure the drive is formatted with a single FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT partition. Other filesystems such as NTFS or ext4 are not supported. ## Miscellaneous ### How do I obtain more information about an error that happened? - You may press the test button on your 573 or cabinet at any time to toggle the log window, which will contain detailed information about errors. - If an IDE hard drive is connected you can also take screenshots by holding down the test button. Screenshots are saved to the `573in1` directory in the root of the filesystem.