2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
# include <hex/api/content_registry.hpp>
# include <hex/helpers/lang.hpp>
namespace hex : : plugin : : builtin {
void registerLanguageZhCN ( ) {
ContentRegistry : : Language : : registerLanguage ( " Chinese (Simplified) " , " zh-CN " ) ;
ContentRegistry : : Language : : addLocalizations ( " zh-CN " , {
/* ImHex default functionality */
{ " hex.menu.file " , " 文件 " } ,
{ " hex.menu.edit " , " 编辑 " } ,
{ " hex.menu.view " , " 视图 " } ,
{ " hex.menu.view.fps " , " 显示FPS " } ,
{ " hex.menu.view.demo " , " 显示ImGui演示 " } ,
{ " hex.menu.help " , " 帮助 " } ,
{ " hex.menu.feedback " , " 反馈 " } ,
{ " hex.menu.debug_build " , " 调试构建 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.header.main " , " 欢迎来到ImHex " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.header.start " , " 开始 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.start.create_file " , " 创建新文件 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.start.open_file " , " 打开文件 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.start.open_project " , " 打开工程 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.start.recent " , " 最近文件 " } ,
2021-12-07 22:47:41 +01:00
//{ "hex.welcome.start.open_other", "Other Providers" },
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.welcome.header.help " , " 帮助 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.help.repo " , " GitHub仓库 " } ,
2021-12-20 21:38:52 +01:00
{ " hex.welcome.help.repo.link " , " https://imhex.werwolv.net/git " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.welcome.help.gethelp " , " 获得帮助 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.help.gethelp.link " , " https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex/discussions/categories/get-help " } ,
2021-12-20 21:38:52 +01:00
//{ "hex.welcome.help.discord", "Discord Server" },
//{ "hex.welcome.help.discord.link", "https://imhex.werwolv.net/discord" },
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.welcome.header.plugins " , " 已加载插件 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.plugins.plugin " , " 插件 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.plugins.author " , " 作者 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.plugins.desc " , " 描述 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.header.customize " , " 自定义 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.customize.settings.title " , " 设置 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.customize.settings.desc " , " 更改ImHex的设置 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.header.update " , " 更新 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.update.title " , " 新的更新可用! " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.update.desc " , " ImHex {0} 已发布!在这里下载。 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.update.link " , " https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex/releases/latest " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.header.learn " , " 学习 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.latest.title " , " 最新版本 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.latest.desc " , " 阅读ImHex最新版本的更改日志 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.latest.link " , " https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex/releases/latest " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.pattern.title " , " 模式文档 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.pattern.desc " , " 如何基于我们完善的文档编写ImHex模式 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.pattern.link " , " https://imhex.werwolv.net/docs/pattern_language/pattern_language.html " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.plugins.title " , " 插件API " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.plugins.desc " , " 通过插件扩展ImHex获得更多功能 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.learn.plugins.link " , " https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex/wiki/Plugins-Development-Guide " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.header.various " , " 杂项 " } ,
{ " hex.welcome.tip_of_the_day " , " 小提示 " } ,
{ " hex.safety_backup.title " , " 恢复丢失数据 " } ,
{ " hex.safety_backup.desc " , " 不! ImHex上次崩溃了 \n 你想恢复你之前的工作吗? " } ,
{ " hex.safety_backup.restore " , " 恢复 " } ,
{ " hex.safety_backup.delete " , " 删除 " } ,
{ " hex.common.little_endian " , " 小端序 " } ,
{ " hex.common.big_endian " , " 大端序 " } ,
{ " hex.common.decimal " , " 十进制 " } ,
{ " hex.common.hexadecimal " , " 十六进制 " } ,
{ " hex.common.octal " , " 八进制 " } ,
2021-10-08 19:26:14 +08:00
{ " hex.common.info " , " 信息 " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.common.error " , " 错误 " } ,
{ " hex.common.fatal " , " 致命错误 " } ,
{ " hex.common.address " , " 地址 " } ,
{ " hex.common.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.common.region " , " 区域 " } ,
{ " hex.common.match_selection " , " 匹配选择 " } ,
{ " hex.common.yes " , " 是 " } ,
{ " hex.common.no " , " 否 " } ,
{ " hex.common.okay " , " 好的 " } ,
{ " hex.common.load " , " 加载 " } ,
{ " hex.common.cancel " , " 取消 " } ,
{ " hex.common.set " , " 设置 " } ,
{ " hex.common.close " , " 关闭文件 " } ,
{ " hex.common.dont_show_again " , " 不要再次显示 " } ,
{ " hex.common.link " , " 链接 " } ,
{ " hex.common.file " , " 文件 " } ,
2021-10-08 19:26:14 +08:00
{ " hex.common.open " , " 打开 " } ,
{ " hex.common.browse " , " 浏览... " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
2021-10-08 19:26:14 +08:00
{ " hex.message.yara_rule_added " , " Yara规则已添加! " } ,
{ " hex.message.magic_db_added " , " 魔术数据库已添加! " } ,
2021-09-30 12:29:03 +02:00
2021-12-07 22:47:41 +01:00
/* Builtin plugin features */
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.name " , " 书签 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.default_title " , " 书签 [0x{0:X} - 0x{1:X}] " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.no_bookmarks " , " 空空如也。通过 编辑->添加书签 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.title.info " , " 信息 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.address " , " 0x{0:X} : 0x{1:X} ({2} 字节) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.button.jump " , " 转到 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.button.remove " , " 移除 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.header.name " , " 名称 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.header.color " , " 颜色 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.bookmarks.header.comment " , " 注释 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.command_palette.name " , " 命令栏 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_inspector.name " , " 数据分析器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_inspector.table.name " , " 名称 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_inspector.table.value " , " 值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_inspector.no_data " , " 没有选中字节 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_processor.name " , " 数据处理器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_processor.menu.remove_selection " , " 移除已选 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_processor.menu.remove_node " , " 移除节点 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.data_processor.menu.remove_link " , " 移除链接 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.name " , " 反汇编 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.position " , " 位置 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.base " , " 基地址 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.region " , " 代码范围 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.settings.header " , " 设置 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.arch " , " 架构 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.arm.arm " , " ARM " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.arm.thumb " , " Thumb " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.arm.default " , " 默认 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.arm.cortex_m " , " Cortex-M " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.arm.armv8 " , " ARMv8 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.mips.mips32 " , " MIPS32 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.mips.mips64 " , " MIPS64 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.mips.mips32R6 " , " MIPS32R6 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.mips.micro " , " Micro MIPS " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.x86.16bit " , " 16位 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.x86.32bit " , " 32位 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.x86.64bit " , " 64位 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.ppc.32bit " , " 32位 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.ppc.64bit " , " 64位 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.sparc.v9 " , " Sparc V9 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.disassemble " , " 反汇编 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.disassembling " , " 反汇编中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.disassembly.title " , " 反汇编 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.disassembly.address " , " 地址 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.disassembly.offset " , " 偏移 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.disassembler.disassembly.bytes " , " 字节 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hashes.name " , " 哈希 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hashes.settings " , " 设置 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hashes.function " , " 哈希函数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hashes.iv " , " 初始值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hashes.poly " , " 多项式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hashes.result " , " 结果 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.name " , " 帮助 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.name " , " 关于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.translator " , " 由xtexChooser翻译 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.source " , " 源代码位于GitHub: " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.donations " , " 赞助 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.thanks " , " 如果你喜欢我的工作,请赞助以帮助此项目继续前进。非常感谢 <3 " } ,
2021-12-12 13:35:07 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.help.about.contributor", "Contributors" },
2021-12-07 22:47:41 +01:00
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.libs " , " 使用的库 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.about.paths " , " ImHex目录 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.documentation " , " ImHex文档 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.pattern_cheat_sheet " , " 模式语言帮助 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.help.calc_cheat_sheet " , " 计算器帮助 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.name " , " Hex编辑器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.create_file " , " 新建 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.open_file " , " 打开 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.open_project " , " 打开项目 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.save_project " , " 保存项目 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.save_data " , " 保存数据 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.open_base64 " , " 打开Base64文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.load_enconding_file " , " 加载自定义编码定义文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.page " , " 页 {0} / {1} " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.save_as " , " 另存为 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.exit_application.title " , " 退出? " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.exit_application.desc " , " 工程还有为保存的更改。 \n 确定要退出吗? " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.script.title " , " 通过加载器脚本加载文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.script.desc " , " 通过Python加载器脚本加载文件。 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.script.script " , " 脚本 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.script.script.title " , " 加载器脚本:打开脚本 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.script.file " , " 文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.script.file.title " , " 加载器脚本:打开文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.open_file " , " 打开文件... " } ,
2021-12-12 11:53:56 +01:00
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.open_recent " , " 打开最近 " } ,
2022-01-08 23:17:47 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.clear_recent", "Clear" },
2021-12-12 11:53:56 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.open_other", "Open Other..." },
2021-12-07 22:47:41 +01:00
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.save " , " 保存 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.save_as " , " 另存为... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.close " , " 关闭 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.quit " , " 退出ImHex " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.open_project " , " 打开项目... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.save_project " , " 保存项目... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.load_encoding_file " , " 加载自定义编码... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.import " , " 导入... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.import.base64 " , " Base64文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.base64.import_error " , " 文件不是有效的Base64格式! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.file_open_error " , " 打开文件失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.import.ips " , " IPS补丁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.import.ips32 " , " IPS32补丁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.import.script " , " 带有加载器脚本的文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.export " , " 导出... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.export.title " , " 导出文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.export.ips " , " IPS补丁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.export.ips32 " , " IPS32补丁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.search " , " 搜索 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.search.string " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.search.hex " , " Hex " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.search.find " , " 查找 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.search.find_next " , " 查找下一个 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.search.find_prev " , " 查找上一个 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.file.goto " , " 转到 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.goto.offset.absolute " , " 绝对 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.goto.offset.current " , " 当前 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.goto.offset.begin " , " 起始 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.goto.offset.end " , " 末尾 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.error.read_only " , " 无法获得写权限,文件以只读方式打开。 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.error.open " , " 打开文件失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.error.create " , " 创建新文件失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.undo " , " 撤销 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.redo " , " 重做 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.copy " , " 复制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.copy_as " , " 复制为... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.hex " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.c " , " C数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.cpp " , " C++数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.csharp " , " C#数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.rust " , " Rust数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.python " , " Python数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.java " , " Java数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.js " , " JavaScript数组 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.ascii " , " ASCII Art " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.copy.html " , " HTML " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.paste " , " 粘贴 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.select_all " , " 全选 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.bookmark " , " 添加书签 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.set_base " , " 设置基地址 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.hexeditor.menu.edit.resize " , " 修改大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.name " , " 数据信息 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.control " , " 控制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.analyze " , " 分析 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.analyzing " , " 分析中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.region " , " 已分析区域 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.magic " , " 魔术信息 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.description " , " 描述: " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.mime " , " MIME类型: " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.info_analysis " , " 信息分析 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.distribution " , " 字节分布 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.entropy " , " 熵 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.block_size " , " 块大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.block_size.desc " , " {0} 块 × {1} 字节 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.file_entropy " , " 文件熵 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.highest_entropy " , " 最高熵 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.information.encrypted " , " 此数据似乎经过了加密或压缩! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.patches.name " , " 补丁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.patches.offset " , " 偏移 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.patches.orig " , " 原始值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.patches.patch " , " 修改值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.patches.remove " , " 移除补丁 " } ,
2021-12-10 18:00:43 +01:00
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.name " , " 模式编辑器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.accept_pattern " , " 接受模式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.accept_pattern.desc " , " 一个或多个模式与所找到的数据类型兼容 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.accept_pattern.pattern_language " , " 模式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.accept_pattern.question " , " 是否应用找到的模式? " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.menu.file.load_pattern " , " 加载模式文件... " } ,
2021-12-12 00:52:54 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.menu.file.save_pattern", "Save pattern..." },
2021-12-10 18:00:43 +01:00
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.open_pattern " , " 打开模式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.evaluating " , " 计算中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.auto " , " 自动计算 " } ,
2021-12-19 12:32:15 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.console", "Console" },
2021-12-10 18:00:43 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.env_vars", "Environment Variables" },
2021-12-19 12:32:15 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.settings", "Settings" },
//{ "hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.dangerous_function.name", "Allow dangerous function?" },
//{ "hex.builtin.view.pattern_editor.dangerous_function.desc", "This pattern tried to call a dangerous function.\nAre you sure you want to trust this pattern?" },
2021-12-07 22:47:41 +01:00
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.name " , " 模式数据 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.var_name " , " 名称 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.color " , " 颜色 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.offset " , " 偏移 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.type " , " 类型 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.pattern_data.value " , " 值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.settings.name " , " 设置 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.name " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.copy " , " 复制字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.demangle " , " 还原 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.min_length " , " 最小长度 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.filter " , " 过滤 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.extract " , " 提取 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.searching " , " 搜索中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.offset " , " 偏移 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.string " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.demangle.title " , " 还原名 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.strings.demangle.copy " , " 复制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.tools.name " , " 工具 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.name " , " Yara规则 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.header.rules " , " 规则 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.reload " , " 重新加载 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.match " , " 匹配规则 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.matching " , " 匹配中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.error " , " Yara编译器错误: " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.header.matches " , " 匹配 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.matches.identifier " , " 标识符 " } ,
//{ "hex.builtin.view.yara.matches.variable", "Variable" },
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.whole_data " , " 全文件匹配! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.yara.no_rules " , " 没有找到YARA规则。请将规则放到ImHex的'yara'目录下。 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.constants.name " , " 常量 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.constants.row.category " , " 分类 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.constants.row.name " , " 名称 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.constants.row.desc " , " 描述 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.constants.row.value " , " 值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.name " , " 内容仓库 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.desc " , " 从ImHex在线数据库下载新内容 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.reload " , " 刷新 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.row.name " , " 名称 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.row.description " , " 描述 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.download " , " 下载 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.update " , " 更新 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.remove " , " 移除 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.tab.patterns " , " 模式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.tab.libraries " , " 库 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.tab.magics " , " 魔术数据库 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.tab.constants " , " 常量 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.tab.yara " , " Yara规则 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.store.loading " , " 正在加载仓库内容... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.view.diff.name " , " 差异 " } ,
2021-12-12 11:55:38 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.view.provider_settings.name", "Provider Settings" },
//{ "hex.builtin.view.provider_settings.load_popup", "Open Provider" },
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.command.calc.desc " , " 计算器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.command.cmd.desc " , " 指令 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.command.cmd.result " , " 运行指令 '{0}' " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.command.web.desc " , " 网站解析 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.command.web.result " , " 导航到 '{0}' " } ,
2021-10-08 19:26:14 +08:00
// Use half width symbols for inspector names because displayable space
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.binary " , " 二进制(8位) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.u8 " , " uint8_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.s8 " , " int8_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.u16 " , " uint16_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.s16 " , " int16_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.u32 " , " uint32_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.s32 " , " int32_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.u64 " , " uint64_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.s64 " , " int64_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.float16 " , " 半浮点(16位) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.float " , " float(32位单精度浮点) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.double " , " double(64位双精度浮点) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.ascii " , " ASCII字符 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.wide " , " 宽字符 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.utf8 " , " UTF-8代码点 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.string " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.time32 " , " __time32_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.time64 " , " __time64_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.time " , " time_t " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.guid " , " GUID " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.inspector.rgba8 " , " RGBA8颜色 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants " , " 常量 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.int " , " 整数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.int.header " , " 整数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.int.output " , " " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.float " , " 浮点数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.float.header " , " 浮点数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.float.output " , " " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.nullptr " , " 空指针 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.nullptr.header " , " 空指针 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.nullptr.output " , " " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.buffer " , " 缓冲区 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.buffer.header " , " 缓冲区 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.buffer.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.buffer.output " , " " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.string " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.string.header " , " 字符串 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.string.output " , " " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.rgba8 " , " RGBA8颜色 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.rgba8.header " , " RGBA8颜色 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.rgba8.output.r " , " 红 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.rgba8.output.g " , " 绿 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.rgba8.output.b " , " 蓝 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.rgba8.output.a " , " 透明 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.comment " , " 注释 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.constants.comment.header " , " 注释 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display " , " 显示 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display.int " , " 整数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display.int.header " , " 整数显示 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display.int.input " , " 值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display.float " , " 浮点数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display.float.header " , " 浮点数显示 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.display.float.input " , " 值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access " , " 数据访问 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.read " , " 读取 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.read.header " , " 读取 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.read.address " , " 地址 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.read.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.read.data " , " 数据 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.write " , " 写入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.write.header " , " 写入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.write.address " , " 地址 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.write.data " , " 数据 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.size " , " 数据大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.size.header " , " 数据大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.data_access.size.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting " , " 数据转换 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.int_to_buffer " , " 整数到缓冲区 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.int_to_buffer.header " , " 整数到缓冲区 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.int_to_buffer.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.int_to_buffer.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.buffer_to_int " , " 缓冲区到整数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.buffer_to_int.header " , " 缓冲区到整数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.buffer_to_int.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.casting.buffer_to_int.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic " , " 运算 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.add " , " 加法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.add.header " , " 加法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.add.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.add.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.add.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.sub " , " 减法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.sub.header " , " 减法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.sub.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.sub.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.sub.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mul " , " 乘法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mul.header " , " 乘法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mul.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mul.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mul.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.div " , " 除法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.div.header " , " 除法 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.div.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.div.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.div.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mod " , " 模数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mod.header " , " 模数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mod.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mod.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.arithmetic.mod.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer " , " 缓冲区 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.combine " , " 组合 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.combine.header " , " 缓冲区组合 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.combine.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.combine.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.combine.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.slice " , " 切片 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.slice.header " , " 缓冲区切片 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.slice.input.buffer " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.slice.input.from " , " 从 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.slice.input.to " , " 到 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.slice.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.repeat " , " 重复 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.repeat.header " , " 缓冲区重复 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.repeat.input.buffer " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.repeat.input.count " , " 次数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.buffer.repeat.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow " , " 控制流 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.if " , " 如果 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.if.header " , " 如果 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.if.condition " , " 条件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.if.true " , " True " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.if.false " , " False " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.if.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.equals " , " 等于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.equals.header " , " 等于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.equals.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.equals.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.equals.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.not " , " 取反 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.not.header " , " 取反 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.not.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.not.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.gt " , " 大于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.gt.header " , " 大于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.gt.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.gt.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.gt.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.lt " , " 小于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.lt.header " , " 小于 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.lt.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.lt.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.lt.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.and " , " 与 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.and.header " , " 逻辑与 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.and.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.and.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.and.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.or " , " 或 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.or.header " , " 逻辑或 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.or.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.or.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.control_flow.or.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise " , " 按位操作 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.and " , " 与 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.and.header " , " 位与 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.and.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.and.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.and.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.or " , " 或 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.or.header " , " 位或 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.or.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.or.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.or.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.xor " , " 异或 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.xor.header " , " 按位异或 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.xor.input.a " , " 输入A " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.xor.input.b " , " 输入B " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.xor.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.not " , " 取反 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.not.header " , " 按位取反 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.not.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.bitwise.not.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding " , " 编码 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.base64 " , " Base64 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.base64.header " , " Base64解码 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.base64.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.base64.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.hex " , " 十六进制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.hex.header " , " 十六进制解码 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.hex.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.decoding.hex.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto " , " 加密 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes " , " AES解密 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.header " , " AES解密 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.key " , " 密钥 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.iv " , " IV " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.nonce " , " Nonce " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.mode " , " 模式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.nodes.crypto.aes.key_length " , " 密钥长度 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.demangler " , " Itanium/MSVC名还原 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.demangler.mangled " , " 修饰名 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.demangler.demangled " , " 还原名 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.ascii_table " , " ASCII表 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.ascii_table.octal " , " 显示八进制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.regex_replacer " , " 正则替换 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.regex_replacer.pattern " , " 正则表达式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.regex_replacer.replace " , " 替换表达式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.regex_replacer.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.regex_replacer.output " , " 输出 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.color " , " 颜色选择器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.calc " , " 计算器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.input " , " 输入 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.format.standard " , " 标准 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.format.scientific " , " 科学 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.format.engineering " , " 工程师 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.format.programmer " , " 程序员 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.error " , " 最后错误: '{0}' " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.history " , " 历史 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.name " , " 名称 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.value " , " 值 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.base_converter " , " 基本进制转换 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.base_converter.dec " , " DEC " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.base_converter.hex " , " HEX " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.base_converter.oct " , " OCT " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.base_converter.bin " , " BIN " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.permissions " , " UNIX权限计算器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.permissions.perm_bits " , " 权限位 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.permissions.absolute " , " 绝对符号 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.permissions.setuid_error " , " 用户必须具有 setuid 位的执行权限才能应用! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.permissions.setgid_error " , " 组必须具有 setgid 位的执行权限才能应用! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.permissions.sticky_error " , " 必须有执行权限才能申请粘滞位! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader " , " 文件上传 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.control " , " 控制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.upload " , " 上传 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.done " , " 完成! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.recent " , " 最近上传 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.tooltip " , " 点击复制 \n 按住CTRL并点击以打开 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.invalid_response " , " 接收到来自Anonfiles的无效响应! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_uploader.error " , " 上传文件失败! \n \n 错误代码:{0} " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.wiki_explain " , " 维基百科术语定义 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.wiki_explain.control " , " 控制 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.wiki_explain.search " , " 搜索 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.wiki_explain.results " , " 结果 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.wiki_explain.invalid_response " , " 接收到来自Wikipedia的无效响应! " } ,
2021-10-08 19:26:14 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools " , " 文件工具 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder " , " 销毁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.warning " , " 此工具将不可恢复地破坏文件。请谨慎使用。 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.input " , " 目标文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.picker " , " 打开文件以销毁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.fast " , " 快速模式 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.shredding " , " 销毁中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.shred " , " 销毁 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.error.open " , " 打开选择的文件失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.shredder.success " , " 文件成功销毁! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter " , " 分割 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.5_75_floppy " , " 5寸软盘( 1200KiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.3_5_floppy " , " 3寸软盘( 1400KiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.zip100 " , " Zip极碟100( 100MiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.zip200 " , " Zip极碟200( 200MiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.cdrom650 " , " CD-ROM( 650MiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.cdrom700 " , " CD-ROM( 700MiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.fat32 " , " FAT32( 4GiB) " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.sizes.custom " , " 自定义 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.input " , " 目标文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.input " , " 打开文件以分割 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.output " , " 输出路径 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.output " , " 选择输出路径 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.splitting " , " 分割中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.split " , " 分割 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.error.open " , " 打开选择的文件失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.error.size " , " 文件小于单分块大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.error.create " , " 创建分块文件 {0} 失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.splitter.picker.success " , " 文件分割成功! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner " , " 合并 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.add " , " 添加... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.add.picker " , " 添加文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.delete " , " 删除 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.clear " , " 清空 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.output " , " 输出文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.output.picker " , " 选择输出路径 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.combining " , " 合并中... " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.combine " , " 合并 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.error.open_output " , " 创建输出文件失败! " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.open_input " , " 打开输入文件 {0} 失败 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.tools.file_tools.combiner.success " , " 文件合并成功! " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.setting.imhex " , " ImHex " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.imhex.recent_files " , " 最近文件 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.general " , " 通用 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.general.show_tips " , " 在启动时显示每日提示 " } ,
2021-10-08 19:26:14 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.setting.general.auto_load_patterns " , " 自动加载支持的模式 " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface " , " 界面 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.color " , " 颜色主题 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.color.system " , " 跟随系统 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.color.dark " , " 暗 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.color.light " , " 亮 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.color.classic " , " 经典 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling " , " 缩放 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling.native " , " 本地默认 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling.x0_5 " , " x0.5 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling.x1_0 " , " x1.0 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling.x1_5 " , " x1.5 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling.x2_0 " , " x2.0 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.language " , " 语言 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.fps " , " FPS限制 " } ,
2021-11-12 20:10:48 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.fps.unlocked " , " 无限制 " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.setting.interface.highlight_alpha " , " 高亮不透明度 " } ,
2021-09-22 03:30:52 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor " , " Hex编辑器 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.column_count " , " 字节列数 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.hexii " , " 显示HexII替代字节 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.ascii " , " 显示ASCII栏 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.advanced_decoding " , " 显示高级解码栏 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.grey_zeros " , " 显示零字节为灰色 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.uppercase_hex " , " 大写Hex字符 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.setting.hex_editor.extra_info " , " 显示额外信息 " } ,
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
{ " hex.builtin.provider.file.path " , " 路径 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.provider.file.size " , " 大小 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.provider.file.creation " , " 创建时间 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.provider.file.access " , " 最后访问时间 " } ,
{ " hex.builtin.provider.file.modification " , " 最后更改时间 " } ,
2021-12-07 22:47:41 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.file", "File Provider" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.gdb", "GDB Server Provider" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.gdb.name", "GDB Server <{0}:{1}>" },
2021-12-12 00:41:44 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.gdb.server", "Server" },
2021-12-12 11:55:38 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.gdb.ip", "IP Address" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.gdb.port", "Port" },
2021-12-12 00:42:12 +01:00
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.disk", "Raw Disk Provider" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.disk.selected_disk", "Disk" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.disk.disk_size", "Disk Size" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.disk.sector_size", "Sector Size" },
//{ "hex.builtin.provider.disk.reload", "Reload" },
2021-09-21 00:41:22 +08:00
} ) ;