#ifndef _H_AS_H_ #define _H_AS_H_ #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "Version.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib") #ifndef NTDDI_WIN10_CO #define DWMWA_USE_HOSTBACKDROPBRUSH 17 // [set] BOOL, Allows the use of host backdrop brushes for the window. #define DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE 20 // [set] BOOL, Allows a window to either use the accent color, or dark, according to the user Color Mode preferences. #define DWMWA_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE 33 // [set] WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE, Controls the policy that rounds top-level window corners #define DWMWA_BORDER_COLOR 34 // [set] COLORREF, The color of the thin border around a top-level window #define DWMWA_CAPTION_COLOR 35 // [set] COLORREF, The color of the caption #define DWMWA_TEXT_COLOR 36 // [set] COLORREF, The color of the caption text #define DWMWA_VISIBLE_FRAME_BORDER_THICKNESS 37 // [get] UINT, width of the visible border around a thick frame window #define DWMWCP_DEFAULT 0 #define DWMWCP_DONOTROUND 1 #define DWMWCP_ROUND 2 #define DWMWCP_ROUNDSMALL 3 #endif #define DWMWA_MICA_EFFFECT 1029 #define ALLOC(x) calloc(1, x) #define FREE(x) free(x) extern HMODULE epw_hModule; extern DWORD epw_OutstandingObjects; extern DWORD epw_LockCount; // {A6EA9C2D-4982-4827-9204-0AC532959F6D} #define CLSID_EPWeather_Name "ExplorerPatcher Weather Host" #define CLSID_EPWeather_TEXT "{A6EA9C2D-4982-4827-9204-0AC532959F6D}" #define EP_Weather_Killswitch "Global\\EP_Weather_Killswitch_" CLSID_EPWeather_TEXT DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_EPWeather, 0xa6ea9c2d, 0x4982, 0x4827, 0x92, 0x4, 0xa, 0xc5, 0x32, 0x95, 0x9f, 0x6d); #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) #else DEFINE_GUID(IID_IEPWeather, 0xcdbf3734, 0xf847, 0x4f1b, 0xb9, 0x53, 0xa6, 0x5, 0x43, 0x4d, 0xc1, 0xe7); #endif #define EPW_WEATHER_CLASSNAME "ExplorerPatcher_Weather_" CLSID_EPWeather_TEXT #define EP_WEATHER_KEEP_VALUE -1 #define EP_WEATHER_NUM_PROVIDERS 2 #define EP_WEATHER_PROVIDER_TEST 0 #define EP_WEATHER_PROVIDER_GOOGLE 1 #define EP_WEATHER_NUM_TUNITS 2 #define EP_WEATHER_TUNIT_CELSIUS 0 #define EP_WEATHER_TUNIT_FAHRENHEIT 1 #define EP_WEATHER_VIEW_ICONONLY 1 #define EP_WEATHER_VIEW_ICONTEMP 3 #define EP_WEATHER_VIEW_ICONTEXT 0 #define EP_WEATHER_VIEW_TEMPONLY 4 #define EP_WEATHER_VIEW_TEXTONLY 5 #define EP_WEATHER_UPDATE_NORMAL 1200 #define EP_WEATHER_UPDATE_REDUCED 3600 #define EP_WEATHER_WM_FETCH_DATA (WM_USER + 10) #define EP_WEATHER_WM_SET_BROWSER_THEME (WM_USER + 11) #define EP_WEATHER_WM_REBOUND_BROWSER (WM_USER + 12) #define EP_WEATHER_HEIGHT 391 #define EP_WEATHER_WIDTH 690 #endif