/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import ChefWorker from "worker-loader?inline&fallback=false!../core/ChefWorker"; /** * Waiter to handle conversations with a ChefWorker in the background. */ class BackgroundWorkerWaiter { /** * BackgroundWorkerWaiter constructor. * * @param {App} app - The main view object for CyberChef. * @param {Manager} manager - The CyberChef event manager. */ constructor(app, manager) { this.app = app; this.manager = manager; this.callbacks = {}; this.callbackID = 0; this.completedCallback = -1; this.timeout = null; } /** * Sets up the ChefWorker and associated listeners. */ registerChefWorker() { log.debug("Registering new background ChefWorker"); this.chefWorker = new ChefWorker(); this.chefWorker.addEventListener("message", this.handleChefMessage.bind(this)); let docURL = document.location.href.split(/[#?]/)[0]; const index = docURL.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index > 0) { docURL = docURL.substring(0, index); } this.chefWorker.postMessage({"action": "docURL", "data": docURL}); } /** * Handler for messages sent back by the ChefWorker. * * @param {MessageEvent} e */ handleChefMessage(e) { const r = e.data; log.debug("Receiving '" + r.action + "' from ChefWorker in the background"); switch (r.action) { case "bakeComplete": case "bakeError": if (typeof r.data.id !== "undefined") { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.callbacks[r.data.id].bind(this)(r.data); this.completedCallback = r.data.id; } break; case "workerLoaded": log.debug("Background ChefWorker loaded"); break; case "optionUpdate": // Ignore these messages break; default: log.error("Unrecognised message from background ChefWorker", e); break; } } /** * Cancels the current bake by terminating the ChefWorker and creating a new one. */ cancelBake() { if (this.chefWorker) this.chefWorker.terminate(); this.registerChefWorker(); } /** * Asks the ChefWorker to bake the input using the specified recipe. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} recipeConfig * @param {Object} options * @param {number} progress * @param {boolean} step * @param {Function} callback */ bake(input, recipeConfig, options, progress, step, callback) { const id = this.callbackID++; this.callbacks[id] = callback; this.chefWorker.postMessage({ action: "bake", data: { input: input, recipeConfig: recipeConfig, options: options, progress: progress, step: step, id: id } }); } /** * Asks the Magic operation what it can do with the input data. * * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} input */ magic(input) { // If we're still working on the previous bake, cancel it before stating a new one. if (this.completedCallback + 1 < this.callbackID) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.cancelBake(); } this.bake(input, [ { "op": "Magic", "args": [3, false, false] } ], {}, 0, false, this.magicComplete); // Cancel this bake if it takes too long. this.timeout = setTimeout(this.cancelBake.bind(this), 3000); } /** * Handler for completed Magic bakes. * * @param {Object} response */ magicComplete(response) { log.debug("--- Background Magic Bake complete ---"); if (!response || response.error) return; this.manager.output.backgroundMagicResult(response.dish.value); } } export default BackgroundWorkerWaiter;