mirror of synced 2025-01-17 23:36:45 +01:00

Basically rewrote the whole thing using the new geodesy module

This commit is contained in:
j433866 2019-01-15 15:55:49 +00:00
parent 5e68959c03
commit d00b0f4c0e
2 changed files with 353 additions and 273 deletions

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@ -18,148 +18,240 @@ export const FORMATS = [
"Decimal Degrees",
"Military Grid Reference System",
"Ordnance Survey National Grid"
"Ordnance Survey National Grid",
"Universal Transverse Mercator"
* Formats that are made up of one string
* These formats skip bits like filtering delimiters and
* are outputted differently (only one output)
* Formats that should be passed to Geodesy module as-is
* Spaces are still removed
export const STRING_FORMATS = [
const NO_CHANGE = [
"Military Grid Reference System",
"Ordnance Survey National Grid"
"Ordnance Survey National Grid",
"Universal Transverse Mercator",
* Convert a given latitude and longitude into a different format.
* @param {string} inLat - Input latitude to be converted. Use this for supplying single values for conversion (e.g. geohash)
* @param {string} inLong - Input longitude to be converted
* @param {string} input - Input string to be converted
* @param {string} inFormat - Format of the input coordinates
* @param {string} inDelim - The delimiter splitting the lat/long of the input
* @param {string} outFormat - Format to convert to
* @param {string} outDelim - The delimiter to separate the output with
* @param {string} includeDir - Whether or not to include the compass direction in the output
* @param {number} precision - Precision of the result
* @returns {string[]} Array containing the converted latitude and longitude
* @returns {string} A formatted string of the converted co-ordinates
export function convertCoordinates (inLat, inLong, inFormat, outFormat, precision) {
let convLat = inLat;
let convLong = inLong;
export function convertCoordinates (input, inFormat, inDelim, outFormat, outDelim, includeDir, precision) {
let isPair = false,
if (inDelim === "Auto") {
inDelim = findDelim(input);
} else {
inDelim = realDelim(inDelim);
if (inFormat === "Auto") {
inFormat = findFormat(input, inDelim);
if (inFormat === null) {
throw "Unable to detect the input format automatically.";
if (inDelim === null && !inFormat.includes("Direction")) {
throw "Unable to detect the input delimiter automatically.";
outDelim = realDelim(outDelim);
if (!NO_CHANGE.includes(inFormat)) {
split = input.split(inDelim);
if (split.length > 1) {
isPair = true;
} else {
input = input.replace(inDelim, "");
isPair = true;
if (inFormat.includes("Degrees")) {
[inLatDir, inLongDir] = findDirs(input, inDelim);
if (inFormat === "Geohash") {
const hash = geohash.decode(inLat);
convLat = hash.latitude.toString();
convLong = hash.longitude.toString();
const hash = geohash.decode(input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ""));
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(hash.latitude, hash.longitude);
} else if (inFormat === "Military Grid Reference System") {
const utm = geodesy.Mgrs.parse(inLat).toUtm();
const result = utm.toLatLonE().toString("d", 4).replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, "");
const splitResult = result.split(",");
if (splitResult.length === 2) {
convLat = splitResult[0];
convLong = splitResult[1];
const utm = geodesy.Mgrs.parse(input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, "")).toUtm();
latlon = utm.toLatLonE();
} else if (inFormat === "Ordnance Survey National Grid") {
const osng = geodesy.OsGridRef.parse(inLat);
const latlon = geodesy.OsGridRef.osGridToLatLon(osng, geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal.datum.WGS84);
const result = latlon.toString("d", 4).replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, "");
const splitResult = result.split(",");
if (splitResult.length === 2) {
convLat = splitResult[0];
convLong = splitResult[1];
const osng = geodesy.OsGridRef.parse(input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ""));
latlon = geodesy.OsGridRef.osGridToLatLon(osng);
} else if (inFormat === "Universal Transverse Mercator") {
if (/^[\d]{2}[A-Za-z]/.test(input)) {
input = input.slice(0, 2) + " " + input.slice(2);
const utm = geodesy.Utm.parse(input);
latlon = utm.toLatLonE();
} else if (inFormat === "Degrees Minutes Seconds") {
if (isPair) {
split[0] = split[0].replace(/[NnEeSsWw]/g, "").trim();
split[1] = split[1].replace(/[NnEeSsWw]/g, "").trim();
const splitLat = split[0].split(/[°′″'"\s]/g),
splitLong = split[1].split(/[°′″'"\s]/g);
if (splitLat.length >= 3 && splitLong.length >= 3) {
const lat = convDMSToDD(parseFloat(splitLat[0]), parseFloat(splitLat[1]), parseFloat(splitLat[2]), 10);
const long = convDMSToDD(parseFloat(splitLong[0]), parseFloat(splitLong[1]), parseFloat(splitLong[2]), 10);
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(lat.degrees, long.degrees);
} else {
// Create a new latlon object anyway, but we can ignore the lon value
split[0] = split[0].replace(/[NnEeSsWw]/g, "").trim();
const splitLat = split[0].split(/[°′″'"\s]/g);
if (splitLat.length >= 3) {
const lat = convDMSToDD(parseFloat(splitLat[0]), parseFloat(splitLat[1]), parseFloat(splitLat[2]));
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(lat.degrees, lat.degrees);
} else if (inFormat === "Degrees Decimal Minutes") {
if (isPair) {
const splitLat = splitInput(split[0]);
const splitLong = splitInput(split[1]);
if (splitLat.length !== 2 || splitLong.length !== 2) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinate format for Degrees Decimal Minutes.";
const lat = convDDMToDD(splitLat[0], splitLat[1], 10);
const long = convDDMToDD(splitLong[0], splitLong[1], 10);
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(lat.degrees, long.degrees);
} else {
const splitLat = splitInput(input);
if (splitLat.length !== 2) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinate format for Degrees Decimal Minutes.";
const lat = convDDMToDD(splitLat[0], splitLat[1], 10);
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(lat.degrees, lat.degrees);
} else if (inFormat === "Decimal Degrees") {
if (isPair) {
const splitLat = splitInput(split[0]);
const splitLong = splitInput(split[1]);
if (splitLat.length !== 1 || splitLong.length !== 1) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinate format for Decimal Degrees.";
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(splitLat[0], splitLong[0]);
} else {
const splitLat = splitInput(split[0]);
if (splitLat.length !== 1) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinate format for Decimal Degrees.";
latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(splitLat[0], splitLat[0]);
} else {
convLat = convertSingleCoordinate(inLat, inFormat, "Decimal Degrees", 15).split("°");
convLong = convertSingleCoordinate(inLong, inFormat, "Decimal Degrees", 15).split("°");
throw "Invalid input co-ordinate format selected.";
// Convert Geohash and MGRS here, as they need both the lat and long values
if (outFormat === "Geohash") {
convLat = geohash.encode(parseFloat(convLat), parseFloat(convLong), precision);
// Everything is now a geodesy latlon object
if (outFormat === "Decimal Degrees") {
conv = latlon.toString("d", precision);
if (!isPair) {
conv = conv.split(",")[0];
} else if (outFormat === "Degrees Decimal Minutes") {
conv = latlon.toString("dm", precision);
if (!isPair) {
conv = conv.split(",")[0];
} else if (outFormat === "Degrees Minutes Seconds") {
conv = latlon.toString("dms", precision);
if (!isPair) {
conv = conv.split(",")[0];
} else if (outFormat === "Geohash") {
conv = geohash.encode(latlon.lat.toString(), latlon.lon.toString(), precision);
} else if (outFormat === "Military Grid Reference System") {
const utm = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(parseFloat(convLat), parseFloat(convLong)).toUtm();
const utm = latlon.toUtm();
const mgrs = utm.toMgrs();
convLat = mgrs.toString();
conv = mgrs.toString(precision);
} else if (outFormat === "Ordnance Survey National Grid") {
const latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(parseFloat(convLat), parseFloat(convLong));
const osng = geodesy.OsGridRef.latLonToOsGrid(latlon);
convLat = osng.toString();
if (convLat === "") {
throw "Couldn't convert co-ordinates to Ordnance Survey National Grid. Are they out of range?";
if (osng.toString() === "") {
throw "Could not convert co-ordinates to OS National Grid. Are the co-ordinates in range?";
} else {
convLat = convertSingleCoordinate(convLat.toString(), "Decimal Degrees", outFormat, precision);
convLong = convertSingleCoordinate(convLong.toString(), "Decimal Degrees", outFormat, precision);
conv = osng.toString(precision);
} else if (outFormat === "Universal Transverse Mercator") {
const utm = latlon.toUtm();
conv = utm.toString(precision);
return [convLat, convLong];
if (conv === undefined) {
throw "Error converting co-ordinates.";
if (outFormat.includes("Degrees")) {
let [latDir, longDir] = findDirs(conv, outDelim);
if (inLatDir !== undefined) {
latDir = inLatDir;
if (inLongDir !== undefined) {
longDir = inLongDir;
conv = conv.replace(", ", outDelim);
// Remove any directions from the current string,
// so we can put them where we want them
conv = conv.replace(/[NnEeSsWw]/g, "");
if (includeDir !== "None") {
let outConv = "";
if (!isPair) {
if (includeDir === "Before") {
outConv += latDir + " " + conv;
} else {
outConv += conv + " " + latDir;
} else {
const splitConv = conv.split(outDelim);
if (splitConv.length === 2) {
if (includeDir === "Before") {
outConv += latDir + " ";
outConv += splitConv[0];
if (includeDir === "After") {
outConv += " " + latDir;
outConv += outDelim;
if (includeDir === "Before") {
outConv += longDir + " ";
outConv += splitConv[1];
if (includeDir === "After") {
outConv += " " + longDir;
conv = outConv;
return conv;
* @param {string} input - The input co-ordinate to be converted
* @param {string} inFormat - The format of the input co-ordinates
* @param {string} outFormat - The format which input should be converted to
* @param {boolean} returnRaw - When true, returns the raw float instead of a String
* @returns {string|{Object}} The converted co-ordinate result, as either the raw object or a formatted string
export function convertSingleCoordinate (input, inFormat, outFormat, precision, returnRaw = false){
let converted;
precision = Math.pow(10, precision);
const convData = splitInput(input);
// Convert everything to decimal degrees first
switch (inFormat) {
case "Degrees Minutes Seconds":
if (convData.length < 3) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinates format.";
converted = convDMSToDD(convData[0], convData[1], convData[2], precision);
case "Degrees Decimal Minutes":
if (convData.length < 2) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinates format.";
converted = convDDMToDD(convData[0], convData[1], precision);
case "Decimal Degrees":
if (convData.length < 1) {
throw "Invalid co-ordinates format.";
converted = convDDToDD(convData[0], precision);
throw "Unknown input format selection.";
// Convert from decimal degrees to the output format
switch (outFormat) {
case "Decimal Degrees":
case "Degrees Minutes Seconds":
converted = convDDToDMS(converted.degrees);
case "Degrees Decimal Minutes":
converted = convDDToDDM(converted.degrees, precision);
throw "Unknown output format selection.";
if (returnRaw) {
return converted;
} else {
return converted.string;
* Split up the input using a space, and sanitise the result
* Split up the input using a space or degrees signs, and sanitise the result
* @param {string} input - The input data to be split
* @returns {number[]} An array of the different items in the string, stored as floats
function splitInput (input){
const split = [];
input.split(" ").forEach(item => {
input.split(/[°′″'"\s]/).forEach(item => {
// Remove any character that isn't a digit
item = item.replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "");
if (item.length > 0){
split.push(parseFloat(item, 10));
return split;
@ -245,47 +337,153 @@ function convDDToDDM (decDegrees, precision) {
* Finds and returns the compass directions in an input string
* @param {string} input - The input co-ordinates containing the direction
* @param {string} delim - The delimiter separating latitide and longitude
* @returns {string[]} String array containing the latitude and longitude directions
export function findDirs(input, delim) {
const upperInput = input.toUpperCase();
const dirExp = new RegExp(/[NESW]/g);
const dirs = upperInput.match(dirExp);
if (dirExp.test(upperInput)) {
// If there's actually compass directions in the string
if (dirs.length <= 2 && dirs.length >= 1) {
if (dirs.length === 2) {
return [dirs[0], dirs[1]];
} else {
return [dirs[0], ""];
// Nothing was returned, so guess the directions
let lat = upperInput,
latDir = "",
longDir = "";
if (!delim.includes("Direction")) {
if (upperInput.includes(delim)) {
const split = upperInput.split(delim);
if (split.length > 1) {
if (split[0] === "") {
lat = split[1];
} else {
lat = split[0];
if (split.length > 2) {
if (split[2] !== "") {
long = split[2];
} else {
const split = upperInput.split(dirExp);
if (split.length > 1) {
if (split[0] === "") {
lat = split[1];
} else {
lat = split[0];
if (split.length > 2) {
if (split[2] !== "") {
long = split[2];
if (lat) {
lat = parseFloat(lat);
if (lat < 0) {
latDir = "S";
} else {
latDir = "N";
if (long) {
long = parseFloat(long);
if (long < 0) {
longDir = "W";
} else {
longDir = "E";
return [latDir, longDir];
* Detects the co-ordinate format of the input data
* @param {string} input - The input data whose format we need to detect
* @param {string} delim - The delimiter separating the data in input
* @returns {string} The input format
export function findFormat (input, delim) {
input = input.trim();
let testData;
if (delim.includes("Direction")) {
const mgrsPattern = new RegExp(/^[0-9]{2}\s?[C-HJ-NP-X]{1}\s?[A-HJ-NP-Z][A-HJ-NP-V]\s?[0-9\s]+/),
osngPattern = new RegExp(/^[STNHO][A-HJ-Z][0-9]+$/),
geohashPattern = new RegExp(/^[0123456789BCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]+$/),
utmPattern = new RegExp(/^[0-9]{2}\s?[C-HJ-NP-X]\s[0-9\.]+\s?[0-9\.]+$/),
degPattern = new RegExp(/[°'"]/g);
input = input.trim();
if (delim !== null && delim.includes("Direction")) {
const split = input.split(/[NnEeSsWw]/);
if (split.length > 0) {
if (split.length > 1) {
if (split[0] === "") {
// Direction Preceding
testData = split[1];
} else {
// Direction Following
testData = split[0];
} else if (delim !== "") {
const split = input.split(delim);
if (!input.includes(delim)) {
} else if (delim !== null && delim !== "") {
if (input.includes(delim)) {
const split = input.split(delim);
if (split.length > 1) {
if (split[0] === "") {
testData = split[1];
} else {
testData = split[0];
} else {
testData = input;
if (split.length > 0) {
if (split[0] !== "") {
testData = split[0];
} else if (split.length > 1) {
testData = split[1];
// Test MGRS and Geohash
if (input.split(" ").length <= 1) {
const filteredInput = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, "").toUpperCase();
const mgrsPattern = new RegExp(/^[0-9]{2}[C-HJ-NP-X]{2}[A-Z]+/);
const geohashPattern = new RegExp(/^[0123456789BCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]+$/);
if (mgrsPattern.test(filteredInput)) {
if (!degPattern.test(input)) {
const filteredInput = input.toUpperCase();
const isMgrs = mgrsPattern.test(filteredInput);
const isOsng = osngPattern.test(filteredInput);
const isGeohash = geohashPattern.test(filteredInput);
const isUtm = utmPattern.test(filteredInput);
if (isMgrs && (isOsng || isGeohash)) {
if (filteredInput.includes("I")) {
// Only MGRS can have an i!
return "Military Grid Reference System";
if (isUtm) {
return "Universal Transverse Mercator";
if (isOsng && isGeohash) {
// Geohash doesn't have A, L or O, but OSNG does.
const testExp = new RegExp(/[ALO]/g);
if (testExp.test(filteredInput)) {
return "Ordnance Survey National Grid";
} else {
return "Geohash";
if (isMgrs) {
return "Military Grid Reference System";
} else if (geohashPattern.test(filteredInput)) {
if (isOsng) {
return "Ordnance Survey National Grid";
if (isGeohash) {
return "Geohash";
@ -312,7 +510,7 @@ export function findFormat (input, delim) {
export function findDelim (input) {
input = input.trim();
const delims = [",", ";", ":"];
const delims = [",", ";", ":", " "];
const testDir = input.match(/[NnEeSsWw]/g);
if (testDir !== null && testDir.length > 0 && testDir.length < 3) {
// Possibly contains a direction
@ -340,3 +538,19 @@ export function findDelim (input) {
return null;
* Gets the real string for a delimiter name.
* @param {string} delim The delimiter to be matched
* @returns {string}
export function realDelim (delim) {
return {
"Auto": "Auto",
"Space": " ",
"\\n": "\n",
"Comma": ",",
"Semi-colon": ";",
"Colon": ":"

View File

@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
import Operation from "../Operation";
import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError";
import {FORMATS, STRING_FORMATS, convertCoordinates, convertSingleCoordinate, findDelim, findFormat} from "../lib/ConvertCoordinates";
import Utils from "../Utils";
import {FORMATS, convertCoordinates} from "../lib/ConvertCoordinates";
* Convert co-ordinate format operation
@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ class ConvertCoordinateFormat extends Operation {
this.name = "Convert co-ordinate format";
this.module = "Hashing";
this.description = "Convert geographical coordinates between different formats.<br><br>Supported formats:<ul><li>Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)</li><li>Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM)</li><li>Decimal Degrees (DD)</li><li>Geohash</li><li>Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)</li><li>Ordnance Survey National Grid (OSNG)</li></ul>";
this.description = "Convert geographical coordinates between different formats.<br><br>Supported formats:<ul><li>Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)</li><li>Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM)</li><li>Decimal Degrees (DD)</li><li>Geohash</li><li>Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)</li><li>Ordnance Survey National Grid (OSNG)</li><li>Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)</li></ul><br>The operation can try to detect the input co-ordinate format and delimiter automatically, but this may not always work correctly.";
this.infoURL = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_conversion";
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
@ -39,6 +37,7 @@ class ConvertCoordinateFormat extends Operation {
"Direction Preceding",
"Direction Following",
@ -55,14 +54,21 @@ class ConvertCoordinateFormat extends Operation {
"type": "option",
"value": [
"Direction Preceding",
"Direction Following",
"name": "Include Compass Directions",
"type": "option",
"value": [
"name": "Precision",
"type": "number",
@ -77,148 +83,8 @@ class ConvertCoordinateFormat extends Operation {
* @returns {string}
run(input, args) {
const outFormat = args[2],
outDelim = args[3],
precision = args[4];
let inFormat = args[0],
inDelim = args[1],
latDir = "",
longDir = "",
outSeparator = " ";
// Autodetect input delimiter
if (inDelim === "Auto") {
inDelim = findDelim(input);
if (inDelim === null) {
inDelim = "";
} else if (!inDelim.includes("Direction")) {
// Get the actual delimiter from the regex
inDelim = String(Utils.regexRep(inDelim)).slice(1, 2);
if (inFormat === "Auto") {
inFormat = findFormat(input, inDelim);
if (inFormat === null) {
throw new OperationError("Could not automatically detect the input format.");
if (inDelim === "" && (!STRING_FORMATS.includes(inFormat))) {
throw new OperationError("Could not automatically detect the input delimiter.");
// Prepare input data
if (STRING_FORMATS.includes(inFormat)) {
// Geohash only has one value, so just use the input
// Replace anything that isn't a valid character in Geohash / MGRS / OSNG
inLat = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, "");
} else if (inDelim === "Direction Preceding") {
// Split on the compass directions
const splitInput = input.split(/[NnEeSsWw]/);
const dir = input.match(/[NnEeSsWw]/g);
if (splitInput.length > 1) {
inLat = splitInput[1];
if (dir !== null) {
latDir = dir[0];
if (splitInput.length > 2) {
inLong = splitInput[2];
if (dir !== null && dir.length > 1) {
longDir = dir[1];
} else if (inDelim === "Direction Following") {
// Split on the compass directions
const splitInput = input.split(/[NnEeSsWw]/);
if (splitInput.length >= 1) {
inLat = splitInput[0];
if (splitInput.length >= 2) {
inLong = splitInput[1];
} else {
// Split on the delimiter
const splitInput = input.split(inDelim);
if (splitInput.length > 0) {
inLat = splitInput[0];
if (splitInput.length >= 2) {
inLong = splitInput[1];
if (!STRING_FORMATS.includes(inFormat) && outDelim.includes("Direction")) {
// Match on compass directions, and store the first 2 matches for the output
const dir = input.match(/[NnEeSsWw]/g);
if (dir !== null) {
latDir = dir[0];
if (dir.length > 1) {
longDir = dir[1];
} else if (outDelim === "\\n") {
outSeparator = "\n";
} else if (outDelim === "Space") {
outSeparator = " ";
} else if (!outDelim.includes("Direction")) {
// Cut out the regex syntax (/) from the delimiter
outSeparator = String(Utils.regexRep(outDelim)).slice(1, 2);
// Convert the co-ordinates
if (inLat !== undefined) {
if (inLong === undefined) {
if (!STRING_FORMATS.includes(inFormat)) {
if (STRING_FORMATS.includes(outFormat)){
throw new OperationError(`${outFormat} needs both a latitude and a longitude to be calculated`);
if (STRING_FORMATS.includes(inFormat)) {
// Geohash conversion is in convertCoordinates despite needing
// only one input as it needs to output two values
inLat = inLat.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, "");
[outLat, outLong] = convertCoordinates(inLat, inLat, inFormat, outFormat, precision);
} else {
outLat = convertSingleCoordinate(inLat, inFormat, outFormat, precision);
} else {
[outLat, outLong] = convertCoordinates(inLat, inLong, inFormat, outFormat, precision);
} else {
throw new OperationError("No co-ordinates were detected in the input.");
// Output conversion results if successful
if (outLat !== undefined) {
let output = "";
if (outDelim === "Direction Preceding" && !STRING_FORMATS.includes(outFormat)) {
output += latDir += " ";
output += outLat;
if (outDelim === "Direction Following" && !STRING_FORMATS.includes(outFormat)) {
output += " " + latDir;
output += outSeparator;
if (outLong !== undefined && !STRING_FORMATS.includes(outFormat)) {
if (outDelim === "Direction Preceding") {
output += longDir + " ";
output += outLong;
if (outDelim === "Direction Following") {
output += " " + longDir;
output += outSeparator;
return output;
} else {
throw new OperationError("Co-ordinate conversion failed.");
const [inFormat, inDelim, outFormat, outDelim, incDirection, precision] = args;
return convertCoordinates(input, inFormat, inDelim, outFormat, outDelim, incDirection, precision);