mirror of synced 2025-03-02 15:54:29 +01:00

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Raw Normal View History

// Mini memory editor for Dear ImGui (to embed in your game/tools)
// Get latest version at http://www.github.com/ocornut/imgui_club
// Right-click anywhere to access the Options menu!
// You can adjust the keyboard repeat delay/rate in ImGuiIO.
// The code assume a mono-space font for simplicity!
// If you don't use the default font, use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to switch to a mono-space font before caling this.
// Usage:
// // Create a window and draw memory editor inside it:
// static MemoryEditor mem_edit_1;
// static char data[0x10000];
// size_t data_size = 0x10000;
// mem_edit_1.DrawWindow("Memory Editor", data, data_size);
// Usage:
// // If you already have a window, use DrawContents() instead:
// static MemoryEditor mem_edit_2;
// ImGui::Begin("MyWindow")
// mem_edit_2.DrawContents(this, sizeof(*this), (size_t)this);
// ImGui::End();
// Changelog:
// - v0.10: initial version
// - v0.23 (2017/08/17): added to github. fixed right-arrow triggering a byte write.
// - v0.24 (2018/06/02): changed DragInt("Rows" to use a %d data format (which is desirable since imgui 1.61).
// - v0.25 (2018/07/11): fixed wording: all occurrences of "Rows" renamed to "Columns".
// - v0.26 (2018/08/02): fixed clicking on hex region
// - v0.30 (2018/08/02): added data preview for common data types
// - v0.31 (2018/10/10): added OptUpperCaseHex option to select lower/upper casing display [@samhocevar]
// - v0.32 (2018/10/10): changed signatures to use void* instead of unsigned char*
// - v0.33 (2018/10/10): added OptShowOptions option to hide all the interactive option setting.
// - v0.34 (2019/05/07): binary preview now applies endianness setting [@nicolasnoble]
// - v0.35 (2020/01/29): using ImGuiDataType available since Dear ImGui 1.69.
// - v0.36 (2020/05/05): minor tweaks, minor refactor.
// - v0.40 (2020/10/04): fix misuse of ImGuiListClipper API, broke with Dear ImGui 1.79. made cursor position appears on left-side of edit box. option popup appears on mouse release. fix MSVC warnings where _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS wasn't working in recent versions.
// - v0.41 (2020/10/05): fix when using with keyboard/gamepad navigation enabled.
// - v0.42 (2020/10/14): fix for . character in ASCII view always being greyed out.
// Todo/Bugs:
// - This is generally old code, it should work but please don't use this as reference!
// - Arrows are being sent to the InputText() about to disappear which for LeftArrow makes the text cursor appear at position 1 for one frame.
// - Using InputText() is awkward and maybe overkill here, consider implementing something custom.
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h> // sprintf, scanf
#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t, etc.
#include <hex/helpers/utils.hpp>
#include <hex/views/view.hpp>
2020-11-21 00:12:58 +01:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define _PRISizeT "I"
#define ImSnprintf _snprintf
#define _PRISizeT "z"
#define ImSnprintf snprintf
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4996) // warning C4996: 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe.
ImU32 ImAlphaBlendColors(ImU32 col_a, ImU32 col_b);
struct MemoryEditor
enum DataFormat
DataFormat_Bin = 0,
DataFormat_Dec = 1,
DataFormat_Hex = 2,
// Settings
bool ReadOnly; // = false // disable any editing.
int Cols; // = 16 // number of columns to display.
bool OptShowOptions; // = true // display options button/context menu. when disabled, options will be locked unless you provide your own UI for them.
bool OptShowHexII; // = false // display values in HexII representation instead of regular hexadecimal: hide null/zero bytes, ascii values as ".X".
bool OptShowAscii; // = true // display ASCII representation on the right side.
bool OptGreyOutZeroes; // = true // display null/zero bytes using the TextDisabled color.
bool OptUpperCaseHex; // = true // display hexadecimal values as "FF" instead of "ff".
int OptMidColsCount; // = 8 // set to 0 to disable extra spacing between every mid-cols.
int OptAddrDigitsCount; // = 0 // number of addr digits to display (default calculated based on maximum displayed addr).
ImU32 HighlightColor; // // background color of highlighted bytes.
ImU8 (*ReadFn)(const ImU8* data, size_t off); // = 0 // optional handler to read bytes.
void (*WriteFn)(ImU8* data, size_t off, ImU8 d); // = 0 // optional handler to write bytes.
bool (*HighlightFn)(const ImU8* data, size_t off, bool next);//= 0 // optional handler to return Highlight property (to support non-contiguous highlighting).
void (*HoverFn)(const ImU8 *data, size_t off);
// [Internal State]
bool ContentsWidthChanged;
size_t DataPreviewAddr;
size_t DataPreviewAddrOld;
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
size_t DataPreviewAddrEnd;
size_t DataPreviewAddrEndOld;
size_t DataEditingAddr;
bool DataEditingTakeFocus;
char DataInputBuf[32];
char AddrInputBuf[32];
size_t GotoAddr;
size_t HighlightMin, HighlightMax;
int PreviewEndianess;
ImGuiDataType PreviewDataType;
// Settings
ReadOnly = false;
Cols = 16;
OptShowOptions = true;
OptShowHexII = false;
OptShowAscii = true;
OptGreyOutZeroes = true;
OptUpperCaseHex = true;
OptMidColsCount = 8;
OptAddrDigitsCount = 0;
HighlightColor = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 50);
ReadFn = NULL;
WriteFn = NULL;
HighlightFn = NULL;
HoverFn = NULL;
// State/Internals
ContentsWidthChanged = false;
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
DataPreviewAddr = DataEditingAddr = DataPreviewAddrEnd = (size_t)-1;
2021-02-01 20:07:57 +01:00
DataPreviewAddrOld = DataPreviewAddrEndOld = (size_t)-1;
DataEditingTakeFocus = false;
memset(DataInputBuf, 0, sizeof(DataInputBuf));
memset(AddrInputBuf, 0, sizeof(AddrInputBuf));
GotoAddr = (size_t)-1;
HighlightMin = HighlightMax = (size_t)-1;
PreviewEndianess = 0;
PreviewDataType = ImGuiDataType_S32;
void GotoAddrAndHighlight(size_t addr_min, size_t addr_max)
GotoAddr = addr_min;
HighlightMin = addr_min;
HighlightMax = addr_max;
struct Sizes
int AddrDigitsCount;
float LineHeight;
float GlyphWidth;
float HexCellWidth;
float SpacingBetweenMidCols;
float PosHexStart;
float PosHexEnd;
float PosAsciiStart;
float PosAsciiEnd;
float WindowWidth;
Sizes() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
void CalcSizes(Sizes& s, size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr)
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
s.AddrDigitsCount = OptAddrDigitsCount;
if (s.AddrDigitsCount == 0)
for (size_t n = base_display_addr + mem_size - 1; n > 0; n >>= 4)
s.LineHeight = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
s.GlyphWidth = ImGui::CalcTextSize("F").x + 1; // We assume the font is mono-space
s.HexCellWidth = (float)(int)(s.GlyphWidth * 2.5f); // "FF " we include trailing space in the width to easily catch clicks everywhere
s.SpacingBetweenMidCols = (float)(int)(s.HexCellWidth * 0.25f); // Every OptMidColsCount columns we add a bit of extra spacing
s.PosHexStart = (s.AddrDigitsCount + 2) * s.GlyphWidth;
s.PosHexEnd = s.PosHexStart + (s.HexCellWidth * Cols);
s.PosAsciiStart = s.PosAsciiEnd = s.PosHexEnd;
if (OptShowAscii)
s.PosAsciiStart = s.PosHexEnd + s.GlyphWidth * 1;
if (OptMidColsCount > 0)
s.PosAsciiStart += (float)((Cols + OptMidColsCount - 1) / OptMidColsCount) * s.SpacingBetweenMidCols;
s.PosAsciiEnd = s.PosAsciiStart + Cols * s.GlyphWidth;
s.WindowWidth = s.PosAsciiEnd + style.ScrollbarSize + style.WindowPadding.x * 2 + s.GlyphWidth;
// Standalone Memory Editor window
void DrawWindow(const char* title, bool *p_open, void* mem_data, size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr = 0x0000)
Sizes s;
CalcSizes(s, mem_size, base_display_addr);
if (ImGui::Begin(title, p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs))
if (DataPreviewAddr != DataPreviewAddrOld || DataPreviewAddrEnd != DataPreviewAddrEndOld) {
hex::Region selectionRegion = { std::min(DataPreviewAddr, DataPreviewAddrEnd), std::max(DataPreviewAddr, DataPreviewAddrEnd) - std::min(DataPreviewAddr, DataPreviewAddrEnd) };
2021-01-21 10:53:12 +01:00
hex::View::postEvent(hex::Events::RegionSelected, selectionRegion);
DataPreviewAddrOld = DataPreviewAddr;
DataPreviewAddrEndOld = DataPreviewAddrEnd;
DrawContents(mem_data, mem_size, base_display_addr);
if (ContentsWidthChanged)
CalcSizes(s, mem_size, base_display_addr);
ImGui::SetWindowSize(ImVec2(s.WindowWidth, ImGui::GetWindowSize().y));
// Memory Editor contents only
void DrawContents(void* mem_data_void, size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr = 0x0000)
if (Cols < 1)
Cols = 1;
ImU8* mem_data = (ImU8*)mem_data_void;
Sizes s;
CalcSizes(s, mem_size, base_display_addr);
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
if (mem_size == 0x00) {
constexpr const char *noDataString = "No data loaded!";
2020-11-12 23:08:31 +01:00
auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
pos.x += (ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - (ImGui::CalcTextSize(noDataString).x)) / 2;
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddText(pos, 0xFFFFFFFF, noDataString);
// We begin into our scrolling region with the 'ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove' in order to prevent click from moving the window.
// This is used as a facility since our main click detection code doesn't assign an ActiveId so the click would normally be caught as a window-move.
const float height_separator = style.ItemSpacing.y;
float footer_height = 0;
if (OptShowOptions)
footer_height += height_separator + ImGui::GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() * 1;
2020-11-20 13:51:27 +01:00
ImGui::BeginChild("offset", ImVec2(0, s.LineHeight), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav);
ImGui::Text("%*c ", s.AddrDigitsCount, ' ');
2020-11-20 13:51:27 +01:00
for (int i = 0; i < Cols; i++) {
float byte_pos_x = s.PosHexStart + s.HexCellWidth * i;
if (OptMidColsCount > 0)
byte_pos_x += (float)(i / OptMidColsCount) * s.SpacingBetweenMidCols;
ImGui::Text("%02X", i);
ImGui::BeginChild("##scrolling", ImVec2(0, -footer_height), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2(0, 0));
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0));
// We are not really using the clipper API correctly here, because we rely on visible_start_addr/visible_end_addr for our scrolling function.
ImGuiListClipper clipper;
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const int line_total_count = (int)((mem_size + Cols - 1) / Cols);
clipper.Begin(line_total_count, s.LineHeight);
const size_t visible_start_addr = clipper.DisplayStart * Cols;
const size_t visible_end_addr = clipper.DisplayEnd * Cols;
const size_t visible_count = visible_end_addr - visible_start_addr;
bool data_next = false;
if (DataEditingAddr >= mem_size)
DataEditingAddr = (size_t)-1;
if (DataPreviewAddr >= mem_size)
DataPreviewAddr = (size_t)-1;
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
if (DataPreviewAddrEnd >= mem_size)
DataPreviewAddrEnd = (size_t)-1;
size_t data_editing_addr_backup = DataEditingAddr;
size_t data_preview_addr_backup = DataPreviewAddr;
size_t data_editing_addr_next = (size_t)-1;
size_t data_preview_addr_next = (size_t)-1;
2021-01-08 19:34:29 +01:00
if (ImGui::IsWindowFocused()) {
if (DataEditingAddr != (size_t)-1)
// Move cursor but only apply on next frame so scrolling with be synchronized (because currently we can't change the scrolling while the window is being rendered)
if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_UpArrow)) && DataEditingAddr >= (size_t)Cols) { data_editing_addr_next = DataEditingAddr - Cols; DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_DownArrow)) && DataEditingAddr < mem_size - Cols) { data_editing_addr_next = DataEditingAddr + Cols; DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_LeftArrow)) && DataEditingAddr > 0) { data_editing_addr_next = DataEditingAddr - 1; DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_RightArrow)) && DataEditingAddr < mem_size - 1) { data_editing_addr_next = DataEditingAddr + 1; DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_PageUp)) && DataEditingAddr > 0) { data_editing_addr_next = std::max(s64(0), s64(DataEditingAddr) - s64(visible_count)); DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_PageDown)) && DataEditingAddr < mem_size - 1) { data_editing_addr_next = std::min(s64(mem_size - 1), s64(DataEditingAddr) + s64(visible_count)); DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_Home)) && DataEditingAddr > 0) { data_editing_addr_next = 0; DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_End)) && DataEditingAddr < mem_size - 1) { data_editing_addr_next = mem_size - 1; DataEditingTakeFocus = true; }
2021-01-08 19:34:29 +01:00
} else if (DataPreviewAddr != -1) {
// Move cursor but only apply on next frame so scrolling with be synchronized (because currently we can't change the scrolling while the window is being rendered)
if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_UpArrow)) && DataPreviewAddr >= (size_t)Cols) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = DataPreviewAddr - Cols; if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_DownArrow)) && DataPreviewAddr < mem_size - Cols) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = DataPreviewAddr + Cols; if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_LeftArrow)) && DataPreviewAddr > 0) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = DataPreviewAddr - 1; if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_RightArrow)) && DataPreviewAddr < mem_size - 1) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = DataPreviewAddr + 1; if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_PageUp)) && DataPreviewAddr > 0) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = std::max(s64(0), s64(DataPreviewAddr) - s64(visible_count)); if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_PageDown)) && DataPreviewAddr < mem_size - 1) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = std::min(s64(mem_size - 1), s64(DataPreviewAddr) + s64(visible_count)); if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_Home)) && DataPreviewAddr > 0) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = 0; if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
else if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey_End)) && DataPreviewAddr < mem_size - 1) { DataPreviewAddr = data_preview_addr_next = mem_size - 1; if (!ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) DataPreviewAddrEnd = DataPreviewAddr; }
2021-01-08 19:34:29 +01:00
2021-01-08 19:34:29 +01:00
if (data_preview_addr_next != (size_t)-1 && (data_preview_addr_next / Cols) != (data_preview_addr_backup / Cols))
// Track cursor movements
const int scroll_offset = ((int)(data_preview_addr_next / Cols) - (int)(data_preview_addr_backup / Cols));
const bool scroll_desired = (scroll_offset < 0 && data_preview_addr_next < visible_start_addr + Cols * 2) || (scroll_offset > 0 && data_preview_addr_next > visible_end_addr - Cols * 2);
if (scroll_desired)
ImGui::SetScrollY(ImGui::GetScrollY() + scroll_offset * s.LineHeight);
if (data_editing_addr_next != (size_t)-1 && (data_editing_addr_next / Cols) != (data_editing_addr_backup / Cols))
// Track cursor movements
const int scroll_offset = ((int)(data_editing_addr_next / Cols) - (int)(data_editing_addr_backup / Cols));
const bool scroll_desired = (scroll_offset < 0 && data_editing_addr_next < visible_start_addr + Cols * 2) || (scroll_offset > 0 && data_editing_addr_next > visible_end_addr - Cols * 2);
if (scroll_desired)
ImGui::SetScrollY(ImGui::GetScrollY() + scroll_offset * s.LineHeight);
// Draw vertical separator
ImVec2 window_pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
if (OptShowAscii)
draw_list->AddLine(ImVec2(window_pos.x + s.PosAsciiStart - s.GlyphWidth, window_pos.y), ImVec2(window_pos.x + s.PosAsciiStart - s.GlyphWidth, window_pos.y + 9999), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Border));
const ImU32 color_text = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text);
const ImU32 color_disabled = OptGreyOutZeroes ? ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled) : color_text;
const char* format_address = OptUpperCaseHex ? "%0*" _PRISizeT "X: " : "%0*" _PRISizeT "x: ";
const char* format_data = OptUpperCaseHex ? "%0*" _PRISizeT "X" : "%0*" _PRISizeT "x";
const char* format_byte = OptUpperCaseHex ? "%02X" : "%02x";
const char* format_byte_space = OptUpperCaseHex ? "%02X " : "%02x ";
bool tooltipShown = false;
for (int line_i = clipper.DisplayStart; line_i < clipper.DisplayEnd; line_i++) // display only visible lines
size_t addr = (size_t)(line_i * Cols);
ImGui::Text(format_address, s.AddrDigitsCount, base_display_addr + addr);
// Draw Hexadecimal
for (int n = 0; n < Cols && addr < mem_size; n++, addr++)
float byte_pos_x = s.PosHexStart + s.HexCellWidth * n;
if (OptMidColsCount > 0)
byte_pos_x += (float)(n / OptMidColsCount) * s.SpacingBetweenMidCols;
// Draw highlight
bool is_highlight_from_user_range = (addr >= HighlightMin && addr < HighlightMax);
bool is_highlight_from_user_func = (HighlightFn && HighlightFn(mem_data, addr, false));
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
bool is_highlight_from_preview = (addr >= DataPreviewAddr && addr <= DataPreviewAddrEnd) || (addr >= DataPreviewAddrEnd && addr <= DataPreviewAddr);
if (is_highlight_from_user_range || is_highlight_from_user_func || is_highlight_from_preview)
ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
float highlight_width = s.GlyphWidth * 2;
bool is_next_byte_highlighted = (addr + 1 < mem_size) &&
((HighlightMax != (size_t)-1 && addr + 1 < HighlightMax) ||
(HighlightFn && HighlightFn(mem_data, addr + 1, true)) ||
((addr + 1) >= DataPreviewAddr && (addr + 1) <= DataPreviewAddrEnd) || ((addr + 1) >= DataPreviewAddrEnd && (addr + 1) <= DataPreviewAddr));
2020-11-20 00:10:55 +01:00
if (is_next_byte_highlighted)
highlight_width = s.HexCellWidth;
if (OptMidColsCount > 0 && n > 0 && (n + 1) < Cols && ((n + 1) % OptMidColsCount) == 0)
highlight_width += s.SpacingBetweenMidCols;
ImU32 color = HighlightColor;
if ((is_highlight_from_user_range + is_highlight_from_user_func + is_highlight_from_preview) > 1)
color = (ImAlphaBlendColors(HighlightColor, 0x60C08080) & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x90000000;
draw_list->AddRectFilled(pos, ImVec2(pos.x + highlight_width, pos.y + s.LineHeight), color);
if (DataEditingAddr == addr)
// Display text input on current byte
bool data_write = false;
if (DataEditingTakeFocus)
sprintf(AddrInputBuf, format_data, s.AddrDigitsCount, base_display_addr + addr);
sprintf(DataInputBuf, format_byte, ReadFn ? ReadFn(mem_data, addr) : mem_data[addr]);
ImGui::PushItemWidth(s.GlyphWidth * 2);
struct UserData
// FIXME: We should have a way to retrieve the text edit cursor position more easily in the API, this is rather tedious. This is such a ugly mess we may be better off not using InputText() at all here.
static int Callback(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data)
UserData* user_data = (UserData*)data->UserData;
if (!data->HasSelection())
user_data->CursorPos = data->CursorPos;
if (data->SelectionStart == 0 && data->SelectionEnd == data->BufTextLen)
// When not editing a byte, always rewrite its content (this is a bit tricky, since InputText technically "owns" the master copy of the buffer we edit it in there)
data->DeleteChars(0, data->BufTextLen);
data->InsertChars(0, user_data->CurrentBufOverwrite);
data->SelectionStart = 0;
data->SelectionEnd = 2;
data->CursorPos = 0;
return 0;
char CurrentBufOverwrite[3]; // Input
int CursorPos; // Output
UserData user_data;
user_data.CursorPos = -1;
sprintf(user_data.CurrentBufOverwrite, format_byte, ReadFn ? ReadFn(mem_data, addr) : mem_data[addr]);
ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal | ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue | ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll | ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll | ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysInsertMode | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackAlways;
if (ImGui::InputText("##data", DataInputBuf, 32, flags, UserData::Callback, &user_data))
data_write = data_next = true;
else if (!DataEditingTakeFocus && !ImGui::IsItemActive())
DataEditingAddr = data_editing_addr_next = (size_t)-1;
DataEditingTakeFocus = false;
if (user_data.CursorPos >= 2)
data_write = data_next = true;
if (data_editing_addr_next != (size_t)-1)
data_write = data_next = false;
unsigned int data_input_value = 0;
if (data_write && sscanf(DataInputBuf, "%X", &data_input_value) == 1)
if (WriteFn)
WriteFn(mem_data, addr, (ImU8)data_input_value);
mem_data[addr] = (ImU8)data_input_value;
// NB: The trailing space is not visible but ensure there's no gap that the mouse cannot click on.
ImU8 b = ReadFn ? ReadFn(mem_data, addr) : mem_data[addr];
if (OptShowHexII)
if ((b >= 32 && b < 128))
ImGui::Text(".%c ", b);
else if (b == 0xFF && OptGreyOutZeroes)
ImGui::TextDisabled("## ");
else if (b == 0x00)
ImGui::Text(" ");
ImGui::Text(format_byte_space, b);
if (b == 0 && OptGreyOutZeroes)
ImGui::TextDisabled("00 ");
ImGui::Text(format_byte_space, b);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0) && !ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift)
if (!ReadOnly && ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) {
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
DataEditingTakeFocus = true;
data_editing_addr_next = addr;
DataPreviewAddr = addr;
DataPreviewAddrEnd = addr;
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && ((ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0) && ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) || ImGui::IsMouseDragging(0))) {
2020-11-15 23:27:46 +01:00
DataPreviewAddrEnd = addr;
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && !tooltipShown) {
if (HoverFn) {
HoverFn(mem_data, addr);
tooltipShown = true;
if (OptShowAscii)
// Draw ASCII values
ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
addr = line_i * Cols;
ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(s.GlyphWidth, s.LineHeight));
for (int n = 0; n < Cols && addr < mem_size; n++, addr++)
if (addr == DataEditingAddr)
draw_list->AddRectFilled(pos, ImVec2(pos.x + s.GlyphWidth, pos.y + s.LineHeight), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBg));
draw_list->AddRectFilled(pos, ImVec2(pos.x + s.GlyphWidth, pos.y + s.LineHeight), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg));
unsigned char c = ReadFn ? ReadFn(mem_data, addr) : mem_data[addr];
char display_c = (c < 32 || c >= 128) ? '.' : c;
draw_list->AddText(pos, (display_c == c) ? color_text : color_disabled, &display_c, &display_c + 1);
// Draw highlight
bool is_highlight_from_user_range = (addr >= HighlightMin && addr < HighlightMax);
bool is_highlight_from_user_func = (HighlightFn && HighlightFn(mem_data, addr, false));
bool is_highlight_from_preview = (addr >= DataPreviewAddr && addr <= DataPreviewAddrEnd) || (addr >= DataPreviewAddrEnd && addr <= DataPreviewAddr);
if (is_highlight_from_user_range || is_highlight_from_user_func || is_highlight_from_preview)
ImU32 color = HighlightColor;
if ((is_highlight_from_user_range + is_highlight_from_user_func + is_highlight_from_preview) > 1)
color = (ImAlphaBlendColors(HighlightColor, 0x60C08080) & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x90000000;
2020-11-20 00:10:55 +01:00
draw_list->AddRectFilled(pos, ImVec2(pos.x + s.GlyphWidth, pos.y + s.LineHeight), color);
ImGui::PushID(line_i * Cols + n);
ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(s.GlyphWidth, s.LineHeight));
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0) && !ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift)
if (!ReadOnly && ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) {
DataEditingTakeFocus = true;
data_editing_addr_next = addr;
DataPreviewAddr = addr;
DataPreviewAddrEnd = addr;
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && ((ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0) && ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) || ImGui::IsMouseDragging(0))) {
DataPreviewAddrEnd = addr;
pos.x += s.GlyphWidth;
IM_ASSERT(clipper.Step() == false);
if (data_next && DataEditingAddr < mem_size)
DataEditingAddr = DataPreviewAddr = DataEditingAddr + 1;
DataEditingTakeFocus = true;
else if (data_editing_addr_next != (size_t)-1)
DataEditingAddr = DataPreviewAddr = DataPreviewAddrEnd = data_editing_addr_next;
if (OptShowOptions)
DrawOptionsLine(s, mem_data, mem_size, base_display_addr);
// Notify the main window of our ideal child content size (FIXME: we are missing an API to get the contents size from the child)
void DrawOptionsLine(const Sizes& s, void* mem_data, size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr)
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
const char* format_range = OptUpperCaseHex ? "Range %0*" _PRISizeT "X..%0*" _PRISizeT "X" : "Range %0*" _PRISizeT "x..%0*" _PRISizeT "x";
const char* format_selection = OptUpperCaseHex ? "Selection %0*" _PRISizeT "X..%0*" _PRISizeT "X (%ld %s)" : "Range %0*" _PRISizeT "x..%0*" _PRISizeT "x (%ld %s)";
// Options menu
if (ImGui::Button("Options"))
2020-11-21 00:12:58 +01:00
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("options")) {
Proper DPI scaling and basic custom font (#85) * add glm to arch deps After running got `None of the required 'glm' found`. This fixes that * dist/fedora: Include file magic headers Due to differences in package names between Deb based systems, Arch Linux, and RPM based systems the package containing the development headers for file were missing from the Fedora dependencies script. This includes the package `file-devel`, which is the package which resolves the issue. In Fedora, one can identify the package providing a specific file using the verb "whatprovides" with the command dnf, e.g.: [~]$ dnf whatprovides /usr/include/magic.h Last metadata expiration check: 4 days, 0:23:05 ago on Fri 04 Dec 2020 09:06:53 AM PST. file-devel-5.39-3.fc33.i686 : Libraries and header files for file development Repo : fedora Matched from: Filename : /usr/include/magic.h file-devel-5.39-3.fc33.x86_64 : Libraries and header files for file development Repo : @System Matched from: Filename : /usr/include/magic.h file-devel-5.39-3.fc33.x86_64 : Libraries and header files for file development Repo : fedora Matched from: Filename : /usr/include/magic.h If one is unsure of the specific path, globbing may be used (but must be quoted): dnf whatprovides "*/magic.h" Resolves #48 * dist: Prevent already installed packages in ArchLinux and MSYS2. Use --needed option with pacman to prevent it. * Add script to install dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu. Tested with Xubuntu 20.04 and Debian testing (in today's Docker image bitnami/minideb). Update README.md. * ci: rework (#31) * Support non standard LLVM library names (#86) This fix openSUSE and Gentoo issue mentioned in https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex/issues/37#issuecomment-739503138. (tested on openSUSE tumbleweed via Docker) I also took the liberty of renaming llvm_lib to llvm_demangle_lib to be more specific in the ``CMakeLists.txt``. * Implement proper DPI handling * Implement basic custom font support * Fix building on windows * Hopefully fix fonts on Windows * Fix several scaling issues * Replace font renderer with freetype * Updated CI and dependency scripts * Rebuild default font atlas * Correct platform detection macro for mingw * Fixed PKGBUILD Co-authored-by: brockelmore <31553173+brockelmore@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Brian 'Redbeard' Harrington <redbeard@dead-city.org> Co-authored-by: Biswapriyo Nath <nathbappai@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Stéphane Gourichon <stephane.gourichon@fidergo.fr> Co-authored-by: umarcor <38422348+umarcor@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Mary <me@thog.eu> Co-authored-by: WerWolv <werwolv98@gmail.com>
2020-12-11 14:24:42 +01:00
ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::CalcTextSize("00 cols").x * 1.1f);
if (ImGui::DragInt("##cols", &Cols, 0.2f, 4, 32, "%d cols")) { ContentsWidthChanged = true; if (Cols < 1) Cols = 1; }
ImGui::Checkbox("Show HexII", &OptShowHexII);
if (ImGui::Checkbox("Show Ascii", &OptShowAscii)) { ContentsWidthChanged = true; }
ImGui::Checkbox("Grey out zeroes", &OptGreyOutZeroes);
ImGui::Checkbox("Uppercase Hex", &OptUpperCaseHex);
ImGui::Text(format_range, s.AddrDigitsCount, base_display_addr, s.AddrDigitsCount, base_display_addr + mem_size - 1);
if (DataPreviewAddr != (size_t)-1 && DataPreviewAddrEnd != (size_t)-1) {
auto selectionStart = std::min(DataPreviewAddr, DataPreviewAddrEnd);
auto selectionEnd = std::max(DataPreviewAddr, DataPreviewAddrEnd);
size_t regionSize = (selectionEnd - selectionStart) + 1;
ImGui::Text(format_selection, s.AddrDigitsCount, base_display_addr + selectionStart, s.AddrDigitsCount, base_display_addr + selectionEnd, regionSize, regionSize == 1 ? "byte" : "bytes");
if (GotoAddr != (size_t)-1)
if (GotoAddr < mem_size)
ImGui::SetScrollFromPosY(ImGui::GetCursorStartPos().y + (GotoAddr / Cols) * ImGui::GetTextLineHeight());
DataEditingAddr = DataPreviewAddr = DataPreviewAddrEnd = GotoAddr;
DataEditingTakeFocus = true;
GotoAddr = (size_t)-1;
2020-11-21 00:12:58 +01:00
static bool IsBigEndian()
uint16_t x = 1;
char c[2];
memcpy(c, &x, 2);
return c[0] != 0;
static void* EndianessCopyBigEndian(void* _dst, void* _src, size_t s, int is_little_endian)
if (is_little_endian)
uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)_dst;
uint8_t* src = (uint8_t*)_src + s - 1;
for (int i = 0, n = (int)s; i < n; ++i)
memcpy(dst++, src--, 1);
return _dst;
return memcpy(_dst, _src, s);
static void* EndianessCopyLittleEndian(void* _dst, void* _src, size_t s, int is_little_endian)
if (is_little_endian)
return memcpy(_dst, _src, s);
uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)_dst;
uint8_t* src = (uint8_t*)_src + s - 1;
for (int i = 0, n = (int)s; i < n; ++i)
memcpy(dst++, src--, 1);
return _dst;
void* EndianessCopy(void* dst, void* src, size_t size) const
static void* (*fp)(void*, void*, size_t, int) = NULL;
if (fp == NULL)
fp = IsBigEndian() ? EndianessCopyBigEndian : EndianessCopyLittleEndian;
return fp(dst, src, size, PreviewEndianess);
#undef _PRISizeT
#undef ImSnprintf
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (pop)