/*This file is part of FFB Arcade Plugin. FFB Arcade Plugin is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FFB Arcade Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FFB Arcade Plugin.If not, see < https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "OutputReading.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SDL.h" extern int joystick_index1; extern int joystick_index2; extern int joystick_index3; extern SDL_Joystick* GameController2; extern SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic2; extern SDL_Haptic* haptic2; extern SDL_Joystick* GameController3; extern SDL_Haptic* ControllerHaptic3; extern SDL_Haptic* haptic3; HINSTANCE ProcDLL = NULL; static wchar_t* settingsFilename = TEXT(".\\FFBPlugin.ini"); static int configFeedbackLength = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("FeedbackLength"), 120, settingsFilename); static int configGameId = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("GameId"), 0, settingsFilename); static int SinePeriod = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("SinePeriod"), 0, settingsFilename); static int SineFadePeriod = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("SineFadePeriod"), 0, settingsFilename); static int SineStrength = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("SineStrength"), 0, settingsFilename); static int RumbleStrengthLeftMotor = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("RumbleStrengthLeftMotor"), 0, settingsFilename); static int RumbleStrengthRightMotor = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("RumbleStrengthRightMotor"), 0, settingsFilename); static int EnableForceSpringEffect = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("EnableForceSpringEffect"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ForceSpringStrength = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ForceSpringStrength"), 0, settingsFilename); static bool init = false; static bool EmuName = false; static bool RomGameName = false; static bool Effect1 = false; static bool Effect2 = false; static bool Effect3 = false; static bool DirtDevilSine = false; static bool ForceSpringEffect = false; static bool DontSineUntilRaceStart = false; static bool HardDrivinFrame = false; HINSTANCE hInstance; HINSTANCE hPrevInstance; LPSTR lpCmdLine; int nCmdShow; const char* nameFFB; const char* romFFB; const char* EmulatorName; char* name; char* romname; char* RunningFFB; char* Emulator; int vals[8] = { 0 }; int frame = 0; int HardDrivinFFB; int newstateFFB; int stateFFB; int stateFFBDevice2; int stateFFBDevice3; std::string wheelA("wheel"); typedef int(__stdcall* MAME_START)(int hWnd); typedef int(__stdcall* MAME_STOP)(void); typedef int(__stdcall* MAME_COPYDATA)(int id, const char* name); typedef int(__stdcall* MAME_UPDATESTATE)(const char* id, int state); typedef int(__stdcall* MAME_OUTPUT)(const char* name, int value); typedef int(__stdcall* INIT_MAME)(int clientid, PWCHAR name, MAME_START start, MAME_STOP stop, MAME_COPYDATA copydata, MAME_UPDATESTATE updatestate, MAME_OUTPUT output); MAME_START mame_start_ptr; MAME_STOP mame_stop_ptr; MAME_COPYDATA mame_copydata_ptr; MAME_UPDATESTATE mame_updatestate_ptr; MAME_OUTPUT mame_output_ptr; INIT_MAME dll_init; int __stdcall mame_start(int hWnd); int __stdcall mame_stop(void); int __stdcall mame_copydata(int id, const char* name); int __stdcall mame_updatestate(const char* id, int state); int __stdcall mame_output(const char* name, int value); void CallTheOutputs() { #ifdef _WIN64 ProcDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("MAME64.dll")); #else ProcDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("MAME32.dll")); #endif if (ProcDLL != NULL) { dll_init = (INIT_MAME)GetProcAddress(ProcDLL, "init_mame"); } else { #ifdef _WIN64 MessageBoxA(NULL, "MAME64.dll is missing!", "FFBPluginError", NULL); #else MessageBoxA(NULL, "MAME32.dll is missing!", "FFBPluginError", NULL); #endif } } typedef struct _id_map_entry id_map_entry; struct _id_map_entry { id_map_entry* next; const char* name; WPARAM id; }; void AppendTextToEditCtrl(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpString); void reset_id_to_outname_cache(void); const char* get_name_from_id(int id); void add_map_entry(id_map_entry* entry, int id, char* name); id_map_entry* idmaplist; HWND hEdit; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void AppendTextToEditCtrl(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR pszText); int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { CallTheOutputs(); HWND hWnd; MSG msg; WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; wcex.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION); wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW); wcex.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcex.lpszClassName = L"MAMEInterop"; wcex.hIconSm = NULL; RegisterClassEx(&wcex); hWnd = CreateWindow(L"MAMEInterop", L"MAMEInterop", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 512, 512, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (hWnd == NULL) MessageBox(hWnd, L"Could not create window", L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); hEdit = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"EDIT", L"", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, 8, 8, 488, 464, hWnd, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); if (hEdit == NULL) MessageBox(hWnd, L"Could not create edit box.", L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); if (hWnd != NULL) { //ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } mame_start_ptr = mame_start; mame_stop_ptr = mame_stop; mame_copydata_ptr = mame_copydata; mame_updatestate_ptr = mame_updatestate; mame_output_ptr = mame_output; dll_init(1, L"Test", mame_start_ptr, mame_stop_ptr, mame_copydata_ptr, mame_updatestate_ptr, mame_output_ptr); while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return msg.wParam; } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_DESTROY: reset_id_to_outname_cache(); PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } void AppendTextToEditCtrl(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpString) { int iPrevLen = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd); SendMessage(hWnd, EM_SETSEL, iPrevLen, iPrevLen); SendMessage(hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)lpString); } void reset_id_to_outname_cache(void) { while (idmaplist != NULL) { id_map_entry* temp = idmaplist; idmaplist = temp->next; free(temp); } } const char* get_name_from_id(int id) { while (idmaplist != NULL) { id_map_entry* temp = idmaplist; if (temp->id == (WPARAM)id) return temp->name; idmaplist = temp->next; } return NULL; } void add_map_entry(id_map_entry* entry, int id, char* name) { char* string; entry = (id_map_entry*)malloc(sizeof(entry)); string = (char*)malloc(strlen(name) + 1); if (entry != NULL && string != NULL) { entry->next = idmaplist; entry->name = string; entry->id = id; strcpy(string, name); idmaplist = entry; } } int __stdcall mame_start(int hWnd) { WCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"mame_start hwnd = 0x%08x\r\n", hWnd); AppendTextToEditCtrl(hEdit, buf); return 1; } int __stdcall mame_stop(void) { reset_id_to_outname_cache(); AppendTextToEditCtrl(hEdit, TEXT("mame_stop\r\n")); return 1; } int __stdcall mame_copydata(int id, const char* name) { WCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"id %d = '%S'\r\n", id, name); if (id == 0) { romFFB = name; } AppendTextToEditCtrl(hEdit, buf); return 1; } int __stdcall mame_updatestate(const char* id, int state) { WCHAR buf[256]; LPCSTR name = get_name_from_id((int)id); if (name == NULL) name = id; wsprintf(buf, L"updatestate: id=%d (%S) state=%d\r\n", id, name, state); AppendTextToEditCtrl(hEdit, buf); nameFFB = name; newstateFFB = state; if (HardDrivinFrame) { if (name == wheelA) { //if (!(((state == 0xE0) || (state == 0)) && ((frame == 0) || (frame == 4)))) if ((state != 0xE0) && (state != 0x00)) { vals[frame & 0x7] = state; frame++; } } } return 1; } int __stdcall mame_output(const char* name, int value) { WCHAR buf[256]; wsprintf(buf, L"output: name=%S value=%d\r\n", name, value); AppendTextToEditCtrl(hEdit, buf); return 1; } static BOOL CALLBACK FindWindowBySubstr(HWND hwnd, LPARAM substring) { const DWORD TITLE_SIZE = 1024; TCHAR windowTitle[TITLE_SIZE]; if (GetWindowText(hwnd, windowTitle, TITLE_SIZE)) { if (_tcsstr(windowTitle, LPCTSTR(substring)) != NULL) { return false; } } return true; } DWORD WINAPI ThreadForOutputs(LPVOID lpParam) { WinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow); return 0; } DWORD WINAPI ThreadForForcedSpring(LPVOID lpParam) { if (configGameId == 34) { Sleep(2500); ForceSpringEffect = true; } else { ForceSpringEffect = true; } return 0; } static int sanfran(int ffsan) { switch (ffsan) { case 0xFF: return 232; case 0xFE: return 231; case 0xFD: return 230; case 0xFC: return 229; case 0xFB: return 228; case 0xFA: return 227; case 0xF9: return 226; case 0xF8: return 225; case 0xF7: return 224; case 0xF6: return 223; case 0xF5: return 222; case 0xF4: return 221; case 0xF3: return 220; case 0xF2: return 219; case 0xF1: return 218; case 0xEF: return 217; case 0xEE: return 216; case 0xED: return 215; case 0xEC: return 214; case 0xEB: return 213; case 0xEA: return 212; case 0xE9: return 211; case 0xE8: return 210; case 0xE7: return 209; case 0xE6: return 208; case 0xE5: return 207; case 0xE4: return 206; case 0xE3: return 205; case 0xE2: return 204; case 0xE1: return 203; case 0xDF: return 202; case 0xDE: return 201; case 0xDD: return 200; case 0xDC: return 199; case 0xDB: return 198; case 0xDA: return 197; case 0xD9: return 196; case 0xD8: return 195; case 0xD7: return 194; case 0xD6: return 193; case 0xD5: return 192; case 0xD4: return 191; case 0xD3: return 190; case 0xD2: return 189; case 0xD1: return 188; case 0xCF: return 187; case 0xCE: return 186; case 0xCD: return 185; case 0xCC: return 184; case 0xCB: return 183; case 0xCA: return 182; case 0xC9: return 181; case 0xC8: return 180; case 0xC7: return 179; case 0xC6: return 178; case 0xC5: return 177; case 0xC4: return 176; case 0xC3: return 175; case 0xC2: return 174; case 0xC1: return 173; case 0xBF: return 172; case 0xBE: return 171; case 0xBD: return 170; case 0xBC: return 169; case 0xBB: return 168; case 0xBA: return 167; case 0xB9: return 166; case 0xB8: return 165; case 0xB7: return 164; case 0xB6: return 163; case 0xB5: return 162; case 0xB4: return 161; case 0xB3: return 160; case 0xB2: return 159; case 0xB1: return 158; case 0xAF: return 157; case 0xAE: return 156; case 0xAD: return 155; case 0xAC: return 154; case 0xAB: return 153; case 0xAA: return 152; case 0xA9: return 151; case 0xA8: return 150; case 0xA7: return 149; case 0xA6: return 148; case 0xA5: return 147; case 0xA4: return 146; case 0xA3: return 145; case 0xA2: return 144; case 0xA1: return 143; case 0x9F: return 142; case 0x9E: return 141; case 0x9D: return 140; case 0x9C: return 139; case 0x9B: return 138; case 0x9A: return 137; case 0x99: return 136; case 0x98: return 135; case 0x97: return 134; case 0x96: return 133; case 0x95: return 132; case 0x94: return 131; case 0x93: return 130; case 0x92: return 129; case 0x91: return 128; case 0x8F: return 127; case 0x8E: return 126; case 0x8D: return 125; case 0x8C: return 124; case 0x8B: return 123; case 0x8A: return 122; case 0x89: return 121; case 0x88: return 120; case 0x87: return 119; case 0x86: return 118; case 0x85: return 117; case 0x84: return 116; case 0x83: return 115; case 0x82: return 114; case 0x81: return 113; case 0x7F: return 112; case 0x7E: return 111; case 0x7D: return 110; case 0x7C: return 109; case 0x7B: return 108; case 0x7A: return 107; case 0x79: return 106; case 0x78: return 105; case 0x77: return 104; case 0x76: return 103; case 0x75: return 102; case 0x74: return 101; case 0x73: return 100; case 0x72: return 99; case 0x71: return 98; case 0x6F: return 97; case 0x6E: return 96; case 0x6D: return 95; case 0x6C: return 94; case 0x6B: return 93; case 0x6A: return 92; case 0x69: return 91; case 0x68: return 90; case 0x67: return 89; case 0x66: return 88; case 0x65: return 87; case 0x64: return 86; case 0x63: return 85; case 0x62: return 84; case 0x61: return 83; case 0x5F: return 82; case 0x5E: return 81; case 0x5D: return 80; case 0x5C: return 79; case 0x5B: return 78; case 0x5A: return 77; case 0x59: return 76; case 0x58: return 75; case 0x57: return 74; case 0x56: return 73; case 0x55: return 72; case 0x54: return 71; case 0x53: return 70; case 0x52: return 69; case 0x51: return 68; case 0x4F: return 67; case 0x4E: return 66; case 0x4D: return 65; case 0x4C: return 64; case 0x4B: return 63; case 0x4A: return 62; case 0x49: return 61; case 0x48: return 60; case 0x47: return 59; case 0x46: return 58; case 0x45: return 57; case 0x44: return 56; case 0x43: return 55; case 0x42: return 54; case 0x41: return 53; case 0x3F: return 52; case 0x3E: return 51; case 0x3D: return 50; case 0x3C: return 49; case 0x3B: return 48; case 0x3A: return 47; case 0x39: return 46; case 0x38: return 45; case 0x37: return 44; case 0x36: return 43; case 0x35: return 42; case 0x34: return 41; case 0x33: return 40; case 0x32: return 39; case 0x31: return 38; case 0x29: return 37; case 0x28: return 36; case 0x27: return 35; case 0x26: return 34; case 0x25: return 33; case 0x24: return 32; case 0x23: return 31; case 0x22: return 30; case 0x21: return 29; case 0x1F: return 28; case 0x1E: return 27; case 0x1D: return 26; case 0x1C: return 25; case 0x1B: return 24; case 0x1A: return 23; case 0x19: return 22; case 0x18: return 21; case 0x17: return 20; case 0x16: return 19; case 0x15: return 18; case 0x14: return 17; case 0x13: return 16; case 0x12: return 15; case 0x11: return 14; case 0x0F: return 13; case 0x0E: return 12; case 0x0D: return 11; case 0x0C: return 10; case 0x0B: return 9; case 0x0A: return 8; case 0x09: return 7; case 0x08: return 6; case 0x07: return 5; case 0x06: return 4; case 0x05: return 3; case 0x04: return 2; case 0x03: return 1; default: return 0; } } static int crusnwldA(int ffcru) { switch (ffcru) { case 0xFF: return 225; case 0xFE: return 224; case 0xFD: return 223; case 0xFC: return 222; case 0xFB: return 221; case 0xFA: return 220; case 0xF9: return 219; case 0xF8: return 218; case 0xF7: return 217; case 0xF6: return 216; case 0xF5: return 215; case 0xF4: return 214; case 0xF3: return 213; case 0xF2: return 212; case 0xF1: return 211; case 0xEF: return 210; case 0xEE: return 209; case 0xED: return 208; case 0xEC: return 207; case 0xEB: return 206; case 0xEA: return 205; case 0xE9: return 204; case 0xE8: return 203; case 0xE7: return 202; case 0xE6: return 201; case 0xE5: return 200; case 0xE4: return 199; case 0xE3: return 198; case 0xE2: return 197; case 0xE1: return 196; case 0xDF: return 195; case 0xDE: return 194; case 0xDD: return 193; case 0xDC: return 192; case 0xDB: return 191; case 0xDA: return 190; case 0xD9: return 189; case 0xD8: return 188; case 0xD7: return 187; case 0xD6: return 186; case 0xD5: return 185; case 0xD4: return 184; case 0xD3: return 183; case 0xD2: return 182; case 0xD1: return 181; case 0xCF: return 180; case 0xCE: return 179; case 0xCD: return 178; case 0xCC: return 177; case 0xCB: return 176; case 0xCA: return 175; case 0xC9: return 174; case 0xC7: return 173; case 0xC6: return 172; case 0xC5: return 171; case 0xC3: return 170; case 0xBF: return 169; case 0xBE: return 168; case 0xBD: return 167; case 0xBC: return 166; case 0xBB: return 165; case 0xBA: return 164; case 0xB9: return 163; case 0xB8: return 162; case 0xB7: return 161; case 0xB6: return 160; case 0xB5: return 159; case 0xB4: return 158; case 0xB3: return 157; case 0xB2: return 156; case 0xB1: return 155; case 0xAF: return 154; case 0xAE: return 153; case 0xAD: return 152; case 0xAC: return 151; case 0xAB: return 150; case 0xAA: return 149; case 0xA9: return 148; case 0xA8: return 147; case 0xA7: return 146; case 0xA6: return 145; case 0xA5: return 144; case 0xA4: return 143; case 0xA3: return 142; case 0xA2: return 141; case 0xA1: return 140; case 0x9F: return 139; case 0x9E: return 138; case 0x9D: return 137; case 0x9C: return 136; case 0x9B: return 135; case 0x9A: return 134; case 0x99: return 133; case 0x98: return 132; case 0x97: return 131; case 0x96: return 130; case 0x95: return 129; case 0x94: return 128; case 0x93: return 127; case 0x92: return 126; case 0x91: return 125; case 0x8F: return 124; case 0x8E: return 123; case 0x8D: return 122; case 0x8C: return 121; case 0x8B: return 120; case 0x8A: return 119; case 0x89: return 118; case 0x88: return 117; case 0x87: return 116; case 0x86: return 115; case 0x85: return 114; case 0x84: return 113; case 0x83: return 112; case 0x82: return 111; case 0x7E: return 110; case 0x7D: return 109; case 0x7C: return 108; case 0x7B: return 107; case 0x7A: return 106; case 0x79: return 105; case 0x78: return 104; case 0x77: return 103; case 0x76: return 102; case 0x75: return 101; case 0x74: return 100; case 0x73: return 99; case 0x72: return 98; case 0x71: return 97; case 0x6F: return 96; case 0x6E: return 95; case 0x6D: return 94; case 0x6C: return 93; case 0x6B: return 92; case 0x6A: return 91; case 0x69: return 90; case 0x68: return 89; case 0x67: return 88; case 0x66: return 87; case 0x65: return 86; case 0x64: return 85; case 0x63: return 84; case 0x62: return 83; case 0x61: return 82; case 0x5F: return 81; case 0x5E: return 80; case 0x5D: return 79; case 0x5C: return 78; case 0x5B: return 77; case 0x5A: return 76; case 0x59: return 75; case 0x58: return 74; case 0x57: return 73; case 0x56: return 72; case 0x55: return 71; case 0x54: return 70; case 0x53: return 69; case 0x52: return 68; case 0x51: return 67; case 0x4F: return 66; case 0x4E: return 65; case 0x4D: return 64; case 0x4C: return 63; case 0x4B: return 62; case 0x4A: return 61; case 0x49: return 60; case 0x48: return 59; case 0x47: return 58; case 0x46: return 57; case 0x45: return 56; case 0x44: return 55; case 0x43: return 54; case 0x42: return 53; case 0x41: return 52; case 0x3F: return 51; case 0x3E: return 50; case 0x3D: return 49; case 0x3C: return 48; case 0x3B: return 47; case 0x3A: return 46; case 0x39: return 45; case 0x38: return 44; case 0x37: return 43; case 0x36: return 42; case 0x35: return 41; case 0x34: return 40; case 0x33: return 39; case 0x32: return 38; case 0x31: return 37; case 0x29: return 36; case 0x28: return 35; case 0x27: return 34; case 0x26: return 33; case 0x25: return 32; case 0x24: return 31; case 0x23: return 30; case 0x22: return 29; case 0x21: return 28; case 0x1F: return 27; case 0x1E: return 26; case 0x1D: return 25; case 0x1C: return 24; case 0x1B: return 23; case 0x1A: return 22; case 0x19: return 21; case 0x18: return 20; case 0x17: return 19; case 0x16: return 18; case 0x15: return 17; case 0x14: return 16; case 0x13: return 15; case 0x12: return 14; case 0x11: return 13; case 0x0F: return 12; case 0x0E: return 11; case 0x0D: return 10; case 0x0C: return 9; case 0x0B: return 8; case 0x0A: return 7; case 0x09: return 6; case 0x07: return 5; case 0x06: return 4; case 0x05: return 3; case 0x03: return 2; case 0x01: return 1; default: return 0; } } static int crusnusaA(int ffusa) { switch (ffusa) { case 0xFF: return 214; case 0xFE: return 213; case 0xFC: return 212; case 0xFB: return 211; case 0xFA: return 210; case 0xF9: return 209; case 0xF8: return 208; case 0xF7: return 207; case 0xF6: return 206; case 0xF5: return 205; case 0xF4: return 204; case 0xF3: return 203; case 0xF2: return 202; case 0xF1: return 201; case 0xEF: return 200; case 0xEE: return 199; case 0xED: return 198; case 0xEC: return 197; case 0xEB: return 196; case 0xEA: return 195; case 0xE9: return 194; case 0xE8: return 193; case 0xE7: return 192; case 0xE6: return 191; case 0xE5: return 190; case 0xE4: return 189; case 0xE3: return 188; case 0xE2: return 187; case 0xE1: return 186; case 0xDF: return 185; case 0xDE: return 184; case 0xDD: return 183; case 0xDC: return 182; case 0xDB: return 181; case 0xDA: return 180; case 0xD9: return 179; case 0xD8: return 178; case 0xD7: return 177; case 0xD3: return 176; case 0xD2: return 175; case 0xD1: return 174; case 0xCF: return 173; case 0xCE: return 172; case 0xCD: return 171; case 0xCC: return 170; case 0xCB: return 169; case 0xCA: return 168; case 0xC9: return 167; case 0xC7: return 166; case 0xC6: return 165; case 0xC5: return 164; case 0xC3: return 163; case 0xBF: return 162; case 0xBE: return 161; case 0xBD: return 160; case 0xBC: return 159; case 0xBB: return 158; case 0xBA: return 157; case 0xB9: return 156; case 0xB8: return 155; case 0xB7: return 154; case 0xB6: return 153; case 0xB5: return 152; case 0xB4: return 151; case 0xB3: return 150; case 0xB2: return 149; case 0xB1: return 148; case 0xAF: return 147; case 0xAE: return 146; case 0xAD: return 145; case 0xAC: return 144; case 0xAB: return 143; case 0xAA: return 142; case 0xA9: return 141; case 0xA8: return 140; case 0xA7: return 139; case 0xA6: return 138; case 0xA5: return 137; case 0xA4: return 136; case 0xA3: return 135; case 0xA2: return 134; case 0xA1: return 133; case 0x9F: return 132; case 0x9E: return 131; case 0x9D: return 130; case 0x9C: return 129; case 0x9B: return 128; case 0x9A: return 127; case 0x99: return 126; case 0x98: return 125; case 0x97: return 124; case 0x96: return 123; case 0x95: return 122; case 0x94: return 121; case 0x93: return 120; case 0x92: return 119; case 0x91: return 118; case 0x8F: return 117; case 0x8E: return 116; case 0x8D: return 115; case 0x8C: return 114; case 0x8B: return 113; case 0x8A: return 112; case 0x89: return 111; case 0x88: return 110; case 0x87: return 109; case 0x86: return 108; case 0x84: return 107; case 0x83: return 106; case 0x82: return 105; case 0x7E: return 104; case 0x7D: return 103; case 0x7C: return 102; case 0x7B: return 101; case 0x7A: return 100; case 0x79: return 99; case 0x78: return 98; case 0x77: return 97; case 0x76: return 96; case 0x75: return 95; case 0x74: return 94; case 0x73: return 93; case 0x71: return 92; case 0x6F: return 91; case 0x6E: return 90; case 0x6D: return 89; case 0x6C: return 88; case 0x6B: return 87; case 0x6A: return 86; case 0x69: return 85; case 0x68: return 84; case 0x67: return 83; case 0x66: return 82; case 0x65: return 81; case 0x64: return 80; case 0x63: return 79; case 0x62: return 78; case 0x61: return 77; case 0x5F: return 76; case 0x5E: return 75; case 0x5D: return 74; case 0x5C: return 73; case 0x5B: return 72; case 0x5A: return 71; case 0x59: return 70; case 0x58: return 69; case 0x57: return 68; case 0x56: return 67; case 0x55: return 66; case 0x54: return 65; case 0x53: return 64; case 0x52: return 63; case 0x51: return 62; case 0x4F: return 61; case 0x4E: return 60; case 0x4D: return 59; case 0x4C: return 58; case 0x4B: return 57; case 0x4A: return 56; case 0x49: return 55; case 0x48: return 54; case 0x47: return 53; case 0x46: return 52; case 0x45: return 51; case 0x44: return 50; case 0x43: return 49; case 0x42: return 48; case 0x41: return 47; case 0x3F: return 46; case 0x3E: return 45; case 0x3D: return 44; case 0x3B: return 43; case 0x3A: return 42; case 0x39: return 41; case 0x38: return 40; case 0x37: return 39; case 0x36: return 38; case 0x35: return 37; case 0x34: return 36; case 0x33: return 35; case 0x32: return 34; case 0x31: return 33; case 0x29: return 32; case 0x28: return 31; case 0x27: return 30; case 0x26: return 29; case 0x25: return 28; case 0x24: return 27; case 0x23: return 26; case 0x22: return 25; case 0x21: return 24; case 0x1F: return 23; case 0x1E: return 22; case 0x1D: return 21; case 0x1B: return 20; case 0x1A: return 19; case 0x19: return 18; case 0x18: return 17; case 0x17: return 16; case 0x16: return 15; case 0x15: return 14; case 0x14: return 13; case 0x13: return 12; case 0x12: return 11; case 0x11: return 10; case 0x0F: return 9; case 0x0D: return 8; case 0x0C: return 7; case 0x0B: return 6; case 0x09: return 5; case 0x07: return 4; case 0x06: return 3; case 0x03: return 2; case 0x01: return 1; default: return 0; } } //Supermodel Emulator Games std::string dayto2pe("dayto2pe"); std::string daytona2("daytona2"); std::string dirtdvlsa("dirtdvlsa"); std::string dirtdvls("dirtdvls"); std::string dirtdvlsj("dirtdvlsj"); std::string dirtdvlsg("dirtdvlsg"); std::string ecau("ecau"); std::string eca("eca"); std::string ecap("ecap"); std::string ecaj("ecaj"); std::string lemans24("lemans24"); std::string scud("scud"); std::string scuda("scuda"); std::string scudj("scudj"); std::string scudplus("scudplus"); std::string scudplusa("scudplusa"); std::string srally2("srally2"); std::string srally2x("srally2x"); std::string srally2p("srally2p"); std::string srally2pa("srally2pa"); //MAME Games std::string aburner2("aburner2"); std::string aburner2g("aburner2g"); std::string vformula("vformula"); std::string vr("vr"); std::string sfrush("sfrush"); std::string sfrushrk("sfrushrk"); std::string sfrushrkwo("sfrushrkwo"); std::string sfrusha("sfrusha"); std::string crusnwld("crusnwld"); std::string crusnwld24("crusnwld24"); std::string crusnwld23("crusnwld23"); std::string crusnwld20("crusnwld20"); std::string crusnwld19("crusnwld19"); std::string crusnwld17("crusnwld17"); std::string crusnwld13("crusnwld13"); std::string offroadc("offroadc"); std::string offroadc4("offroadc4"); std::string offroadc3("offroadc3"); std::string offroadc1("offroadc1"); std::string crusnusa("crusnusa"); std::string crusnusa40("crusnusa40"); std::string crusnusa21("crusnusa21"); std::string calspeed("calspeed"); std::string calspeeda("calspeeda"); std::string calspeedb("calspeedb"); std::string outrunra("outrunra"); std::string outrun("outrun"); std::string outruneh("outruneh"); std::string toutrun("toutrun"); std::string toutrund("toutrund"); std::string toutrunj("toutrunj"); std::string toutrunjd("toutrunjd"); std::string pdrift("pdrift"); std::string pdrifta("pdrifta"); std::string pdrifte("pdrifte"); std::string pdriftj("pdriftj"); std::string pdriftl("pdriftl"); std::string orunners("orunners"); std::string orunnersu("orunnersu"); std::string orunnersj("orunnersj"); std::string sf2049("sf2049"); std::string sf2049se("sf2049se"); std::string sf2049te("sf2049te"); std::string harddriv("harddriv"); std::string harddriv1("harddriv1"); std::string harddrivb6("harddrivb6"); std::string harddrivb("harddrivb"); std::string harddrivg4("harddrivg4"); std::string harddrivg("harddrivg"); std::string harddrivj6("harddrivj6"); std::string harddrivj("harddrivj"); std::string harddriv2("harddriv2"); std::string harddriv3("harddriv3"); std::string harddrivcb("harddrivcb"); std::string harddrivcg("harddrivcg"); std::string harddrivc1("harddrivc1"); std::string harddrivc("harddrivc"); std::string hdrivairp("hdrivairp"); std::string hdrivair("hdrivair"); std::string racedrivb1("racedrivb1"); std::string racedrivb4("racedrivb4"); std::string racedrivb("racedrivb"); std::string racedrivg1("racedrivg1"); std::string racedrivg4("racedrivg4"); std::string racedrivg("racedrivg"); std::string racedriv1("racedriv1"); std::string racedriv2("racedriv2"); std::string racedriv3("racedriv3"); std::string racedriv4("racedriv4"); std::string racedriv("racedriv"); std::string racedrivcb4("racedrivcb4"); std::string racedrivcb("racedrivcb"); std::string racedrivcg4("racedrivcg4"); std::string racedrivcg("racedrivcg"); std::string racedrivc2("racedrivc2"); std::string racedrivc4("racedrivc4"); std::string racedrivc("racedrivc"); std::string racedrivpan("racedrivpan"); std::string othunder("othunder"); std::string othundero("othundero"); std::string othunderuo("othunderuo"); std::string othunderu("othunderu"); std::string othunderj("othunderj"); std::string opwolf("opwolf"); std::string opwolfp("opwolfp"); std::string opwolfj("opwolfj"); std::string opwolfu("opwolfu"); std::string opwolfa("opwolfa"); std::string revx("revx"); std::string revxp5("revxp5"); std::string term2("term2"); std::string term2la1("term2la1"); std::string term2pa2("term2pa2"); std::string term2la2("term2la2"); std::string term2la3("term2la3"); std::string term2lg1("term2lg1"); std::string zombraid("zombraid"); std::string zombraidpj("zombraidpj"); std::string zombraidp("zombraidp"); std::string bbusters("bbusters"); std::string bbustersu("bbustersu"); std::string bbustersua("bbustersua"); std::string bbustersj("bbustersj"); std::string mechatt("mechatt"); std::string mechattu("mechattu"); std::string mechattu1("mechattu1"); std::string mechattj("mechattj"); std::string tshoot("tshoot"); std::string gunbustru("gunbustru"); std::string gunbustr("gunbustr"); std::string gunbustrj("gunbustrj"); std::string alien3("alien3"); std::string alien3u("alien3u"); std::string ptblank2("ptblank2"); std::string ptblank2ua("ptblank2ua"); std::string ghlpanic("ghlpanic"); std::string spacegun("spacegun"); std::string spacegunu("spacegunu"); std::string spacegunj("spacegunj"); std::string rchase("rchase"); std::string rchasej("rchasej"); std::string lghost("lghost"); std::string lghostd("lghostd"); std::string lghostu("lghostu"); std::string lghostud("lghostud"); std::string lghostj("lghostj"); std::string timecris("timecris"); std::string timecrisa("timecrisa"); std::string cischeat("cischeat"); std::string f1gpstar("f1gpstar"); std::string f1gpstaro("f1gpstaro"); std::string f1gpstr2("f1gpstr2"); std::string undrfire("undrfire"); std::string undrfireu("undrfireu"); std::string undrfirej("undrfirej"); std::string cbombers("cbombers"); std::string cbombersj("cbombersj"); std::string cbombersp("cbombersp"); //Our string to load game from std::string Daytona2Active("Daytona2Active"); std::string DirtDevilsActive("DirtDevilsActive"); std::string Srally2Active("Srally2Active"); std::string VirtuaRacingActive("VirtuaRacingActive"); std::string SanFranActive("SanFranActive"); std::string CrusnWldActive("CrusnWldActive"); std::string OffroadChallengeActive("OffroadChallengeActive"); std::string CrusnUSAActive("CrusnUSAActive"); std::string CalSpeedActive("CalSpeedActive"); std::string SanFran2049Active("SanFran2049Active"); std::string HardDrivinActive("HardDrivinActive"); std::string EffectActive("EffectActive"); std::string EffectActive2("EffectActive2"); //Names of FFB Outputs std::string RawDrive("RawDrive"); std::string digit0("digit0"); std::string wheel("wheel"); std::string lamp1("lamp1"); std::string led2("led2"); std::string Vibration_motor("Vibration_motor"); std::string Wheel_vibration("Wheel_vibration"); std::string upright_wheel_motor("upright_wheel_motor"); std::string MA_Steering_Wheel_motor("MA_Steering_Wheel_motor"); std::string MB_Steering_Wheel_motor("MB_Steering_Wheel_motor"); std::string Left_Gun_Recoil("Left_Gun_Recoil"); std::string Right_Gun_Recoil("Right_Gun_Recoil"); std::string Player1_Recoil_Piston("Player1_Recoil_Piston"); std::string Player2_Recoil_Piston("Player2_Recoil_Piston"); std::string Player1_Gun_Recoil("Player1_Gun_Recoil"); std::string Player2_Gun_Recoil("Player2_Gun_Recoil"); std::string Player3_Gun_Recoil("Player3_Gun_Recoil"); std::string P1_Gun_Recoil("P1_Gun_Recoil"); std::string P2_Gun_Recoil("P2_Gun_Recoil"); std::string P3_Gun_Recoil("P3_Gun_Recoil"); std::string P1_gun_recoil("P1_gun_recoil"); std::string P2_gun_recoil("P2_gun_recoil"); std::string mcuout1("mcuout1"); //Emulator Name std::string MAME("MAME"); std::string Supermodel("Supermodel"); void OutputReading::FFBLoop(EffectConstants* constants, Helpers* helpers, EffectTriggers* triggers) { if (!init) { CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadForOutputs, NULL, 0, NULL); if (EnableForceSpringEffect == 1) { CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadForForcedSpring, NULL, 0, NULL); } init = true; } for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { wchar_t* deviceGUIDString2 = new wchar_t[256]; int Device2GUID = GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("Device2GUID"), NULL, deviceGUIDString2, 256, settingsFilename); char joystick_guid[256]; sprintf(joystick_guid, "%S", deviceGUIDString2); SDL_JoystickGUID guid, dev_guid; int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); std::string njs = std::to_string(numJoysticks); ((char)njs.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { extern int joystick1Index; if (i == joystick1Index) { continue; } SDL_Joystick* js2 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); joystick_index2 = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(js2); SDL_JoystickGUID guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js2); char guid_str[1024]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str)); const char* name = SDL_JoystickName(js2); char text[256]; sprintf(text, "Joystick: %d / Name: %s / GUID: %s\n", i, name, guid_str); guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUIDFromString(joystick_guid); dev_guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js2); if (!memcmp(&guid, &dev_guid, sizeof(SDL_JoystickGUID))) { GameController2 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); ControllerHaptic2 = SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick(GameController2); break; } SDL_JoystickClose(js2); } haptic2 = ControllerHaptic2; if ((SDL_HapticRumbleSupported(haptic2) == SDL_TRUE)) { SDL_HapticRumbleInit; SDL_HapticRumbleInit(ControllerHaptic2); } SDL_HapticSetGain(haptic2, 100); } for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { wchar_t* deviceGUIDString3 = new wchar_t[256]; int Device3GUID = GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("Device3GUID"), NULL, deviceGUIDString3, 256, settingsFilename); char joystick_guid[256]; sprintf(joystick_guid, "%S", deviceGUIDString3); SDL_JoystickGUID guid, dev_guid; int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); std::string njs = std::to_string(numJoysticks); ((char)njs.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { extern int joystick1Index; if (i == joystick1Index) { continue; } SDL_Joystick* js3 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); joystick_index3 = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(js3); SDL_JoystickGUID guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js3); char guid_str[1024]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str)); const char* name = SDL_JoystickName(js3); char text[256]; sprintf(text, "Joystick: %d / Name: %s / GUID: %s\n", i, name, guid_str); guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUIDFromString(joystick_guid); dev_guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js3); if (!memcmp(&guid, &dev_guid, sizeof(SDL_JoystickGUID))) { GameController3 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); ControllerHaptic3 = SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick(GameController3); break; } SDL_JoystickClose(js3); } haptic3 = ControllerHaptic3; if ((SDL_HapticRumbleSupported(haptic3) == SDL_TRUE)) { SDL_HapticRumbleInit; SDL_HapticRumbleInit(ControllerHaptic3); } SDL_HapticSetGain(haptic3, 100); } if (EnableForceSpringEffect == 1) { if (ForceSpringEffect) { triggers->Springi(ForceSpringStrength / 100.0); } } romname = new char[256]; //name of rom being played sprintf(romname, "%s", romFFB); name = new char[256]; //name of FFB currently sprintf(name, "%s", nameFFB); if (!RomGameName) { if (romname != NULL) { //Select code to run via rom name if (romname == dayto2pe || romname == daytona2 || romname == scud || romname == scuda || romname == scudj || romname == scudplus || romname == scudplusa || romname == lemans24) { RunningFFB = "Daytona2Active"; } if (romname == dirtdvlsa || romname == dirtdvls || romname == dirtdvlsj || romname == dirtdvlsg) { RunningFFB = "DirtDevilsActive"; } if (romname == srally2 || romname == srally2x || romname == srally2p || romname == srally2pa || romname == ecau || romname == eca || romname == ecap || romname == ecaj) { RunningFFB = "Srally2Active"; } if (romname == vr || romname == vformula) { RunningFFB = "VirtuaRacingActive"; } if (romname == sfrush || romname == sfrusha || romname == sfrushrk || romname == sfrushrkwo) { RunningFFB = "SanFranActive"; } if (romname == crusnwld || romname == crusnwld24 || romname == crusnwld23 || romname == crusnwld20 || romname == crusnwld19 || romname == crusnwld17 || romname == crusnwld13) { RunningFFB = "CrusnWldActive"; } if (romname == offroadc || romname == offroadc4 || romname == offroadc3 || romname == offroadc1) { RunningFFB = "OffroadChallengeActive"; } if (romname == crusnusa || romname == crusnusa40 || romname == crusnusa21) { RunningFFB = "CrusnUSAActive"; } if (romname == calspeed || romname == calspeeda || romname == calspeedb) { RunningFFB = "CalSpeedActive"; } if (romname == sf2049 || romname == sf2049se || romname == sf2049te) { RunningFFB = "SanFran2049Active"; } if (romname == harddriv1 || romname == harddrivb6 || romname == harddrivb || romname == harddrivg4 || romname == harddrivg || romname == harddrivj6 || romname == harddrivj || romname == harddriv2 || romname == harddriv3 || romname == harddriv || romname == harddrivcb || romname == harddrivcg || romname == harddrivc1 || romname == harddrivc || romname == hdrivairp || romname == hdrivair || romname == racedrivb1 || romname == racedrivb4 || romname == racedrivb || romname == racedrivg1 || romname == racedrivg4 || romname == racedrivg || romname == racedriv1 || romname == racedriv2 || romname == racedriv3 || romname == racedriv4 || romname == racedriv || romname == racedrivcb4 || romname == racedrivcb || romname == racedrivcg4 || romname == racedrivcg || romname == racedrivc2 || romname == racedrivc4 || romname == racedrivc || romname == racedrivpan) { RunningFFB = "HardDrivinActive"; } if (romname == revx || romname == revxp5 || romname == zombraid || romname == zombraidpj || romname == zombraidp || romname == bbusters || romname == bbustersu || romname == bbustersua || romname == bbustersj || romname == mechatt || romname == mechattu || romname == mechattu1 || romname == mechattj || romname == tshoot || romname == gunbustru || romname == gunbustr || romname == gunbustrj || romname == alien3 || romname == alien3u || romname == ptblank2 || romname == ptblank2ua || romname == ghlpanic || romname == spacegun || romname == spacegunu || romname == spacegunj || romname == term2 || romname == term2la1 || romname == term2la2 || romname == term2la3 || romname == term2lg1 || romname == rchase || romname == rchasej || romname == lghost || romname == lghostd || romname == lghostu || romname == lghostud || romname == lghostj || romname == timecris || romname == timecrisa || romname == othunder || romname == othundero || romname == othunderuo || romname == othunderu || romname == othunderj || romname == opwolf || romname == opwolfp || romname == opwolfj || romname == opwolfu || romname == opwolfa || romname == orunners || romname == orunnersu || romname == orunnersj || romname == pdrift || romname == pdrifta || romname == pdrifte || romname == pdriftj || romname == pdriftl || romname == outrunra || romname == outrun || romname == outruneh || romname == toutrun || romname == toutrund || romname == toutrunj || romname == toutrunjd || romname == undrfire || romname == undrfireu || romname == undrfirej || romname == cbombers || romname == cbombersj || romname == cbombersp) { RunningFFB = "EffectActive"; } if (romname == aburner2 || romname == aburner2g || romname == cischeat || romname == f1gpstar || romname == f1gpstaro || romname == f1gpstr2 ) { RunningFFB = "EffectActive2"; } if ((RunningFFB != NULL) && (RunningFFB[0] != '\0')) { RomGameName = true; } } } if (!EmuName) { //Select code to run via emulator name using partial window title to avoid issues with FPS showing etc const TCHAR MAMEstring[] = TEXT("MAME"); EnumWindows(FindWindowBySubstr, (LPARAM)MAMEstring); const TCHAR Supermodelstring[] = TEXT("Supermodel"); EnumWindows(FindWindowBySubstr, (LPARAM)Supermodelstring); if (!EnumWindows(FindWindowBySubstr, (LPARAM)MAMEstring)) { EmulatorName = "MAME"; } if (!EnumWindows(FindWindowBySubstr, (LPARAM)Supermodelstring)) { EmulatorName = "Supermodel"; } Emulator = new char[256]; // Emulator name sprintf(Emulator, "%s", EmulatorName); if ((EmulatorName != NULL) && (EmulatorName[0] != '\0')) { EmuName = true; } } if ((RunningFFB != NULL) && (RunningFFB[0] != '\0')) { if (RunningFFB == Daytona2Active) //Daytona 2,Scud Race,Le Mans 24 { if (Emulator == Supermodel) { if (name == RawDrive) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if ((stateFFB > 0x09) && (stateFFB < 0x10)) { //Spring double percentForce = (stateFFB - 9) / 16.0; triggers->Spring(percentForce); } if ((stateFFB > 0x1F) && (stateFFB < 0x30)) { //Clutch double percentForce = (stateFFB - 31) / 16.0; triggers->Friction(percentForce); } if ((stateFFB > 0x2F) && (stateFFB < 0x40)) { //Centering double percentForce = (stateFFB - 47) / 16.0; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, percentForce, 100); triggers->Sine(40, 0, percentForce); } if ((stateFFB > 0x3F) && (stateFFB < 0x50)) { //Uncentering double percentForce = (stateFFB - 63) / 16.0; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, percentForce, 100); triggers->Sine(40, 0, percentForce); } if ((stateFFB > 0x4F) && (stateFFB < 0x60)) { //Roll Right double percentForce = (stateFFB - 79) / 16.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB > 0x5F) && (stateFFB < 0x70)) { //Roll Left double percentForce = (stateFFB - 95) / 16.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } //Test Menu if (stateFFB == 0x80) { triggers->Rumble(0, 0, 0); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, 0); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, 0); } else if (stateFFB == 0x81) { triggers->Rumble(0.5, 0, 100); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, 0.5); } else if (stateFFB == 0x82) { triggers->Rumble(0, 0.5, 100); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, 0.5); } } } if (RunningFFB == DirtDevilsActive) //Dirt Devils { if (Emulator == Supermodel) { if (name == RawDrive) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if (stateFFB == 0x10) { double percentForce = 0.7; triggers->Spring(percentForce); } if ((stateFFB == 0x27) || (stateFFB == 0x30)) { DirtDevilSine = false; } if (stateFFB == 0x2F) { DirtDevilSine = true; } if (DirtDevilSine) { double percentForce = (stateFFB - 31) / 16.0; triggers->Sine(60, 0, percentForce); triggers->Rumble(percentForce, percentForce, 100); } } } if (RunningFFB == Srally2Active) //Sega Rally 2, Emergency Call Ambulance { if (Emulator == Supermodel) { if (name == RawDrive) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if ((stateFFB > 0x00) && (stateFFB < 0x26)) { double percentForce = (stateFFB) / 37.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB > 0x3F) && (stateFFB < 0x66)) { double percentForce = (stateFFB - 64) / 37.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == VirtuaRacingActive) //Virtua Racing { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == digit0) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if ((stateFFB == 0x03) || (stateFFB == 0x07) || (stateFFB == 0x09) || (stateFFB == 0x10)) { if (stateFFB == 0x07) { DontSineUntilRaceStart = true; } if (stateFFB == 0x09) { DontSineUntilRaceStart = false; } //Spring double percentForce = 0.8; triggers->Spring(percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB == 0x20) || (stateFFB == 0x28)) { //Clutch double percentForce = 0.4; triggers->Friction(percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB > 0x2F) && (stateFFB < 0x40)) { //Centering double percentForce = (stateFFB - 47) / 11.0; triggers->Spring(percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB == 0x40) || (stateFFB == 0x46) || (stateFFB == 0x4A)) { if (stateFFB == 0x40) { //Uncentering double percentForce = 0.4; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, percentForce, 100); triggers->Sine(70, 30, percentForce); } else { if (DontSineUntilRaceStart) { //Uncentering double percentForce = 0.4; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, percentForce, 100); triggers->Sine(70, 30, percentForce); } } } else if ((stateFFB == 0x50) || (stateFFB == 0x5F)) { //Roll Left double percentForce = 0.5; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB == 0x60) || (stateFFB == 0x6F)) { //Roll Right double percentForce = 0.5; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == SanFranActive) //San Francisco Rush { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == wheel) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } int ffsanfranrush = sanfran(stateFFB); if ((ffsanfranrush > 0x70) && (ffsanfranrush < 0xE9)) { double percentForce = (233 - ffsanfranrush) / 119.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } else if ((ffsanfranrush > 0x00) && (ffsanfranrush < 0x71)) { double percentForce = (ffsanfranrush) / 112.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == CrusnWldActive) //Cruis'n World { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == wheel) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } int ffcrusnwld = crusnwldA(stateFFB); if ((ffcrusnwld > 110)& (ffcrusnwld < 226)) { double percentForce = (225 - ffcrusnwld) / 114.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } else if ((ffcrusnwld > 0)& (ffcrusnwld < 111)) { double percentForce = (ffcrusnwld) / 110.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == OffroadChallengeActive) //Off Road Challenge { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == wheel) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if ((stateFFB > 0x83) && (stateFFB < 0x100)) { double percentForce = (255 - stateFFB) / 124.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB > 0x00) && (stateFFB < 0x7D)) { double percentForce = (stateFFB) / 124.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == CrusnUSAActive) //Crusn USA { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == wheel) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } int ffcrusnusa = crusnusaA(stateFFB); if ((ffcrusnusa > 0x68) && (ffcrusnusa < 0xD7)) { double percentForce = (215 - ffcrusnusa) / 110.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } else if ((ffcrusnusa > 0x00) && (ffcrusnusa < 0x69)) { double percentForce = (ffcrusnusa) / 104.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == CalSpeedActive) //California Speed { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == wheel) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if ((stateFFB > 0x80) && (stateFFB < 0x100)) { double percentForce = (255 - stateFFB) / 126.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB > 0x00) && (stateFFB < 0x80)) { double percentForce = (stateFFB) / 126.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == EffectActive) //Shaker Motor/LightGun Games { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == MA_Steering_Wheel_motor || name == Player1_Recoil_Piston || name == Player1_Gun_Recoil || name == Left_Gun_Recoil || name == P1_Gun_Recoil || name == mcuout1 || name == upright_wheel_motor || name == Vibration_motor || name == P1_gun_recoil || name == Wheel_vibration) { helpers->log("P1 value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); if (newstateFFB == 0) { Effect1 = false; } stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if (name == MB_Steering_Wheel_motor || name == Player2_Recoil_Piston || name == Player2_Gun_Recoil || name == Right_Gun_Recoil || name == P2_Gun_Recoil || name == P2_gun_recoil) { helpers->log("P2 value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); if (newstateFFB == 0) { Effect2 = false; } stateFFBDevice2 = newstateFFB; } if (name == Player3_Gun_Recoil || name == P3_Gun_Recoil) { helpers->log("P3 value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); if (newstateFFB == 0) { Effect3 = false; } stateFFBDevice3 = newstateFFB; } if (stateFFB == 0x01) { Effect1 = true; } else { Effect1 = false; } if (stateFFBDevice2 == 0x01) { Effect2 = true; } else { Effect2 = false; } if (stateFFBDevice3 == 0x01) { Effect3 = true; } else { Effect3 = false; } if (Effect1) { triggers->Sine(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0); triggers->Rumble(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100); } if (!Effect1) { triggers->Sine(0, 0, 0); triggers->Rumble(0, 0, 0); } if (Effect2) { triggers->SineDevice2(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0); triggers->RumbleDevice2(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100); } if (!Effect2) { triggers->SineDevice2(0, 0, 0); triggers->RumbleDevice2(0, 0, 0); } if (Effect3) { triggers->SineDevice3(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0); triggers->RumbleDevice3(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100); } if (!Effect3) { triggers->SineDevice3(0, 0, 0); triggers->RumbleDevice3(0, 0, 0); } } } if (RunningFFB == EffectActive2) //Afterburner,Cisco Heat,F1 GpStar //Keep seperate as names are Lamp1/led2 and could possibly interfere with other outputs { if (Emulator == MAME) { if ( name == lamp1 || name == led2) { helpers->log("P1 value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); if (newstateFFB == 0) { Effect1 = false; } stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if (stateFFB == 0x01) { Effect1 = true; } else { Effect1 = false; } if (Effect1) { triggers->Sine(SinePeriod, SineFadePeriod, SineStrength / 100.0); triggers->Rumble(RumbleStrengthLeftMotor / 100.0, RumbleStrengthRightMotor / 100.0, 100); } if (!Effect1) { triggers->Sine(0, 0, 0); triggers->Rumble(0, 0, 0); } } } if (RunningFFB == SanFran2049Active) //San Fran 2049 { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (name == wheel) { helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(newstateFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); stateFFB = newstateFFB; } if ((stateFFB > 0x80) && (stateFFB < 0x100)) { double percentForce = (255 - stateFFB) / 126.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } else if ((stateFFB > 0x00) && (stateFFB < 0x80)) { double percentForce = (stateFFB) / 126.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } } } if (RunningFFB == HardDrivinActive) //Hard Drivin { if (Emulator == MAME) { if (!HardDrivinFrame) { HardDrivinFrame = true; } if ((frame & 7) == 4) { HardDrivinFFB = (vals[0] & 15) + ((vals[3] & 7) << 5); if ((vals[1] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { HardDrivinFFB |= 0x10; } if ((vals[2] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { HardDrivinFFB = -HardDrivinFFB; } helpers->log("got value: "); std::string ffs = std::to_string(HardDrivinFFB); helpers->log((char*)ffs.c_str()); static char test[256]; memset(test, 0, 256); sprintf(test, "hex print: %d", HardDrivinFFB); OutputDebugStringA(test); /* if (HardDrivinFFB > 0) { double percentForce = HardDrivinFFB / 100.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } if (HardDrivinFFB < 0) { HardDrivinFFB = -HardDrivinFFB; double percentForce = HardDrivinFFB / 100.0; double percentLength = 100; triggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); triggers->Constant(constants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } */ } } } } }