mirror of synced 2025-02-17 18:59:23 +01:00

ESM: Ported Bit shift, MAC address and Morse Code operations.

This commit is contained in:
n1474335 2018-05-07 12:12:58 +01:00
parent 0ca0e7427d
commit 6987e6b1b9
8 changed files with 591 additions and 3 deletions

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -725,8 +725,8 @@
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend/-/babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend-1.1.2.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-Xpb+z1i4+h7XTvytiEdbKvPJEW4=",
"requires": {
"babel-runtime": "6.26.0",
"babel-template": "6.26.0"
"babel-runtime": "^6.2.0",
"babel-template": "^6.3.0"
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions": {

View File

@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ function main() {
const op = OP_CONFIG[opName];
const moduleName = opName.replace(/\s/g, "");
const moduleName = opName.replace(/\w\S*/g, txt => {
return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1);
}).replace(/\s/g, "");
let legacyFile = "";

View File

@ -15,3 +15,13 @@ export const DELIM_OPTIONS = ["Space", "Comma", "Semi-colon", "Colon", "Line fee
* Binary sequence delimiters.
export const BIN_DELIM_OPTIONS = ["Space", "Comma", "Semi-colon", "Colon", "Line feed", "CRLF", "None"];
* Letter sequence delimiters.
export const LETTER_DELIM_OPTIONS = ["Space", "Line feed", "CRLF", "Forward slash", "Backslash", "Comma", "Semi-colon", "Colon"];
* Word sequence delimiters.
export const WORD_DELIM_OPTIONS = ["Line feed", "CRLF", "Forward slash", "Backslash", "Comma", "Semi-colon", "Colon"];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
* Bit shift left operation
class BitShiftLeft extends Operation {
* BitShiftLeft constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "Bit shift left";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Shifts the bits in each byte towards the left by the specified amount.";
this.inputType = "byteArray";
this.outputType = "byteArray";
this.args = [
"name": "Amount",
"type": "number",
"value": 1
* @param {byteArray} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {byteArray}
run(input, args) {
const amount = args[0];
return input.map(b => {
return (b << amount) & 0xff;
* Highlight Bit shift left
* @param {Object[]} pos
* @param {number} pos[].start
* @param {number} pos[].end
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {Object[]} pos
highlight(pos, args) {
return pos;
* Highlight Bit shift left in reverse
* @param {Object[]} pos
* @param {number} pos[].start
* @param {number} pos[].end
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {Object[]} pos
highlightReverse(pos, args) {
return pos;
export default BitShiftLeft;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
* @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
* Bit shift right operation
class BitShiftRight extends Operation {
* BitShiftRight constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "Bit shift right";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Shifts the bits in each byte towards the right by the specified amount.<br><br><i>Logical shifts</i> replace the leftmost bits with zeros.<br><i>Arithmetic shifts</i> preserve the most significant bit (MSB) of the original byte keeping the sign the same (positive or negative).";
this.inputType = "byteArray";
this.outputType = "byteArray";
this.args = [
"name": "Amount",
"type": "number",
"value": 1
"name": "Type",
"type": "option",
"value": ["Logical shift", "Arithmetic shift"]
* @param {byteArray} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {byteArray}
run(input, args) {
const amount = args[0],
type = args[1],
mask = type === "Logical shift" ? 0 : 0x80;
return input.map(b => {
return (b >>> amount) ^ (b & mask);
* Highlight Bit shift right
* @param {Object[]} pos
* @param {number} pos[].start
* @param {number} pos[].end
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {Object[]} pos
highlight(pos, args) {
return pos;
* Highlight Bit shift right in reverse
* @param {Object[]} pos
* @param {number} pos[].start
* @param {number} pos[].end
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {Object[]} pos
highlightReverse(pos, args) {
return pos;
export default BitShiftRight;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
* @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
* Format MAC addresses operation
class FormatMACAddresses extends Operation {
* FormatMACAddresses constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "Format MAC addresses";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Displays given MAC addresses in multiple different formats.<br><br>Expects addresses in a list separated by newlines, spaces or commas.<br><br>WARNING: There are no validity checks.";
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
this.args = [
"name": "Output case",
"type": "option",
"value": ["Both", "Upper only", "Lower only"]
"name": "No delimiter",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"name": "Dash delimiter",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"name": "Colon delimiter",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"name": "Cisco style",
"type": "boolean",
"value": false
"name": "IPv6 interface ID",
"type": "boolean",
"value": false
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {string}
run(input, args) {
if (!input) return "";
const [
] = args,
outputList = [],
macs = input.toLowerCase().split(/[,\s\r\n]+/);
macs.forEach(function(mac) {
const cleanMac = mac.replace(/[:.-]+/g, ""),
macHyphen = cleanMac.replace(/(.{2}(?=.))/g, "$1-"),
macColon = cleanMac.replace(/(.{2}(?=.))/g, "$1:"),
macCisco = cleanMac.replace(/(.{4}(?=.))/g, "$1.");
let macIPv6 = cleanMac.slice(0, 6) + "fffe" + cleanMac.slice(6);
macIPv6 = macIPv6.replace(/(.{4}(?=.))/g, "$1:");
let bite = parseInt(macIPv6.slice(0, 2), 16) ^ 2;
bite = bite.toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
macIPv6 = bite + macIPv6.slice(2);
if (outputCase === "Lower only") {
if (noDelim) outputList.push(cleanMac);
if (dashDelim) outputList.push(macHyphen);
if (colonDelim) outputList.push(macColon);
if (ciscoStyle) outputList.push(macCisco);
if (ipv6IntID) outputList.push(macIPv6);
} else if (outputCase === "Upper only") {
if (noDelim) outputList.push(cleanMac.toUpperCase());
if (dashDelim) outputList.push(macHyphen.toUpperCase());
if (colonDelim) outputList.push(macColon.toUpperCase());
if (ciscoStyle) outputList.push(macCisco.toUpperCase());
if (ipv6IntID) outputList.push(macIPv6.toUpperCase());
} else {
if (noDelim) outputList.push(cleanMac, cleanMac.toUpperCase());
if (dashDelim) outputList.push(macHyphen, macHyphen.toUpperCase());
if (colonDelim) outputList.push(macColon, macColon.toUpperCase());
if (ciscoStyle) outputList.push(macCisco, macCisco.toUpperCase());
if (ipv6IntID) outputList.push(macIPv6, macIPv6.toUpperCase());
"" // Empty line to delimit groups
// Return the data as a string
return outputList.join("\n");
export default FormatMACAddresses;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
* @author tlwr [toby@toby.codes]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2017
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
import Utils from "../Utils";
import {LETTER_DELIM_OPTIONS, WORD_DELIM_OPTIONS} from "../lib/Delim";
* From Morse Code operation
class FromMorseCode extends Operation {
* FromMorseCode constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "From Morse Code";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Translates Morse Code into (upper case) alphanumeric characters.";
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
this.args = [
"name": "Letter delimiter",
"type": "option",
"name": "Word delimiter",
"type": "option",
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {string}
run(input, args) {
if (!this.reversedTable) {
const letterDelim = Utils.charRep(args[0]);
const wordDelim = Utils.charRep(args[1]);
input = input.replace(/-|||_||—|dash/ig, "<dash>"); //hyphen-minus|hyphen|minus-sign|undersore|en-dash|em-dash
input = input.replace(/\.|·|dot/ig, "<dot>");
let words = input.split(wordDelim);
const self = this;
words = Array.prototype.map.call(words, function(word) {
const signals = word.split(letterDelim);
const letters = signals.map(function(signal) {
return self.reversedTable[signal];
return letters.join("");
words = words.join(" ");
return words;
* Reverses the Morse Code lookup table
reverseTable() {
this.reversedTable = {};
for (const letter in MORSE_TABLE) {
const signal = MORSE_TABLE[letter];
this.reversedTable[signal] = letter;
const MORSE_TABLE = {
"A": "<dot><dash>",
"B": "<dash><dot><dot><dot>",
"C": "<dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"D": "<dash><dot><dot>",
"E": "<dot>",
"F": "<dot><dot><dash><dot>",
"G": "<dash><dash><dot>",
"H": "<dot><dot><dot><dot>",
"I": "<dot><dot>",
"J": "<dot><dash><dash><dash>",
"K": "<dash><dot><dash>",
"L": "<dot><dash><dot><dot>",
"M": "<dash><dash>",
"N": "<dash><dot>",
"O": "<dash><dash><dash>",
"P": "<dot><dash><dash><dot>",
"Q": "<dash><dash><dot><dash>",
"R": "<dot><dash><dot>",
"S": "<dot><dot><dot>",
"T": "<dash>",
"U": "<dot><dot><dash>",
"V": "<dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"W": "<dot><dash><dash>",
"X": "<dash><dot><dot><dash>",
"Y": "<dash><dot><dash><dash>",
"Z": "<dash><dash><dot><dot>",
"1": "<dot><dash><dash><dash><dash>",
"2": "<dot><dot><dash><dash><dash>",
"3": "<dot><dot><dot><dash><dash>",
"4": "<dot><dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"5": "<dot><dot><dot><dot><dot>",
"6": "<dash><dot><dot><dot><dot>",
"7": "<dash><dash><dot><dot><dot>",
"8": "<dash><dash><dash><dot><dot>",
"9": "<dash><dash><dash><dash><dot>",
"0": "<dash><dash><dash><dash><dash>",
".": "<dot><dash><dot><dash><dot><dash>",
",": "<dash><dash><dot><dot><dash><dash>",
":": "<dash><dash><dash><dot><dot><dot>",
";": "<dash><dot><dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"!": "<dash><dot><dash><dot><dash><dash>",
"?": "<dot><dot><dash><dash><dot><dot>",
"'": "<dot><dash><dash><dash><dash><dot>",
"\"": "<dot><dash><dot><dot><dash><dot>",
"/": "<dash><dot><dot><dash><dot>",
"-": "<dash><dot><dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"+": "<dot><dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"(": "<dash><dot><dash><dash><dot>",
")": "<dash><dot><dash><dash><dot><dash>",
"@": "<dot><dash><dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"=": "<dash><dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"&": "<dot><dash><dot><dot><dot>",
"_": "<dot><dot><dash><dash><dot><dash>",
"$": "<dot><dot><dot><dash><dot><dot><dash>"
export default FromMorseCode;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
* @author tlwr [toby@toby.codes]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2017
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
import Utils from "../Utils";
import {LETTER_DELIM_OPTIONS, WORD_DELIM_OPTIONS} from "../lib/Delim";
* To Morse Code operation
class ToMorseCode extends Operation {
* ToMorseCode constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "To Morse Code";
this.module = "Default";
this.description = "Translates alphanumeric characters into International Morse Code.<br><br>Ignores non-Morse characters.<br><br>e.g. <code>SOS</code> becomes <code>... --- ...</code>";
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
this.args = [
"name": "Format options",
"type": "option",
"value": ["-/.", "_/.", "Dash/Dot", "DASH/DOT", "dash/dot"]
"name": "Letter delimiter",
"type": "option",
"name": "Word delimiter",
"type": "option",
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {string}
run(input, args) {
const format = args[0].split("/");
const dash = format[0];
const dot = format[1];
const letterDelim = Utils.charRep(args[1]);
const wordDelim = Utils.charRep(args[2]);
input = input.split(/\r?\n/);
input = Array.prototype.map.call(input, function(line) {
let words = line.split(/ +/);
words = Array.prototype.map.call(words, function(word) {
const letters = Array.prototype.map.call(word, function(character) {
const letter = character.toUpperCase();
if (typeof MORSE_TABLE[letter] == "undefined") {
return "";
return MORSE_TABLE[letter];
return letters.join("<ld>");
line = words.join("<wd>");
return line;
input = input.join("\n");
input = input.replace(
function(match) {
switch (match) {
case "<dash>": return dash;
case "<dot>": return dot;
case "<ld>": return letterDelim;
case "<wd>": return wordDelim;
return input;
const MORSE_TABLE = {
"A": "<dot><dash>",
"B": "<dash><dot><dot><dot>",
"C": "<dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"D": "<dash><dot><dot>",
"E": "<dot>",
"F": "<dot><dot><dash><dot>",
"G": "<dash><dash><dot>",
"H": "<dot><dot><dot><dot>",
"I": "<dot><dot>",
"J": "<dot><dash><dash><dash>",
"K": "<dash><dot><dash>",
"L": "<dot><dash><dot><dot>",
"M": "<dash><dash>",
"N": "<dash><dot>",
"O": "<dash><dash><dash>",
"P": "<dot><dash><dash><dot>",
"Q": "<dash><dash><dot><dash>",
"R": "<dot><dash><dot>",
"S": "<dot><dot><dot>",
"T": "<dash>",
"U": "<dot><dot><dash>",
"V": "<dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"W": "<dot><dash><dash>",
"X": "<dash><dot><dot><dash>",
"Y": "<dash><dot><dash><dash>",
"Z": "<dash><dash><dot><dot>",
"1": "<dot><dash><dash><dash><dash>",
"2": "<dot><dot><dash><dash><dash>",
"3": "<dot><dot><dot><dash><dash>",
"4": "<dot><dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"5": "<dot><dot><dot><dot><dot>",
"6": "<dash><dot><dot><dot><dot>",
"7": "<dash><dash><dot><dot><dot>",
"8": "<dash><dash><dash><dot><dot>",
"9": "<dash><dash><dash><dash><dot>",
"0": "<dash><dash><dash><dash><dash>",
".": "<dot><dash><dot><dash><dot><dash>",
",": "<dash><dash><dot><dot><dash><dash>",
":": "<dash><dash><dash><dot><dot><dot>",
";": "<dash><dot><dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"!": "<dash><dot><dash><dot><dash><dash>",
"?": "<dot><dot><dash><dash><dot><dot>",
"'": "<dot><dash><dash><dash><dash><dot>",
"\"": "<dot><dash><dot><dot><dash><dot>",
"/": "<dash><dot><dot><dash><dot>",
"-": "<dash><dot><dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"+": "<dot><dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"(": "<dash><dot><dash><dash><dot>",
")": "<dash><dot><dash><dash><dot><dash>",
"@": "<dot><dash><dash><dot><dash><dot>",
"=": "<dash><dot><dot><dot><dash>",
"&": "<dot><dash><dot><dot><dot>",
"_": "<dot><dot><dash><dash><dot><dash>",
"$": "<dot><dot><dot><dash><dot><dot><dash>"
export default ToMorseCode;