#include extern int configGameId; extern int configMinForce; extern int configMaxForce; extern int AlternativeFFB; extern int configAlternativeMinForceLeft; extern int configAlternativeMaxForceLeft; extern int configAlternativeMinForceRight; extern int configAlternativeMaxForceRight; extern char* romname; extern char* romnameM2; extern char* romnameDemul; extern LPCSTR CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft; extern LPCSTR CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight; extern LPCSTR CustomMaxForce; extern int EnableFFBStrengthPersistence; int defaultMaxForce; int defaultAlternativeMaxForceLeft; int defaultAlternativeMaxForceRight; //M2 Emulator Games static std::string SegaRallyChampionship("Sega Rally Championship"); static std::string SegaRallyChampionshipRevB("Sega Rally Championship (Rev B)"); static std::string SegaRallyProDrivin("Sega Rally Pro Drivin'"); static std::string DaytonaUSA("Daytona USA"); static std::string DaytonaUSA93Edition("Daytona USA '93 Edition"); static std::string DaytonaUSASaturnAds("Daytona USA (Saturn Ads)"); static std::string DaytonaUSASpecialEdition("Daytona USA Special Edition"); static std::string DaytonaUSATurbo("Daytona USA Turbo"); static std::string DaytonaUSATurboRevA("Daytona USA Turbo (Rev A)"); static std::string DaytonaUSAGTX2004("Daytona USA: GTX 2004"); static std::string DaytonaUSAToTheMaxx("Daytona USA: To The Maxx"); static std::string Indianapolis500RevADeluxe("Indianapolis 500 (Rev A, Deluxe)"); static std::string Indianapolis500RevATwinNewerrev("Indianapolis 500 (Rev A, Twin, Newer rev)"); static std::string Indianapolis500RevATwinOlderrev("Indianapolis 500 (Rev A, Twin, Older rev)"); static std::string OverRev("Over Rev"); static std::string OverRevModel2B("Over Rev (Model 2B)"); static std::string SuperGT24h("Super GT 24h"); static std::string SegaTouringCarChampionship("Sega Touring Car Championship"); static std::string SegaTouringCarChampionshipRevA("Sega Touring Car Championship (Rev A)"); static std::string SegaTouringCarChampionshipRevB("Sega Touring Car Championship (Rev B)"); //Supermodel Emulator Games static std::string dayto2pe("dayto2pe"); static std::string daytona2("daytona2"); static std::string dirtdvlsa("dirtdvlsa"); static std::string dirtdvls("dirtdvls"); static std::string dirtdvlsj("dirtdvlsj"); static std::string dirtdvlsg("dirtdvlsg"); static std::string ecau("ecau"); static std::string eca("eca"); static std::string ecap("ecap"); static std::string ecaj("ecaj"); static std::string lemans24("lemans24"); static std::string scud("scud"); static std::string scuda("scuda"); static std::string scudj("scudj"); static std::string scudplus("scudplus"); static std::string scudplusa("scudplusa"); static std::string srally2("srally2"); static std::string srally2x("srally2x"); static std::string srally2p("srally2p"); static std::string srally2pa("srally2pa"); //MAME Games static std::string aburner2("aburner2"); static std::string aburner2g("aburner2g"); static std::string acedrvrw("acedrvrw"); static std::string vformula("vformula"); static std::string vr("vr"); static std::string sfrush("sfrush"); static std::string sfrushrk("sfrushrk"); static std::string sfrushrkwo("sfrushrkwo"); static std::string sfrusha("sfrusha"); static std::string crusnwld("crusnwld"); static std::string crusnwld24("crusnwld24"); static std::string crusnwld23("crusnwld23"); static std::string crusnwld20("crusnwld20"); static std::string crusnwld19("crusnwld19"); static std::string crusnwld17("crusnwld17"); static std::string crusnwld13("crusnwld13"); static std::string daytona("daytona"); static std::string daytonas("daytonas"); static std::string daytonase("daytonase"); static std::string dirtdash("dirtdash"); static std::string offroadc("offroadc"); static std::string offroadc4("offroadc4"); static std::string offroadc3("offroadc3"); static std::string offroadc1("offroadc1"); static std::string crusnusa("crusnusa"); static std::string crusnusa40("crusnusa40"); static std::string crusnusa21("crusnusa21"); static std::string calspeed("calspeed"); static std::string calspeeda("calspeeda"); static std::string calspeedb("calspeedb"); static std::string indy500("indy500"); static std::string indy500d("indy500d"); static std::string indy500to("indy500to"); static std::string outrunra("outrunra"); static std::string outrun("outrun"); static std::string outruneh("outruneh"); static std::string toutrun("toutrun"); static std::string toutrund("toutrund"); static std::string toutrunj("toutrunj"); static std::string toutrunjd("toutrunjd"); static std::string pdrift("pdrift"); static std::string pdrifta("pdrifta"); static std::string pdrifte("pdrifte"); static std::string pdriftj("pdriftj"); static std::string pdriftl("pdriftl"); static std::string orunners("orunners"); static std::string orunnersu("orunnersu"); static std::string orunnersj("orunnersj"); static std::string sf2049("sf2049"); static std::string sf2049se("sf2049se"); static std::string sf2049te("sf2049te"); static std::string harddriv("harddriv"); static std::string harddriv1("harddriv1"); static std::string harddrivb6("harddrivb6"); static std::string harddrivb("harddrivb"); static std::string harddrivg4("harddrivg4"); static std::string harddrivg("harddrivg"); static std::string harddrivj6("harddrivj6"); static std::string harddrivj("harddrivj"); static std::string harddriv2("harddriv2"); static std::string harddriv3("harddriv3"); static std::string harddrivcb("harddrivcb"); static std::string harddrivcg("harddrivcg"); static std::string harddrivc1("harddrivc1"); static std::string harddrivc("harddrivc"); static std::string hdrivairp("hdrivairp"); static std::string hdrivair("hdrivair"); static std::string racedrivb1("racedrivb1"); static std::string racedrivb4("racedrivb4"); static std::string racedrivb("racedrivb"); static std::string racedrivg1("racedrivg1"); static std::string racedrivg4("racedrivg4"); static std::string racedrivg("racedrivg"); static std::string racedriv1("racedriv1"); static std::string racedriv2("racedriv2"); static std::string racedriv3("racedriv3"); static std::string racedriv4("racedriv4"); static std::string racedriv("racedriv"); static std::string racedrivcb4("racedrivcb4"); static std::string racedrivcb("racedrivcb"); static std::string racedrivcg4("racedrivcg4"); static std::string racedrivcg("racedrivcg"); static std::string racedrivc2("racedrivc2"); static std::string racedrivc4("racedrivc4"); static std::string racedrivc("racedrivc"); static std::string racedrivpan("racedrivpan"); static std::string raveracw("raveracw"); static std::string raveracj("raveracj"); static std::string raveracja("raveracja"); static std::string othunder("othunder"); static std::string othundero("othundero"); static std::string othunderuo("othunderuo"); static std::string othunderu("othunderu"); static std::string othunderj("othunderj"); static std::string opwolf("opwolf"); static std::string opwolfp("opwolfp"); static std::string opwolfj("opwolfj"); static std::string opwolfu("opwolfu"); static std::string opwolfa("opwolfa"); static std::string revx("revx"); static std::string revxp5("revxp5"); static std::string term2("term2"); static std::string term2la1("term2la1"); static std::string term2pa2("term2pa2"); static std::string term2la2("term2la2"); static std::string term2la3("term2la3"); static std::string term2lg1("term2lg1"); static std::string zombraid("zombraid"); static std::string zombraidpj("zombraidpj"); static std::string zombraidp("zombraidp"); static std::string bbusters("bbusters"); static std::string bbustersu("bbustersu"); static std::string bbustersua("bbustersua"); static std::string bbustersj("bbustersj"); static std::string mechatt("mechatt"); static std::string mechattu("mechattu"); static std::string mechattu1("mechattu1"); static std::string mechattj("mechattj"); static std::string tshoot("tshoot"); static std::string gunbustru("gunbustru"); static std::string gunbustr("gunbustr"); static std::string gunbustrj("gunbustrj"); static std::string alien3("alien3"); static std::string alien3u("alien3u"); static std::string ptblank2("ptblank2"); static std::string ptblank2ua("ptblank2ua"); static std::string ghlpanic("ghlpanic"); static std::string sgt24h("sgt24h"); static std::string srallyc("srallyc"); static std::string srallycb("srallycb"); static std::string srallycdxa("srallycdxa"); static std::string srallycdx("srallycdx"); static std::string spacegun("spacegun"); static std::string spacegunu("spacegunu"); static std::string spacegunj("spacegunj"); static std::string superchs("superchs"); static std::string superchsp("superchsp"); static std::string superchsj("superchsj"); static std::string superchsu("superchsu"); static std::string stcc("stcc"); static std::string stcca("stcca"); static std::string stccb("stccb"); static std::string rchase("rchase"); static std::string rchasej("rchasej"); static std::string lghost("lghost"); static std::string lghostd("lghostd"); static std::string lghostu("lghostu"); static std::string lghostud("lghostud"); static std::string lghostj("lghostj"); static std::string timecris("timecris"); static std::string timecrisa("timecrisa"); static std::string cischeat("cischeat"); static std::string f1gpstar("f1gpstar"); static std::string f1gpstaro("f1gpstaro"); static std::string f1gpstr2("f1gpstr2"); static std::string undrfire("undrfire"); static std::string undrfireu("undrfireu"); static std::string undrfirej("undrfirej"); static std::string cbombers("cbombers"); static std::string cbombersj("cbombersj"); static std::string cbombersp("cbombersp"); static std::string hyprdriv("hyprdriv"); static std::string vaportrx("vaportrx"); static std::string vaportrp("vaportrp"); static std::string victlapw("victlapw"); void DefaultConfigValues() { if (EnableFFBStrengthPersistence == 1) { if (configGameId == 1) { configMinForce = 0; configMaxForce = 90; configAlternativeMinForceLeft = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceLeft = -90; configAlternativeMinForceRight = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceRight = 90; } else if ((configGameId == 2) || (configGameId == 3) || (configGameId == 29)) { configMinForce = 0; configMaxForce = 75; configAlternativeMinForceLeft = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceLeft = -75; configAlternativeMinForceRight = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceRight = 75; } else if (configGameId == 22) { if (romname == superchs || romname == superchsj || romname == superchsp || romname == superchsu) { configMinForce = 0; configMaxForce = 80; configAlternativeMinForceLeft = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceLeft = -80; configAlternativeMinForceRight = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceRight = 80; } else { configMinForce = 0; configMaxForce = 100; configAlternativeMinForceLeft = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceLeft = -100; configAlternativeMinForceRight = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceRight = 100; } } else { configMinForce = 0; configMaxForce = 100; configAlternativeMinForceLeft = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceLeft = -100; configAlternativeMinForceRight = 0; configAlternativeMaxForceRight = 100; } } else { configMaxForce = defaultMaxForce; configAlternativeMaxForceLeft = defaultAlternativeMaxForceLeft; configAlternativeMaxForceRight = defaultAlternativeMaxForceRight; } } void CustomFFBStrengthSetup() { defaultMaxForce = configMaxForce; defaultAlternativeMaxForceLeft = configAlternativeMaxForceLeft; defaultAlternativeMaxForceRight = configAlternativeMaxForceRight; if (configGameId == 34) { if (romname == dayto2pe || romname == daytona2) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftDaytona2"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightDaytona2"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceDaytona2"; } } if (romname == scud || romname == scuda || romname == scudj || romname == scudplus || romname == scudplusa) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftScud"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightScud"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceScud"; } } if (romname == lemans24) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftLeMans"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightLeMans"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceLeMans"; } } if (romname == dirtdvlsa || romname == dirtdvls || romname == dirtdvlsj || romname == dirtdvlsg) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "PersistentAlternativeMaxForceLeftDirtDevils"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "PersistentAlternativeMaxForceRightDirtDevils"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceDirtDevils"; } } if (romname == srally2 || romname == srally2x || romname == srally2p || romname == srally2pa) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSRally2"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSRally2"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSRally2"; } } if (romname == ecau || romname == eca || romname == ecap || romname == ecaj) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftECA"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightECA"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceECA"; } } } else if (configGameId == 22) { if (romname == vr) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftVirtuaRacing"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightVirtuaRacing"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceVirtuaRacing"; } } if (romname == sfrush || romname == sfrusha) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSFRush"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSFRush"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSFRush"; } } if (romname == sfrushrk || romname == sfrushrkwo) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSFRushRock"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSFRushRock"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSFRushRock"; } } if (romname == crusnwld || romname == crusnwld24 || romname == crusnwld23 || romname == crusnwld20 || romname == crusnwld19 || romname == crusnwld17) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftCrusnWld"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightCrusnWld"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceCrusnWld"; } } if (romname == superchs || romname == superchsj || romname == superchsp || romname == superchsu) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSuperChase"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSuperChase"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSuperChase"; } } if (romname == offroadc || romname == offroadc4 || romname == offroadc3 || romname == offroadc1) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftOffRoadC"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightOffRoadC"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceOffRoadC"; } } if (romname == crusnusa || romname == crusnusa40 || romname == crusnusa21) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftCrusnUSA"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightCrusnUSA"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceCrusnUSA"; } } if (romname == calspeed || romname == calspeeda || romname == calspeedb) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftCalSpeed"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightCalSpeed"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceCalSpeed"; } } if (romname == sf2049 || romname == sf2049se || romname == sf2049te) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSFRush2049"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSFRush2049"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSFRush2049"; } } if (romname == harddriv1 || romname == harddrivb6 || romname == harddrivb || romname == harddrivg4 || romname == harddrivg || romname == harddrivj6 || romname == harddrivj || romname == harddriv2 || romname == harddriv3 || romname == harddriv || romname == harddrivcb || romname == harddrivcg || romname == harddrivc1 || romname == harddrivc || romname == hdrivairp || romname == hdrivair || romname == racedrivb1 || romname == racedrivb4 || romname == racedrivb || romname == racedrivg1 || romname == racedrivg4 || romname == racedrivg || romname == racedriv1 || romname == racedriv2 || romname == racedriv3 || romname == racedriv4 || romname == racedriv || romname == racedrivcb4 || romname == racedrivcb || romname == racedrivcg4 || romname == racedrivcg || romname == racedrivc2 || romname == racedrivc4 || romname == racedrivc || romname == racedrivpan) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftHardD"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightHardD"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceHardD"; } } if (romname == orunners || romname == orunnersu || romname == orunnersj) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftORunners"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightORunners"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceORunners"; } } if (romname == toutrun || romname == toutrund || romname == toutrunj || romname == toutrunjd) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftTOutrun"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightTOutrun"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceTOutrun"; } } if (romname == cbombers || romname == cbombersj || romname == cbombersp) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftCBombers"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightCBombers"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceCBombers"; } } if (romname == outrunra || romname == outrun || romname == outruneh) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftOutrun"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightOutrun"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceOutrun"; } } if (romname == pdrift || romname == pdrifta || romname == pdrifte || romname == pdriftj || romname == pdriftl) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftPDrift"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightPDrift"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForcePDrift"; } } if (romname == cischeat) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftCisHeat"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightCisHeat"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceCisHeat"; } } if (romname == f1gpstar || romname == f1gpstaro) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftF1GpStar"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightF1GpStar"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceF1GpStar"; } } if (romname == f1gpstr2) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftF1GpStar2"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightF1GpStar2"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceF1GpStar2"; } } if (romname == hyprdriv) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftHyperDrive"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightHyperDrive"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceHyperDrive"; } } if (romname == vaportrx || romname == vaportrp) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftVaporTrx"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightVaporTrx"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceVaporTrx"; } } if (romname == raveracw || romname == raveracj || romname == raveracja) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "PersistentMaxForceLeftRaveRacer"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "PersistentMaxForceRightRaveRacer"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceRaveRacer"; } } if (romname == daytona || romname == daytonas || romname == daytonase) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftDaytona"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightDaytona"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceDaytona"; } } if (romname == indy500 || romname == indy500d || romname == indy500to) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftIndy500"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightIndy500"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceIndy500"; } } if (romname == sgt24h) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSuperGT"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSuperGT"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSuperGT"; } } if (romname == srallyc || romname == srallycb || romname == srallycdx || romname == srallycdxa) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSRally"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSRally"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSRally"; } } if (romname == dirtdash) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftDirtDash"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightDirtDash"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceDirtDash"; } } if (romname == victlapw) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftAceDriverVictory"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightAceDriverVictory"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceAceDriverVictory"; } } if (romname == acedrvrw) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftAceDriver"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightAceDriver"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceAceDriver"; } } } else if (configGameId == 25) { if (romname == DaytonaUSA || romname == DaytonaUSA93Edition || romname == DaytonaUSASaturnAds || romname == DaytonaUSASpecialEdition || romname == DaytonaUSATurbo || romname == DaytonaUSATurboRevA || romname == DaytonaUSAGTX2004 || romname == DaytonaUSAToTheMaxx) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftDaytona"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightDaytona"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceDaytona"; } } if (romname == SegaRallyChampionship || romname == SegaRallyChampionshipRevB || romname == SegaRallyProDrivin) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSRally"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSRally"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSRally"; } } if (romname == Indianapolis500RevADeluxe || romname == Indianapolis500RevATwinNewerrev || romname == Indianapolis500RevATwinOlderrev) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftIndy500"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightIndy500"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceIndy500"; } } if (romname == SegaTouringCarChampionship || romname == SegaTouringCarChampionshipRevA || romname == SegaTouringCarChampionshipRevB) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSTCC"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSTCC"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSTCC"; } } if (romname == OverRev || romname == OverRevModel2B) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftOverRev"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightOverRev"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceOverRev"; } } if (romname == SuperGT24h) { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeftSuperGT"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRightSuperGT"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForceSuperGT"; } } } else if (configGameId == 26) { // Demul } else { if (AlternativeFFB == 1) { CustomAlternativeMaxForceLeft = "AlternativeMaxForceLeft"; CustomAlternativeMaxForceRight = "AlternativeMaxForceRight"; } else { CustomMaxForce = "MaxForce"; } } }