mirror of synced 2025-03-03 08:15:53 +01:00

603 lines
24 KiB
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2023-11-30 11:23:12 +01:00
#include <hex/api/imhex_api.hpp>
#include <hex/api/content_registry.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/utils.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/crypto.hpp>
2023-11-30 14:40:07 +01:00
#include <hex/helpers/fmt.hpp>
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <hex/providers/provider.hpp>
#include <cstring>
#include <codecvt>
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
#include <string>
#include <imgui_internal.h>
#include <hex/ui/imgui_imhex_extensions.h>
namespace hex::plugin::builtin {
using Style = ContentRegistry::DataInspector::NumberDisplayStyle;
struct GUID {
u32 data1;
u16 data2;
u16 data3;
u8 data4[8];
template<std::unsigned_integral T, size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
static std::vector<u8> stringToUnsigned(const std::string &value, std::endian endian) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u64)) {
u64 result = std::strtoull(value.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
if (result > std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) return {};
std::vector<u8> bytes(Size, 0x00);
std::memcpy(bytes.data(), &result, bytes.size());
if (endian != std::endian::native)
std::reverse(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
return bytes;
template<std::signed_integral T, size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
static std::vector<u8> stringToSigned(const std::string &value, std::endian endian) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u64)) {
i64 result = std::strtoll(value.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
if (result > std::numeric_limits<T>::max() || result < std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) return {};
std::vector<u8> bytes(Size, 0x00);
std::memcpy(bytes.data(), &result, bytes.size());
if (endian != std::endian::native)
std::reverse(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
return bytes;
template<std::floating_point T>
static std::vector<u8> stringToFloat(const std::string &value, std::endian endian) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long double)) {
T result = std::strtold(value.c_str(), nullptr);
std::vector<u8> bytes(sizeof(T), 0x00);
std::memcpy(bytes.data(), &result, bytes.size());
if (endian != std::endian::native)
std::reverse(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
return bytes;
template<std::integral T, size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
static std::vector<u8> stringToInteger(const std::string &value, std::endian endian) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u64)) {
if constexpr (std::unsigned_integral<T>)
return stringToUnsigned<T, Size>(value, endian);
else if constexpr (std::signed_integral<T>)
return stringToSigned<T, Size>(value, endian);
return {};
template<std::integral T, size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
static std::string unsignedToString(const std::vector<u8> &buffer, std::endian endian, Style style) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u64)) {
if (buffer.size() < Size)
return { };
auto format = (style == Style::Decimal) ? "{0:d}" : ((style == Style::Hexadecimal) ? hex::format("0x{{0:0{}X}}", Size * 2) : hex::format("0o{{0:0{}o}}", Size * 3));
T value = 0x00;
std::memcpy(&value, buffer.data(), std::min(sizeof(T), Size));
return hex::format(format, hex::changeEndianess(value, Size, endian));
template<std::integral T, size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
static std::string signedToString(const std::vector<u8> &buffer, std::endian endian, Style style) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u64)) {
if (buffer.size() < Size)
return { };
auto format = (style == Style::Decimal) ? "{0:d}" : ((style == Style::Hexadecimal) ? hex::format("0x{{0:0{}X}}", Size * 2) : hex::format("0o{{0:0{}o}}", Size * 3));
T value = 0x00;
std::memcpy(&value, buffer.data(), std::min(sizeof(T), Size));
auto number = hex::changeEndianess(value, Size, endian);
if (Size != sizeof(T))
number = hex::signExtend(Size * 8, number);
return hex::format(format, number);
template<std::integral T, size_t Size = sizeof(T)>
static std::string integerToString(const std::vector<u8> &buffer, std::endian endian, Style style) requires(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(u64)) {
if constexpr (std::unsigned_integral<T>)
return unsignedToString<T, Size>(buffer, endian, style);
else if constexpr (std::signed_integral<T>)
return signedToString<T, Size>(buffer, endian, style);
return {};
template<typename T>
static hex::ContentRegistry::DataInspector::impl::GeneratorFunction drawString(T func) {
return [func](const std::vector<u8> &buffer, std::endian endian, Style style) {
2022-08-18 00:24:29 +02:00
return [value = func(buffer, endian, style)]() -> std::string { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
// clang-format off
void registerDataInspectorEntries() {
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.binary", sizeof(u8),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
hex::unused(endian, style);
std::string binary = hex::format("0b{:08b}", buffer[0]);
return [binary] {
return binary;
2023-02-19 10:25:39 +01:00
}, [](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
2023-02-19 10:25:39 +01:00
std::string binary = value;
if (binary.starts_with("0b"))
binary = binary.substr(2);
2023-02-19 10:25:39 +01:00
if (binary.size() > 8) return { };
2023-02-19 10:25:39 +01:00
if (auto result = hex::parseBinaryString(binary); result.has_value())
return { result.value() };
return { };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.u8", sizeof(u8),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.i8", sizeof(i8),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.u16", sizeof(u16),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.i16", sizeof(i16),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.u24", 3,
drawString(integerToString<u32, 3>),
stringToInteger<u32, 3>
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.i24", 3,
drawString(integerToString<i32, 3>),
stringToInteger<i32, 3>
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.u32", sizeof(u32),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.i32", sizeof(i32),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.u48", 6,
drawString(integerToString<u64, 6>),
stringToInteger<u64, 6>
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.i48", 6,
drawString(integerToString<i64, 6>),
stringToInteger<i64, 6>
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.u64", sizeof(u64),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.i64", sizeof(i64),
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.float16", sizeof(u16),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
u16 result = 0;
std::memcpy(&result, buffer.data(), sizeof(u16));
const auto formatString = style == Style::Hexadecimal ? "{0:a}" : "{0:G}";
auto value = hex::format(formatString, float16ToFloat32(hex::changeEndianess(result, endian)));
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.float", sizeof(float),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
float result = 0;
std::memcpy(&result, buffer.data(), sizeof(float));
const auto formatString = style == Style::Hexadecimal ? "{0:a}" : "{0:G}";
auto value = hex::format(formatString, hex::changeEndianess(result, endian));
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.double", sizeof(double),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
double result = 0;
std::memcpy(&result, buffer.data(), sizeof(double));
const auto formatString = style == Style::Hexadecimal ? "{0:a}" : "{0:G}";
auto value = hex::format(formatString, hex::changeEndianess(result, endian));
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.long_double", sizeof(long double),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
long double result = 0;
std::memcpy(&result, buffer.data(), sizeof(long double));
const auto formatString = style == Style::Hexadecimal ? "{0:a}" : "{0:G}";
auto value = hex::format(formatString, hex::changeEndianess(result, endian));
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
stringToFloat<long double>
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.sleb128", 1, (sizeof(i128) * 8 / 7) + 1,
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
auto format = (style == Style::Decimal) ? "{0}{1:d}" : ((style == Style::Hexadecimal) ? "{0}0x{1:X}" : "{0}0o{1:o}");
auto number = hex::crypt::decodeSleb128(buffer);
bool negative = number < 0;
auto value = hex::format(format, negative ? "-" : "", negative ? -number : number);
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
[](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
return hex::crypt::encodeSleb128(std::strtoll(value.c_str(), nullptr, 0));
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.uleb128", 1, (sizeof(u128) * 8 / 7) + 1,
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
auto format = (style == Style::Decimal) ? "{0:d}" : ((style == Style::Hexadecimal) ? "0x{0:X}" : "0o{0:o}");
auto value = hex::format(format, hex::crypt::decodeUleb128(buffer));
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
[](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
return hex::crypt::encodeUleb128(std::strtoull(value.c_str(), nullptr, 0));
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.bool", sizeof(bool),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
hex::unused(endian, style);
std::string value = [buffer] {
switch (buffer[0]) {
case false:
return "false";
case true:
return "true";
return "Invalid";
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.ascii", sizeof(char8_t),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
hex::unused(endian, style);
auto value = makePrintable(*reinterpret_cast<char8_t *>(buffer.data()));
return [value] { ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("'{0}'", value.c_str()); return value; };
[](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
if (value.length() > 1) return { };
return { u8(value[0]) };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.wide", sizeof(wchar_t),
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
wchar_t wideChar = '\x00';
std::memcpy(&wideChar, buffer.data(), std::min(sizeof(wchar_t), buffer.size()));
auto c = hex::changeEndianess(wideChar, endian);
2022-01-15 14:14:53 +01:00
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter("Invalid");
auto value = hex::format("{0}", c <= 255 ? makePrintable(c) : converter.to_bytes(c));
return [value] { ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("'{0}'", value.c_str()); return value; };
[](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter("Invalid");
std::vector<u8> bytes;
auto wideString = converter.from_bytes(value.c_str());
std::copy(wideString.begin(), wideString.end(), std::back_inserter(bytes));
if (endian != std::endian::native)
std::reverse(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
return bytes;
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.utf8", sizeof(char8_t) * 4,
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
hex::unused(endian, style);
char utf8Buffer[5] = { 0 };
char codepointString[5] = { 0 };
u32 codepoint = 0;
std::memcpy(utf8Buffer, reinterpret_cast<char8_t *>(buffer.data()), 4);
u8 codepointSize = ImTextCharFromUtf8(&codepoint, utf8Buffer, utf8Buffer + 4);
std::memcpy(codepointString, utf8Buffer, std::min(codepointSize, u8(4)));
auto value = hex::format("'{0}' (U+0x{1:04X})",
codepoint == 0xFFFD ? "Invalid" : (codepointSize == 1 ? makePrintable(codepointString[0]) : codepointString),
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
constexpr static auto MaxStringLength = 32;
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.string", 1,
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
hex::unused(buffer, endian, style);
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
auto currSelection = ImHexApi::HexEditor::getSelection();
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
std::string value, copyValue;
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
if (currSelection.has_value()) {
std::vector<u8> stringBuffer(std::min<size_t>(currSelection->size, 0x1000), 0x00);
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
ImHexApi::Provider::get()->read(currSelection->address, stringBuffer.data(), stringBuffer.size());
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
value = copyValue = hex::encodeByteString(stringBuffer);
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
if (value.size() > MaxStringLength) {
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
value += "...";
ui/ux: Rewrite of the entire hex editor view to make it more flexible (#512) * ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
2022-05-27 20:42:07 +02:00
} else {
value = "";
copyValue = "";
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
return [value, copyValue] { ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("\"{0}\"", value.c_str()); return copyValue; };
[](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
return hex::decodeByteString(value);
2021-09-01 02:01:50 +02:00
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.string16", 2,
[](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
hex::unused(buffer, endian, style);
auto currSelection = ImHexApi::HexEditor::getSelection();
std::string value, copyValue;
if (currSelection.has_value()) {
std::u16string stringBuffer(std::min<size_t>(currSelection->size, 0x1000), 0x00);
ImHexApi::Provider::get()->read(currSelection->address, stringBuffer.data(), stringBuffer.size());
for (auto &c : stringBuffer)
c = hex::changeEndianess(c, endian);
auto it = std::remove_if(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(),
[](auto c) { return c == 0x00; });
buffer.erase(it, buffer.end());
auto string = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t>("Invalid").to_bytes(stringBuffer.data());
value = copyValue = hex::encodeByteString({ string.begin(), string.end() });
if (value.size() > MaxStringLength) {
value += "...";
} else {
value = "";
copyValue = "";
return [value, copyValue] { ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("L\"{0}\"", value.c_str()); return copyValue; };
[](const std::string &value, std::endian endian) -> std::vector<u8> {
return hex::decodeByteString(value);
2024-01-04 17:55:53 +01:00
#if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.time32", sizeof(u32), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
auto endianAdjustedTime = hex::changeEndianess(*reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(buffer.data()), endian);
2022-01-15 14:14:53 +01:00
std::string value;
try {
value = hex::format("{0:%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S}", fmt::localtime(endianAdjustedTime));
2023-11-10 20:47:08 +01:00
} catch (fmt::format_error &) {
value = "Invalid";
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.time64", sizeof(u64), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
auto endianAdjustedTime = hex::changeEndianess(*reinterpret_cast<u64 *>(buffer.data()), endian);
2022-01-15 14:14:53 +01:00
std::string value;
try {
value = hex::format("{0:%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S}", fmt::localtime(endianAdjustedTime));
2023-11-10 20:47:08 +01:00
} catch (fmt::format_error &) {
value = "Invalid";
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.time", sizeof(time_t), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
auto endianAdjustedTime = hex::changeEndianess(*reinterpret_cast<time_t *>(buffer.data()), endian);
std::string value;
try {
value = hex::format("{0:%a, %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S}", fmt::localtime(endianAdjustedTime));
} catch (fmt::format_error &e) {
value = "Invalid";
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
struct DOSDate {
unsigned day : 5;
unsigned month : 4;
unsigned year : 7;
struct DOSTime {
unsigned seconds : 5;
unsigned minutes : 6;
unsigned hours : 5;
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.dos_date", sizeof(DOSDate), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
DOSDate date = { };
std::memcpy(&date, buffer.data(), sizeof(DOSDate));
date = hex::changeEndianess(date, endian);
auto value = hex::format("{}/{}/{}", date.day, date.month, date.year + 1980);
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.dos_time", sizeof(DOSTime), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
DOSTime time = { };
std::memcpy(&time, buffer.data(), sizeof(DOSTime));
time = hex::changeEndianess(time, endian);
auto value = hex::format("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", time.hours, time.minutes, time.seconds * 2);
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.guid", sizeof(GUID), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
GUID guid = { };
std::memcpy(&guid, buffer.data(), sizeof(GUID));
auto value = hex::format("{}{{{:08X}-{:04X}-{:04X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}}}",
2022-02-01 22:09:44 +01:00
(hex::changeEndianess(guid.data3, endian) >> 12) <= 5 && ((guid.data4[0] >> 4) >= 8 || (guid.data4[0] >> 4) == 0) ? "" : "Invalid ",
hex::changeEndianess(guid.data1, endian),
hex::changeEndianess(guid.data2, endian),
hex::changeEndianess(guid.data3, endian),
return [value] { ImGui::TextUnformatted(value.c_str()); return value; };
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.rgba8", sizeof(u32), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
ImColor value(hex::changeEndianess(*reinterpret_cast<u32 *>(buffer.data()), endian));
auto copyValue = hex::format("#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", u8(0xFF * (value.Value.x)), u8(0xFF * (value.Value.y)), u8(0xFF * (value.Value.z)), u8(0xFF * (value.Value.w)));
return [value, copyValue] {
2023-05-13 17:50:16 +02:00
ImGui::ColorButton("##inspectorColor", value, ImGuiColorEditFlags_None, ImVec2(ImGui::GetColumnWidth(), ImGui::GetTextLineHeight()));
return copyValue;
ContentRegistry::DataInspector::add("hex.builtin.inspector.rgb565", sizeof(u16), [](auto buffer, auto endian, auto style) {
auto value = hex::changeEndianess(*reinterpret_cast<u16 *>(buffer.data()), endian);
ImColor color((value & 0x1F) << 3, ((value >> 5) & 0x3F) << 2, ((value >> 11) & 0x1F) << 3, 0xFF);
auto copyValue = hex::format("#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", u8(0xFF * (color.Value.x)), u8(0xFF * (color.Value.y)), u8(0xFF * (color.Value.z)), 0xFF);
return [color, copyValue] {
2023-05-13 17:50:16 +02:00
ImGui::ColorButton("##inspectorColor", color, ImGuiColorEditFlags_None, ImVec2(ImGui::GetColumnWidth(), ImGui::GetTextLineHeight()));
return copyValue;
// clang-format on