#define DWMWA_USE_HOSTBACKDROPBRUSH 17 // [set] BOOL, Allows the use of host backdrop brushes for the window.
#define DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE 20 // [set] BOOL, Allows a window to either use the accent color, or dark, according to the user Color Mode preferences.
#define DWMWA_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE 33 // [set] WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE, Controls the policy that rounds top-level window corners
#define DWMWA_BORDER_COLOR 34 // [set] COLORREF, The color of the thin border around a top-level window
#define DWMWA_CAPTION_COLOR 35 // [set] COLORREF, The color of the caption
#define DWMWA_TEXT_COLOR 36 // [set] COLORREF, The color of the caption text
#define DWMWA_VISIBLE_FRAME_BORDER_THICKNESS 37 // [get] UINT, width of the visible border around a thick frame window