import Utils from "../Utils.js"; /** * Bitwise operations. * * @author n1474335 [] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 * * @namespace */ const BitwiseOp = { /** * Runs bitwise operations across the input data. * * @private * @param {byteArray} input * @param {byteArray} key * @param {function} func - The bitwise calculation to carry out * @param {boolean} nullPreserving * @param {string} scheme * @returns {byteArray} */ _bitOp: function (input, key, func, nullPreserving, scheme) { if (!key || !key.length) key = [0]; let result = [], x = null, k = null, o = null; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { k = key[i % key.length]; o = input[i]; x = nullPreserving && (o === 0 || o === k) ? o : func(o, k); result.push(x); if (scheme && scheme !== "Standard" && !(nullPreserving && (o === 0 || o === k))) { switch (scheme) { case "Input differential": key[i % key.length] = x; break; case "Output differential": key[i % key.length] = o; break; } } } return result; }, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_PRESERVE_NULLS: false, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_SCHEME: ["Standard", "Input differential", "Output differential"], /** * @constant * @default */ KEY_FORMAT: ["Hex", "Base64", "UTF8", "UTF16", "UTF16LE", "UTF16BE", "Latin1"], /** * XOR operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runXor: function (input, args) { let key = Utils.format[args[0].option].parse(args[0].string || ""), scheme = args[1], nullPreserving = args[2]; key = Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(key); return BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, key, BitwiseOp._xor, nullPreserving, scheme); }, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_BRUTE_KEY_LENGTH: 1, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_BRUTE_SAMPLE_LENGTH: 100, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_BRUTE_SAMPLE_OFFSET: 0, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_BRUTE_PRINT_KEY: true, /** * @constant * @default */ XOR_BRUTE_OUTPUT_HEX: false, /** * XOR Brute Force operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runXorBrute: function (input, args) { const keyLength = args[0], sampleLength = args[1], sampleOffset = args[2], scheme = args[3], nullPreserving = args[4], printKey = args[5], outputHex = args[6], crib = args[7].toLowerCase(); let output = [], result, resultUtf8, record = ""; input = input.slice(sampleOffset, sampleOffset + sampleLength); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER()) self.sendStatusMessage("Calculating " + Math.pow(256, keyLength) + " values..."); /** * Converts an integer to an array of bytes expressing that number. * * @param {number} int * @param {number} len - Length of the resulting array * @returns {array} */ const intToByteArray = (int, len) => { let res = Array(len).fill(0); for (let i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { res[i] = int & 0xff; int = int >>> 8; } return res; }; for (let key = 1, l = Math.pow(256, keyLength); key < l; key++) { if (key % 10000 === 0 && ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER()) { self.sendStatusMessage("Calculating " + l + " values... " + Math.floor(key / l * 100) + "%"); } result = BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, intToByteArray(key, keyLength), BitwiseOp._xor, nullPreserving, scheme); resultUtf8 = Utils.byteArrayToUtf8(result); record = ""; if (crib && resultUtf8.toLowerCase().indexOf(crib) < 0) continue; if (printKey) record += "Key = " + Utils.hex(key, (2*keyLength)) + ": "; if (outputHex) { record += Utils.toHex(result); } else { record += Utils.printable(resultUtf8, false); } output.push(record); } return output.join("\n"); }, /** * NOT operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runNot: function (input, args) { return BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, null, BitwiseOp._not); }, /** * AND operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runAnd: function (input, args) { let key = Utils.format[args[0].option].parse(args[0].string || ""); key = Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(key); return BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, key, BitwiseOp._and); }, /** * OR operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runOr: function (input, args) { let key = Utils.format[args[0].option].parse(args[0].string || ""); key = Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(key); return BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, key, BitwiseOp._or); }, /** * ADD operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runAdd: function (input, args) { let key = Utils.format[args[0].option].parse(args[0].string || ""); key = Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(key); return BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, key, BitwiseOp._add); }, /** * SUB operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runSub: function (input, args) { let key = Utils.format[args[0].option].parse(args[0].string || ""); key = Utils.wordArrayToByteArray(key); return BitwiseOp._bitOp(input, key, BitwiseOp._sub); }, /** * Bit shift left operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runBitShiftLeft: function(input, args) { const amount = args[0]; return => { return (b << amount) & 0xff; }); }, /** * @constant * @default */ BIT_SHIFT_TYPE: ["Logical shift", "Arithmetic shift"], /** * Bit shift right operation. * * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ runBitShiftRight: function(input, args) { const amount = args[0], type = args[1], mask = type === "Logical shift" ? 0 : 0x80; return => { return (b >>> amount) ^ (b & mask); }); }, /** * XOR bitwise calculation. * * @private * @param {number} operand * @param {number} key * @returns {number} */ _xor: function (operand, key) { return operand ^ key; }, /** * NOT bitwise calculation. * * @private * @param {number} operand * @returns {number} */ _not: function (operand, _) { return ~operand & 0xff; }, /** * AND bitwise calculation. * * @private * @param {number} operand * @param {number} key * @returns {number} */ _and: function (operand, key) { return operand & key; }, /** * OR bitwise calculation. * * @private * @param {number} operand * @param {number} key * @returns {number} */ _or: function (operand, key) { return operand | key; }, /** * ADD bitwise calculation. * * @private * @param {number} operand * @param {number} key * @returns {number} */ _add: function (operand, key) { return (operand + key) % 256; }, /** * SUB bitwise calculation. * * @private * @param {number} operand * @param {number} key * @returns {number} */ _sub: function (operand, key) { const result = operand - key; return (result < 0) ? 256 + result : result; }, }; export default BitwiseOp;