mirror of synced 2025-02-21 04:26:43 +01:00

Added a few more UI tests

This commit is contained in:
n1474335 2023-03-22 11:19:01 +00:00
parent 92dada8a80
commit 5d3302f6d7

View File

@ -38,13 +38,15 @@ module.exports = {
testOp(browser, "Adler-32 Checksum", "test input", "16160411");
testOp(browser, "Affine Cipher Decode", "test input", "rcqr glnsr", [1, 2]);
testOp(browser, "Affine Cipher Encode", "test input", "njln rbfpn", [2, 1]);
testOp(browser, "AMF Decode", "\u000A\u0013\u0001\u0003a\u0006\u0009test", /"\$value": "test"/);
testOp(browser, "AMF Encode", '{"a": "test"}', "\u000A\u0013\u0001\u0003a\u0006\u0009test");
testOp(browser, "Analyse hash", "0123456789abcdef", /CRC-64/);
testOp(browser, "Atbash Cipher", "test input", "gvhg rmkfg");
// testOp(browser, "Avro to JSON", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "BLAKE2b", "test input", "33ebdc8f38177f3f3f334eeb117a84e11f061bbca4db6b8923e5cec85103f59f415551a5d5a933fdb6305dc7bf84671c2540b463dbfa08ee1895cfaa5bd780b5", ["512", "Hex", { "option": "UTF8", "string": "pass" }]);
testOp(browser, "BLAKE2s", "test input", "defe73d61dfa6e5807e4f9643e159a09ccda6be3c26dcd65f8a9bb38bfc973a7", ["256", "Hex", { "option": "UTF8", "string": "pass" }]);
// testOp(browser, "BSON deserialise", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "BSON serialise", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "BSON deserialise", "\u0011\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0002a\u0000\u0005\u0000\u0000\u0000test\u0000\u0000", '{\u000A "a": "test"\u000A}');
testOp(browser, "BSON serialise", '{"a":"test"}', "\u0011\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0002a\u0000\u0005\u0000\u0000\u0000test\u0000\u0000");
// testOp(browser, "Bacon Cipher Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bacon Cipher Encode", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bcrypt", "test input", /^\$2a\$06\$.{53}$/, [6]);
@ -60,14 +62,16 @@ module.exports = {
testOp(browser, ["Bzip2 Compress", "To Hex"], "test input", "42 5a 68 39 31 41 59 26 53 59 cf 96 82 1d 00 00 03 91 80 40 00 02 21 4e 00 20 00 21 90 c2 10 c0 88 33 92 8e df 17 72 45 38 50 90 cf 96 82 1d");
testOp(browser, ["From Hex", "Bzip2 Decompress"], "425a68393141592653597b0884b7000003038000008200ce00200021a647a4218013709517c5dc914e14241ec2212dc0", "test_output", [[], [true]]);
// testOp(browser, "CBOR Decode", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "CBOR Encode", "test input", "test output");
testOp(browser, "CRC-16 Checksum", "test input", "77c7");
testOp(browser, "CRC-32 Checksum", "test input", "29822bc8");
testOp(browser, "CRC-8 Checksum", "test input", "9d");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS selector", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSV to JSON", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CTPH", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CTPH", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Cartesian Product", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Change IP format", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Chi Square", "test input", "test_output");
@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Conditional Jump", "test input", "test_output");
testOpImage(browser, "Contain Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
// testOp(browser, "Convert area", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Convert co-ordinate format", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Convert co-ordinate format", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Convert data units", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Convert distance", "test input", "test_output");
testOpImage(browser, "Convert Image Format", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Count occurrences", "test input", "test_output");
testOpImage(browser, "Cover Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
testOpImage(browser, "Crop Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Selector", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "DES Decrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "DES Encrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "DNS over HTTPS", "test input", "test_output");
@ -106,18 +111,18 @@ module.exports = {
testOpHtml(browser, "Diff", "The cat sat on the mat\n\nThe mat cat on the sat", ".hl5:first-child", "mat", ["\\n\\n", "Word", true, true, false, false]);
// testOp(browser, "Disassemble x86", "test input", "test_output");
testOpImage(browser, "Dither Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
// testOp(browser, "Divide", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Divide", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Drop bytes", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Encode NetBIOS Name", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Encode text", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Enigma", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Entropy", "test input", "", /Shannon entropy: 2.8464393446710154/);
// testOp(browser, "Escape string", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Escape string", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Escape Unicode Characters", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Expand alphabet range", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Extract dates", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Extract domains", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Extract EXIF", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Extract EXIF", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Extract email addresses", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Extract file paths", "test input", "test_output");
testOpFile(browser, "Extract Files", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg", ".card:last-child .collapsed", "extracted_at_0x3d38.zlib");
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Format MAC addresses", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Frequency distribution", "test input", "", /Number of bytes not represented: 248/);
// testOp(browser, "From BCD", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Base", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Base", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Base32", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Base58", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Base62", "test input", "test_output");
@ -153,26 +158,26 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "From Hex", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Hex Content", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Hexdump", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From MessagePack", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From MessagePack", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Morse Code", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Octal", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Punycode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From Quoted Printable", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From UNIX Timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "From UNIX Timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Fuzzy Match", "test input", "b:last-child", "in", ["tein", 15, 30, 30, 15, -5, -15, -1]);
// testOp(browser, "GOST hash", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generate all hashes", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generate HOTP", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generate HOTP", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Generate Image", "test input", "img", "");
// testOp(browser, "Generate Lorem Ipsum", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generate PGP Key Pair", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Generate QR Code", "test input", "img", "");
// testOp(browser, "Generate TOTP", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generate TOTP", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generate UUID", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Generic Code Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Group IP addresses", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Gunzip", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Gzip", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Gunzip", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Gzip", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "HAS-160", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "HMAC", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "HTML To Text", "test input", "test_output");
@ -190,25 +195,31 @@ module.exports = {
testOpImage(browser, "Image Opacity", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
testOpHtml(browser, "Index of Coincidence", "test input", "", /Index of Coincidence: 0.08333333333333333/);
testOpImage(browser, "Invert Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
// testOp(browser, "JPath expression", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JPath expression", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "JSON Beautify", "{a:1}", ".json-dict .json-literal", "1");
// testOp(browser, "JSON Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JSON to CSV", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JWT Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JWT Sign", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JWT Verify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JavaScript Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JavaScript Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JavaScript Parser", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JSON to CSV", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JWT Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JWT Sign", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JWT Verify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JavaScript Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JavaScript Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "JavaScript Parser", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Jump", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Keccak", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Keccak", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Label", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "LM Hash", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "Lorenz", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Luhn Checksum", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD2", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD4", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD5", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD6", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "LZ String", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "LZ4 Compress", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "LZ4 Decompress", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "LZMA Compress", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "LZMA Decompress", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "MD2", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD4", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD5", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "MD6", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Magic", "dGVzdF9vdXRwdXQ=", "tr:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(2)", "Result snippet");
testOpHtml(browser, "Magic", "dGVzdF9vdXRwdXQ=", "tr:nth-of-type(2) td:nth-of-type(2)", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Magic", "dGVzdF9vdXRwdXQ=", "tr:nth-of-type(2) td:nth-of-type(1)", /Base64/);
@ -220,44 +231,44 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Multiply", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "NOT", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Normalise Image", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Normalise Unicode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Normalise Unicode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Numberwang", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "OR", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Object Identifier to Hex", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Offset checker", "test input\n\nbest input", ".hl5", "est input");
// testOp(browser, "Optical Character Recognition", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Optical Character Recognition", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PEM to Hex", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Decrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Decrypt and Verify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Encrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Encrypt and Sign", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Verify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Decrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Decrypt and Verify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Encrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Encrypt and Sign", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PGP Verify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "PHP Deserialize", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Pad lines", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse ASN.1 hex string", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse ASN.1 hex string", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Parse colour code", "#000", ".colorpicker-preview", "rgb(0, 0, 0)");
testOpHtml(browser, "Parse DateTime", "01/12/2000 13:00:00", "", /Date: Friday 1st December 2000/);
// testOp(browser, "Parse IP range", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Parse IPv4 header", "45 c0 00 c4 02 89 00 00 ff 11 1e 8c c0 a8 0c 01 c0 a8 0c 02", "tr:last-child td:last-child", "");
// testOp(browser, "Parse IPv6 address", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse ObjectID timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse QR Code", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse ObjectID timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse QR Code", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse SSH Host Key", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Parse TCP", "c2eb0050a138132e70dc9fb9501804025ea70000", "tr:nth-of-type(2) td:last-child", "49899");
// testOp(browser, "Parse TLV", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Parse UDP", "04 89 00 35 00 2c 01 01", "tr:last-child td:last-child", "0x0101");
// testOp(browser, "Parse UNIX file permissions", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse URI", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse User Agent", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse User Agent", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Parse X.509 certificate", "test input", "test_output");
testOpFile(browser, "Play Media", "files/mp3example.mp3", "audio", "");
// testOp(browser, "Power Set", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Protobuf Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Protobuf Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Pseudo-Random Number Generator", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC2 Decrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC2 Encrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC4", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC4 Drop", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC2 Decrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC2 Encrypt", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC4", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RC4 Drop", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "RIPEMD", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "ROT13", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "ROT47", "test input", "test_output");
@ -265,8 +276,8 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Rail Fence Cipher Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Rail Fence Cipher Encode", "test input", "test_output");
testOpImage(browser, "Randomize Colour Palette", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
// testOp(browser, "Raw Deflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Raw Inflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Raw Deflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Raw Inflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Register", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Regular expression", "The cat sat on the mat", ".hl2:last-child", "mat", ["User defined", ".at", true, true, false, false, false, false, "Highlight matches"]);
// testOp(browser, "Remove Diacritics", "test input", "test_output");
@ -282,13 +293,14 @@ module.exports = {
testOpImage(browser, "Rotate Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
// testOp(browser, "Rotate left", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Rotate right", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA0", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA1", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA2", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA3", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Scrypt", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA0", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA1", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA2", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SHA3", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SQL Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SQL Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SSDEEP", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SSDEEP", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SUB", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Scan for Embedded Files", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Scatter chart", "a b\n1 2", "svg", /a/);
@ -297,11 +309,12 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Set Difference", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Set Intersection", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Set Union", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Shake", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Shake", "test input", "test_output");
testOpImage(browser, "Sharpen Image", "files/Hitchhikers_Guide.jpeg");
testOpHtml(browser, "Show Base64 offsets", "test input", "span:nth-last-of-type(2)", "B");
testOpHtml(browser, "Show on map", "51.5007° N, 0.1246° W", "#presentedMap .leaflet-popup-content", "51.5007,-0.1246");
// testOp(browser, "Sleep", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "SM3", "test input", "test output");
// testOp(browser, "Snefru", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Sort", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Split", "test input", "test_output");
@ -314,7 +327,7 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Subsection", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Substitute", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Subtract", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Sum", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Sum", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Swap endianness", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Symmetric Difference", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "Syntax highlighter", "var a = [4,5,6]", ".hljs-selector-attr", "[4,5,6]");
@ -332,7 +345,7 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "To Base85", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Binary", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Braille", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Camel case", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Camel case", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Case Insensitive Regex", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Charcode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Decimal", "test input", "test_output");
@ -340,14 +353,14 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "To Hex", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Hex Content", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Hexdump", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Kebab case", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Kebab case", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Lower case", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To MessagePack", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To MessagePack", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Morse Code", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Octal", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Punycode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Quoted Printable", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Snake case", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Snake case", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, "To Table", "a,b,c\n1,2,3", "", /| a | b | c |/);
// testOp(browser, "To UNIX Timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Upper case", "test input", "test_output");
@ -371,12 +384,12 @@ module.exports = {
testOp(browser, "Whirlpool", "test input", "8a0ee6885ba241353d17cbbe5f06538a7f04c8c955d376c20d6233fd4dd41aaffd13291447090ce781b5f940da266ed6d02cf8b79d4867065d10bdfc04166f38");
// testOp(browser, "Windows Filetime to UNIX Timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "XKCD Random Number", "test input", "4");
// testOp(browser, "XML Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XML Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XML Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XML Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XOR", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XOR Brute Force", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XPath expression", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "YARA Rules", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XPath expression", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "YARA Rules", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Zip", "test input", /^PK\u0003\u0004\u0014\u0000{3}/);
// testOp(browser, "Zlib Deflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Zlib Inflate", "test input", "test_output");