2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/ * *
* Tests for input and output of various types to ensure the editors work as expected
* and retain data integrity , especially when it comes to special characters .
* @ author n1474335 [ n1474335 @ gmail . com ]
* @ copyright Crown Copyright 2023
* @ license Apache - 2.0
* /
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
// import {
// clear,
// utils.setInput,
// bake,
// setChrEnc,
// setEOLSeq,
// copy,
// paste,
// loadRecipe,
// expectOutput,
// uploadFile,
// uploadFolder
// } from "./browserUtils.js";
const utils = require ( "./browserUtils.js" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
const SPECIAL _CHARS = [
"\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008\u0009\u000a\u000b\u000c\u000d\u000e\u000f" ,
"\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017\u0018\u0019\u001a\u001b\u001c\u001d\u001e\u001f" ,
"\u007f" ,
"\u0080\u0081\u0082\u0083\u0084\u0085\u0086\u0087\u0088\u0089\u008a\u008b\u008c\u008d\u008e\u008f" ,
"\u0090\u0091\u0092\u0093\u0094\u0095\u0096\u0097\u0098\u0099\u009a\u009b\u009c\u009d\u009e\u009f" ,
] . join ( "" ) ;
const ALL _BYTES = [
"\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f" ,
"\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" ,
"\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x2f" ,
"\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3a\x3b\x3c\x3d\x3e\x3f" ,
"\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4a\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\x4f" ,
"\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5a\x5b\x5c\x5d\x5e\x5f" ,
"\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6a\x6b\x6c\x6d\x6e\x6f" ,
"\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7a\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\x7f" ,
"\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f" ,
"\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f" ,
"\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf" ,
"\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf" ,
"\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf" ,
"\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf" ,
"\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef" ,
"\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff" ,
] . join ( "" ) ;
const PUA _CHARS = "\ue000\ue001\uf8fe\uf8ff" ;
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
const MULTI _LINE _STRING = ` "You know," said Arthur, "it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young."
"Why, what did she tell you?"
"I don't know, I didn't listen." ` ;
ONE ` ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Descriptions for named control characters
0 : "null" ,
7 : "bell" ,
8 : "backspace" ,
10 : "line feed" ,
11 : "vertical tab" ,
13 : "carriage return" ,
27 : "escape" ,
8203 : "zero width space" ,
8204 : "zero width non-joiner" ,
8205 : "zero width joiner" ,
8206 : "left-to-right mark" ,
8207 : "right-to-left mark" ,
8232 : "line separator" ,
8237 : "left-to-right override" ,
8238 : "right-to-left override" ,
8294 : "left-to-right isolate" ,
8295 : "right-to-left isolate" ,
8297 : "pop directional isolate" ,
8233 : "paragraph separator" ,
65279 : "zero width no-break space" ,
65532 : "object replacement"
} ;
module . exports = {
before : browser => {
. resizeWindow ( 1280 , 800 )
. url ( browser . launchUrl )
. useCss ( )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#preloader" , 10000 )
. click ( "#auto-bake-label" ) ;
} ,
"CodeMirror has loaded correctly" : browser => {
/* Editor has initialised */
. useCss ( )
// Input
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-editor" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-editor .cm-scroller" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-editor .cm-scroller .cm-content" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-editor .cm-scroller .cm-content .cm-line" )
// Output
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-editor" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-editor .cm-scroller" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-editor .cm-scroller .cm-content" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-editor .cm-scroller .cm-content .cm-line" ) ;
/* Status bar is showing and has correct values */
browser // Input
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "0" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "LF" ) ;
browser // Output
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" )
. expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "0" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" )
. expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .baking-time-info" )
. expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .baking-time-info" ) . text . to . contain ( "ms" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" )
. expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" )
. expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "LF" ) ;
} ,
"Adding content" : browser => {
/* Status bar updates correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , MULTI _LINE _STRING ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "3" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "LF" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "0" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .baking-time-info" ) . text . to . contain ( "ms" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "LF" ) ;
/* Output updates correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "3" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .baking-time-info" ) . text . to . contain ( "ms" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .chr-enc-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .eol-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "LF" ) ;
} ,
2024-04-07 00:23:17 +02:00
"Autobaking the latest input" : browser => {
// Use the sleep recipe to simulate a long running task
utils . loadRecipe ( browser , "Sleep" , "input" , [ 2000 ] ) ;
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#stale-indicator" ) ;
// Enable previously disabled autobake
browser . click ( "#auto-bake-label" ) ;
2024-04-07 01:20:11 +02:00
browser . sendKeys ( "#input-text .cm-content" , "1" ) ;
2024-04-07 00:23:17 +02:00
2024-04-24 17:40:16 +01:00
browser . waitForElementVisible ( "#output-loader" ) ;
2024-04-07 00:23:17 +02:00
browser . pause ( 500 ) ;
// Make another change while the previous input is being baked
2024-04-07 01:20:11 +02:00
browser . sendKeys ( "#input-text .cm-content" , "2" ) ;
2024-04-07 00:23:17 +02:00
. waitForElementNotVisible ( "#stale-indicator" )
. waitForElementNotVisible ( "#output-loader" ) ;
// Ensure we got the latest input baked
utils . expectOutput ( browser , "input12" ) ;
2024-04-07 00:37:09 +02:00
// Turn autobake off again
browser . click ( "#auto-bake-label" ) ;
2024-04-07 00:23:17 +02:00
} ,
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
"Special content" : browser => {
/* Special characters are rendered correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , SPECIAL _CHARS , false ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// First line
for ( let i = 0x0 ; i <= 0x8 ; i ++ ) {
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i + 1 } ) ` )
. to . have . property ( "title" ) . equals ( ` Control character ${ CONTROL _CHAR _NAMES [ i ] || "0x" + i . toString ( 16 ) } ` ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i + 1 } ) ` )
. text . to . equal ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x2400 + i ) ) ;
// Tab \u0009
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /\u0009$/ ) ;
// Line feed \u000a
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^.{10}$/ ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
// Second line
for ( let i = 0x0b ; i < SPECIAL _CHARS . length ; i ++ ) {
const index = SPECIAL _CHARS . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
const name = CONTROL _CHAR _NAMES [ index ] || "0x" + index . toString ( 16 ) ;
const value = index >= 32 ? "\u2022" : String . fromCharCode ( 0x2400 + index ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i - 10 } ) ` )
. to . have . property ( "title" ) . equals ( ` Control character ${ name } ` ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i - 10 } ) ` )
. text . to . equal ( value ) ;
/* Output renders correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-8" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// First line
for ( let i = 0x0 ; i <= 0x8 ; i ++ ) {
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i + 1 } ) ` )
. to . have . property ( "title" ) . equals ( ` Control character ${ CONTROL _CHAR _NAMES [ i ] || "0x" + i . toString ( 16 ) } ` ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i + 1 } ) ` )
. text . to . equal ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x2400 + i ) ) ;
// Tab \u0009
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /\u0009$/ ) ;
// Line feed \u000a
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^.{10}$/ ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
// Second line
for ( let i = 0x0b ; i < SPECIAL _CHARS . length ; i ++ ) {
const index = SPECIAL _CHARS . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
const name = CONTROL _CHAR _NAMES [ index ] || "0x" + index . toString ( 16 ) ;
const value = index >= 32 ? "\u2022" : String . fromCharCode ( 0x2400 + index ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i - 10 } ) ` )
. to . have . property ( "title" ) . equals ( ` Control character ${ name } ` ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i - 10 } ) ` )
. text . to . equal ( value ) ;
/* Bytes are rendered correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , ALL _BYTES , false ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Expect length to be 255, since one character is creating a newline
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-content ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^.{255}$/ ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "256" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
/* PUA \ue000-\uf8ff */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , PUA _CHARS , false ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-8" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Confirm input and output as expected
/ * I n o r d e r t o r e n d e r w h i t e s p a c e c h a r a c t e r s a s c o n t r o l c h a r a c t e r p i c t u r e s i n t h e o u t p u t , e v e n
when they are the designated line separator , CyberChef sometimes chooses to represent them
internally using the Unicode Private Use Area ( https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_Use_Areas).
See ` Utils.escapeWhitespace() ` for an example of this .
Therefore , PUA characters should be rendered normally in the Input but as control character
pictures in the output .
* /
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-content ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^\ue000\ue001\uf8fe\uf8ff$/ ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-content ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^\u2400\u2401\u3cfe\u3cff$/ ) ;
/* Can be copied */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , SPECIAL _CHARS , false ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-8" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Manual copy
. doubleClick ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-selectionBackground" ) ;
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . copy ( browser ) ;
utils . paste ( browser , "#search" ) ; // Paste into search box as this won't mess with the values
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Ensure that the values are as expected
browser . expect . element ( "#search" ) . to . have . value . that . equals ( "\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008" ) ;
browser . clearValue ( "#search" ) ;
// Raw copy
. click ( "#copy-output" )
. pause ( 100 ) ;
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . paste ( browser , "#search" ) ; // Paste into search box as this won't mess with the values
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Ensure that the values are as expected
browser . expect . element ( "#search" ) . to . have . value . that . matches ( /^\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008\u0009/ ) ;
browser . clearValue ( "#search" ) ;
} ,
"HTML output" : browser => {
/* Displays correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . loadRecipe ( browser , "Entropy" , ALL _BYTES ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-html" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-html #chart-area" ) ;
/* Status bar widgets are disabled */
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .disabled .stats-length-value" ) . to . be . visible ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .disabled .stats-lines-value" ) . to . be . visible ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .disabled .chr-enc-value" ) . to . be . visible ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .disabled .eol-value" ) . to . be . visible ;
/* Displays special chars correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . loadRecipe ( browser , "To Table" , ",\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004" , [ "," , "\\r\\n" , false , "HTML" ] ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
for ( let i = 0x0 ; i <= 0x4 ; i ++ ) {
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-html .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i + 1 } ) ` )
. to . have . property ( "title" ) . equals ( ` Control character ${ CONTROL _CHAR _NAMES [ i ] || "0x" + i . toString ( 16 ) } ` ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-html .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type( ${ i + 1 } ) ` )
. text . to . equal ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x2400 + i ) ) ;
/* Can be copied */
// Raw copy
. click ( "#copy-output" )
. pause ( 100 ) ;
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . paste ( browser , "#search" ) ; // Paste into search box as this won't mess with the values
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
// Ensure that the values are as expected
browser . expect . element ( "#search" ) . to . have . value . that . matches ( /\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004/ ) ;
browser . clearValue ( "#search" ) ;
} ,
"Highlighting" : browser => {
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , SELECTABLE _STRING ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
/* Selecting input text also selects other instances in input and output */
browser // Input
. click ( "#auto-bake-label" )
. doubleClick ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(5) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(6) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(7) .cm-selectionMatch" ) ;
browser // Output
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(5) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(6) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(7) .cm-selectionMatch" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Selecting output text highlights in input */
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
browser // Output
. click ( "#output-text" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line .cm-selectionMatch" )
. doubleClick ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(7)" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(5) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(6) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(7) .cm-selectionMatch" ) ;
browser // Input
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(5) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(6) .cm-selectionMatch" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(7) .cm-selectionMatch" ) ;
// Turn autobake off again
browser . click ( "#auto-bake-label" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
"Character encoding" : browser => {
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
const CHINESE _CHARS = "不要恐慌。" ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Dropup works */
/* Selecting changes output correctly */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , CHINESE _CHARS , false ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "input" , "UTF-8" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
2024-04-05 17:14:05 +02:00
/* Output encoding should be autodetected */
. waitForElementVisible ( "#snackbar-container .snackbar-content" , 5000 )
. expect . element ( "#snackbar-container .snackbar-content" ) . text . to . equal ( "Output character encoding has been detected and changed to UTF-8" ) ;
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . expectOutput ( browser , CHINESE _CHARS ) ;
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
2024-04-05 17:14:05 +02:00
/* Change the output encoding manually to test for URL presence */
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-8" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Encodings appear in the URL */
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
browser . assert . urlContains ( "ienc=65001" ) ;
browser . assert . urlContains ( "oenc=65001" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Preserved when changing tabs */
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
. click ( "#btn-new-tab" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-tabs li:nth-of-type(2).active-input-tab" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "Raw Bytes" ) ;
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "input" , "UTF-7" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-7" ) ;
2023-03-02 19:50:08 +00:00
. click ( "#input-tabs li:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-tabs li:nth-of-type(1).active-input-tab" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "UTF-8" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "UTF-8" ) ;
/* Try various encodings */
// These are not meant to be realistic encodings for this data
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , CHINESE _CHARS , false ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "input" , "UTF-8" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-16LE" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
utils . expectOutput ( browser , "\uB8E4\uE88D\u81A6\u81E6\uE690\u8C85\u80E3" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "Simplified Chinese GBK" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
utils . expectOutput ( browser , "\u6D93\u5D88\uFDFF\u93AD\u612D\u53A1\u9286\u0000" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "input" , "UTF-7" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
utils . expectOutput ( browser , "+Tg0-+iYE-+YFA-+YUw-" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "input" , "Traditional Chinese Big5" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
utils . expectOutput ( browser , "\u3043\u74B6\uFDFF\u7A3A\uFDFF" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "Windows-1251 Cyrillic" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
utils . expectOutput ( browser , "\u00A4\u0408\u00ADn\u00AE\u0408\u00B7W\u040EC" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
"Line endings" : browser => {
/* Dropup works */
/* Selecting changes view in input */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setInput ( browser , MULTI _LINE _STRING ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
// Line endings: LF
// Input
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "3" ) ;
// Output
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "3" ) ;
// Input EOL: VT
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "input" , "VT" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
// Input
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) . text . to . equal ( "␊" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
// Output
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(4)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "3" ) ;
// Output EOL: VT
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "output" , "VT" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
// Input
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) . text . to . equal ( "␊" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
// Output
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-specialChar" ) . text . to . equal ( "␊" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "301" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Adding new line ending changes output correctly */
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
browser . sendKeys ( "#input-text .cm-content" , browser . Keys . RETURN ) ;
// Input
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "302" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
// Output
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "302" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
// Input EOL: CRLF
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "input" , "CRLF" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
// Output EOL: CR
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "output" , "CR" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
browser . sendKeys ( "#input-text .cm-content" , browser . Keys . RETURN ) ;
// Input
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" )
. waitForElementPresent ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type(3)" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type(3)" ) . text . to . equal ( "␋" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "304" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
// Output
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2)" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(3)" )
. waitForElementPresent ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-specialChar" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-content .cm-line:nth-of-type(2) .cm-specialChar" ) . text . to . equal ( "␊" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "304" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Line endings appear in the URL */
2023-07-21 17:30:39 +01:00
browser . assert . urlContains ( "ieol=CRLF" ) ;
browser . assert . urlContains ( "oeol=CR" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Preserved when changing tabs */
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. click ( "#btn-new-tab" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-tabs li:nth-of-type(2).active-input-tab" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "LF" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "LF" ) ;
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "input" , "FF" ) ;
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "output" , "LS" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. click ( "#input-tabs li:nth-of-type(1)" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-tabs li:nth-of-type(1).active-input-tab" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "CRLF" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "CR" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
"File inputs" : browser => {
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . clear ( browser ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Side panel displays correct info */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . uploadFile ( browser , "files/TowelDay.jpeg" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-shown" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-thumbnail" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-size" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-type" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-loaded" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" ) . text . that . equals ( "TowelDay.jpeg" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-size" ) . text . that . equals ( "61,379 bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-type" ) . text . that . equals ( "image/jpeg" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-loaded" ) . text . that . equals ( "100%" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Side panel can be hidden */
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
. click ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-shown" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-shown" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-hidden" )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details" ) . to . have . css ( "width" ) . which . equals ( "1px" ) ;
. click ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-hidden" )
. waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-hidden" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-shown" )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details" ) . to . have . css ( "width" ) . which . equals ( "200px" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
"Folder inputs" : browser => {
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . clear ( browser ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
/* Side panel displays correct info */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . uploadFolder ( browser , "files" ) ;
2023-03-03 17:33:42 +00:00
2023-03-17 18:06:28 +00:00
// Loop through tabs
for ( let i = 1 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) {
. click ( ` #input-tabs li:nth-of-type( ${ i } ) ` )
. waitForElementVisible ( ` #input-tabs li:nth-of-type( ${ i } ).active-input-tab ` ) ;
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-shown" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-thumbnail" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-size" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-type" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-loaded" ) ;
browser . getText ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" , function ( result ) {
switch ( result . value ) {
case "TowelDay.jpeg" :
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" ) . text . that . equals ( "TowelDay.jpeg" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-size" ) . text . that . equals ( "61,379 bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-type" ) . text . that . equals ( "image/jpeg" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-loaded" ) . text . that . equals ( "100%" ) ;
break ;
case "Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg" :
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" ) . text . that . equals ( "Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-size" ) . text . that . equals ( "36,595 bytes" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-type" ) . text . that . equals ( "image/jpeg" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-loaded" ) . text . that . equals ( "100%" ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
"Loading from URL" : browser => {
2024-04-07 01:20:11 +02:00
utils . clear ( browser ) ;
/* Side panel displays correct info */
utils . uploadFile ( browser , "files/TowelDay.jpeg" ) ;
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-toggle-shown" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-thumbnail" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-name" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-size" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-type" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#input-text .cm-file-details .file-details-loaded" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Complex deep link populates the input correctly (encoding, eol, input) */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
2023-07-21 17:30:39 +01:00
. urlHash ( "recipe=To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')&input=VGhlIHNoaXBzIGh1bmcgaW4gdGhlIHNreSBpbiBtdWNoIHRoZSBzYW1lIHdheSB0aGF0IGJyaWNrcyBkb24ndC4M&ienc=21866&oenc=1201&ieol=FF&oeol=PS" )
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
. waitForElementVisible ( "#rec-list li.operation" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #input-text .cm-content ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^.{65}$/ ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "66" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "KOI8-U Ukrainian Cyrillic" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "UTF-16BE" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "FF" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "PS" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
browser . expect . element ( ` #output-text .cm-content ` ) . to . have . property ( "textContent" ) . match ( /^.{44}$/ ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "44" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
"Replace input with output" : browser => {
/* Input is correctly populated */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
utils . loadRecipe ( browser , "XOR" , "The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't." , [ { "option" : "Hex" , "string" : "65" } , "Standard" , false ] ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "input" , "UTF-32LE" ) ;
utils . setChrEnc ( browser , "output" , "UTF-7" ) ;
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "input" , "CRLF" ) ;
utils . setEOLSeq ( browser , "output" , "LS" ) ;
. sendKeys ( "#input-text .cm-content" , browser . Keys . RETURN )
. expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
utils . bake ( browser ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "67" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "2" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "UTF-32LE" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "CRLF" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#output-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "268" ) ;
. click ( "#switch" )
. waitForElementVisible ( "#stale-indicator" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-length-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "268" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
/* Special characters, encodings and line endings all as expected */
2023-03-05 14:58:11 +00:00
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-status-bar .stats-lines-value" ) . text . to . equal ( "1" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .chr-enc-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "UTF-7" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .eol-value" ) . text . that . equals ( "LS" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type(1)" ) . text . to . equal ( "␍" ) ;
browser . expect . element ( "#input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type(49)" ) . text . to . equal ( "␑" ) ;
browser . waitForElementNotPresent ( "#input-text .cm-line:nth-of-type(1) .cm-specialChar:nth-of-type(50)" ) ;
2023-03-02 18:10:52 +00:00
} ,
after : browser => {
browser . end ( ) ;
} ;