
38 lines
863 B
Executable File

@echo off
set BUILD_DIR="build"
where yosys >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Yosys ^(https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys^) must be installed and ^
added to PATH in order to run this script.
exit /b 1
if not exist "%XILINX%\bin\nt\" (
echo The XILINX environment variable must be set to the root of a valid ^
Xilinx ISE 3.3 ^(Windows^) installation in order to run this script. Note that ^
the path cannot contain spaces due to ISE limitations.
exit /b 1
cd /d "%~dp0"
if exist "%BUILD_DIR%" (
del /q "%BUILD_DIR%"
mkdir "%BUILD_DIR%"
yosys ^
-p "read_verilog -lib -specify %XILINX%\verilog\src\iSE\unisim_comp.v" ^
-p "read_verilog -lib -specify %XILINX%\verilog\src\glbl.v" ^
-p "read_verilog %XILINX%\verilog\src\iSE\spartan\spartan_macro.v" ^
-p "script fpga.ys" ^
|| exit /b 2
cmd /c runISE.bat ^
|| exit /b 3
exit /b 0