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* Copyright (c) Atmosphère-NX
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stratosphere.hpp>
#include "diag_log_impl.hpp"
#include "impl/diag_observer_manager.hpp"
#include "impl/diag_print_debug_string.hpp"
namespace ams::diag {
namespace impl {
namespace {
constexpr inline size_t DecorationStringLengthMax = 0x61;
constexpr inline const char *EscapeSequencesForSeverity[] = {
"\x1B[90m", /* Dark Gray (Trace) */
nullptr, /* None (Info) */
"\x1B[33m", /* Yellow (Warn) */
"\x1B[31m", /* Red (Error) */
"\x1B[41m\x1B[37m", /* White-on-red (Fatal) */
constexpr inline const char EscapeSequenceReset[] = "\x1B[0m";
constexpr inline size_t PrintBufferLength = DecorationStringLengthMax + impl::DebugPrintBufferLength + 1;
constinit os::SdkMutex g_print_buffer_mutex;
constinit char g_print_buffer[PrintBufferLength];
inline void GetCurrentTime(int *h, int *m, int *s, int *ms) {
/* Get the current time. */
const auto cur_time = os::GetSystemTick().ToTimeSpan();
/* Extract fields. */
const s64 hours = cur_time.GetHours();
const s64 minutes = cur_time.GetMinutes();
const s64 seconds = cur_time.GetSeconds();
const s64 milliseconds = cur_time.GetMilliSeconds();
/* Set out fields. */
*h = static_cast<int>(hours);
*m = static_cast<int>(minutes - hours * 60);
*s = static_cast<int>(seconds - minutes * 60);
*ms = static_cast<int>(milliseconds - seconds * 1000);
void TentativeDefaultLogObserver(const LogMetaData &meta, const LogBody &body, void *) {
/* Acquire access to the print buffer */
std::scoped_lock lk(g_print_buffer_mutex);
/* Get the escape sequence. */
const char *escape = nullptr;
if (LogSeverity_Trace <= meta.severity && meta.severity <= LogSeverity_Fatal) {
escape = EscapeSequencesForSeverity[meta.severity];
/* Declare message variables. */
const char *msg = nullptr;
size_t msg_size = 0;
/* Handle structured logs. */
const bool structured = meta.module_name != nullptr && std::strlen(meta.module_name) >= 2;
if (escape || structured) {
/* Insert timestamp, if head. */
if (structured && body.is_head) {
/* Get current timestamp. */
int hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds;
GetCurrentTime(std::addressof(hours), std::addressof(minutes), std::addressof(seconds), std::addressof(milliseconds));
/* Print the timestamp/header. */
msg_size += util::SNPrintf(g_print_buffer + msg_size, PrintBufferLength - msg_size, "%s%d:%02d:%02d.%03d [%-5.63s] ", escape ? escape : "", hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, meta.module_name[0] == '$' ? meta.module_name + 1 : meta.module_name + 0);
AMS_AUDIT(msg_size <= DecorationStringLengthMax);
} else if (escape) {
msg_size += util::SNPrintf(g_print_buffer + msg_size, PrintBufferLength - msg_size, "%s", escape);
/* Determine maximum remaining size. */
const size_t max_msg_size = PrintBufferLength - msg_size - (escape ? sizeof(EscapeSequenceReset) - 1 : 0);
/* Determine printable size. */
size_t printable_size = std::min<size_t>(body.message_size, max_msg_size);
/* Determine newline status. */
bool new_line = false;
if (body.message_size > 0 && body.message[body.message_size - 1] == '\n') {
new_line = true;
/* Print the messsage. */
msg_size += util::SNPrintf(g_print_buffer + msg_size, PrintBufferLength - msg_size, "%.*s%s%s", static_cast<int>(printable_size), body.message, escape ? EscapeSequenceReset : "", new_line ? "\n" : "");
/* Set the message. */
msg = g_print_buffer;
} else {
/* Use the body's message directly. */
msg = body.message;
msg_size = body.message_size;
/* Print the string. */
impl::PrintDebugString(msg, msg_size);
struct LogObserverContext {
const LogMetaData &meta;
const LogBody &body;
using LogObserverManager = ObserverManagerWithDefaultHolder<LogObserverHolder, LogObserverContext>;
constinit LogObserverManager g_log_observer_manager(::ams::diag::InitializeLogObserverHolder, TentativeDefaultLogObserver, nullptr);
void CallAllLogObserver(const LogMetaData &meta, const LogBody &body) {
/* Create context. */
const LogObserverContext context = { .meta = meta, .body = body };
/* Invoke the log observer. */
g_log_observer_manager.InvokeAllObserver(context, [] (const LogObserverHolder &holder, const LogObserverContext &context) {
holder.log_observer(context.meta, context.body, holder.arg);
void ReplaceDefaultLogObserver(LogObserver observer) {
/* Get the default observer. */
auto *default_holder = std::addressof(g_log_observer_manager.GetDefaultObserverHolder());
/* Unregister, replace, and re-register. */
InitializeLogObserverHolder(default_holder, observer, nullptr);
void ResetDefaultLogObserver() {
/* Restore the default observer. */
void RegisterLogObserver(LogObserverHolder *holder) {
void UnregisterLogObserver(LogObserverHolder *holder) {