2018-05-14 17:03:23 +00:00
* @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
* Convert data units operation
class ConvertDataUnits extends Operation {
* ConvertDataUnits constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "Convert data units";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Converts a unit of data to another format.";
2018-08-21 19:07:13 +01:00
this.infoURL = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_(data)";
2018-05-14 17:03:23 +00:00
this.inputType = "BigNumber";
this.outputType = "BigNumber";
this.args = [
"name": "Input units",
"type": "option",
"value": DATA_UNITS
"name": "Output units",
"type": "option",
"value": DATA_UNITS
* @param {BigNumber} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {BigNumber}
run(input, args) {
const [inputUnits, outputUnits] = args;
input = input.times(DATA_FACTOR[inputUnits]);
return input.div(DATA_FACTOR[outputUnits]);
const DATA_UNITS = [
"Bits (b)", "Nibbles", "Octets", "Bytes (B)",
"[Binary bits (2^n)]", "Kibibits (Kib)", "Mebibits (Mib)", "Gibibits (Gib)", "Tebibits (Tib)", "Pebibits (Pib)", "Exbibits (Eib)", "Zebibits (Zib)", "Yobibits (Yib)", "[/Binary bits (2^n)]",
"[Decimal bits (10^n)]", "Decabits", "Hectobits", "Kilobits (kb)", "Megabits (Mb)", "Gigabits (Gb)", "Terabits (Tb)", "Petabits (Pb)", "Exabits (Eb)", "Zettabits (Zb)", "Yottabits (Yb)", "[/Decimal bits (10^n)]",
"[Binary bytes (8 x 2^n)]", "Kibibytes (KiB)", "Mebibytes (MiB)", "Gibibytes (GiB)", "Tebibytes (TiB)", "Pebibytes (PiB)", "Exbibytes (EiB)", "Zebibytes (ZiB)", "Yobibytes (YiB)", "[/Binary bytes (8 x 2^n)]",
"[Decimal bytes (8 x 10^n)]", "Kilobytes (KB)", "Megabytes (MB)", "Gigabytes (GB)", "Terabytes (TB)", "Petabytes (PB)", "Exabytes (EB)", "Zettabytes (ZB)", "Yottabytes (YB)", "[/Decimal bytes (8 x 10^n)]"
const DATA_FACTOR = { // Multiples of a bit
"Bits (b)": 1,
"Nibbles": 4,
"Octets": 8,
"Bytes (B)": 8,
// Binary bits (2^n)
"Kibibits (Kib)": 1024,
"Mebibits (Mib)": 1048576,
"Gibibits (Gib)": 1073741824,
"Tebibits (Tib)": 1099511627776,
"Pebibits (Pib)": 1125899906842624,
"Exbibits (Eib)": 1152921504606846976,
"Zebibits (Zib)": 1180591620717411303424,
"Yobibits (Yib)": 1208925819614629174706176,
// Decimal bits (10^n)
"Decabits": 10,
"Hectobits": 100,
"Kilobits (Kb)": 1e3,
"Megabits (Mb)": 1e6,
"Gigabits (Gb)": 1e9,
"Terabits (Tb)": 1e12,
"Petabits (Pb)": 1e15,
"Exabits (Eb)": 1e18,
"Zettabits (Zb)": 1e21,
"Yottabits (Yb)": 1e24,
// Binary bytes (8 x 2^n)
"Kibibytes (KiB)": 8192,
"Mebibytes (MiB)": 8388608,
"Gibibytes (GiB)": 8589934592,
"Tebibytes (TiB)": 8796093022208,
"Pebibytes (PiB)": 9007199254740992,
"Exbibytes (EiB)": 9223372036854775808,
"Zebibytes (ZiB)": 9444732965739290427392,
"Yobibytes (YiB)": 9671406556917033397649408,
// Decimal bytes (8 x 10^n)
"Kilobytes (KB)": 8e3,
"Megabytes (MB)": 8e6,
"Gigabytes (GB)": 8e9,
"Terabytes (TB)": 8e12,
"Petabytes (PB)": 8e15,
"Exabytes (EB)": 8e18,
"Zettabytes (ZB)": 8e21,
"Yottabytes (YB)": 8e24,
export default ConvertDataUnits;