/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "fusee_key_derivation.hpp" #include "fusee_secondary_archive.hpp" #include "fusee_setup_horizon.hpp" #include "fusee_ini.hpp" #include "fusee_fatal.hpp" namespace ams::nxboot { namespace { constexpr inline const uintptr_t CLKRST = secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceClkRst.GetAddress(); constexpr inline const uintptr_t MC = secmon::MemoryRegionPhysicalDeviceMemoryController.GetAddress(); constinit secmon::EmummcConfiguration g_emummc_cfg = {}; void DisableArc() { /* Disable ARC_CLK_OVR_ON. */ reg::ReadWrite(CLKRST + CLK_RST_CONTROLLER_LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRD, CLK_RST_REG_BITS_ENUM(LVL2_CLK_GATE_OVRD_ARC_CLK_OVR_ON, OFF)); /* Disable the ARC. */ reg::ReadWrite(MC + MC_IRAM_REG_CTRL, MC_REG_BITS_ENUM(IRAM_REG_CTRL_IRAM_CFG_WRITE_ACCESS, DISABLED)); /* Set IRAM BOM/TOP to close all redirection access. */ reg::Write(MC + MC_IRAM_BOM, 0xFFFFF000); reg::Write(MC + MC_IRAM_TOM, 0x00000000); /* Read to ensure our configuration takes. */ reg::Read(MC + MC_IRAM_REG_CTRL); } void DeriveAllKeys(const fuse::SocType soc_type) { /* If on erista, run the TSEC keygen firmware. */ if (soc_type == fuse::SocType_Erista) { clkrst::SetBpmpClockRate(clkrst::BpmpClockRate_408MHz); if (!tsec::RunTsecFirmware(GetSecondaryArchive().tsec_keygen, sizeof(GetSecondaryArchive().tsec_keygen))) { ShowFatalError("Failed to run tsec_keygen firmware!\n"); } clkrst::SetBpmpClockRate(clkrst::BpmpClockRate_576MHz); } /* Derive master/device keys. */ if (soc_type == fuse::SocType_Erista) { DeriveKeysErista(); } else /* if (soc_type == fuse::SocType_Mariko) */ { DeriveKeysMariko(); } } bool ParseIniSafe(IniSectionList &out_sections, const char *ini_path) { const auto result = ParseIniFile(out_sections, ini_path); if (result == ParseIniResult_Success) { return true; } else if (result == ParseIniResult_NoFile) { return false; } else { ShowFatalError("Failed to parse %s!\n", ini_path); } } u32 ParseHexInteger(const char *s) { u32 x = 0; if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') { s += 2; } while (true) { const char c = *(s++); if (c == '\x00') { return x; } else { x <<= 4; if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { x |= c - '0'; } else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') { x |= c - 'a'; } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') { x |= c - 'A'; } } } } bool ConfigureEmummc() { /* Set magic. */ g_emummc_cfg.base_cfg.magic = secmon::EmummcBaseConfiguration::Magic; /* Parse ini. */ bool enabled = false; u32 id = 0; u32 sector = 0; const char *path = ""; const char *n_path = ""; { IniSectionList sections; if (ParseIniSafe(sections, "sdmc:/emummc/emummc.ini")) { for (const auto §ion : sections) { /* We only care about the [emummc] section. */ if (std::strcmp(section.name, "emummc")) { continue; } /* Handle individual fields. */ for (const auto &entry : section.kv_list) { if (std::strcmp(entry.key, "enabled") == 0) { enabled = entry.value[0] == '1'; } else if (std::strcmp(entry.key, "id") == 0) { id = ParseHexInteger(entry.value); } else if (std::strcmp(entry.key, "sector") == 0) { sector = ParseHexInteger(entry.value); } else if (std::strcmp(entry.key, "path") == 0) { path = entry.value; } else if (std::strcmp(entry.key, "nintendo_path") == 0) { n_path = entry.value; } } } } } /* Set values parsed from config. */ g_emummc_cfg.base_cfg.id = id; std::strncpy(g_emummc_cfg.emu_dir_path.str, n_path, sizeof(g_emummc_cfg.emu_dir_path.str)); g_emummc_cfg.emu_dir_path.str[sizeof(g_emummc_cfg.emu_dir_path.str) - 1] = '\x00'; if (enabled) { if (sector > 0) { g_emummc_cfg.base_cfg.type = secmon::EmummcType_Partition; g_emummc_cfg.partition_cfg.start_sector = sector; /* TODO */ } else if (/* TODO: directory exists */false) { g_emummc_cfg.base_cfg.type = secmon::EmummcType_File; /* TODO */ AMS_UNUSED(path); } else { ShowFatalError("Invalid emummc setting!\n"); } } return enabled; } } void SetupAndStartHorizon() { /* Get soc/hardware type. */ const auto soc_type = fuse::GetSocType(); const auto hw_type = fuse::GetHardwareType(); /* Derive all keys. */ DeriveAllKeys(soc_type); /* Determine whether we're using emummc. */ const bool emummc_enabled = ConfigureEmummc(); AMS_UNUSED(emummc_enabled); AMS_UNUSED(hw_type); ShowFatalError("SetupAndStartHorizon not fully implemented\n"); /* Disable the ARC. */ DisableArc(); } }