mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:58:58 +01:00
300 lines
6.6 KiB
300 lines
6.6 KiB
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ps1/gpucmd.h"
#include "ps1/pcdrv.h"
#include "vendor/ff.h"
#include "vendor/miniz.h"
#include "vendor/qrcodegen.h"
#include "asset.hpp"
namespace asset {
/* Asset loader */
static constexpr uint32_t _ZIP_FLAGS =
bool AssetLoader::openMemory(const void *zipData, size_t length) {
// Sorting the central directory in a zip with a small number of files is
// just a waste of time.
if (!mz_zip_reader_init_mem(&_zip, zipData, length, _ZIP_FLAGS)) {
LOG("zip init error, code=%d", mz_zip_get_last_error(&_zip));
return false;
LOG("ptr=0x%08x, length=0x%x", zipData, length);
ready = true;
return true;
bool AssetLoader::openFAT(const char *path) {
auto error = f_open(&_fatFile, path, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
if (error) {
LOG("FAT zip open error, code=%d", error);
return false;
size_t fileSize = f_size(&_fatFile);
_zip.m_pIO_opaque = &_fatFile;
_zip.m_pNeeds_keepalive = nullptr;
_zip.m_pRead = [](
void *opaque, uint64_t offset, void *data, size_t length
) -> size_t {
auto fatFile = reinterpret_cast<FIL *>(opaque);
auto error = f_lseek(fatFile, offset);
if (error) {
LOG("FAT zip seek error, code=%d", error);
return 0;
size_t actualLength;
error = f_read(fatFile, data, length, &actualLength);
if (error) {
LOG("FAT zip read error, code=%d", error);
return 0;
return actualLength;
if (!mz_zip_reader_init(&_zip, fileSize, _ZIP_FLAGS)) {
LOG("FAT zip init error, code=%d", mz_zip_get_last_error(&_zip));
return false;
LOG("length=0x%x", fileSize);
ready = true;
return true;
bool AssetLoader::openHost(const char *path) {
if (pcdrvInit() < 0)
return false;
_hostFile = pcdrvOpen(path, PCDRV_MODE_READ);
if (_hostFile < 0) {
LOG("host zip open error, code=%d", _hostFile);
return false;
int fileSize = pcdrvSeek(_hostFile, 0, PCDRV_SEEK_END);
if (fileSize < 0)
return false;
_zip.m_pIO_opaque = reinterpret_cast<void *>(_hostFile);
_zip.m_pNeeds_keepalive = nullptr;
_zip.m_pRead = [](
void *opaque, uint64_t offset, void *data, size_t length
) -> size_t {
int hostFile = reinterpret_cast<int>(opaque);
if (
pcdrvSeek(hostFile, static_cast<uint32_t>(offset), PCDRV_SEEK_SET)
!= int(offset)
return 0;
int actualLength = pcdrvRead(hostFile, data, length);
if (actualLength < 0)
return 0;
return actualLength;
if (!mz_zip_reader_init(&_zip, fileSize, _ZIP_FLAGS)) {
LOG("host zip init error, code=%d", mz_zip_get_last_error(&_zip));
return false;
LOG("length=0x%x", fileSize);
ready = true;
return true;
void AssetLoader::close(void) {
if (!ready)
if (_hostFile >= 0)
ready = false;
size_t AssetLoader::loadAsset(Asset &output, const char *path) {
output.ptr = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap(&_zip, path, &output.length, 0);
if (!output.ptr)
return 0;
return output.length;
size_t AssetLoader::loadTIM(gpu::Image &output, const char *path) {
size_t size;
void *data = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap(&_zip, path, &size, 0);
if (!data)
return 0;
auto header = reinterpret_cast<const gpu::TIMHeader *>(data);
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&header[1]);
if (!output.initFromTIMHeader(header)) {
return 0;
if (header->flags & (1 << 3)) {
auto clut = reinterpret_cast<const gpu::TIMSectionHeader *>(ptr);
gpu::upload(clut->vram, &clut[1], true);
ptr += clut->length;
auto image = reinterpret_cast<const gpu::TIMSectionHeader *>(ptr);
gpu::upload(image->vram, &image[1], true);
return size;
size_t AssetLoader::loadVAG(spu::Sound &output, const char *path) {
// Sounds should be decompressed and uploaded to the SPU one chunk at a
// time, but whatever.
size_t size;
void *data = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap(&_zip, path, &size, 0);
if (!data)
return 0;
auto header = reinterpret_cast<const spu::VAGHeader *>(data);
if (!output.initFromVAGHeader(header, spuOffset)) {
return 0;
spuOffset += spu::upload(
spuOffset, reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(&header[1]),
size - sizeof(spu::VAGHeader), true
return size;
/* String table manager */
const char *StringTable::get(util::Hash id) const {
if (!ptr)
return "missingno";
auto blob = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ptr);
auto table = reinterpret_cast<const StringTableEntry *>(ptr);
auto entry = &table[id % TABLE_BUCKET_COUNT];
if (entry->hash == id)
return &blob[entry->offset];
while (entry->chained) {
entry = &table[entry->chained];
if (entry->hash == id)
return &blob[entry->offset];
return "missingno";
size_t StringTable::format(
char *buffer, size_t length, util::Hash id, ...
) const {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, id);
size_t outLength = vsnprintf(buffer, length, get(id), ap);
return outLength;
/* QR code encoder */
static void _loadQRCode(
gpu::Image &output, int x, int y, const uint32_t *qrCode
) {
int size = qrcodegen_getSize(qrCode);
gpu::RectWH rect;
// Generate a 16-color (only 2 colors used) palette and place it below the
// QR code in VRAM.
const uint32_t palette[8]{ 0x8000ffff };
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y + size;
rect.w = 16;
rect.h = 1;
gpu::upload(rect, palette, true);
rect.y = y;
rect.w = qrcodegen_getStride(qrCode) * 2;
rect.h = size;
gpu::upload(rect, &qrCode[1], true);
output.initFromVRAMRect(rect, GP0_COLOR_4BPP);
output.width = size;
output.palette = gp0_clut(x / 16, y + size);
LOG("loaded at (%d,%d), size=%d", x, y, size);
bool generateQRCode(
gpu::Image &output, int x, int y, const char *str, qrcodegen_Ecc ecc
) {
uint32_t qrCode[qrcodegen_BUFFER_LEN_MAX];
uint32_t tempBuffer[qrcodegen_BUFFER_LEN_MAX];
auto segment = qrcodegen_makeAlphanumeric(
str, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(tempBuffer)
if (!qrcodegen_encodeSegments(&segment, 1, ecc, tempBuffer, qrCode)) {
LOG("QR encoding failed");
return false;
_loadQRCode(output, x, y, qrCode);
return true;
bool generateQRCode(
gpu::Image &output, int x, int y, const uint8_t *data, size_t length,
qrcodegen_Ecc ecc
) {
uint32_t qrCode[qrcodegen_BUFFER_LEN_MAX];
uint32_t tempBuffer[qrcodegen_BUFFER_LEN_MAX];
auto segment = qrcodegen_makeBytes(
data, length, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(tempBuffer)
if (!qrcodegen_encodeSegments(&segment, 1, ecc, tempBuffer, qrCode)) {
LOG("QR encoding failed");
return false;
_loadQRCode(output, x, y, qrCode);
return true;