mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:36:08 +01:00
fs.mitm: Add title-specific override key support.
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,10 +35,26 @@ static std::vector<u64> g_disable_mitm_flagged_tids;
static std::atomic_bool g_has_initialized = false;
static std::atomic_bool g_has_hid_session = false;
static u64 g_override_key_combination = KEY_R;
static u64 g_override_hbl_tid = 0x010000000000100DULL;
static bool g_override_any_app = false;
static bool g_override_by_default = true;
/* Content override support variables/types */
static OverrideKey g_default_override_key = {
.key_combination = KEY_R,
.override_by_default = true
struct HblOverrideConfig {
OverrideKey override_key;
u64 title_id;
bool override_any_app;
static HblOverrideConfig g_hbl_override_config = {
.override_key = {
.key_combination = KEY_R,
.override_by_default = true
.title_id = 0x010000000000100D,
.override_any_app = false
/* Static buffer for loader.ini contents at runtime. */
static char g_config_ini_data[0x800];
@ -368,7 +384,7 @@ Result Utils::SaveSdFileForAtmosphere(u64 title_id, const char *fn, void *data,
bool Utils::IsHblTid(u64 tid) {
return (g_override_any_app && IsApplicationTid(tid)) || (!g_override_any_app && tid == g_override_hbl_tid);
return (g_hbl_override_config.override_any_app && IsApplicationTid(tid)) || (!g_hbl_override_config.override_any_app && tid == g_hbl_override_config.title_id);
bool Utils::HasTitleFlag(u64 tid, const char *flag) {
@ -446,6 +462,13 @@ Result Utils::GetKeysDown(u64 *keys) {
return 0x0;
static bool HasOverrideKey(OverrideKey *cfg) {
u64 kDown = 0;
bool keys_triggered = (R_SUCCEEDED(Utils::GetKeysDown(&kDown)) && ((kDown & cfg->key_combination) != 0));
return Utils::IsSdInitialized() && (cfg->override_by_default ^ keys_triggered);
bool Utils::HasOverrideButton(u64 tid) {
if ((!IsApplicationTid(tid)) || (!IsSdInitialized())) {
/* Disable button override disable for non-applications. */
@ -455,71 +478,88 @@ bool Utils::HasOverrideButton(u64 tid) {
/* Unconditionally refresh loader.ini contents. */
u64 kDown = 0;
bool keys_triggered = (R_SUCCEEDED(GetKeysDown(&kDown)) && ((kDown & g_override_key_combination) != 0));
return IsSdInitialized() && (g_override_by_default ^ keys_triggered);
if (IsHblTid(tid) && HasOverrideKey(&g_hbl_override_config.override_key)) {
return true;
OverrideKey title_cfg = GetTitleOverrideKey(tid);
return HasOverrideKey(&title_cfg);
static int FsMitMIniHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) {
static OverrideKey ParseOverrideKey(const char *value) {
OverrideKey cfg;
/* Parse on by default. */
if (value[0] == '!') {
cfg.override_by_default = true;
} else {
cfg.override_by_default = false;
/* Parse key combination. */
if (strcasecmp(value, "A") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_A;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "B") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_B;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "X") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_X;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "Y") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_Y;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "LS") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_LSTICK;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "RS") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_RSTICK;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "L") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_L;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "R") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_R;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "ZL") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_ZL;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "ZR") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_ZR;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "PLUS") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_PLUS;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "MINUS") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_MINUS;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DLEFT") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_DLEFT;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DUP") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_DUP;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DRIGHT") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_DRIGHT;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DDOWN") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_DDOWN;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "SL") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_SL;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "SR") == 0) {
cfg.key_combination = KEY_SR;
} else {
cfg.key_combination = 0;
return cfg;
static int FsMitmIniHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) {
/* Taken and modified, with love, from Rajkosto's implementation. */
if (strcasecmp(section, "config") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(name, "hbl_tid") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(section, "hbl_config") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(name, "title_id") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(value, "app") == 0) {
g_override_any_app = true;
g_hbl_override_config.override_any_app = true;
else {
u64 override_tid = strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
if (override_tid != 0) {
g_override_hbl_tid = override_tid;
g_hbl_override_config.title_id = override_tid;
} else if (strcasecmp(name, "override_key") == 0) {
if (value[0] == '!') {
g_override_by_default = true;
} else {
g_override_by_default = false;
if (strcasecmp(value, "A") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_A;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "B") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_B;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "X") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_X;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "Y") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_Y;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "LS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_LSTICK;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "RS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_RSTICK;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "L") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_L;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "R") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_R;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "ZL") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_ZL;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "ZR") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_ZR;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "PLUS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_PLUS;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "MINUS") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_MINUS;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DLEFT") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DLEFT;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DUP") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DUP;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DRIGHT") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DRIGHT;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "DDOWN") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_DDOWN;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "SL") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_SL;
} else if (strcasecmp(value, "SR") == 0) {
g_override_key_combination = KEY_SR;
} else {
g_override_key_combination = 0;
g_hbl_override_config.override_key = ParseOverrideKey(value);
} else if (strcasecmp(section, "default_config") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(name, "override_key") == 0) {
g_default_override_key = ParseOverrideKey(value);
} else {
return 0;
@ -527,6 +567,46 @@ static int FsMitMIniHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, c
return 1;
static int FsMitmTitleSpecificIniHandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) {
/* We'll output an override key when relevant. */
OverrideKey *user_cfg = reinterpret_cast<OverrideKey *>(user);
if (strcasecmp(section, "override_config") == 0) {
if (strcasecmp(name, "override_key") == 0) {
*user_cfg = ParseOverrideKey(value);
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
OverrideKey Utils::GetTitleOverrideKey(u64 tid) {
OverrideKey cfg = g_default_override_key;
char path[FS_MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
snprintf(path, FS_MAX_PATH, "/atmosphere/titles/%016lx/config.ini", tid);
FsFile cfg_file;
if (fsFsOpenFile(&g_sd_filesystem, path, FS_OPEN_READ, &cfg_file)) {
ON_SCOPE_EXIT { fsFileClose(&cfg_file); };
size_t config_file_size = 0x20000;
fsFileGetSize(&cfg_file, &config_file_size);
char *config_buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(calloc(1, config_file_size));
if (config_buf != NULL) {
ON_SCOPE_EXIT { free(config_buf); };
/* Read title ini contents. */
fsFileRead(&cfg_file, 0, config_buf, config_file_size, &config_file_size);
/* Parse title ini. */
ini_parse_string(config_buf, FsMitmTitleSpecificIniHandler, &cfg);
return cfg;
void Utils::RefreshConfiguration() {
FsFile config_file;
@ -547,7 +627,7 @@ void Utils::RefreshConfiguration() {
fsFileRead(&config_file, 0, g_config_ini_data, size, &r_s);
ini_parse_string(g_config_ini_data, FsMitMIniHandler, NULL);
ini_parse_string(g_config_ini_data, FsMitmIniHandler, NULL);
Result Utils::GetSettingsItemValueSize(const char *name, const char *key, u64 *out_size) {
@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ enum BisStorageId : u32 {
BisStorageId_SystemProperPartition = 33,
struct OverrideKey {
u64 key_combination;
bool override_by_default;
class Utils {
static bool IsSdInitialized();
@ -72,6 +77,8 @@ class Utils {
static bool IsHidAvailable();
static Result GetKeysDown(u64 *keys);
static OverrideKey GetTitleOverrideKey(u64 tid);
static bool HasOverrideButton(u64 tid);
/* Settings! */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user