2018-05-16 11:39:30 +01:00
/ * *
* @ author bmwhitn [ brian . m . whitney @ outlook . com ]
* @ copyright Crown Copyright 2017
* @ license Apache - 2.0
* /
import Operation from "../Operation" ;
/ * *
* Microsoft Script Decoder operation
* /
class MicrosoftScriptDecoder extends Operation {
/ * *
* MicrosoftScriptDecoder constructor
* /
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
this . name = "Microsoft Script Decoder" ;
this . module = "Default" ;
this . description = "Decodes Microsoft Encoded Script files that have been encoded with Microsoft's custom encoding. These are often VBS (Visual Basic Script) files that are encoded and renamed with a '.vbe' extention or JS (JScript) files renamed with a '.jse' extention.<br><br><b>Sample</b><br><br>Encoded:<br><code>#@~^RQAAAA==-mD~sX|:/TP{~J:+dYbxL~@!F@*@!+@*@!&@*eEI@#@&@#@&.jm.raY 214Wv:zms/obI0xEAAA==^#~@</code><br><br>Decoded:<br><code>var my_msg = "Testing <1><2><3>!";\n\nVScript.Echo(my_msg);</code>" ;
2018-08-21 19:07:13 +01:00
this . infoURL = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/JScript.Encode" ;
2018-05-16 11:39:30 +01:00
this . inputType = "string" ;
this . outputType = "string" ;
this . args = [ ] ;
/ * *
* @ param { string } input
* @ param { Object [ ] } args
* @ returns { string }
* /
run ( input , args ) {
const matcher = /#@~\^.{6}==(.+).{6}==\^#~@/ ;
const encodedData = matcher . exec ( input ) ;
if ( encodedData ) {
return MicrosoftScriptDecoder . _decode ( encodedData [ 1 ] ) ;
} else {
return "" ;
/ * *
* Decodes Microsoft Encoded Script files that can be read and executed by cscript . exe / wscript . exe .
* This is a conversion of a Python script that was originally created by Didier Stevens
* ( https : //DidierStevens.com).
* @ private
* @ param { string } data
* @ returns { string }
* /
static _decode ( data ) {
const result = [ ] ;
let index = - 1 ;
data = data . replace ( /@&/g , String . fromCharCode ( 10 ) )
. replace ( /@#/g , String . fromCharCode ( 13 ) )
. replace ( /@\*/g , ">" )
. replace ( /@!/g , "<" )
. replace ( /@\$/g , "@" ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++ ) {
const byte = data . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
let char = data . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( byte < 128 ) {
index ++ ;
if ( ( byte === 9 || byte > 31 && byte < 128 ) &&
byte !== 60 &&
byte !== 62 &&
byte !== 64 ) {
char = D _DECODE [ byte ] . charAt ( D _COMBINATION [ index % 64 ] ) ;
result . push ( char ) ;
return result . join ( "" ) ;
const D _DECODE = [
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
"\x57\x6E\x7B" ,
"\x4A\x4C\x41" ,
"\x0B\x0B\x0B" ,
"\x0C\x0C\x0C" ,
"\x4A\x4C\x41" ,
"\x0E\x0E\x0E" ,
"\x0F\x0F\x0F" ,
"\x10\x10\x10" ,
"\x11\x11\x11" ,
"\x12\x12\x12" ,
"\x13\x13\x13" ,
"\x14\x14\x14" ,
"\x15\x15\x15" ,
"\x16\x16\x16" ,
"\x17\x17\x17" ,
"\x18\x18\x18" ,
"\x19\x19\x19" ,
"\x1A\x1A\x1A" ,
"\x1B\x1B\x1B" ,
"\x1C\x1C\x1C" ,
"\x1D\x1D\x1D" ,
"\x1E\x1E\x1E" ,
"\x1F\x1F\x1F" ,
"\x2E\x2D\x32" ,
"\x47\x75\x30" ,
"\x7A\x52\x21" ,
"\x56\x60\x29" ,
"\x42\x71\x5B" ,
"\x6A\x5E\x38" ,
"\x2F\x49\x33" ,
"\x26\x5C\x3D" ,
"\x49\x62\x58" ,
"\x41\x7D\x3A" ,
"\x34\x29\x35" ,
"\x32\x36\x65" ,
"\x5B\x20\x39" ,
"\x76\x7C\x5C" ,
"\x72\x7A\x56" ,
"\x43\x7F\x73" ,
"\x38\x6B\x66" ,
"\x39\x63\x4E" ,
"\x70\x33\x45" ,
"\x45\x2B\x6B" ,
"\x68\x68\x62" ,
"\x71\x51\x59" ,
"\x4F\x66\x78" ,
"\x09\x76\x5E" ,
"\x62\x31\x7D" ,
"\x44\x64\x4A" ,
"\x23\x54\x6D" ,
"\x75\x43\x71" ,
"\x4A\x4C\x41" ,
"\x7E\x3A\x60" ,
"\x4A\x4C\x41" ,
"\x5E\x7E\x53" ,
"\x40\x4C\x40" ,
"\x77\x45\x42" ,
"\x4A\x2C\x27" ,
"\x61\x2A\x48" ,
"\x5D\x74\x72" ,
"\x22\x27\x75" ,
"\x4B\x37\x31" ,
"\x6F\x44\x37" ,
"\x4E\x79\x4D" ,
"\x3B\x59\x52" ,
"\x4C\x2F\x22" ,
"\x50\x6F\x54" ,
"\x67\x26\x6A" ,
"\x2A\x72\x47" ,
"\x7D\x6A\x64" ,
"\x74\x39\x2D" ,
"\x54\x7B\x20" ,
"\x2B\x3F\x7F" ,
"\x2D\x38\x2E" ,
"\x2C\x77\x4C" ,
"\x30\x67\x5D" ,
"\x6E\x53\x7E" ,
"\x6B\x47\x6C" ,
"\x66\x34\x6F" ,
"\x35\x78\x79" ,
"\x25\x5D\x74" ,
"\x21\x30\x43" ,
"\x64\x23\x26" ,
"\x4D\x5A\x76" ,
"\x52\x5B\x25" ,
"\x63\x6C\x24" ,
"\x3F\x48\x2B" ,
"\x7B\x55\x28" ,
"\x78\x70\x23" ,
"\x29\x69\x41" ,
"\x28\x2E\x34" ,
"\x73\x4C\x09" ,
"\x59\x21\x2A" ,
"\x33\x24\x44" ,
"\x7F\x4E\x3F" ,
"\x6D\x50\x77" ,
"\x55\x09\x3B" ,
"\x53\x56\x55" ,
"\x7C\x73\x69" ,
"\x3A\x35\x61" ,
"\x5F\x61\x63" ,
"\x65\x4B\x50" ,
"\x46\x58\x67" ,
"\x58\x3B\x51" ,
"\x31\x57\x49" ,
"\x69\x22\x4F" ,
"\x6C\x6D\x46" ,
"\x5A\x4D\x68" ,
"\x48\x25\x7C" ,
"\x27\x28\x36" ,
"\x5C\x46\x70" ,
"\x3D\x4A\x6E" ,
"\x24\x32\x7A" ,
"\x79\x41\x2F" ,
"\x37\x3D\x5F" ,
"\x60\x5F\x4B" ,
"\x51\x4F\x5A" ,
"\x20\x42\x2C" ,
] ;
const D _COMBINATION = [
0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 1 ,
0 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 1
] ;
export default MicrosoftScriptDecoder ;