/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * HighlighterWaiter data type enum for the input. * @enum */ const INPUT = 0; /** * HighlighterWaiter data type enum for the output. * @enum */ const OUTPUT = 1; /** * Waiter to handle events related to highlighting in CyberChef. */ class HighlighterWaiter { /** * HighlighterWaiter constructor. * * @param {App} app - The main view object for CyberChef. * @param {Manager} manager - The CyberChef event manager. */ constructor(app, manager) { this.app = app; this.manager = manager; this.mouseButtonDown = false; this.mouseTarget = null; } /** * Determines if the current text selection is running backwards or forwards. * StackOverflow answer id: 12652116 * * @private * @returns {boolean} */ _isSelectionBackwards() { let backwards = false; const sel = window.getSelection(); if (!sel.isCollapsed) { const range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset); range.setEnd(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset); backwards = range.collapsed; range.detach(); } return backwards; } /** * Calculates the text offset of a position in an HTML element, ignoring HTML tags. * * @private * @param {element} node - The parent HTML node. * @param {number} offset - The offset since the last HTML element. * @returns {number} */ _getOutputHtmlOffset(node, offset) { const sel = window.getSelection(); const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(document.getElementById("output-html")); range.setEnd(node, offset); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); return sel.toString().length; } /** * Gets the current selection offsets in the output HTML, ignoring HTML tags. * * @private * @returns {Object} pos * @returns {number} pos.start * @returns {number} pos.end */ _getOutputHtmlSelectionOffsets() { const sel = window.getSelection(); let range, start = 0, end = 0, backwards = false; if (sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(sel.rangeCount - 1); backwards = this._isSelectionBackwards(); start = this._getOutputHtmlOffset(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); end = this._getOutputHtmlOffset(range.endContainer, range.endOffset); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); if (backwards) { // If selecting backwards, reverse the start and end offsets for the selection to // prevent deselecting as the drag continues. sel.collapseToEnd(); sel.extend(sel.anchorNode, range.startOffset); } } return { start: start, end: end }; } /** * Handler for input scroll events. * Scrolls the highlighter pane to match the input textarea position. * * @param {event} e */ inputScroll(e) { const el = e.target; // document.getElementById("input-highlighter").scrollTop = el.scrollTop; // document.getElementById("input-highlighter").scrollLeft = el.scrollLeft; } /** * Handler for output scroll events. * Scrolls the highlighter pane to match the output textarea position. * * @param {event} e */ outputScroll(e) { const el = e.target; document.getElementById("output-highlighter").scrollTop = el.scrollTop; document.getElementById("output-highlighter").scrollLeft = el.scrollLeft; } /** * Handler for input mousedown events. * Calculates the current selection info, and highlights the corresponding data in the output. * * @param {event} e */ inputMousedown(e) { this.mouseButtonDown = true; this.mouseTarget = INPUT; this.removeHighlights(); const el = e.target; const start = el.selectionStart; const end = el.selectionEnd; if (start !== 0 || end !== 0) { document.getElementById("input-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(start, end); this.highlightOutput([{start: start, end: end}]); } } /** * Handler for output mousedown events. * Calculates the current selection info, and highlights the corresponding data in the input. * * @param {event} e */ outputMousedown(e) { this.mouseButtonDown = true; this.mouseTarget = OUTPUT; this.removeHighlights(); const el = e.target; const start = el.selectionStart; const end = el.selectionEnd; if (start !== 0 || end !== 0) { document.getElementById("output-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(start, end); this.highlightInput([{start: start, end: end}]); } } /** * Handler for output HTML mousedown events. * Calculates the current selection info. * * @param {event} e */ outputHtmlMousedown(e) { this.mouseButtonDown = true; this.mouseTarget = OUTPUT; const sel = this._getOutputHtmlSelectionOffsets(); if (sel.start !== 0 || sel.end !== 0) { document.getElementById("output-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(sel.start, sel.end); } } /** * Handler for input mouseup events. * * @param {event} e */ inputMouseup(e) { this.mouseButtonDown = false; } /** * Handler for output mouseup events. * * @param {event} e */ outputMouseup(e) { this.mouseButtonDown = false; } /** * Handler for output HTML mouseup events. * * @param {event} e */ outputHtmlMouseup(e) { this.mouseButtonDown = false; } /** * Handler for input mousemove events. * Calculates the current selection info, and highlights the corresponding data in the output. * * @param {event} e */ inputMousemove(e) { // Check that the left mouse button is pressed if (!this.mouseButtonDown || e.which !== 1 || this.mouseTarget !== INPUT) return; const el = e.target; const start = el.selectionStart; const end = el.selectionEnd; if (start !== 0 || end !== 0) { document.getElementById("input-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(start, end); this.highlightOutput([{start: start, end: end}]); } } /** * Handler for output mousemove events. * Calculates the current selection info, and highlights the corresponding data in the input. * * @param {event} e */ outputMousemove(e) { // Check that the left mouse button is pressed if (!this.mouseButtonDown || e.which !== 1 || this.mouseTarget !== OUTPUT) return; const el = e.target; const start = el.selectionStart; const end = el.selectionEnd; if (start !== 0 || end !== 0) { document.getElementById("output-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(start, end); this.highlightInput([{start: start, end: end}]); } } /** * Handler for output HTML mousemove events. * Calculates the current selection info. * * @param {event} e */ outputHtmlMousemove(e) { // Check that the left mouse button is pressed if (!this.mouseButtonDown || e.which !== 1 || this.mouseTarget !== OUTPUT) return; const sel = this._getOutputHtmlSelectionOffsets(); if (sel.start !== 0 || sel.end !== 0) { document.getElementById("output-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(sel.start, sel.end); } } /** * Given start and end offsets, writes the HTML for the selection info element with the correct * padding. * * @param {number} start - The start offset. * @param {number} end - The end offset. * @returns {string} */ selectionInfo(start, end) { const len = end.toString().length; const width = len < 2 ? 2 : len; const startStr = start.toString().padStart(width, " ").replace(/ /g, " "); const endStr = end.toString().padStart(width, " ").replace(/ /g, " "); const lenStr = (end-start).toString().padStart(width, " ").replace(/ /g, " "); return "start: " + startStr + "
end: " + endStr + "
length: " + lenStr; } /** * Removes highlighting and selection information. */ removeHighlights() { // document.getElementById("input-highlighter").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("output-highlighter").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("input-selection-info").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("output-selection-info").innerHTML = ""; } /** * Highlights the given offsets in the output. * We will only highlight if: * - input hasn't changed since last bake * - last bake was a full bake * - all operations in the recipe support highlighting * * @param {Object} pos - The position object for the highlight. * @param {number} pos.start - The start offset. * @param {number} pos.end - The end offset. */ highlightOutput(pos) { if (!this.app.autoBake_ || this.app.baking) return false; this.manager.worker.highlight(this.app.getRecipeConfig(), "forward", pos); } /** * Highlights the given offsets in the input. * We will only highlight if: * - input hasn't changed since last bake * - last bake was a full bake * - all operations in the recipe support highlighting * * @param {Object} pos - The position object for the highlight. * @param {number} pos.start - The start offset. * @param {number} pos.end - The end offset. */ highlightInput(pos) { if (!this.app.autoBake_ || this.app.baking) return false; this.manager.worker.highlight(this.app.getRecipeConfig(), "reverse", pos); } /** * Displays highlight offsets sent back from the Chef. * * @param {Object} pos - The position object for the highlight. * @param {number} pos.start - The start offset. * @param {number} pos.end - The end offset. * @param {string} direction */ displayHighlights(pos, direction) { if (!pos) return; const io = direction === "forward" ? "output" : "input"; document.getElementById(io + "-selection-info").innerHTML = this.selectionInfo(pos[0].start, pos[0].end); this.highlight( document.getElementById(io + "-text"), document.getElementById(io + "-highlighter"), pos); } /** * Adds the relevant HTML to the specified highlight element such that highlighting appears * underneath the correct offset. * * @param {element} textarea - The input or output textarea. * @param {element} highlighter - The input or output highlighter element. * @param {Object} pos - The position object for the highlight. * @param {number} pos.start - The start offset. * @param {number} pos.end - The end offset. */ async highlight(textarea, highlighter, pos) { if (!this.app.options.showHighlighter) return false; if (!this.app.options.attemptHighlight) return false; // Check if there is a carriage return in the output dish as this will not // be displayed by the HTML textarea and will mess up highlighting offsets. if (await this.manager.output.containsCR()) return false; const startPlaceholder = "[startHighlight]"; const startPlaceholderRegex = /\[startHighlight\]/g; const endPlaceholder = "[endHighlight]"; const endPlaceholderRegex = /\[endHighlight\]/g; let text = textarea.value; // Put placeholders in position // If there's only one value, select that // If there are multiple, ignore the first one and select all others if (pos.length === 1) { if (pos[0].end < pos[0].start) return; text = text.slice(0, pos[0].start) + startPlaceholder + text.slice(pos[0].start, pos[0].end) + endPlaceholder + text.slice(pos[0].end, text.length); } else { // O(n^2) - Can anyone improve this without overwriting placeholders? let result = "", endPlaced = true; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { for (let j = 1; j < pos.length; j++) { if (pos[j].end < pos[j].start) continue; if (pos[j].start === i) { result += startPlaceholder; endPlaced = false; } if (pos[j].end === i) { result += endPlaceholder; endPlaced = true; } } result += text[i]; } if (!endPlaced) result += endPlaceholder; text = result; } const cssClass = "hl1"; //if (colour) cssClass += "-"+colour; // Remove HTML tags text = text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/\n/g, " ") // Convert placeholders to tags .replace(startPlaceholderRegex, "") .replace(endPlaceholderRegex, "") + " "; // Adjust width to allow for scrollbars highlighter.style.width = textarea.clientWidth + "px"; highlighter.innerHTML = text; highlighter.scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop; highlighter.scrollLeft = textarea.scrollLeft; } } export default HighlighterWaiter;