{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "schema/header.json", "title": "Flash/RTC game header description", "type": "object", "required": [ "dataFormat", "yearField" ], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "dataFormat": { "title": "Data format type", "description": "Format of the header. Currently only the 'extended' format is supported.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "extended" ] }, "yearField": { "title": "Year field", "description": "The value of the 2-byte year field stored in the EEPROM, usually zero or the year the game came out encoded as BCD (either big or little endian).", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2}$", "default": "20-00" }, "ioBoardIDType": { "title": "I/O board ID type", "description": "Format of the I/O board ID stored as part of the header. Omit if no I/O board ID is stored.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "checksum", "md5" ] }, "required": { "title": "Header required by game", "description": "Whether or not the game requires the header to be present and will refuse to run if missing, rather than initializing it. Only valid for RTC RAM headers.", "type": "boolean" }, "fillWithFF": { "title": "Fill unused fields with FF bytes", "description": "Whether to fill unused space in the header with 0xFF bytes instead of 0x00.", "type": "boolean" }, "specWildcard": { "title": "Use specification wildcard", "description": "Whether to set the specification code in the header to 'G*' instead of the game's actual specification.", "type": "boolean" }, "invertChecksum": { "title": "Invert header checksum", "description": "Whether to negate all bits of the header's checksum.", "type": "boolean" }, "gx706Workaround": { "title": "GX706 checksum workaround", "description": "If true, the specification code will be temporarily set to 'GX' when the checksum is calculated. Required by GX706, which sets the specification to 'GE' due to a bug.", "type": "boolean" } } }