# CMoe-Counter
More theme
##### moebooru(mb)
##### rule34(r34)
##### gelbooru(gb)
## Usage
### 1. Install [simple-http-server](https://github.com/fumiama/simple-http-server)
Follow the instructions in that repo to install it.
### 2. Install [simple-protobuf](https://github.com/fumiama/simple-protobuf)
Follow the instructions in that repo to install it.
### 3. Install CMoe
git clone https://github.com/fumiama/CMoe-Counter.git
cd CMoe-Counter
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# make install
### 4. Copy files to web root
1. Copy `favicon.ico`, `index.html`, `style.css` and the compiled binary `cmoe` (in the `build` folder) into the same folder.
2. Run `simple-http-server` by the command
simple-http-server -d port folder
### 5. Enjoy it!
You can change token and datafile by passing env `TOKEN` & `DATFILE`.
## API
The API of CMoe is simpler than [Moe-counter](https://github.com/journey-ad/Moe-counter)
### 1. Register
### 2. Refer
That's all.
## Credits
* [Moe-counter](https://github.com/journey-ad/Moe-counter)
* [moebooru](https://github.com/moebooru/moebooru)
* rule34.xxx NSFW
* gelbooru.com NSFW
* [Icons8](https://icons8.com/icons/set/star)