mirror of synced 2025-02-17 18:59:24 +01:00

Added bunch of shooting games and set up for 3rd device

This commit is contained in:
Aaron M 2019-12-16 10:37:54 +13:00
parent e7d01dae7d
commit 3218e92df9
3 changed files with 370 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ struct EffectTriggers {
void(*Friction)(double strength);
void(*Sine)(UINT16 period, UINT16 fadePeriod, double strength);
void(*SineDevice2)(UINT16 period, UINT16 fadePeriod, double strength);
void(*SineDevice3)(UINT16 period, UINT16 fadePeriod, double strength);
void(*Rumble)(double lowfrequency, double highfrequency, double length);
void(*RumbleDevice2)(double lowfrequency, double highfrequency, double length);
void(*RumbleDevice3)(double lowfrequency, double highfrequency, double length);
void(*LeftRight)(double smallstrength, double largestrength, double length);
void(*LeftRightDevice2)(double smallstrength, double largestrength, double length);
void(*Springi)(double strength);
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ public:
int effect_leftright_id;
int effect_sine_id;
int effect_sine_id_device2;
int effect_sine_id_device3;
int effect_spring_id;
int effect_vibration_id;
int effect_inertia_id;

View File

@ -827,6 +827,7 @@ LPCDIDATAFORMAT WINAPI DirectInputGetdfDIJoystick()
// global variables
SDL_Haptic* haptic;
SDL_Haptic* haptic2 = NULL;
SDL_Haptic* haptic3 = NULL;
EffectCollection effects;
EffectConstants effectConst;
Helpers hlp;
@ -838,6 +839,8 @@ SDL_Joystick* GameController = NULL;
SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic = NULL;
SDL_Joystick* GameController2 = NULL;
SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic2 = NULL;
SDL_Joystick* GameController3 = NULL;
SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic3 = NULL;
HINSTANCE gl_hOriginalDll = NULL;
HINSTANCE gl_hjgtDll = NULL;
@ -846,6 +849,7 @@ extern HINSTANCE ProcDLL;
int joystick_index1;
int joystick1Index = -1;
int joystick_index2 = -1;
int joystick_index3 = -1;
// settings
wchar_t* settingsFilename = TEXT(".\\FFBPlugin.ini");
@ -872,11 +876,20 @@ int configMinForceDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("MinForc
int configMaxForceDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("MaxForceDevice2"), 100, settingsFilename);
int EnableRumbleDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("EnableRumbleDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename);
int ReverseRumbleDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ReverseRumbleDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename);
int AlternativeFFBDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeFFB"), 0, settingsFilename);
int AlternativeFFBDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeFFBDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMinForceLeftDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMinForceLeftDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMaxForceLeftDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMaxForceLeftDevice2"), 100, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMinForceRightDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMinForceRightDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMaxForceRightDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMaxForceRightDevice2"), 100, settingsFilename);
int configMinForceDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("MinForceDevice3"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configMaxForceDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("MaxForceDevice3"), 100, settingsFilename);
int EnableRumbleDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("EnableRumbleDevice3"), 0, settingsFilename);
int ReverseRumbleDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ReverseRumbleDevice3"), 0, settingsFilename);
int AlternativeFFBDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeFFBDevice3"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMinForceLeftDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMinForceLeftDevice3"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMaxForceLeftDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMaxForceLeftDevice3"), 100, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMinForceRightDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMinForceRightDevice3"), 0, settingsFilename);
int configAlternativeMaxForceRightDevice3 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("AlternativeMaxForceRightDevice3"), 100, settingsFilename);
char chainedDLL[256];
@ -1092,6 +1105,16 @@ void Initialize(int device_index)
effects.effect_sine_id_device2 = SDL_HapticNewEffect(haptic2, &tempEffect2);
if (haptic3 != NULL)
SDL_HapticEffect tempEffect3;
SDL_memset(&tempEffect3, 0, sizeof(SDL_HapticEffect));
tempEffect3 = SDL_HapticEffect();
tempEffect3.type = SDL_HAPTIC_SINE;
tempEffect3.constant.direction.type = SDL_HAPTIC_CARTESIAN;
effects.effect_sine_id_device3 = SDL_HapticNewEffect(haptic3, &tempEffect3);
// TODO: why don't we just define this as hackFix = true in the other file?
// Was there a reason to put it here?
@ -1103,10 +1126,14 @@ void Initialize(int device_index)
using namespace std::chrono;
std::chrono::milliseconds timeOfLastSineEffect = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
std::chrono::milliseconds timeOfLastSineEffectDevice2 = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
std::chrono::milliseconds timeOfLastSineEffectDevice3 = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
double lastSineEffectStrength = 0;
double lastSineEffectStrengthDevice2 = 0;
double lastSineEffectStrengthDevice3 = 0;
double lastSineEffectPeriod = 0;
double lastSineEffectPeriodDevice2 = 0;
double lastSineEffectPeriodDevice3 = 0;
void TriggerConstantEffect(int direction, double strength)
SDL_HapticEffect tempEffect;
@ -1532,6 +1559,80 @@ void TriggerSineEffectDevice2(UINT16 period, UINT16 fadePeriod, double strength)
lastSineEffectPeriodDevice2 = period;
void TriggerSineEffectDevice3(UINT16 period, UINT16 fadePeriod, double strength)
std::chrono::milliseconds now = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
long long elapsedTime = (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - timeOfLastSineEffectDevice3)).count();
int direction = 1;
if (strength < -0.001) {
strength *= -1;
direction = -1;
// if no strength, we do nothing
if (strength <= 0.001) {
// we ignore the new effect until the last one is completed, unless the new one is significantly stronger
if (elapsedTime < lastSineEffectPeriodDevice3 && strength < (lastSineEffectStrengthDevice3 * 1.5)) {
SDL_HapticEffect tempEffect;
SDL_memset(&tempEffect, 0, sizeof(SDL_HapticEffect));
hlp.log("Doing Device3 sine...");
tempEffect.type = SDL_HAPTIC_SINE;
tempEffect.periodic.direction.type = SDL_HAPTIC_CARTESIAN;
tempEffect.periodic.direction.dir[0] = direction;
tempEffect.constant.direction.dir[1] = 0; //Y Position
tempEffect.periodic.period = period;
int confMinForce = configMinForceDevice3;
int confMaxForce = configMaxForceDevice3;
if (AlternativeFFBDevice3 == 1)
if (direction == -1)
confMinForce = configAlternativeMinForceLeftDevice3;
confMaxForce = configAlternativeMaxForceLeftDevice3;
confMinForce = configAlternativeMinForceRightDevice3;
confMaxForce = configAlternativeMaxForceRightDevice3;
SHORT minForce = (SHORT)(strength > 0.001 ? (confMinForce / 100.0 * 32767.0) : 0); // strength is a double so we do an epsilon check of 0.001 instead of > 0.
SHORT maxForce = (SHORT)(confMaxForce / 100.0 * 32767.0);
SHORT range = maxForce - minForce;
SHORT magnitude = (SHORT)(strength * range + minForce);
if (range > 0 && magnitude < 0)
magnitude = 32767;
else if (range < 0 && magnitude > 0)
magnitude = -32767;
tempEffect.periodic.magnitude = (SHORT)(magnitude);
tempEffect.periodic.length = period;
tempEffect.periodic.attack_length = fadePeriod;
tempEffect.periodic.fade_length = fadePeriod;
SDL_HapticUpdateEffect(haptic3, effects.effect_sine_id_device3, &tempEffect);
SDL_HapticRunEffect(haptic3, effects.effect_sine_id_device3, 1);
/*int supported = SDL_HapticEffectSupported(haptic, &tempEffect);
hlp.log((char *)std::to_string(supported).c_str());*/
timeOfLastSineEffectDevice3 = now;
lastSineEffectStrengthDevice3 = strength;
lastSineEffectPeriodDevice3 = period;
void TriggerSpringEffectWithDefaultOption(double strength, bool isDefault)
SDL_HapticEffect tempEffect;
@ -1735,6 +1836,37 @@ void TriggerRumbleEffectDevice2(double highfrequency, double lowfrequency, doubl
void TriggerRumbleEffectDevice3(double highfrequency, double lowfrequency, double length)
if (EnableRumbleDevice3 == 1)
DWORD minForceLow = (DWORD)(lowfrequency > 0.001 ? (configMinForce / 100.0 * 65535.0) : 0);
DWORD minForceHigh = (DWORD)(highfrequency > 0.001 ? (configMinForce / 100.0 * 65535.0) : 0);
DWORD maxForce = (DWORD)(configMaxForce / 100.0 * 65535.0);
DWORD rangeLow = maxForce - minForceLow;
DWORD rangeHigh = maxForce - minForceHigh;
DWORD LowMotor = (DWORD)(lowfrequency * rangeLow + minForceLow);
DWORD HighMotor = (DWORD)(highfrequency * rangeHigh + minForceHigh);
if (ReverseRumbleDevice3 == 1)
int ReverseRumble3 = SDL_JoystickRumble(GameController3, HighMotor, LowMotor, length);
if (ReverseRumble3 == -1)
EnableRumbleDevice3 = 0;
int Rumble3 = SDL_JoystickRumble(GameController3, LowMotor, HighMotor, length);
if (Rumble3 == -1)
EnableRumbleDevice3 = 0;
void TriggerSpringEffect(double strength)
TriggerSpringEffectWithDefaultOption(strength, false);
@ -1791,8 +1923,10 @@ DWORD WINAPI FFBLoop(LPVOID lpParam)
t.Friction = &TriggerFrictionEffect;
t.Sine = &TriggerSineEffect;
t.SineDevice2 = &TriggerSineEffectDevice2;
t.SineDevice3 = &TriggerSineEffectDevice3;
t.Rumble = &TriggerRumbleEffect;
t.RumbleDevice2 = &TriggerRumbleEffectDevice2;
t.RumbleDevice3 = &TriggerRumbleEffectDevice3;
t.LeftRight = &TriggerLeftRightEffect;
t.LeftRightDevice2 = &TriggerLeftRightDevice2Effect;
t.Springi = &TriggerSpringEffectInfinite;

View File

@ -21,9 +21,13 @@ along with FFB Arcade Plugin.If not, see < https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "SDL.h"
extern int joystick_index1;
extern int joystick_index2;
extern int joystick_index3;
extern SDL_Joystick* GameController2;
extern SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic2;
extern SDL_Haptic* haptic2;
extern SDL_Joystick* GameController3;
extern SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic3;
extern SDL_Haptic* haptic3;
static wchar_t* settingsFilename = TEXT(".\\FFBPlugin.ini");
@ -42,6 +46,7 @@ static bool EmuName = false;
static bool RomGameName = false;
static bool Effect1 = false;
static bool Effect2 = false;
static bool Effect3 = false;
static bool DirtDevilSine = false;
static bool ForceSpringEffect = false;
static bool DontSineUntilRaceStart = false;
@ -65,6 +70,7 @@ int HardDrivinFFB;
int newstateFFB;
int stateFFB;
int stateFFBDevice2;
int stateFFBDevice3;
std::string wheelA("wheel");
@ -1760,6 +1766,7 @@ std::string srally2pa("srally2pa");
//MAME Games
std::string aburner2("aburner2");
std::string aburner2g("aburner2g");
std::string vformula("vformula");
std::string vr("vr");
std::string sfrush("sfrush");
@ -1836,6 +1843,18 @@ std::string racedrivc2("racedrivc2");
std::string racedrivc4("racedrivc4");
std::string racedrivc("racedrivc");
std::string racedrivpan("racedrivpan");
std::string othunder("othunder");
std::string othundero("othundero");
std::string othunderuo("othunderuo");
std::string othunderu("othunderu");
std::string othunderj("othunderj");
std::string opwolf("opwolf");
std::string opwolfp("opwolfp");
std::string opwolfj("opwolfj");
std::string opwolfu("opwolfu");
std::string opwolfa("opwolfa");
std::string revx("revx");
std::string revxp5("revxp5");
//Our string to load game from
std::string Daytona2Active("Daytona2Active");
@ -1853,6 +1872,8 @@ std::string OutrunnersActive("OutrunnersActive");
std::string SanFran2049Active("SanFran2049Active");
std::string HardDrivinActive("HardDrivinActive");
std::string AfterburnerActive("AfterburnerActive");
std::string RecoilPistolActive("RecoilPistolActive");
std::string RecoilGunActive("RecoilGunActive");
//Names of FFB Outputs
std::string RawDrive("RawDrive");
@ -1863,6 +1884,11 @@ std::string Vibration_motor("Vibration_motor");
std::string upright_wheel_motor("upright_wheel_motor");
std::string MA_Steering_Wheel_motor("MA_Steering_Wheel_motor");
std::string MB_Steering_Wheel_motor("MB_Steering_Wheel_motor");
std::string Player1_Recoil_Piston("Player1_Recoil_Piston");
std::string Player2_Recoil_Piston("Player2_Recoil_Piston");
std::string Player1_Gun_Recoil("Player1_Gun_Recoil");
std::string Player2_Gun_Recoil("Player2_Gun_Recoil");
std::string Player3_Gun_Recoil("Player3_Gun_Recoil");
//Emulator Name
std::string MAME("MAME");
@ -1926,6 +1952,50 @@ void OutputReading::FFBLoop(EffectConstants* constants, Helpers* helpers, Effect
SDL_HapticSetGain(haptic2, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++)
wchar_t* deviceGUIDString3 = new wchar_t[256];
int Device3GUID = GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("Device3GUID"), NULL, deviceGUIDString3, 256, settingsFilename);
char joystick_guid[256];
sprintf(joystick_guid, "%S", deviceGUIDString3);
SDL_JoystickGUID guid, dev_guid;
int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks();
std::string njs = std::to_string(numJoysticks);
for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++)
extern int joystick1Index;
if (i == joystick1Index)
SDL_Joystick* js3 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i);
joystick_index3 = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(js3);
SDL_JoystickGUID guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js3);
char guid_str[1024];
SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str));
const char* name = SDL_JoystickName(js3);
char text[256];
sprintf(text, "Joystick: %d / Name: %s / GUID: %s\n", i, name, guid_str);
guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUIDFromString(joystick_guid);
dev_guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js3);
if (!memcmp(&guid, &dev_guid, sizeof(SDL_JoystickGUID)))
GameController3 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i);
ControllerHaptic3 = SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick(GameController3);
haptic3 = ControllerHaptic3;
if ((SDL_HapticRumbleSupported(haptic3) == SDL_TRUE))
SDL_HapticSetGain(haptic3, 100);
if (EnableForceSpringEffect == 1)
if (ForceSpringEffect)
@ -2019,11 +2089,22 @@ void OutputReading::FFBLoop(EffectConstants* constants, Helpers* helpers, Effect
RunningFFB = "HardDrivinActive";
if (romname == aburner2)
if (romname == aburner2 || romname == aburner2g)
RunningFFB = "AfterburnerActive";
if (romname == othunder || romname == othundero || romname == othunderuo || romname == othunderu || romname == othunderj || romname == opwolf || romname == opwolfp || romname == opwolfj ||
romname == opwolfu || romname == opwolfa)
RunningFFB = "RecoilPistolActive";
if (romname == revx || romname == revxp5)
RunningFFB = "RecoilGunActive";
if ((RunningFFB != NULL) && (RunningFFB[0] != '\0'))
RomGameName = true;
@ -2689,5 +2770,155 @@ void OutputReading::FFBLoop(EffectConstants* constants, Helpers* helpers, Effect
if (RunningFFB == RecoilPistolActive)
if (Emulator == MAME)
if (name == Player1_Recoil_Piston)
helpers->log("got value: ");
std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB);
stateFFB = newstateFFB;
if (name == Player2_Recoil_Piston)
stateFFBDevice2 = newstateFFB;
if (stateFFB == 1)
Effect1 = true;
Effect1 = false;
if (stateFFBDevice2 == 1)
Effect2 = true;
Effect2 = false;
if (Effect1)
triggers->Sine(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0);
triggers->Rumble(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100);
if (!Effect1)
triggers->Sine(0, 0, 0);
triggers->Rumble(0, 0, 0);
if (Effect2)
triggers->SineDevice2(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0);
triggers->RumbleDevice2(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100);
if (!Effect2)
triggers->SineDevice2(0, 0, 0);
triggers->RumbleDevice2(0, 0, 0);
if (RunningFFB == RecoilGunActive)
if (Emulator == MAME)
if (name == Player1_Gun_Recoil)
helpers->log("got value: ");
std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB);
stateFFB = newstateFFB;
if (name == Player2_Gun_Recoil)
stateFFBDevice2 = newstateFFB;
if (name == Player3_Gun_Recoil)
stateFFBDevice3 = newstateFFB;
if (stateFFB == 1)
Effect1 = true;
Effect1 = false;
if (stateFFBDevice2 == 1)
Effect2 = true;
Effect2 = false;
if (stateFFBDevice3 == 1)
Effect3 = true;
Effect3 = false;
if (Effect1)
triggers->Sine(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0);
triggers->Rumble(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100);
if (!Effect1)
triggers->Sine(0, 0, 0);
triggers->Rumble(0, 0, 0);
if (Effect2)
triggers->SineDevice2(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0);
triggers->RumbleDevice2(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100);
if (!Effect2)
triggers->SineDevice2(0, 0, 0);
triggers->RumbleDevice2(0, 0, 0);
if (Effect3)
triggers->SineDevice3(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0);
triggers->RumbleDevice3(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100);
if (!Effect3)
triggers->SineDevice3(0, 0, 0);
triggers->RumbleDevice3(0, 0, 0);