Further operation tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,28 +34,28 @@ module.exports = {
testOp(browser, "Analyse hash", "0123456789abcdef", /CRC-64/);
testOp(browser, "Analyse hash", "0123456789abcdef", /CRC-64/);
testOp(browser, "Atbash Cipher", "test input", "gvhg rmkfg");
testOp(browser, "Atbash Cipher", "test input", "gvhg rmkfg");
// testOp(browser, "Avro to JSON", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Avro to JSON", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "BLAKE2b", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "BLAKE2b", "test input", "33ebdc8f38177f3f3f334eeb117a84e11f061bbca4db6b8923e5cec85103f59f415551a5d5a933fdb6305dc7bf84671c2540b463dbfa08ee1895cfaa5bd780b5", ["512", "Hex", { "option": "UTF8", "string": "pass" }]);
// testOp(browser, "BLAKE2s", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "BLAKE2s", "test input", "defe73d61dfa6e5807e4f9643e159a09ccda6be3c26dcd65f8a9bb38bfc973a7", ["256", "Hex", { "option": "UTF8", "string": "pass" }]);
// testOp(browser, "BSON deserialise", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "BSON deserialise", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "BSON serialise", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "BSON serialise", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bacon Cipher Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bacon Cipher Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bacon Cipher Encode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bacon Cipher Encode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bcrypt", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bcrypt", "test input", /^\$2a\$06\$.{53}$/, [6]);
// testOp(browser, "Bcrypt compare", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bcrypt compare", "test input", "Match: test input", ["$2a$05$FCfBSVX7OeRkK.9kQVFCiOYu9XtwtIbePqUiroD1lkASW9q5QClzG"]);
// testOp(browser, "Bcrypt parse", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bcrypt parse", "$2a$05$kXWtAIGB/R8VEzInoM5ocOTBtyc0m2YTIwFiBU/0XoW032f9QrkWW", /Rounds: 5/);
// testOp(browser, "Bifid Cipher Decode", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bifid Cipher Decode", "qblb tfovy", "test input", ["pass"]);
// testOp(browser, "Bifid Cipher Encode", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bifid Cipher Encode", "test input", "qblb tfovy", ["pass"]);
// testOp(browser, "Bit shift left", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bit shift left", "test input", "\u00E8\u00CA\u00E6\u00E8@\u00D2\u00DC\u00E0\u00EA\u00E8");
// testOp(browser, "Bit shift right", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Bit shift right", "test input", ":29:\u0010478::");
testOp(browser, "Blowfish Decrypt", "10884e15427dd84ec35204e9c8e921ae", "test_output", [{"option": "Hex", "string": "1234567801234567"}, {"option": "Hex", "string": "0011223344556677"}, "CBC", "Hex", "Raw"]);
testOp(browser, "Blowfish Decrypt", "10884e15427dd84ec35204e9c8e921ae", "test_output", [{"option": "Hex", "string": "1234567801234567"}, {"option": "Hex", "string": "0011223344556677"}, "CBC", "Hex", "Raw"]);
testOp(browser, "Blowfish Encrypt", "test input", "f0fadbd1d90d774f714248cf26b96410", [{"option": "Hex", "string": "1234567801234567"}, {"option": "Hex", "string": "0011223344556677"}, "CBC", "Raw", "Hex"]);
testOp(browser, "Blowfish Encrypt", "test input", "f0fadbd1d90d774f714248cf26b96410", [{"option": "Hex", "string": "1234567801234567"}, {"option": "Hex", "string": "0011223344556677"}, "CBC", "Raw", "Hex"]);
testOp(browser, ["From Hex", "Blur Image", "To Base64"], Images.PNG_HEX, Images.PNG_BLUR_B64);
testOp(browser, ["From Hex", "Blur Image", "To Base64"], Images.PNG_HEX, Images.PNG_BLUR_B64);
// testOp(browser, "Bombe", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Bombe", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, ["Bzip2 Compress", "To Hex"], "test input", "42 5a 68 39 31 41 59 26 53 59 cf 96 82 1d 00 00 03 91 80 40 00 02 21 4e 00 20 00 21 90 c2 10 c0 88 33 92 8e df 17 72 45 38 50 90 cf 96 82 1d");
testOp(browser, ["Bzip2 Compress", "To Hex"], "test input", "42 5a 68 39 31 41 59 26 53 59 cf 96 82 1d 00 00 03 91 80 40 00 02 21 4e 00 20 00 21 90 c2 10 c0 88 33 92 8e df 17 72 45 38 50 90 cf 96 82 1d");
testOp(browser, ["From Hex", "Bzip2 Decompress"], "425a68393141592653597b0884b7000003038000008200ce00200021a647a4218013709517c5dc914e14241ec2212dc0", "test_output", [[], [true]]);
testOp(browser, ["From Hex", "Bzip2 Decompress"], "425a68393141592653597b0884b7000003038000008200ce00200021a647a4218013709517c5dc914e14241ec2212dc0", "test_output", [[], [true]]);
// testOp(browser, "CRC-16 Checksum", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "CRC-16 Checksum", "test input", "77c7");
// testOp(browser, "CRC-32 Checksum", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "CRC-32 Checksum", "test input", "29822bc8");
// testOp(browser, "CRC-8 Checksum", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "CRC-8 Checksum", "test input", "9d");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS selector", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "CSS selector", "test input", "test_output");
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "TCP/IP Checksum", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "TCP/IP Checksum", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Tail", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Tail", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Take bytes", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Take bytes", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Tar", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Tar", "test input", /^file\.txt\x00{92}/);
// testOp(browser, "Text Encoding Brute Force", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Text Encoding Brute Force", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To BCD", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To BCD", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Base", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "To Base", "test input", "test_output");
@ -352,22 +352,22 @@ module.exports = {
// testOp(browser, "Unescape Unicode Characters", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Unescape Unicode Characters", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Unique", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Unique", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Untar", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Untar", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Unzip", "test input", "test_output");
testOpHtml(browser, ["Zip", "Unzip"], "test input", "#files span.float-right", /10 bytes/);
// testOp(browser, "VarInt Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "VarInt Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "VarInt Encode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "VarInt Encode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "View Bit Plane", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "View Bit Plane", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Vigenère Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Vigenère Decode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Vigenère Encode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Vigenère Encode", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Whirlpool", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Whirlpool", "test input", "8a0ee6885ba241353d17cbbe5f06538a7f04c8c955d376c20d6233fd4dd41aaffd13291447090ce781b5f940da266ed6d02cf8b79d4867065d10bdfc04166f38");
// testOp(browser, "Windows Filetime to UNIX Timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Windows Filetime to UNIX Timestamp", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XKCD Random Number", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "XKCD Random Number", "test input", "4");
// testOp(browser, "XML Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XML Beautify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XML Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XML Minify", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XOR", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XOR", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XOR Brute Force", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XOR Brute Force", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XPath expression", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "XPath expression", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "YARA Rules", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "YARA Rules", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Zip", "test input", "test_output");
testOp(browser, "Zip", "test input", /^PK\u0003\u0004\u0014\u0000{3}/);
// testOp(browser, "Zlib Deflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Zlib Deflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Zlib Inflate", "test input", "test_output");
// testOp(browser, "Zlib Inflate", "test input", "test_output");
@ -407,12 +407,7 @@ function bakeOp(browser, opName, input, args=[]) {
function testOp(browser, opName, input, output, args=[]) {
function testOp(browser, opName, input, output, args=[]) {
bakeOp(browser, opName, input, args);
bakeOp(browser, opName, input, args);
utils.expectOutput(browser, output);
if (typeof output === "string") {
browser.expect.element("#output-text .cm-content").to.have.property("textContent").that.equals(output);
} else if (output instanceof RegExp) {
browser.expect.element("#output-text .cm-content").to.have.property("textContent").that.matches(output);
/** @function
/** @function
@ -170,11 +170,16 @@ function loadRecipe(browser, opName, input, args) {
* Tests whether the output matches a given value
* Tests whether the output matches a given value
* @param {Browser} browser - Nightwatch client
* @param {Browser} browser - Nightwatch client
* @param {string} expected - The expected output value
* @param {string|RegExp} expected - The expected output value
function expectOutput(browser, expected) {
function expectOutput(browser, expected) {
browser.execute(expected => {
browser.execute(expected => {
return expected === window.app.manager.output.outputEditorView.state.doc.toString();
const output = window.app.manager.output.outputEditorView.state.doc.toString();
if (expected instanceof RegExp) {
return expected.test(output);
} else {
return expected === output;
}, [expected]);
}, [expected]);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user