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synced 2025-03-01 07:20:42 +01:00
547 lines
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547 lines
34 KiB
"AboutScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} About this tool",
"prompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to scroll. Press {START_BUTTON} to go back."
"App": {
"startupWorker": {
"initIDE": "Initializing IDE devices...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"initFAT": "Attempting to mount FAT filesystem...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"loadResources": "Loading resource pack...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives."
"cartDetectWorker": {
"readDigitalIO": "Retrieving digital I/O board ID...",
"readCart": "Reading security cartridge...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"identifyGame": "Attempting to identify game..."
"cartEraseWorker": {
"erase": "Erasing cartridge...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"error": "An error occurred while erasing the cartridge's EEPROM. The unlocking key may or may not have been successfully changed.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"cartReflashWorker": {
"init": "Generating cartridge data...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"setDataKey": "Setting new unlocking key...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"write": "Writing new data to cartridge...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"idError": "The selected game is not compatible with the currently inserted cartridge, as it requires one with a valid DS2401 identifier.",
"writeError": "An error occurred while writing to the cartridge. The unlocking key may or may not have been successfully changed.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"cartRestoreWorker": {
"init": "Validating dump file...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"setDataKey": "Setting new unlocking key...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"write": "Writing new data to cartridge...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"fileError": "The selected file could not be accessed or is not a valid cartridge dump. Make sure the file has been copied properly.\n\nFile: %s",
"typeError": "The selected dump is not compatible with the currently inserted cartridge, as it requires a different chip type.\n\nFile: %s",
"writeError": "An error occurred while writing to the cartridge's EEPROM. The unlocking key may or may not have been successfully changed.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"idWarning": "The dump has been successfully restored, but games may reject the cartridge as the dump was obtained from a cartridge with a different ID.\n\nDump ID:\t%s\nCart ID:\t%s"
"cartUnlockWorker": {
"read": "Dumping cartridge...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"identifyGame": "Attempting to identify game...",
"x76f041Error": "An error occurred while attempting to unlock the cartridge; the key is probably incorrect. If you are sure you selected the proper key, the maximum allowed number of failed unlocking attempts may have been exceeded (and thus the cartridge may have been bricked).\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"x76f100Error": "An error occurred while attempting to unlock the cartridge; the key is probably incorrect. If you are sure you selected the proper key, the cartridge may have self-erased and reset the key to a null key due to too many failed unlocking attempts.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"zs01Error": "An error occurred while attempting to unlock the cartridge; the key is probably incorrect. If you are sure you selected the proper key, the cartridge may have self-erased and reset the key to a null key due to too many failed unlocking attempts.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"cartWriteWorker": {
"write": "Writing new data to cartridge...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"error": "An error occurred while writing to the cartridge's EEPROM.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"cartDumpWorker": {
"save": "Saving cartridge dump...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"success": "A dump of the cartridge and all its identifiers has been saved as %s in the root of the drive. The dump can be decoded and viewed using the decodeDump.py script provided with this tool.",
"error": "An error occurred while saving the dump. Turn off the system and make sure the drive is connected to the IDE bus properly, set as secondary and formatted with a single FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT partition.\n\nFile: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"executableWorker": {
"init": "Validating executable file...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"load": "Loading executable file...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"fileError": "The selected file could not be accessed or is not a valid System 573 executable. Make sure the file has been copied properly.\n\nFile: %s",
"addressError": "The selected file cannot be loaded as it overlaps the memory region reserved for use by the executable launcher.\n\nFile:\t\t%s\nRegion:\t%08X-%08X\nStack top:\t%08X"
"flashHeaderWriteWorker": {
"erase": "Erasing existing header...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"write": "Writing new header...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"flashError": "An error occurred while erasing and rewriting the first sector of the internal flash memory.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"unsupported": "This system's onboard flash memory chips are not currently supported.\n\nSee the documentation for more information on supported flash chips."
"qrCodeWorker": {
"compress": "Compressing cartridge dump...",
"generate": "Generating QR code..."
"romChecksumWorker": {
"hashBIOS": "Calculating BIOS ROM checksum...",
"hashRTC": "Calculating RTC RAM checksum...",
"hashFlash": "Calculating internal flash checksum...",
"hashPCMCIA1": "Calculating PCMCIA card 1 checksum...",
"hashPCMCIA2": "Calculating PCMCIA card 2 checksum..."
"romDumpWorker": {
"init": "Creating dump directory...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"dumpBIOS": "Dumping BIOS ROM...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"dumpRTC": "Dumping RTC RAM...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"dumpFlash": "Dumping internal flash...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"dumpPCMCIA1": "Dumping PCMCIA card in slot 1...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"dumpPCMCIA2": "Dumping PCMCIA card in slot 2...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"success": "All dumps have been saved to the %s directory in the root of the drive.",
"initError": "An error occurred while creating the dump directory. Turn off the system and make sure the drive is connected to the IDE bus properly, set as secondary and formatted with a single FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT partition.\n\nPath: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"fileError": "An error occurred while saving one of the dumps. Ensure the drive has at least 32 MB of free space (256 MB if both PCMCIA cards are inserted) and the filesystem is not damaged.\n\nFile: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"romEraseWorker": {
"erase": "Erasing device...\nDo not turn off the 573.",
"success": "The device has been successfully wiped.\n\nSectors erased: %d",
"flashError": "An error occurred while erasing sectors on one of the chips.\n\nError code:\t%s\nSectors erased:\t%d\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"unsupported": "The flash memory chips on this device are unresponsive to commands or are currently unsupported. If you are trying to erase a PCMCIA card with a write protect switch, make sure the switch is off.\n\nSee the documentation for more information on supported flash chips."
"romRestoreWorker": {
"init": "Opening dump file...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"write": "Restoring data...\nDo not turn off the 573 or unplug drives.",
"success": "All data has been successfully restored.\n\nBytes written: %d",
"overflow": "The selected file was larger than the target device's capacity, so all data past the limit was ignored. All other data has been successfully restored.\n\nBytes written: %d",
"fileError": "An error occurred while reading data from the file. Ensure the filesystem is not damaged.\n\nFile: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"flashError": "An error occurred while erasing sectors on or writing data to one of the chips.\n\nError code:\t%s\nBytes written:\t%d\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"unsupported": "The flash memory chips on this device are unresponsive to commands or are currently unsupported. If you are trying to write to a PCMCIA card with a write protect switch, make sure the switch is off.\n\nSee the documentation for more information on supported flash chips."
"atapiEjectWorker": {
"eject": "Sending eject command...",
"success": "The drive's tray has been opened.\n\nYou may safely remove or replace the disc and close the tray. All data has been loaded into RAM and the tool will keep running until the 573 is turned off.",
"atapiError": "The drive currently configured as primary on the IDE bus is not an ATAPI CD-ROM drive and does not support ejecting.\n\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"ejectError": "Failed to open the drive's tray. Your drive might be incompatible with the ATAPI driver used by this tool.\n\nError code: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"rebootWorker": {
"reboot": "Rebooting system..."
"ButtonMappingScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Select button mapping",
"prompt": "Use {START_BUTTON} or the Test button to select a mapping preset suitable for your cabinet or JAMMA setup. Other buttons will be enabled once a mapping is selected.",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press and hold {START_BUTTON} or Test to confirm",
"joystick": "JAMMA supergun or joystick/buttons",
"ddrCab": "Dance Dance Revolution (2-player) cabinet",
"ddrSoloCab": "Dance Dance Revolution Solo cabinet",
"dmCab": "DrumMania or PercussionFreaks cabinet",
"dmxCab": "Dance Maniax cabinet"
"CardSizeScreen": {
"title": "Select card size",
"body": "Select the size of the PCMCIA flash card currently inserted in the selected slot, as it cannot be detected automatically.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"16": "16 MB",
"32": "32 MB",
"64": "64 MB"
"CartActionsScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Cartridge options",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to select, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back",
"qrDump": {
"name": "Dump cartridge as QR code",
"prompt": "Generate a QR code encoding the contents of the cartridge's EEPROM in compressed format. The code can be scanned and decoded to a raw dump."
"hddDump": {
"name": "Dump cartridge to hard drive",
"prompt": "Save the contents of the cartridge's EEPROM to a file on the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any)."
"hexdump": {
"name": "View cartridge hexdump",
"prompt": "Display the raw contents of the cartridge's EEPROM in hexadecimal format."
"hddRestore": {
"name": "Restore cartridge from dump",
"prompt": "Wipe all data and restore the cartridge's contents from a previously saved dump on the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any).",
"filePrompt": "Note that the dump must have the same chip type, and should have the same DS2401 ID (if any), as the cartridge.",
"confirm": "The contents of the cartridge's EEPROM will be altered and the unlocking key updated to match the selected dump.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
"reflash": {
"name": "Erase and convert cartridge to another game",
"prompt": "Wipe all data and flash the cartridge with another game's identifiers. All cartridges can be converted for use with any other game that uses the same cartridge type.",
"confirm": "The contents of the cartridge's EEPROM will be replaced, the system identifier (if any) will be cleared and the unlocking key will be updated to match the new game.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
"erase": {
"name": "Erase cartridge",
"prompt": "Wipe all data including game identifiers. Erased cartridges can be flashed for use with games unsupported by this tool using a master calendar.",
"confirm": "The contents of the cartridge's EEPROM will be erased, making it unusable until reflashed and resetting the unlocking key to 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00. The cartridge ID will not be altered.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
"resetSystemID": {
"name": "Reset system identifier (unpair cartridge)",
"prompt": "Delete any previously saved system identifier, allowing the cartridge to be used to reinstall the game on any system.",
"confirm": "The system identifier will be cleared, allowing the cartridge to be used on a system with any digital I/O board. The game will have to be reinstalled in order to pair the cartridge to the new board.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?",
"error": "The system identifier is not present or has already been cleared on this cartridge."
"matchSystemID": {
"name": "Copy system identifier (pair to this system)",
"prompt": "Set the saved system identifier to allow the cartridge to be used on this system without having to reinstall the game first.",
"confirm": "The system identifier will be changed, allowing the cartridge to be used on this system. If already installed here, the game will not have to be reinstalled.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?",
"error": "No digital I/O board found. Copying the system identifier requires a digital I/O board to be installed in this system."
"editSystemID": {
"name": "Edit system identifier (pair to another I/O board)",
"prompt": "Edit the saved system identifier to allow the cartridge to be used on a specific system without having to reinstall the game first.",
"confirm": "The system identifier will be changed, allowing the cartridge to be used on the respective system. If already installed on the new system, the game will not have to be reinstalled.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?",
"error": "The system identifier entered is invalid. Make sure all digits are correct and try again."
"CartInfoScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Cartridge information",
"digitalIO": {
"header": "Digital I/O board:\n",
"info": " DS2401 ID:\t\t%s\n Serial number:\t%s\n",
"error": " Failed to read the board's DS2401\n",
"noBoard": " No digital I/O board installed\n"
"cart": {
"header": "Security cartridge:\n",
"x76f041Info": " Chip type:\t\tXicor X76F041\n Unlock status:\t%s\n DS2401 ID:\t\t%s\n Configuration:\t%s\n",
"x76f100Info": " Chip type:\t\tXicor X76F100\n Unlock status:\t%s\n DS2401 ID:\t\t%s\n",
"zs01Info": " Chip type:\t\tKonami ZS01 (PIC16CE625)\n Unlock status:\t%s\n DS2401 ID:\t\t%s\n ZS01 ID:\t\t%s\n Configuration:\t%s\n"
"unlockStatus": {
"locked": "{CLOSED_LOCK} locked, game key required",
"unlocked": "{OPEN_LOCK} unlocked"
"id": {
"error": "read failure",
"noCartID": "cartridge has no DS2401",
"locked": "unlock required"
"pairing": {
"unsupported": "This game does not pair to I/O boards",
"unknown": "Unlock required to view pairing status",
"unpaired": "Not paired to any digital I/O board",
"thisSystem": "Paired to this system's I/O board",
"otherSystem": "Paired to %s (%s)"
"description": {
"noCart": "No supported cartridge has been found.\n\nTurn off the system and insert a security cartridge in order to continue. DO NOT HOTPLUG CARTRIDGES; hotplugging may damage both the 573 and the cartridge.\n\nIf a cartridge is inserted but not detected, try cleaning its pins as well as the system's security cartridge connector.\n\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"initError": "Failed to initialize and read unprotected data from this cartridge.\n\nTurn off the system and make sure the cartridge is inserted correctly. If this issue persists, try using another cartridge of the same type.",
"locked": {
"unidentified": "This cartridge contains data for an unsupported game.\n\nAs the cartridge is currently locked, you will have to manually select which game it belongs to in order to dump its contents or reflash it for use with a supported game, as each game has a different unlocking key.",
"identified": "This cartridge has been identified as:\n %s\n %s\n\nIf this is correct, you may proceed to unlock the cartridge using the appropriate key for this game.",
"unknown": "This cartridge cannot be identified without unlocking it first.\n\nYou will have to manually select which game it belongs to in order to dump its contents or reflash it for use with a supported game, as each game has a different unlocking key."
"unlocked": {
"unidentified": "This cartridge contains data for an unsupported game.\n\nThe system identifier (if any) cannot be reset or edited, however you may still dump the cartridge's contents or reflash it for use with a supported game.",
"identified": "This cartridge has been identified as:\n %s\n %s\n\nYou may now proceed to reset the system identifier, edit it or reflash the cartridge for use with another game.",
"blank": "This cartridge has been previously erased and is now blank.\n\nIt must be flashed and optionally initialized with a system identifier in order to be used with a supported game."
"prompt": {
"locked": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to unlock, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back.",
"unlocked": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to continue, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back.",
"error": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back."
"unlockWarning": {
"x76f041": "X76F041 cartridges keep track of how many times a wrong key has been used. If too many unlock attempts fail, they will lock out any further access and thus become PERMANENTLY BRICKED, with no way to restore access.\n\nAre you sure the key is correct?",
"x76f100": "X76F100 cartridges keep track of how many times a wrong key has been used. If too many unlock attempts fail, the cartridge will self-erase and will have to be reinitialized to factory data and paired to the system again if the game requires it.\n\nAre you sure the key is correct?",
"zs01": "ZS01 cartridges keep track of how many times a wrong key has been used. If too many unlock attempts fail, the cartridge will self-erase and will have to be reinitialized to factory data and paired to the system again if the game requires it.\n\nAre you sure the key is correct?"
"ChecksumScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Storage device checksums",
"prompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to go back.",
"bios": "BIOS ROM (512 KB):\t\t\t\t%08X\n",
"rtc": "RTC RAM (8184 bytes):\t\t\t%08X\n",
"flash": "Internal flash (16 MB):\t\t\t%08X\n",
"pcmcia": "PCMCIA card in slot %d (first %d MB):\t%08X\n",
"description": "All checksums are computed using the standard CRC32 algorithm and parameters (polynomial 04C11DB7, initial value FFFFFFFF, input and output reflected, output bits negated)."
"ConfirmScreen": {
"title": "Confirm operation",
"no": "No, go back",
"yes": "Yes, continue"
"FilePickerScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Select file from hard drive",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to select, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back",
"parentDir": "[Parent directory]",
"noFilesError": "No files or directories have been found in the root of the hard drive's filesystem.",
"rootError": "An error occurred while enumerating files in the root directory. Turn off the system and make sure the drive is connected to the IDE bus properly, set as secondary and formatted with a single FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT partition.\n\nPress the Test button to view debug logs.",
"subdirError": "An error occurred while enumerating files in the selected subdirectory. The filesystem may be corrupted or otherwise inaccessible.\n\nPath: %s\nPress the Test button to view debug logs."
"HexdumpScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Cartridge dump",
"prompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to scroll. Press {START_BUTTON} to go back."
"IDEInfoScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} IDE device information",
"prompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to scroll. Press {START_BUTTON} to go back.",
"ide": {
"header": {
"primary": "Primary IDE drive:\n",
"secondary": "Secondary IDE drive:\n"
"commonInfo": " Model name:\t\t%s\n Revision number:\t%s\n Serial number:\t%s\n",
"ataInfo": " Device type:\tATA\n Capacity:\t\t%llu MB (%d-bit LBA)\n",
"atapiInfo": " Device type:\tATAPI\n Packet length:\t%d bytes\n",
"hasTrim": " Supports trim command\n",
"hasFlush": " Supports cache flushing\n",
"error": " No drive present or initialization failed\n"
"fat": {
"header": "FAT filesystem:\n",
"info": " Type:\t\t%s\n Volume label:\t%s\n Serial number:\t%04X-%04X\n Formatted:\t\t%llu MB\n Free space:\t%llu MB\n",
"error": " No filesystem mounted\n"
"KeyEntryScreen": {
"title": "Enter unlocking key",
"body": "Enter the 8-byte key this cartridge was last locked with.\n\nUse {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to move the cursor, hold {START_BUTTON} and use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to edit the highlighted digit.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "Confirm"
"MainMenuScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Main menu",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to move, select by pressing {START_BUTTON}",
"cartInfo": {
"name": "Manage security cartridge",
"prompt": "Display information about, unlock, dump and manipulate the contents of the inserted security cartridge (if any)."
"storageInfo": {
"name": "Manage flash, PCMCIA cards, RTC and BIOS ROM",
"prompt": "Display information about, dump and manipulate the contents of the system's built-in storage devices or any inserted PCMCIA flash cards."
"ideInfo": {
"name": "View IDE device and filesystem information",
"prompt": "Display information about the connected IDE/ATAPI devices and mounted FAT filesystem (if any)."
"runExecutable": {
"name": "Run executable from hard drive",
"prompt": "Load and launch a System 573 executable file from the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any).",
"filePrompt": "Note that PlayStation executables built without proper System 573 support will not run unless the watchdog is manually disabled."
"setRTCTime": {
"name": "Set RTC date and time",
"prompt": "Adjust the current date and time. Note that the time will not persist after a power cycle if the RTC's internal battery is empty."
"setResolution": {
"name": "Change screen resolution",
"prompt": "Switch to a different screen resolution and aspect ratio. Some monitors and upscalers may not support all resolutions."
"about": {
"name": "About this tool",
"prompt": "View information about this tool, including open source licenses."
"ejectCD": {
"name": "Eject CD-ROM",
"prompt": "Open the CD-ROM drive's tray. You may use this option if the drive's eject button is not easily accessible on your 573."
"reboot": {
"name": "Reboot system",
"prompt": "Restart the system. Swap out the CD-ROM and toggle DIP switch 4 before selecting this option to boot the game installed on this system."
"MessageScreen": {
"title": {
"success": "Success",
"warning": "Warning",
"error": "Error"
"ok": "Continue"
"QRCodeScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Cartridge dump",
"prompt": "Scan this code and paste the resulting string into the decodeDump.py script provided alongside this tool to obtain a dump of the cartridge. Press {START_BUTTON} to go back."
"ReflashGameScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Select game to convert cartridge to",
"prompt": "Make sure you select the correct region. Note that cartridges can only be converted for use with games that accept the same cartridge type.",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to select, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back"
"ResolutionScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Select screen resolution",
"prompt": "Select a resolution appropriate for your monitor or upscaler setup. Note that interlaced modes may be subject to flickering.",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to select, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back",
"320x240p": "320x240 (4:3), progressive",
"320x240i": "320x240 (4:3), interlaced (line doubled)",
"368x240p": "368x240 (~16:10), progressive",
"368x240i": "368x240 (~16:10), interlaced (line doubled)",
"512x240p": "512x240 (~20:9), progressive",
"512x240i": "512x240 (~20:9), interlaced (line doubled)",
"640x240p": "640x240 (24:9), progressive",
"640x240i": "640x240 (24:9), interlaced (line doubled)",
"640x480i": "640x480 (4:3), interlaced"
"RTCTimeScreen": {
"title": "Set RTC date and time",
"body": "Enter the current date and time. Note that System 573 games only accept years in 1970-2069 range.\n\nUse {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to move the cursor, hold {START_BUTTON} and use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to edit the highlighted field.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "Confirm"
"StorageActionsScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Storage device options",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to select, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back",
"cardError": "The selected PCMCIA slot is empty.\n\nTurn off the system and insert a supported PCMCIA linear flash card in order to continue. DO NOT HOTPLUG CARDS; hotplugging may damage both the 573 and the card.",
"checksum": {
"name": "Calculate flash, card, RTC and BIOS ROM checksums",
"prompt": "Compute and display the CRC32 of the contents of the internal flash memory, RTC RAM, BIOS ROM and any inserted flash cards."
"dump": {
"name": "Dump flash, cards, RTC and BIOS ROM",
"prompt": "Dump the contents of the internal ROMs and any inserted flash cards to the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any).",
"confirm": "The contents of the internal flash memory, RTC RAM, BIOS ROM and any inserted PCMCIA flash cards will be dumped and the dumps saved to a new directory in the root of the hard drive or CF card currently configured as secondary on the IDE bus.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
"restore": {
"filePrompt": "Note that the contents of the file will be written as-is, without adding or modifying any game-specific headers or checksums.",
"confirm": "The contents of the selected file will be written to the target device, permanently overwriting any other data currently stored on it. The device will be fully erased prior to writing the new data.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?",
"rtc": {
"name": "Restore RTC RAM from dump",
"prompt": "Erase RTC memory and restore its contents from a file on the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any)."
"flash": {
"name": "Restore internal flash from dump",
"prompt": "Erase the system's flash memory and restore its contents from a file on the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any)."
"pcmcia1": {
"name": "Restore PCMCIA card in slot 1 from dump",
"prompt": "Erase the flash card and restore its contents from a file on the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any)."
"pcmcia2": {
"name": "Restore PCMCIA card in slot 2 from dump",
"prompt": "Erase the flash card and restore its contents from a file on the IDE hard drive or CF card connected as secondary drive (if any)."
"erase": {
"confirm": "All data currently stored on the selected device will be permanently erased.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?",
"rtc": {
"name": "Erase RTC RAM",
"prompt": "Wipe all data stored in RTC memory, including any high scores and game settings. The date and time will not be reset."
"flash": {
"name": "Erase internal flash",
"prompt": "Wipe all data stored in the system's flash memory, including any currently installed game and its assets."
"pcmcia1": {
"name": "Erase PCMCIA card in slot 1",
"prompt": "Wipe all data stored in the PCMCIA flash card, including any currently installed game and its assets."
"pcmcia2": {
"name": "Erase PCMCIA card in slot 2",
"prompt": "Wipe all data stored in the PCMCIA flash card, including any currently installed game and its assets."
"resetFlashHeader": {
"name": "Clear internal flash header",
"prompt": "Erase any metadata about the currently installed game from the system's flash memory. All other data will be left as-is.",
"confirm": "The first 32 bytes of the internal flash memory will be cleared. If a game is currently installed, it will no longer recognize the installation as valid until the header is restored.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
"matchFlashHeader": {
"name": "Edit internal flash header (use this system's ID)",
"prompt": "Write metadata to the system's flash memory to ensure a flash dump restored from another 573 or an install disc gets recognized as a valid installation.",
"confirm": "The first 32 bytes of the internal flash memory will be overwritten with information about the specified game's code and this system's digital I/O board identifier.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?",
"error": "No digital I/O board found. This game requires a digital I/O board to be installed in this system, and its identifier to be present in the internal flash header."
"editFlashHeader": {
"name": "Edit internal flash header (use custom I/O board ID)",
"prompt": "Write metadata to the system's flash memory to ensure a flash dump restored from another 573 or an install disc gets recognized as a valid installation.",
"confirm": "The first 32 bytes of the internal flash memory will be overwritten with information about the specified game's code and the digital I/O board identifier entered.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"
"StorageInfoScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Storage device information",
"prompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} for more options, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back.",
"bios": {
"header": "BIOS ROM:\n",
"kernelInfo": {
"sony": " Kernel type:\tSony PlayStation kernel\n Kernel version:\t%s\n Kernel date:\t%04X-%02X-%02X\n",
"openbios": " Kernel type:\tOpenBIOS\n Kernel build ID:\n %s\n",
"unknown": " Kernel type:\tUnknown\n"
"shellInfo": {
"konami": " Shell type:\t\t%s\n Boot file name:\t%s\n",
"unknown": " Shell type:\t\tUnknown\n"
"rtc": {
"header": "RTC:\n",
"batteryOK": " Battery voltage:\tabove 2.5V\n",
"batteryLow": " Battery voltage:\tbelow 2.5V\n"
"flash": {
"header": "Internal flash memory:\n",
"info": " Manufacturer ID:\t%02X (lower), %02X (upper)\n Device ID:\t\t%02X (lower), %02X (upper)\n",
"bootable": " Valid boot executable present\n",
"pairing": {
"unsupported": "This game does not pair to I/O boards",
"thisSystem": "Paired to this system's I/O board",
"otherSystem": "Paired to another system's I/O board"
"description": {
"unidentified": "The flash header contains data for an unsupported game.\n",
"identified": "The game currently installed on the flash has been identified as:\n %s\n %s\n",
"noHeader": "The flash header is currently blank, but a boot executable is present. If you have just restored a flash dump, use the \"Edit internal flash header\" option to populate the header.\n",
"blank": "The flash header is currently blank and no boot executable is present. This likely means that the flash has been erased and is currently empty.\n"
"pcmcia": {
"header": "PCMCIA card in slot %d:\n",
"info": " Manufacturer ID:\t%02X (lower), %02X (upper)\n Device ID:\t\t%02X (lower), %02X (upper)\n",
"bootable": " Valid boot executable present\n",
"noCard": " No card inserted\n"
"SystemIDEntryScreen": {
"title": "Edit system identifier",
"body": "Enter the new digital I/O board's identifier. To obtain the ID of another board, run this tool on its respective system.\n\nUse {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to move the cursor, hold {START_BUTTON} and use {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} to edit the highlighted digit.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "Confirm"
"UnlockKeyScreen": {
"title": "{CART_ICON} Select unlocking key",
"prompt": "If the cartridge has been converted before, select the game it was last converted to. If it is currently blank, select 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00.",
"itemPrompt": "{RIGHT_ARROW} Press {START_BUTTON} to select, hold {LEFT_BUTTON}{RIGHT_BUTTON} + {START_BUTTON} to go back",
"autoUnlock": "Use key from identified game (recommended)",
"useCustomKey": "Enter key manually...",
"use00Key": "Use null key (00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00)",
"useFFKey": "Use null key (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF)"
"WarningScreen": {
"title": "Warning",
"body": "This tool is experimental and provided with no warranty whatsoever. It is not guaranteed to work and improper usage may PERMANENTLY BRICK your System 573 security cartridges.\n\nUse this tool at your own risk. Do not proceed if you do not know what you are doing.",
"cooldown": "Wait... (%ds)",
"ok": "{START_BUTTON} Continue"
"WorkerStatusScreen": {
"title": "Working..."