mirror of synced 2025-03-03 08:15:53 +01:00

358 lines
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#include <hex/api/imhex_api.hpp>
#include <hex/api/content_registry.hpp>
#include <hex/api_urls.hpp>
#include <hex/api/task_manager.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/http_requests.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/fmt.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/fs.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/utils.hpp>
2023-11-28 10:56:56 +01:00
#include <hex/helpers/logger.hpp>
2023-11-28 10:56:56 +01:00
#include <wolv/utils/string.hpp>
#include <wolv/hash/uuid.hpp>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui_freetype.h>
2023-11-28 10:51:06 +01:00
#include <cstring>
namespace hex::plugin::builtin {
namespace {
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
bool checkForUpdatesSync() {
int checkForUpdates = ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.general", "hex.builtin.setting.general.server_contact", 2);
// Check if we should check for updates
2023-12-11 23:05:35 +01:00
if (checkForUpdates == 1) {
HttpRequest request("GET", GitHubApiURL + "/releases/latest"s);
// Query the GitHub API for the latest release version
auto response = request.execute().get();
if (response.getStatusCode() != 200)
return false;
nlohmann::json releases;
try {
releases = nlohmann::json::parse(response.getData());
} catch (const std::exception &) {
return false;
// Check if the response is valid
if (!releases.contains("tag_name") || !releases["tag_name"].is_string())
return false;
// Convert the current version string to a format that can be compared to the latest release
auto versionString = ImHexApi::System::getImHexVersion();
size_t versionLength = std::min(versionString.find_first_of('-'), versionString.length());
auto currVersion = "v" + versionString.substr(0, versionLength);
// Get the latest release version string
auto latestVersion = releases["tag_name"].get<std::string_view>();
// Check if the latest release is different from the current version
if (latestVersion != currVersion)
ImHexApi::System::impl::addInitArgument("update-available", latestVersion.data());
// Check if there is a telemetry uuid
std::string uuid = ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.general", "hex.builtin.setting.general.uuid", "").get<std::string>();
if (uuid.empty()) {
// Generate a new uuid
uuid = wolv::hash::generateUUID();
// Save
ContentRegistry::Settings::write("hex.builtin.setting.general", "hex.builtin.setting.general.uuid", uuid);
TaskManager::createBackgroundTask("Sending statistics...", [uuid, versionString](auto&) {
// To avoid potentially flooding our database with lots of dead users
// from people just visiting the website, don't send telemetry data from
// the web version
#if defined(OS_WEB)
// Make telemetry request
nlohmann::json telemetry = {
{ "uuid", uuid },
{ "format_version", "1" },
{ "imhex_version", versionString },
{ "imhex_commit", fmt::format("{}@{}", ImHexApi::System::getCommitHash(true), ImHexApi::System::getCommitBranch()) },
{ "install_type", ImHexApi::System::isPortableVersion() ? "Portable" : "Installed" },
{ "os", ImHexApi::System::getOSName() },
{ "os_version", ImHexApi::System::getOSVersion() },
{ "arch", ImHexApi::System::getArchitecture() },
{ "gpu_vendor", ImHexApi::System::getGPUVendor() }
HttpRequest telemetryRequest("POST", ImHexApiURL + "/telemetry"s);
telemetryRequest.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
// Execute request
return true;
bool checkForUpdates() {
TaskManager::createBackgroundTask("Checking for updates", [](auto&) { checkForUpdatesSync(); });
return true;
bool configureUIScale() {
2023-12-10 22:37:26 +01:00
int interfaceScaleSetting = int(ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.interface", "hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling_factor", 1.0F).get<float>() * 10.0F);
float interfaceScaling;
if (interfaceScaleSetting == 0)
interfaceScaling = ImHexApi::System::getNativeScale();
2023-12-10 22:37:26 +01:00
interfaceScaling = interfaceScaleSetting / 10.0F;
return true;
bool loadFontsImpl(bool loadUnicode) {
2023-12-10 22:37:26 +01:00
float defaultFontSize = ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize * ImHexApi::System::getGlobalScale();
if (defaultFontSize == 0.0F)
defaultFontSize = ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize;
// Reset used font size back to the default size
// Load custom font related settings
if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.custom_font_enable", false).get<bool>()) {
std::fs::path fontFile = ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_path", "").get<std::string>();
if (!fontFile.empty()) {
if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(fontFile) || !wolv::io::fs::isRegularFile(fontFile)) {
log::warn("Custom font file {} not found! Falling back to default font.", wolv::util::toUTF8String(fontFile));
log::info("Loading custom font from {}", wolv::util::toUTF8String(fontFile));
// If no custom font has been specified, search for a file called "font.ttf" in one of the resource folders
if (fontFile.empty()) {
for (const auto &dir : fs::getDefaultPaths(fs::ImHexPath::Resources)) {
auto path = dir / "font.ttf";
if (wolv::io::fs::exists(path)) {
log::info("Loading custom font from {}", wolv::util::toUTF8String(path));
fontFile = path;
// If a custom font has been loaded now, also load the font size
float fontSize = defaultFontSize;
if (!fontFile.empty()) {
2023-11-28 09:49:38 +01:00
fontSize = float(ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_size", 13).get<int>()) * ImHexApi::System::getGlobalScale();
float fontSize = ImHexApi::Fonts::getFontSize();
const auto &fontFile = ImHexApi::Fonts::getCustomFontPath();
// Setup basic font configuration
auto fonts = IM_NEW(ImFontAtlas)();
ImFontConfig cfg = {};
cfg.OversampleH = cfg.OversampleV = 1, cfg.PixelSnapH = true;
cfg.SizePixels = fontSize;
fonts->Flags |= ImFontAtlasFlags_NoPowerOfTwoHeight;
fonts->TexDesiredWidth = 4096;
// Configure font glyph ranges that should be loaded from the default font and unifont
static ImVector<ImWchar> defaultGlyphRanges;
2023-11-28 09:49:38 +01:00
defaultGlyphRanges = { };
ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder glyphRangesBuilder;
constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> controlCodeRange = { 0x0001, 0x001F, 0 };
constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> extendedAsciiRange = { 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0 };
if (loadUnicode) {
constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> fullRange = { 0x0100, 0xFFEF, 0 };
} else {
if (fontFile.empty())
if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.custom_font_enable", false).get<bool>()) {
if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_bold", false))
cfg.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Bold;
if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_italic", false))
cfg.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Oblique;
if (!ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_antialias", false))
cfg.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Monochrome | ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_MonoHinting;
auto loadDefaultFont = [&](const char *fontName, u32 flags = 0) {
ImFontConfig defaultConfig = cfg;
ImFont *defaultFont;
defaultConfig.FontBuilderFlags |= flags;
std::strncpy(defaultConfig.Name, fontName, sizeof(defaultConfig.Name) - 1);
if (fontFile.empty()) {
defaultConfig.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Monochrome | ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_MonoHinting;
defaultFont = fonts->AddFontDefault(&defaultConfig);
} else {
defaultFont = fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(wolv::util::toUTF8String(fontFile).c_str(), 0, &defaultConfig, defaultGlyphRanges.Data);
return defaultFont;
// Load main font
// If a custom font has been specified, load it, otherwise load the default ImGui font
ImFont *defaultFont = loadDefaultFont("Default Font");
if (defaultFont == nullptr) {
log::warn("Failed to load custom font! Falling back to default font.");
cfg.SizePixels = defaultFontSize;
defaultFont = fonts->AddFontDefault(&cfg);
cfg.FontDataOwnedByAtlas = false;
// Add all other fonts to the atlas
auto startFlags = cfg.FontBuilderFlags;
std::list<ImVector<ImWchar>> ranges;
for (auto &font : ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::getFonts()) {
ImVector<ImWchar> fontRange;
if (font.glyphRanges.empty()) {
fontRange = defaultGlyphRanges;
} else {
for (const auto &range : font.glyphRanges) {
cfg.FontBuilderFlags = font.flags;
2023-11-29 09:50:57 +01:00
float descent = [&] {
ImFontAtlas atlas;
// Disable merge mode for this font but retain the rest of the configuration
cfg.MergeMode = false;
ON_SCOPE_EXIT { cfg.MergeMode = true; };
// Construct a range that only contains the first glyph of the font
ImVector<ImWchar> queryRange;
auto firstGlyph = font.glyphRanges.empty() ? defaultGlyphRanges.front() : font.glyphRanges.front().begin;
// Build the font atlas with the query range
auto newFont = atlas.AddFontFromMemoryTTF(font.fontData.data(), int(font.fontData.size()), 0, &cfg, queryRange.Data);
return newFont->Descent;
2023-11-28 14:21:48 +01:00
std::memset(cfg.Name, 0x00, sizeof(cfg.Name));
2023-11-28 10:56:56 +01:00
std::strncpy(cfg.Name, font.name.c_str(), sizeof(cfg.Name) - 1);
2023-11-29 09:50:57 +01:00
cfg.GlyphOffset = { font.offset.x, font.offset.y - defaultFont->Descent + descent };
2023-11-28 09:49:38 +01:00
fonts->AddFontFromMemoryTTF(font.fontData.data(), int(font.fontData.size()), 0, &cfg, ranges.back().Data);
cfg.FontBuilderFlags = startFlags;
// Create bold and italic font
cfg.MergeMode = false;
ImFont *boldFont = loadDefaultFont("Bold Font", ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Bold);
ImFont *italicFont = loadDefaultFont("Italic Font", ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Oblique);
ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::setFonts(boldFont, italicFont);
// Try to build the font atlas
if (!fonts->Build()) {
// The main reason the font atlas failed to build is that the font is too big for the GPU to handle
// If unicode support is enabled, therefor try to load the font atlas without unicode support
// If that still didn't work, there's probably something else going on with the graphics drivers
// Especially Intel GPU drivers are known to have various bugs
if (loadUnicode) {
log::error("Failed to build font atlas! Disabling Unicode support.");
// Disable unicode support in settings
ContentRegistry::Settings::write("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.load_all_unicode_chars", false);
// Try to load the font atlas again
return loadFontsImpl(false);
} else {
log::error("Failed to build font atlas! Check your Graphics driver!");
return false;
// Configure ImGui to use the font atlas
return true;
bool loadFonts() {
// Check if unicode support is enabled in the settings and that the user doesn't use the No GPU version on Windows
// The Mesa3D software renderer on Windows identifies itself as "VMware, Inc."
bool shouldLoadUnicode =
ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.load_all_unicode_chars", false) &&
ImHexApi::System::getGPUVendor() != "VMware, Inc.";
return loadFontsImpl(shouldLoadUnicode);
void addInitTasks() {
2023-12-10 22:37:26 +01:00
ImHexApi::System::addStartupTask("Configuring UI scale", true, configureUIScale);
ImHexApi::System::addStartupTask("Loading fonts", true, loadFonts);
ImHexApi::System::addStartupTask("Checking for updates", true, checkForUpdates);