if [[ "$ISSUE_TITLE_LOWER" == *"$KEYWORD_LOWER"* ]] || [[ "$ISSUE_BODY_LOWER" == *"$KEYWORD_LOWER"* ]]; then
echo "'$keyword' found"
echo "contains_keyword=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name:Comment, label, and close issue if keyword found
if:env.contains_keyword == 'true' # Only run if a keyword was found
ISSUE_NUMBER="${{ github.event.issue.number }}"
REPO="${{ github.repository }}"
# Define the body of the comment with Markdown formatting
><ins>**Microsoft and other major antivirus vendors have flagged ExplorerPatcher as \"malware\".**</ins> This is likely due to Microsoft's hatred against ExplorerPatcher, not because it contains a virus or such. Flags from Microsoft usually spread to other antivirus vendors.
Please include the following files and folders in your antivirus' exclusion list to prevent issues due to antivirus detections:
### **Failure to exclude ExplorerPatcher's files may result in inability to install/uninstall ExplorerPatcher and explorer.exe being unable to start.**
If you do not trust this process, please refrain from using ExplorerPatcher and look for alternatives instead.
Microsoft, if you are reading this, please reconsider the detections as [there are a lot of users who trust this program and that risks from future EP developers are a thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R50myh-AAe0)
This issue was closed automatically. You want to discuss this in https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/issues/3670."
# Escape the Markdown content for proper JSON formatting