/* * Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #include <mesosphere/kern_common.hpp> #include <mesosphere/kern_k_typed_address.hpp> #include <mesosphere/kern_k_class_token.hpp> namespace ams::kern { class KProcess; #if defined(MESOSPHERE_BUILD_FOR_DEBUGGING) || defined(MESOSPHERE_BUILD_FOR_AUDITING) #define MESOSPHERE_AUTO_OBJECT_TYPENAME_IMPL(CLASS) #CLASS #else #define MESOSPHERE_AUTO_OBJECT_TYPENAME_IMPL(CLASS) "" #endif #define MESOSPHERE_AUTOOBJECT_TRAITS(CLASS, BASE_CLASS) \ NON_COPYABLE(CLASS); \ NON_MOVEABLE(CLASS); \ private: \ friend class ::ams::kern::KClassTokenGenerator; \ static constexpr inline auto ObjectType = ::ams::kern::KClassTokenGenerator::ObjectType::CLASS; \ static constexpr inline const char * const TypeName = MESOSPHERE_AUTO_OBJECT_TYPENAME_IMPL(CLASS); \ static constexpr inline ClassTokenType ClassToken() { return ::ams::kern::ClassToken<CLASS>; } \ public: \ using BaseClass = BASE_CLASS; \ static consteval ALWAYS_INLINE TypeObj GetStaticTypeObj() { \ constexpr ClassTokenType Token = ClassToken(); \ return TypeObj(TypeName, Token); \ } \ static consteval ALWAYS_INLINE const char *GetStaticTypeName() { return TypeName; } \ virtual TypeObj GetTypeObj() const { return GetStaticTypeObj(); } \ virtual const char *GetTypeName() { return GetStaticTypeName(); } \ private: class KAutoObject { public: class ReferenceCount { NON_COPYABLE(ReferenceCount); NON_MOVEABLE(ReferenceCount); private: using Storage = u32; private: util::Atomic<Storage> m_value; public: ALWAYS_INLINE explicit ReferenceCount() { /* ... */ } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE explicit ReferenceCount(Storage v) : m_value(v) { /* ... */ } ALWAYS_INLINE void operator=(Storage v) { m_value = v; } ALWAYS_INLINE Storage GetValue() const { return m_value.Load(); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Open() { /* Atomically increment the reference count, only if it's positive. */ u32 cur = m_value.Load<std::memory_order_relaxed>(); do { if (AMS_UNLIKELY(cur == 0)) { MESOSPHERE_AUDIT(cur != 0); return false; } MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(cur < cur + 1); } while (AMS_UNLIKELY(!m_value.CompareExchangeWeak<std::memory_order_relaxed>(cur, cur + 1))); return true; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool Close() { /* Atomically decrement the reference count, not allowing it to become negative. */ u32 cur = m_value.Load<std::memory_order_relaxed>(); do { MESOSPHERE_ABORT_UNLESS(cur > 0); } while (AMS_UNLIKELY(!m_value.CompareExchangeWeak<std::memory_order_relaxed>(cur, cur - 1))); /* Return whether the object was closed. */ return cur - 1 == 0; } }; protected: class TypeObj { private: const char *m_name; ClassTokenType m_class_token; public: constexpr explicit TypeObj(const char *n, ClassTokenType tok) : m_name(n), m_class_token(tok) { /* ... */ } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE const char *GetName() const { return m_name; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE ClassTokenType GetClassToken() const { return m_class_token; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(const TypeObj &rhs) { return this->GetClassToken() == rhs.GetClassToken(); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator!=(const TypeObj &rhs) { return this->GetClassToken() != rhs.GetClassToken(); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsDerivedFrom(const TypeObj &rhs) { return IsClassTokenDerivedFrom(this->GetClassToken(), rhs.GetClassToken()); } static constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsClassTokenDerivedFrom(ClassTokenType derived, ClassTokenType base) { return (derived | base) == derived; } }; private: MESOSPHERE_AUTOOBJECT_TRAITS(KAutoObject, KAutoObject); private: KAutoObject *m_next_closed_object; ReferenceCount m_ref_count; #if defined(MESOSPHERE_ENABLE_DEVIRTUALIZED_DYNAMIC_CAST) ClassTokenType m_class_token; #endif public: constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE explicit KAutoObject(util::ConstantInitializeTag) : m_next_closed_object(nullptr), m_ref_count(0) #if defined(MESOSPHERE_ENABLE_DEVIRTUALIZED_DYNAMIC_CAST) , m_class_token(0) #endif { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); } ALWAYS_INLINE explicit KAutoObject() : m_ref_count(0) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); } /* Destroy is responsible for destroying the auto object's resources when ref_count hits zero. */ virtual void Destroy() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); } /* Finalize is responsible for cleaning up resource, but does not destroy the object. */ /* NOTE: This is a virtual function in official kernel, but because everything which uses it */ /* is already using CRTP for slab heap, we have devirtualized it for performance gain. */ /* virtual void Finalize() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); } */ /* NOTE: This is a virtual function which is unused-except-for-debug in Nintendo's kernel. */ /* virtual KProcess *GetOwner() const { return nullptr; } */ u32 GetReferenceCount() const { return m_ref_count.GetValue(); } ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsDerivedFrom(const TypeObj &rhs) const { #if defined(MESOSPHERE_ENABLE_DEVIRTUALIZED_DYNAMIC_CAST) return TypeObj::IsClassTokenDerivedFrom(m_class_token, rhs.GetClassToken()); #else return this->GetTypeObj().IsDerivedFrom(rhs); #endif } ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsDerivedFrom(const KAutoObject &rhs) const { #if defined(MESOSPHERE_ENABLE_DEVIRTUALIZED_DYNAMIC_CAST) return TypeObj::IsClassTokenDerivedFrom(m_class_token, rhs.m_class_token); #else return this->IsDerivedFrom(rhs.GetTypeObj()); #endif } template<typename Derived> ALWAYS_INLINE Derived DynamicCast() { static_assert(std::is_pointer<Derived>::value); using DerivedType = typename std::remove_pointer<Derived>::type; if (AMS_LIKELY(this->IsDerivedFrom(DerivedType::GetStaticTypeObj()))) { return static_cast<Derived>(this); } else { return nullptr; } } template<typename Derived> ALWAYS_INLINE const Derived DynamicCast() const { static_assert(std::is_pointer<Derived>::value); using DerivedType = typename std::remove_pointer<Derived>::type; if (AMS_LIKELY(this->IsDerivedFrom(DerivedType::GetStaticTypeObj()))) { return static_cast<Derived>(this); } else { return nullptr; } } NOINLINE bool Open() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); return m_ref_count.Open(); } NOINLINE void Close() { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT_THIS(); if (m_ref_count.Close()) { this->ScheduleDestruction(); } } private: /* NOTE: This has to be defined *after* KThread is defined. */ /* Nintendo seems to handle this by defining Open/Close() in a cpp, but we'd like them to remain in headers. */ /* Implementation for this will be inside kern_k_thread.hpp, so it can be ALWAYS_INLINE. */ void ScheduleDestruction(); public: /* Getter, for KThread. */ ALWAYS_INLINE KAutoObject *GetNextClosedObject() { return m_next_closed_object; } public: template<typename Derived> requires (std::derived_from<Derived, KAutoObject>) static ALWAYS_INLINE void Create(typename std::type_identity<Derived>::type *obj) { /* Get auto object pointer. */ KAutoObject &auto_object = *static_cast<KAutoObject *>(obj); /* If we should, set our class token. */ #if defined(MESOSPHERE_ENABLE_DEVIRTUALIZED_DYNAMIC_CAST) { constexpr auto Token = Derived::GetStaticTypeObj().GetClassToken(); auto_object.m_class_token = Token; } #endif /* Initialize reference count to 1. */ auto_object.m_ref_count = 1; } }; class KAutoObjectWithListBase : public KAutoObject { private: void *m_alignment_forcer_unused[0]; public: constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE explicit KAutoObjectWithListBase(util::ConstantInitializeTag) : KAutoObject(util::ConstantInitialize), m_alignment_forcer_unused{} { /* ... */ } ALWAYS_INLINE explicit KAutoObjectWithListBase() { /* ... */ } }; class KAutoObjectWithList : public KAutoObjectWithListBase { private: template<typename> friend class KAutoObjectWithListContainer; private: util::IntrusiveRedBlackTreeNode m_list_node; public: constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE KAutoObjectWithList(util::ConstantInitializeTag) : KAutoObjectWithListBase(util::ConstantInitialize), m_list_node(util::ConstantInitialize) { /* ... */ } ALWAYS_INLINE explicit KAutoObjectWithList() { /* ... */ } public: /* NOTE: This is virtual in Nintendo's kernel. */ u64 GetId() const; }; template<typename T> requires std::derived_from<T, KAutoObject> class KScopedAutoObject { NON_COPYABLE(KScopedAutoObject); private: template<typename U> friend class KScopedAutoObject; private: T *m_obj; private: constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void Swap(KScopedAutoObject &rhs) { std::swap(m_obj, rhs.m_obj); } public: constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE KScopedAutoObject(T *o) : m_obj(o) { if (m_obj != nullptr) { m_obj->Open(); } } ALWAYS_INLINE ~KScopedAutoObject() { if (m_obj != nullptr) { m_obj->Close(); } m_obj = nullptr; } template<typename U> requires (std::derived_from<T, U> || std::derived_from<U, T>) constexpr KScopedAutoObject(KScopedAutoObject<U> &&rhs) { if constexpr (std::derived_from<U, T>) { /* Upcast. */ m_obj = rhs.m_obj; rhs.m_obj = nullptr; } else { /* Downcast. */ T *derived = nullptr; if (rhs.m_obj != nullptr) { derived = rhs.m_obj->template DynamicCast<T *>(); if (derived == nullptr) { rhs.m_obj->Close(); } } m_obj = derived; rhs.m_obj = nullptr; } } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE KScopedAutoObject<T> &operator=(KScopedAutoObject<T> &&rhs) { rhs.Swap(*this); return *this; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE T *operator->() { return m_obj; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE T &operator*() { return *m_obj; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE void Reset(T *o) { KScopedAutoObject(o).Swap(*this); } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE T *GetPointerUnsafe() { return m_obj; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE T *ReleasePointerUnsafe() { T *ret = m_obj; m_obj = nullptr; return ret; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsNull() const { return m_obj == nullptr; } constexpr ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsNotNull() const { return m_obj != nullptr; } }; template<typename T> requires std::derived_from<T, KAutoObject> class KSharedAutoObject { private: T *m_object; KAutoObject::ReferenceCount m_ref_count; public: explicit KSharedAutoObject() : m_object(nullptr) { /* ... */ } void Attach(T *obj) { MESOSPHERE_ASSERT(m_object == nullptr); /* Set our object. */ m_object = obj; /* Open reference to our object. */ m_object->Open(); /* Set our reference count. */ m_ref_count = 1; } bool Open() { return m_ref_count.Open(); } void Close() { if (m_ref_count.Close()) { this->Detach(); } } ALWAYS_INLINE T *Get() const { return m_object; } private: void Detach() { /* Close our object, if we have one. */ if (T * const object = m_object; AMS_LIKELY(object != nullptr)) { /* Set our object to a debug sentinel value, which will cause crash if accessed. */ m_object = reinterpret_cast<T *>(1); /* Close reference to our object. */ object->Close(); } } }; }