#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ISO9660 CD-ROM image generator A simple tool for building ISO9660 CD-ROM images with 2048-byte sectors, as used by the PlayStation 1 and other machines, from a JSON configuration file describing their contents. Unlike most other ISO9660 authoring tools, files and directories are placed in the image in the same order they are specified in the JSON file, allowing for customization of the disc's layout. Requires pycdlib to be installed. """ __version__ = "0.1.0" __author__ = "spicyjpeg" import json, re, sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, Namespace from collections.abc import Iterable from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, BinaryIO from pycdlib.dr import DirectoryRecord from pycdlib.inode import Inode from pycdlib.pycdlib import PyCdlib ## Utilities PATH_IGNORE_REGEX: re.Pattern = re.compile(r";[0-9]+$") PATH_INVALID_REGEX: re.Pattern = re.compile(r"[^0-9A-Z_./]") def normalizePath(path: str, isDirectory: bool = False) -> str: path = PATH_IGNORE_REGEX.sub("", path.upper()) path = PATH_INVALID_REGEX.sub("_", path) if not path.startswith("/"): path = f"/{path}" if isDirectory: path = path.replace(".", "_") else: # The ISO9660 specification requires file names to always contain # exactly one period (even if no extension is present) and be terminated # with a version number. numPeriods: int = path.count(".") if numPeriods: path = path.replace(".", "_", numPeriods - 1) else: path += "." path += ";1" return path def restoreISOFileOrder( iso: PyCdlib, isoEntries: Iterable[DirectoryRecord | Inode], printLayout: bool = False ): # By default, when calling force_consistency(), pycdlib allocates files in # the same order as their respective directory records, which are in turn # sorted alphabetically as required by the ISO9660 specification. We're # going to "undo" this sorting by iterating through the provided array and # reassigning an LBA to each file and directory manually to restore the # intended order. iso.force_consistency() sectorLength: int = iso.logical_block_size sectorOffset: int = \ iso.pvd.path_table_location_be + iso.pvd.path_table_num_extents if printLayout: sys.stderr.write("CD-ROM image layout:\n") # Allocate the indices (arrays of directory records) for the root directory # and each subfolder. Note that these will always be placed before any file # data, regardless of where they are listed in the configuration file. for entry in isoEntries: names: list[str] = [] length: int = \ (entry.data_length + sectorLength - 1) // sectorLength if isinstance(entry, DirectoryRecord): entry.set_data_location(sectorOffset, 0) names.append(entry.file_identifier().decode("ascii")) else: entry.set_extent_location(sectorOffset) for record, _ in entry.linked_records: if not isinstance(record, DirectoryRecord): continue record.set_data_location(sectorOffset, 0) names.append(record.file_identifier().decode("ascii")) if printLayout: nameList: str = ", ".join(names) sys.stderr.write( f" [{sectorOffset:6d}-{sectorOffset + length - 1:6d}] " f"{nameList}\n" ) sectorOffset += length if printLayout: sys.stderr.write(f"Total image size: {sectorOffset} sectors\n") def showProgress(part: int, total: int, _: Any): if part >= total: sys.stderr.write("\rPacking finished.\n") else: sys.stderr.write(f"\rPacking: {part / total * 100.0:5.1f}%") class PaddingFile(BinaryIO): mode: str = "rb" def read(self, length: int) -> bytes: return bytes(length) ## Main def createParser() -> ArgumentParser: parser = ArgumentParser( description = \ "Parses a JSON file containing a list of ISO9660 identifiers, file " "and directory entries and generates a CD-ROM image.", add_help = False ) group = parser.add_argument_group("Tool options") group.add_argument( "-h", "--help", action = "help", help = "Show this help message and exit" ) group.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", action = "store_true", help = "Suppress all non-error output" ) group = parser.add_argument_group("CD-ROM image options") group.add_argument( "-l", "--level", type = lambda value: int(value, 0), default = 1, help = \ "Set ISO9660 interchange level and maximum file name length " "(default 1)", metavar = "1-4" ) group.add_argument( "-x", "--xa", action = "store_true", help = "Add CD-XA header and metadata tags" ) group.add_argument( "-S", "--system-area", type = FileType("rb"), help = \ "Insert specified file (in 2048-bytes-per-sector format, up to 32 " "KB) into the image's system area", metavar = "file" ) group = parser.add_argument_group("File paths") group.add_argument( "-s", "--source-dir", type = Path, help = \ "Set path to directory containing source files (same directory as " "configuration file by default)", metavar = "dir" ) group.add_argument( "configFile", type = FileType("rt", encoding = "utf-8"), help = "Path to JSON configuration file", ) group.add_argument( "output", type = FileType("wb"), help = "Path to ISO9660 CD-ROM image to generate" ) return parser def main(): parser: ArgumentParser = createParser() args: Namespace = parser.parse_args() with args.configFile as file: configFile: dict[str, Any] = json.load(file) sourceDir: Path = \ args.source_dir or Path(file.name).parent iso: PyCdlib = PyCdlib() paddingFile: PaddingFile = PaddingFile() identifiers: dict[str, str] = configFile.get("identifiers", {}) iso.new( interchange_level = args.level, sys_ident = identifiers.get("system", ""), vol_ident = identifiers.get("volume", ""), vol_set_ident = identifiers.get("volumeSet", ""), pub_ident_str = identifiers.get("publisher", ""), preparer_ident_str = identifiers.get("dataPreparer", ""), app_ident_str = identifiers.get("application", ""), copyright_file = identifiers.get("copyright", ""), abstract_file = identifiers.get("abstract", ""), bibli_file = identifiers.get("bibliographic", ""), joliet = None, rock_ridge = None, xa = args.xa, udf = None ) entryList: list[dict[str, Any]] = configFile["entries"] isoEntries: list[DirectoryRecord | Inode] = [ iso.pvd.root_directory_record() ] for entry in entryList: match entry.get("type", "file").strip(): case "empty": name: str = normalizePath(entry["name"]) iso.add_fp( fp = paddingFile, length = int(entry.get("size", 0)), iso_path = name ) #iso.set_hidden(iso_path = name) isoEntries.append(iso.inodes[-1]) case "file": iso.add_file( filename = sourceDir / entry["source"], iso_path = normalizePath(entry["name"]) ) isoEntries.append(iso.inodes[-1]) case "directory": name: str = normalizePath(entry["name"], True) iso.add_directory(iso_path = name) isoEntries.append(iso.get_record(iso_path = name)) case "fileAlias": iso.add_hard_link( iso_old_path = normalizePath(entry["source"]), iso_new_path = normalizePath(entry["name"]) ) case "directoryAlias": iso.add_hard_link( iso_old_path = normalizePath(entry["source"], True), iso_new_path = normalizePath(entry["name"], True) ) case _type: raise KeyError(f"unsupported entry type '{_type}'") restoreISOFileOrder(iso, isoEntries, not args.quiet) with args.output as file: iso.write_fp( outfp = file, progress_cb = None if args.quiet else showProgress ) iso.close() if args.system_area: with args.system_area as inputFile: file.seek(0) file.write(inputFile.read(iso.logical_block_size * 16)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()