Testing various fonts and sizes I realized there were still problems
with the layout of the bit labels. Also I reorganized the code so that
lambdas are defined just before they are used. Comments needed
punctuation too.
Part of the problem was that I had been assuming all along that the
check boxes were ImGui's originals which are always square. In actuality
the width is determined by the width of the character for '0'. Also
ImGui table was adding spacing to separate cells which made the boxes
not start at same place as column. Also for some reason using indent of
zero didn't work as expected but using 0.1 pixels worked. With those
problems fixed it is fairly easy to make sure the labels are centered at
the box except when the first mantissa checkbox gets a label which is
wider that the box width. Before and after show results for different


### Problem description
The issue seems to only affect the web version of ImHex but it is not
clear why. The labels of the checkboxes that represent bits in the IEEE
745 floating point tool were lay out incorrectly.
### Implementation description
The new code ensures that the bit labels are centered and located in the
middle of the checkbox regardless of the font size and the dear imgui
sized checkboxes.
I noticed the bad score on code factor so I reorganized it to make it
more readable and maintainable. In order to break down the big function
into it much smaller parts I encapsulated all the variables that the
functions need to access in two classes, one for the imgui related
statics and the other for non-static variables.
When writing the smaller functions I was noticed that there was room to
simplify the existing algorithms by writing functions that could be
called by parts that previously shared no code. I tested the changes the
same way I tested the original and it seems to work the same way but
maybe a bit faster. Although it may be possible to further optimize the
present code code factor no longer flags the function at all.
I just realized one feature request existed about this tool and have
added a comment to it referring this pr. Errors and additions are
described in the fork commit already. I'm not sure if I should repeat
them here again. I have tested the changes thoroughly, but it is always
possible some fringe case was not tested and is incorrect. The tests
were done using the many similar online calculators for IEEE 754
floating point formats.
IEEE 745 floating point tool redesign modeled after 'float toy' web app
Streamlined output using colors and compact layout which can be further
Chosen display mode (detailed or simplified) is automatically saved and
set on new sessions.
Edit the binary bits, the integer hexadecimal or the floating point
decimal values and the entire app will update with the change.
Supports the main IEEE745 standard formats (half, single and double
precision) together with custom formats of size <= 64 bits.
Each format choice uses and displays the number of significant decimal
digits defined by the mantissa size.
Added labels to identify the location of each bit box inside the binary
Satisfies round trip / idempotent (reproducing) conversion property
Added theme colors, radio buttons for display mode and a clear button
that resets the tool.
Removed previously and incorrectly added locale translation to various
labels and languages
Attempted to adhere to code style formatting using existing code as
An effort was made to use preferred variable types and functions from
std namespace when appropriate.
Attempted to document code using comments.
Not implemented / left to complete at an later time
Arbitrary width and precision formats.
Extended precision formats.
Shortest string property.
hexadecimal floating point display and conversions.