2018-05-21 19:08:24 +00:00
/ * *
* @ author tlwr [ toby @ toby . codes ]
* @ author n1474335 [ n1474335 @ gmail . com ]
* @ copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @ license Apache - 2.0
* /
import Operation from "../Operation" ;
import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError" ;
/ * *
* HTTP request operation
* /
class HTTPRequest extends Operation {
/ * *
* HTTPRequest constructor
* /
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
this . name = "HTTP request" ;
this . module = "Default" ;
this . description = [
"Makes an HTTP request and returns the response." ,
"<br><br>" ,
"This operation supports different HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, etc." ,
"<br><br>" ,
"You can add headers line by line in the format <code>Key: Value</code>" ,
"<br><br>" ,
"The status code of the response, along with a limited selection of exposed headers, can be viewed by checking the 'Show response metadata' option. Only a limited set of response headers are exposed by the browser for security reasons." ,
] . join ( "\n" ) ;
2018-08-21 19:07:13 +01:00
this . infoURL = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Request_fields" ;
2018-05-21 19:08:24 +00:00
this . inputType = "string" ;
this . outputType = "string" ;
this . manualBake = true ;
this . args = [
"name" : "Method" ,
"type" : "option" ,
"value" : [
"GET" , "POST" , "HEAD" ,
"PUT" , "PATCH" , "DELETE" ,
} ,
"name" : "URL" ,
"type" : "string" ,
"value" : ""
} ,
"name" : "Headers" ,
"type" : "text" ,
"value" : ""
} ,
"name" : "Mode" ,
"type" : "option" ,
"value" : [
"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" ,
"No CORS (limited to HEAD, GET or POST)" ,
} ,
"name" : "Show response metadata" ,
"type" : "boolean" ,
"value" : false
] ;
/ * *
* @ param { string } input
* @ param { Object [ ] } args
* @ returns { string }
* /
run ( input , args ) {
const [ method , url , headersText , mode , showResponseMetadata ] = args ;
if ( url . length === 0 ) return "" ;
const headers = new Headers ( ) ;
headersText . split ( /\r?\n/ ) . forEach ( line => {
line = line . trim ( ) ;
if ( line . length === 0 ) return ;
const split = line . split ( ":" ) ;
if ( split . length !== 2 ) throw ` Could not parse header in line: ${ line } ` ;
headers . set ( split [ 0 ] . trim ( ) , split [ 1 ] . trim ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
const config = {
method : method ,
headers : headers ,
mode : modeLookup [ mode ] ,
cache : "no-cache" ,
} ;
if ( method !== "GET" && method !== "HEAD" ) {
config . body = input ;
return fetch ( url , config )
. then ( r => {
if ( r . status === 0 && r . type === "opaque" ) {
throw new OperationError ( "Error: Null response. Try setting the connection mode to CORS." ) ;
if ( showResponseMetadata ) {
let headers = "" ;
for ( const pair of r . headers . entries ( ) ) {
headers += " " + pair [ 0 ] + ": " + pair [ 1 ] + "\n" ;
return r . text ( ) . then ( b => {
return "####\n Status: " + r . status + " " + r . statusText +
"\n Exposed headers:\n" + headers + "####\n\n" + b ;
} ) ;
return r . text ( ) ;
} )
. catch ( e => {
throw new OperationError ( e . toString ( ) +
"\n\nThis error could be caused by one of the following:\n" +
" - An invalid URL\n" +
" - Making a request to an insecure resource (HTTP) from a secure source (HTTPS)\n" +
" - Making a cross-origin request to a server which does not support CORS\n" ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Lookup table for HTTP modes
* @ private
* /
const modeLookup = {
"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" : "cors" ,
"No CORS (limited to HEAD, GET or POST)" : "no-cors" ,
} ;
export default HTTPRequest ;