/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace ams::kern { constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE util::BitPack32 GetHandleBitPack(ams::svc::Handle handle) { return util::BitPack32{handle}; } class KProcess; class KThread; class KHandleTable { NON_COPYABLE(KHandleTable); NON_MOVEABLE(KHandleTable); public: static constexpr size_t MaxTableSize = 1024; private: using HandleRawValue = util::BitPack32::Field<0, BITSIZEOF(u32), u32>; using HandleEncoded = util::BitPack32::Field<0, BITSIZEOF(ams::svc::Handle), ams::svc::Handle>; using HandleIndex = util::BitPack32::Field<0, 15, u16>; using HandleLinearId = util::BitPack32::Field; using HandleReserved = util::BitPack32::Field; static constexpr u16 MinLinearId = 1; static constexpr u16 MaxLinearId = util::BitPack32{std::numeric_limits::max()}.Get(); static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE ams::svc::Handle EncodeHandle(u16 index, u16 linear_id) { util::BitPack32 pack = {0}; pack.Set(index); pack.Set(linear_id); pack.Set(0); return pack.Get(); } class Entry { private: union { struct { u16 linear_id; u16 type; } info; Entry *next_free_entry; } meta; KAutoObject *object; public: constexpr Entry() : meta(), object(nullptr) { /* ... */ } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void SetFree(Entry *next) { this->object = nullptr; this->meta.next_free_entry = next; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void SetUsed(KAutoObject *obj, u16 linear_id, u16 type) { this->object = obj; this->meta.info = { linear_id, type }; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE KAutoObject *GetObject() const { return this->object; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Entry *GetNextFreeEntry() const { return this->meta.next_free_entry; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE u16 GetLinearId() const { return this->meta.info.linear_id; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE u16 GetType() const { return this->meta.info.type; } }; private: mutable KSpinLock lock; Entry *table; Entry *free_head; Entry entries[MaxTableSize]; u16 table_size; u16 max_count; u16 next_linear_id; u16 count; public: constexpr KHandleTable() : lock(), table(nullptr), free_head(nullptr), entries(), table_size(0), max_count(0), next_linear_id(MinLinearId), count(0) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); } constexpr NOINLINE Result Initialize(s32 size) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); R_UNLESS(size <= static_cast(MaxTableSize), svc::ResultOutOfMemory()); /* Initialize all fields. */ this->table = this->entries; this->table_size = (size <= 0) ? MaxTableSize : size; this->next_linear_id = MinLinearId; this->count = 0; this->max_count = 0; /* Free all entries. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast(this->table_size - 1); i++) { this->entries[i].SetFree(std::addressof(this->entries[i + 1])); } this->entries[this->table_size - 1].SetFree(nullptr); this->free_head = std::addressof(this->entries[0]); return ResultSuccess(); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetTableSize() const { return this->table_size; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetCount() const { return this->count; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetMaxCount() const { return this->max_count; } NOINLINE Result Finalize(); NOINLINE bool Remove(ams::svc::Handle handle); template ALWAYS_INLINE KScopedAutoObject GetObject(ams::svc::Handle handle) const { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Handle pseudo-handles. */ if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { if (handle == ams::svc::PseudoHandle::CurrentProcess) { return GetCurrentProcessPointer(); } } else if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { if (handle == ams::svc::PseudoHandle::CurrentThread) { return GetCurrentThreadPointer(); } } /* Lock and look up in table. */ KScopedDisableDispatch dd; KScopedSpinLock lk(this->lock); if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { return this->GetObjectImpl(handle); } else { return this->GetObjectImpl(handle)->DynamicCast(); } } template ALWAYS_INLINE KScopedAutoObject GetObjectForIpc(ams::svc::Handle handle) const { static_assert(!std::is_base_of::value); /* Handle pseudo-handles. */ if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { if (handle == ams::svc::PseudoHandle::CurrentProcess) { return GetCurrentProcessPointer(); } } else if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { if (handle == ams::svc::PseudoHandle::CurrentThread) { return GetCurrentThreadPointer(); } } /* Lock and look up in table. */ KScopedDisableDispatch dd; KScopedSpinLock lk(this->lock); KAutoObject *obj = this->GetObjectImpl(handle); if (obj->DynamicCast() != nullptr) { return nullptr; } if constexpr (std::is_same::value) { return obj; } else { return obj->DynamicCast(); } } ALWAYS_INLINE KScopedAutoObject GetObjectByIndex(ams::svc::Handle *out_handle, size_t index) const { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); KScopedDisableDispatch dd; KScopedSpinLock lk(this->lock); return this->GetObjectByIndexImpl(out_handle, index); } NOINLINE Result Reserve(ams::svc::Handle *out_handle); NOINLINE void Unreserve(ams::svc::Handle handle); template ALWAYS_INLINE Result Add(ams::svc::Handle *out_handle, T *obj) { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value); return this->Add(out_handle, obj, obj->GetTypeObj().GetClassToken()); } template ALWAYS_INLINE void Register(ams::svc::Handle handle, T *obj) { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value); return this->Add(handle, obj, obj->GetTypeObj().GetClassToken()); } private: NOINLINE Result Add(ams::svc::Handle *out_handle, KAutoObject *obj, u16 type); NOINLINE void Register(ams::svc::Handle handle, KAutoObject *obj, u16 type); constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Entry *AllocateEntry() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(this->count < this->table_size); Entry *entry = this->free_head; this->free_head = entry->GetNextFreeEntry(); this->count++; this->max_count = std::max(this->max_count, this->count); return entry; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void FreeEntry(Entry *entry) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(this->count > 0); entry->SetFree(this->free_head); this->free_head = entry; this->count--; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE u16 AllocateLinearId() { const u16 id = this->next_linear_id++; if (this->next_linear_id > MaxLinearId) { this->next_linear_id = MinLinearId; } return id; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetEntryIndex(Entry *entry) { const size_t index = entry - this->table; MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(index < this->table_size); return index; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE Entry *FindEntry(ams::svc::Handle handle) const { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Unpack the handle. */ const auto handle_pack = GetHandleBitPack(handle); const auto raw_value = handle_pack.Get(); const auto index = handle_pack.Get(); const auto linear_id = handle_pack.Get(); const auto reserved = handle_pack.Get(); MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(reserved == 0); /* Validate our indexing information. */ if (raw_value == 0) { return nullptr; } if (linear_id == 0) { return nullptr; } if (index >= this->table_size) { return nullptr; } /* Get the entry, and ensure our serial id is correct. */ Entry *entry = std::addressof(this->table[index]); if (entry->GetObject() == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (entry->GetLinearId() != linear_id) { return nullptr; } return entry; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE KAutoObject *GetObjectImpl(ams::svc::Handle handle) const { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Handles must not have reserved bits set. */ if (GetHandleBitPack(handle).Get() != 0) { return nullptr; } if (Entry *entry = this->FindEntry(handle); entry != nullptr) { return entry->GetObject(); } else { return nullptr; } } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE KAutoObject *GetObjectByIndexImpl(ams::svc::Handle *out_handle, size_t index) const { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); /* Index must be in bounds. */ if (index >= this->table_size || this->table == nullptr) { return nullptr; } /* Ensure entry has an object. */ Entry *entry = std::addressof(this->table[index]); if (entry->GetObject() == nullptr) { return nullptr; } *out_handle = EncodeHandle(index, entry->GetLinearId()); return entry->GetObject(); } template ALWAYS_INLINE bool GetMultipleObjects(T **out, const ams::svc::Handle *handles, size_t num_handles) const { /* Try to convert and open all the handles. */ size_t num_opened; { /* Lock the table. */ KScopedDisableDispatch dd; KScopedSpinLock lk(this->lock); for (num_opened = 0; num_opened < num_handles; num_opened++) { /* Get the current handle. */ const auto cur_handle = handles[num_opened]; /* Get the object for the current handle. */ KAutoObject *cur_object = this->GetObjectImpl(cur_handle); if (AMS_UNLIKELY(cur_object == nullptr)) { break; } /* Cast the current object to the desired type. */ T *cur_t = cur_object->DynamicCast(); if (AMS_UNLIKELY(cur_t == nullptr)) { break; } /* Open a reference to the current object. */ cur_t->Open(); out[num_opened] = cur_t; } } /* If we converted every object, succeed. */ if (AMS_LIKELY(num_opened == num_handles)) { return true; } /* If we didn't convert entry object, close the ones we opened. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_opened; i++) { out[i]->Close(); } return false; } }; }