/*This file is part of FFB Arcade Plugin. FFB Arcade Plugin is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FFB Arcade Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FFB Arcade Plugin.If not, see < https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include #include "SDL.h" #include "RoadFighters3D.h" #include static EffectTriggers *myTriggers; static EffectConstants *myConstants; static Helpers *myHelpers; extern HINSTANCE gl_hjgtDll; extern HINSTANCE gl_hlibavs; extern int joystick_index1; extern int joystick_index2; extern SDL_Joystick* GameController2; static bool avoiderror = true; static bool testbuttonA; static bool servicebuttonA; static bool threedeebuttonA; static bool viewbuttonA; static bool leverupA; static bool leverdownA; static bool leverleftA; static bool leverrightA; static bool stophack; static bool init = false; extern SDL_Event e; static void MEMwrite(void *adr, void *ptr, int size) { DWORD OldProtection; VirtualProtect(adr, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtection); memcpy(adr, ptr, size); VirtualProtect(adr, size, OldProtection, &OldProtection); } static wchar_t *settingsFilename = TEXT(".\\FFBPlugin.ini"); static int CabinetID = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("CabinetID"), 0, settingsFilename); static int Only2D = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("Only2D"), 0, settingsFilename); static int HackToSkipMenuError = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("HackToSkipMenuError"), 0, settingsFilename); static int HackToCloseLibmovieErrorAuto = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("HackToCloseLibmovieErrorAuto"), 0, settingsFilename); static int InputDeviceWheelEnable = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("InputDeviceWheelEnable"), 0, settingsFilename); static int InputDeviceWheelSteeringAxis = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("InputDeviceWheelSteeringAxis"), 0, settingsFilename); static int InputDeviceWheelAcclAxis = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("InputDeviceWheelAcclAxis"), 0, settingsFilename); static int InputDeviceWheelBrakeAxis = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("InputDeviceWheelBrakeAxis"), 0, settingsFilename); static int InputDeviceWheelReverseAxis = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("InputDeviceWheelReverseAxis"), 0, settingsFilename); static int InputDeviceCombinedPedals = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("InputDeviceCombinedPedals"), 0, settingsFilename); static int SteeringDeadzone = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("SteeringDeadzone"), 0, settingsFilename); static int PedalDeadzone = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("PedalDeadzone"), 0, settingsFilename); static int SequentialGears = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("SequentialGears"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ShowButtonNumbersForSetup = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ShowButtonNumbersForSetup"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ShowAxisForSetup = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ShowAxisForSetup"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ExitButton = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ExitButton"), 0, settingsFilename); static int TestButton = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("TestButton"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ServiceButton = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ServiceButton"), 0, settingsFilename); static int CreditButton = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("CreditButton"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ViewButton = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ViewButton"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ThreeDimensionalButton = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ThreeDimensionalButton"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverUp = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverUp"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverDown = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverDown"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverLeft = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverLeft"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverRight = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverRight"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ExitButtonDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ExitButtonDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int TestButtonDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("TestButtonDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ServiceButtonDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ServiceButtonDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int CreditButtonDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("CreditButtonDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ViewButtonDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ViewButtonDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ThreeDimensionalButtonDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("ThreeDimensionalButtonDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverUpDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverUpDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverDownDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverDownDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverLeftDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverLeftDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int leverRightDevice2 = GetPrivateProfileInt(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("leverRightDevice2"), 0, settingsFilename); static int ThreadLoop() { int menuvalue = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x0094BFFC, false); int menuvalue1 = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)menuvalue + 0x46C, false); int serviceread3 = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, false); int timer = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x954394, false); int cabid = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x951034, false); int cabid2 = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x952B9C, false); float timeroutofmenu = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x94BEE8, false); uintptr_t jgtBase; jgtBase = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandleA("jgt.dll"); if (CabinetID == 2) { MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x951034), (void*)"\x01", 1); MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x42EBB9), (void*)"\x75", 1); } else if (CabinetID == 3) { MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x951034), (void*)"\x02", 1); MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x42EBB9), (void*)"\x75", 1); } else if (CabinetID == 4) { MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x951034), (void*)"\x03", 1); MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x42EBB9), (void*)"\x75", 1); } else { MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x951034), (void*)"\x00", 1); MEMwrite((void*)(jgtBase + 0x42EBB9), (void*)"\x74", 1); } if (HackToCloseLibmovieErrorAuto == 1) { //Remove fucken window error popup HWND hWnd = FindWindowA(0, ("Libmovie Error Report")); if (hWnd > NULL) { SendMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, NULL, NULL); } } if (HackToSkipMenuError == 1) { // Hack to quickly bypass error at start if (avoiderror) { if (cabid > 0) { if (menuvalue1 > 700000) { myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, 0x02, false); } if (menuvalue1 == 0) { SDL_Delay(50); myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)menuvalue + 0x46C, 0x0F, false); } if (menuvalue1 == 15) { myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, 0x01, false); } if (timeroutofmenu != 0) { myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, 0x00, false); avoiderror = false; } } else { if (menuvalue1 > 700000) { myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, 0x01, false); } if (timeroutofmenu != 0) { myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, 0x00, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B39, 0x7F, false); avoiderror = false; } } } } if (Only2D == 1) { //2D Only myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x24C9F, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x24CAA, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x24CBA, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x478F, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x3E6DB, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x1391D8, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x1391EF, 3, false); myHelpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x5962F, 3, false); int TwoDee1 = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x00946DA0, false); int TwoDee2 = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)TwoDee1 + 0x38, false); int TwoDee3 = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)TwoDee2 + 0x94, false); myHelpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)TwoDee3 + 0x74, 0x00, false); } if (InputDeviceWheelEnable == 1) { //Write New Calibration Values myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B00, 0x00, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B01, 0x7F, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B0C, 0x00, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B0D, 0xFF, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B14, 0x00, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B15, 0xFF, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B10, 0x00, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B11, 0xFF, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B21, 0x00, false); // Remove error flashing myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x951154, 0x01, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x951155, 0x01, false); myHelpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x951156, 0x01, false); } UINT8 ff1 = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2BB9, false); UINT8 ff2 = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2BBA, false); UINT8 ff3 = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2BBB, false); UINT8 ff4 = myHelpers->ReadByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2BBC, false); //Change timer back to 0 when test menu & FFB Only while timer above 0 if ((timer != 0) || (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { if (menuvalue1 == 0x00) { myHelpers->WriteFloat32((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x954394, 0, false); } if ((ff3 != 0x00) && (ff4 != 0x00)) { if ((ff2 > 0x00)& (ff2 < 0x40)) { double percentForce = (ff2) / 63.0; double percentLength = 100; myTriggers->Rumble(percentForce, percentForce, percentLength); myTriggers->Sine(120, 120, percentForce); } if ((ff1 > 0x00)& (ff1 < 0x08)) { //helpers->log("moving wheel left"); double percentForce = (ff1) / 7.0; double percentLength = 100; myTriggers->Rumble(0, percentForce, percentLength); myTriggers->Constant(myConstants->DIRECTION_FROM_LEFT, percentForce); } else if ((ff1 > 0x07)& (ff1 < 0x10)) { //helpers->log("moving wheel right"); double percentForce = (16 - ff1) / 8.0; double percentLength = 100; myTriggers->Rumble(percentForce, 0, percentLength); myTriggers->Constant(myConstants->DIRECTION_FROM_RIGHT, percentForce); } } } return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI RunningLoop(LPVOID lpParam) { while (true) { ThreadLoop(); Sleep(16); } } void RoadFighters3D::FFBLoop(EffectConstants *constants, Helpers *helpers, EffectTriggers* triggers) { if (InputDeviceWheelEnable == 1) { if (!init) { myTriggers = triggers; myConstants = constants; myHelpers = helpers; CreateThread(NULL, 0, RunningLoop, NULL, 0, NULL); //Added 2nd device stuff from here wchar_t* deviceGUIDString2 = new wchar_t[256]; int Device2GUID = GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("Settings"), TEXT("Device2GUID"), NULL, deviceGUIDString2, 256, settingsFilename); char joystick_guid[256]; sprintf(joystick_guid, "%S", deviceGUIDString2); SDL_JoystickGUID guid, dev_guid; int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); std::string njs = std::to_string(numJoysticks); ((char)njs.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { SDL_Joystick* js2 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); joystick_index2 = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(js2); SDL_JoystickGUID guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js2); char guid_str[1024]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, guid_str, sizeof(guid_str)); const char* name = SDL_JoystickName(js2); char text[256]; sprintf(text, "Joystick: %d / Name: %s / GUID: %s\n", i, name, guid_str); guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUIDFromString(joystick_guid); dev_guid = SDL_JoystickGetGUID(js2); SDL_JoystickClose(js2); if (!memcmp(&guid, &dev_guid, sizeof(SDL_JoystickGUID))) { GameController2 = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); break; } } init = true; } helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x18D84B, 3, false); helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x18D852, 3, false); helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x18D85C, 3, false); // Spicetools shit below. STOPS test buttons showing in menu etc if not nop helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x18DA89, 6, false); helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x18DAA3, 3, false); helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x18DA97, 6, false); // Dpad stuff here to set as any button char DpadUpChar[256]; char DpadDownChar[256]; char DpadLeftChar[256]; char DpadRightChar[256]; char DpadUpCharDevice2[256]; char DpadDownCharDevice2[256]; char DpadLeftCharDevice2[256]; char DpadRightCharDevice2[256]; GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadUp", "", DpadUpChar, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadDown", "", DpadDownChar, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadLeft", "", DpadLeftChar, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadRight", "", DpadRightChar, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadUpDevice2", "", DpadUpCharDevice2, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadDownDevice2", "", DpadDownCharDevice2, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadLeftDevice2", "", DpadLeftCharDevice2, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA("Settings", "DpadRightDevice2", "", DpadRightCharDevice2, 256, ".\\FFBplugin.ini"); std::string exit("ExitButton"); std::string test("TestButton"); std::string service("ServiceButton"); std::string coin("CoinButton"); std::string view("ViewButton"); std::string three("ThreeDimensionalButton"); std::string lvup("leverUp"); std::string lvdown("leverDown"); std::string lvleft("leverLeft"); std::string lvright("leverRight"); std::string exit2("ExitButtonDevice2"); std::string test2("TestButtonDevice2"); std::string service2("ServiceButtonDevice2"); std::string coin2("CoinButtonDevice2"); std::string view2("ViewButtonDevice2"); std::string three2("ThreeDimensionalButtonDevice2"); std::string lvup2("leverUpDevice2"); std::string lvdown2("leverDownDevice2"); std::string lvleft2("leverLeftDevice2"); std::string lvright2("leverRightDevice2"); std::string dpdup(DpadUpChar); std::string dpddown(DpadDownChar); std::string dpdleft(DpadLeftChar); std::string dpdright(DpadRightChar); std::string dpdup2(DpadUpCharDevice2); std::string dpddown2(DpadDownCharDevice2); std::string dpdleft2(DpadLeftCharDevice2); std::string dpdright2(DpadRightCharDevice2); int serviceread = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, true); int creditnumber = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); int creditnumber1 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)creditnumber + 0x20, false); int gearnumber = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x00953F70, false); int gearnumber1 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gearnumber + 0x5C, false); int gearnumber2 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gearnumber1 + 0x390, false); int gearnumber3 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gearnumber2 + 0x18, false); if (SequentialGears == 1) { helpers->WriteNop((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x95DDA, 3, false); } const int WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE = (SteeringDeadzone * 100.0); const int ACCL_DEAD_ZONE = (1 + PedalDeadzone * 100.0); const int BRAKE_DEAD_ZONE = (1 + PedalDeadzone * 100.0); const int SETUP_DEAD_ZONE = 20000; while (SDL_WaitEvent(&e) != 0) { int menuvalue = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x0094BFFC, false); int menuvalue1 = myHelpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)menuvalue + 0x46C, false); myTriggers = triggers; myConstants = constants; myHelpers = helpers; if ((e.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) & (ShowAxisForSetup == 0)) { if (e.jaxis.which == joystick_index1) { if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelSteeringAxis) { //Left of dead zone if (e.jaxis.value < -WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value - WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE; helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B39, (128 + (e.jaxis.value + WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE) / 255), false); } //Right of dead zone else if (e.jaxis.value > WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value + WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE; helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B39, (127 + (e.jaxis.value - WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE) / 255), false); } else if ((e.jaxis.value < WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE) & (e.jaxis.value > -WHEEL_DEAD_ZONE)) { helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B39, 0x7F, false); } } if (InputDeviceWheelReverseAxis == 1) { if (InputDeviceCombinedPedals == 1) { if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelAcclAxis) { if (e.jaxis.value < -ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value + ACCL_DEAD_ZONE; helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, ((-e.jaxis.value + ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) / 128.5), false); } else if (e.jaxis.value > ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value - ACCL_DEAD_ZONE; helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, ((e.jaxis.value + ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) / 128), false); } else if ((e.jaxis.value < ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) & (e.jaxis.value > -ACCL_DEAD_ZONE)) { helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, 0x00, false); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, 0x00, false); } } } else { if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelAcclAxis) { if (e.jaxis.value < -ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, 127 - e.jaxis.value, false); } else if (e.jaxis.value > ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, 128 - e.jaxis.value, false); } } else if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelBrakeAxis) { if (e.jaxis.value < -BRAKE_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, 127 - e.jaxis.value, false); } else if (e.jaxis.value > BRAKE_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, 128 - e.jaxis.value, false); } } } } else { if (InputDeviceCombinedPedals == 1) { if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelAcclAxis) { if (e.jaxis.value < -ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value - ACCL_DEAD_ZONE; helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, ((e.jaxis.value + ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) / 128), false); } else if (e.jaxis.value > ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value + ACCL_DEAD_ZONE; helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, ((-e.jaxis.value + ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) / 128), false); } else if ((e.jaxis.value < ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) & (e.jaxis.value > -ACCL_DEAD_ZONE)) { helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, 0xFF, false); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, 0xFF, false); } } } else { if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelAcclAxis) { if (e.jaxis.value < -ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, 128 + e.jaxis.value, false); } else if (e.jaxis.value > ACCL_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B3D, 127 + e.jaxis.value, false); } } if (e.jaxis.axis == InputDeviceWheelBrakeAxis) { if (e.jaxis.value < -BRAKE_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, 128 + e.jaxis.value, false); } else if (e.jaxis.value > BRAKE_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = (e.jaxis.value / 255); helpers->WriteByte((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B41, 127 + e.jaxis.value, false); } } } } } } if (ShowAxisForSetup == 1) { if (e.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) { if (e.jaxis.which == joystick_index1) { if (e.jaxis.axis >= 0) { if (e.jaxis.value < -SETUP_DEAD_ZONE) { e.jaxis.value = e.jaxis.value - SETUP_DEAD_ZONE; char buff[100]; sprintf_s(buff, "Axis %d Moved", e.jaxis.axis); MessageBoxA(NULL, buff, "", NULL); } else if (e.jaxis.value > SETUP_DEAD_ZONE) { char buff[100]; sprintf_s(buff, "Axis %d Moved", e.jaxis.axis); MessageBoxA(NULL, buff, "", NULL); } } } } } if (ShowButtonNumbersForSetup == 1) { if (e.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { if (e.jaxis.which == joystick_index1 || e.jaxis.which == joystick_index2) { if (e.jbutton.button >= 0) { char buff[100]; sprintf_s(buff, "Button %d Pressed", e.jbutton.button); MessageBoxA(NULL, buff, "", NULL); } } } } if (e.jhat.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) { if (e.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_CENTERED) { if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index1) { if (testbuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x02, false); testbuttonA = false; } if (servicebuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = false; } if (viewbuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = false; } if (threedeebuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = false; } if (leverupA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x1040, false); leverupA = false; } if (leverdownA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x2080, false); leverdownA = false; } if (leverleftA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x4000, false); leverleftA = false; } if (leverrightA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x8000, false); leverrightA = false; } } else if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index2) { if (testbuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x02, false); testbuttonA = false; } if (servicebuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = false; } if (viewbuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = false; } if (threedeebuttonA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = false; } if (leverupA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x1040, false); leverupA = false; } if (leverdownA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x2080, false); leverdownA = false; } if (leverleftA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x4000, false); leverleftA = false; } if (leverrightA) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x8000, false); leverrightA = false; } } } if (e.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_UP) { if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index1) { if (dpdup.compare(exit) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdup.compare(test) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(service) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(coin) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpdup.compare(view) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(three) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(lvup) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(lvdown) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(lvleft) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpdup.compare(lvright) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } else if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index2) { if (dpdup2.compare(exit2) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdup2.compare(test2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(service2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(coin2) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpdup2.compare(view2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(three2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(lvup2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(lvdown2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(lvleft2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpdup2.compare(lvright2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } } if (e.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_DOWN) { if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index1) { if (dpddown.compare(exit) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpddown.compare(test) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(service) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(coin) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpddown.compare(view) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(three) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(lvup) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(lvdown) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(lvleft) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpddown.compare(lvright) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } else if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index2) { if (dpddown2.compare(exit2) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdup2.compare(test2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(service2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(coin2) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpddown2.compare(view2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(three2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(lvup2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(lvdown2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(lvleft2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpddown2.compare(lvright2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } } if (e.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_LEFT) { if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index1) { if (dpdleft.compare(exit) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdleft.compare(test) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(service) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(coin) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpdleft.compare(view) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(three) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(lvup) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(lvdown) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(lvleft) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpdleft.compare(lvright) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } else if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index2) { if (dpdleft2.compare(exit2) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdleft2.compare(test2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(service2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(coin2) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpdleft2.compare(view2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(three2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(lvup2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(lvdown2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(lvleft2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpdleft2.compare(lvright2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } } if (e.jhat.value == SDL_HAT_RIGHT) { if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index1) { if (dpdright.compare(exit) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdright.compare(test) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(service) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); servicebuttonA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(coin) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpdright.compare(view) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(three) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(lvup) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(lvdown) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(lvleft) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpdright.compare(lvright) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } else if (e.jhat.which == joystick_index2) { if (dpdright2.compare(exit2) == 0) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (dpdright2.compare(test2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(service2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); testbuttonA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(coin2) == 0) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (dpdright2.compare(view2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); viewbuttonA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(three2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); threedeebuttonA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(lvup2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); leverupA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(lvdown2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); leverdownA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(lvleft2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); leverleftA = true; } if (dpdright2.compare(lvright2) == 0) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); leverrightA = true; } } } } if (e.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { if (e.jbutton.which == joystick_index1) { if (e.jbutton.button == TestButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ExitButton) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (e.jbutton.button == ServiceButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == CreditButton) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ViewButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ThreeDimensionalButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUp) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUp) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUp) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (gearnumber3 < 0x06)) { int Writegearnumber = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x00953F70, false); int Writegearnumber1 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber + 0x5C, false); int Writegearnumber2 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber1 + 0x390, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber2 + 0x18, ++gearnumber3, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDown) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDown) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDown) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (gearnumber3 > 0x01)) { int Writegearnumber = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x00953F70, false); int Writegearnumber1 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber + 0x5C, false); int Writegearnumber2 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber1 + 0x390, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber2 + 0x18, --gearnumber3, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverLeft) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverRight) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); } } else if (e.jbutton.which == joystick_index2) { if (e.jbutton.button == TestButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x02, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ExitButtonDevice2) { system("taskkill /f /im spice.exe"); } if (e.jbutton.button == ServiceButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x01, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == CreditButtonDevice2) { int credit = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hlibavs + 0x00042C10, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)credit + 0x20, ++creditnumber1, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ViewButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x400, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ThreeDimensionalButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x800, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUpDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUpDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUpDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (gearnumber3 < 0x06)) { int Writegearnumber = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x00953F70, false); int Writegearnumber1 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber + 0x5C, false); int Writegearnumber2 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber1 + 0x390, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber2 + 0x18, ++gearnumber3, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDownDevice2) & (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDownDevice2) & (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x2080, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDownDevice2) & (SequentialGears == 1) & (gearnumber3 > 0x01)) { int Writegearnumber = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x00953F70, false); int Writegearnumber1 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber + 0x5C, false); int Writegearnumber2 = helpers->ReadIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber1 + 0x390, false); helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)Writegearnumber2 + 0x18, --gearnumber3, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverLeftDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x4000, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverRightDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread += 0x8000, false); } } } if (e.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) { if (e.jbutton.which == joystick_index1) { if (e.jbutton.button == TestButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x02, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ServiceButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x01, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ViewButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x400, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ThreeDimensionalButton) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x800, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUp) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUp) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDown) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x2080, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDown) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x2080, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverLeft) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x4000, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverRight) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x8000, false); } } else if (e.jbutton.which == joystick_index2) { if (e.jbutton.button == TestButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x02, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ServiceButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x01, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ViewButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x400, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == ThreeDimensionalButtonDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x800, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUpDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverUpDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x1040, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDownDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 0)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x2080, false); } if ((e.jbutton.button == leverDownDevice2) && (SequentialGears == 1) && (menuvalue1 == 0x00)) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x2080, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverLeftDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x4000, false); } if (e.jbutton.button == leverRightDevice2) { helpers->WriteIntPtr((INT_PTR)gl_hjgtDll + 0x7D2B24, serviceread -= 0x8000, false); } } } } } else { if (!init) { myTriggers = triggers; myConstants = constants; myHelpers = helpers; CreateThread(NULL, 0, RunningLoop, NULL, 0, NULL); init = true; } while (SDL_WaitEvent(&e) != 0) { myTriggers = triggers; myConstants = constants; myHelpers = helpers; } } }