#include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::builtin { // Tool for converting between different number formats. // There are three places where input can be changed; the bit checkboxes, the hex input, and the decimal input. // The bit checkboxes and the hex input are directly related and can be converted between each other easily. // The decimal input is a bit more complicated. IEEE 754 floating point numbers are represented as a sign bit, // an exponent and a mantissa. For details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754. // Workflow is as follows: // From the bit checkboxes determine the integer hex value. This is straightforward. // From the hex value determine the binary floating point value by extracting the sign, exponent, and mantissa. // From the binary floating point value determine the decimal floating point value using a third party library. // From the decimal floating point we reconstruct the binary floating point value using internal hardware. // If the format is non-standard, the reconstruction is done using properties of the format. void drawIEEE754Decoder() { constexpr static auto flags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue; class IEEE754STATICS { public: IEEE754STATICS() : value(0), exponentBitCount(8), mantissaBitCount(23), resultFloat(0) {} u128 value; i32 exponentBitCount; i32 mantissaBitCount; long double resultFloat; }; static IEEE754STATICS ieee754statics; enum class NumberType { Normal, Zero, Denormal, Infinity, NaN, }; enum class InputType { Infinity, NotANumber, QuietNotANumber, SignalingNotANumber, Regular, Invalid }; enum class ValueType { Regular, SignalingNaN, QuietNaN, NegativeInfinity, PositiveInfinity, }; class IEEE754 { public: ValueType valueType; NumberType numberType; i64 exponentBias; long double signValue; long double exponentValue; long double mantissaValue; i64 signBits; i64 exponentBits; i64 mantissaBits; i64 precision; } ieee754 = {}; std::string specialNumbers[] = { "inf" , "Inf", "INF" , "nan" , "Nan" , "NAN", "qnan","Qnan", "QNAN", "snan", "Snan", "SNAN" }; const auto totalBitCount = ieee754statics.exponentBitCount + ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount; const auto signBitPosition = totalBitCount - 0; const auto exponentBitPosition = totalBitCount - 1; const auto mantissaBitPosition = totalBitCount - 1 - ieee754statics.exponentBitCount; const static auto ExtractBits = [](u32 startBit, u32 count) { return hex::extract(startBit, startBit - (count - 1), ieee754statics.value); }; ieee754.signBits = ExtractBits(signBitPosition, 1); ieee754.exponentBits = ExtractBits(exponentBitPosition, ieee754statics.exponentBitCount); ieee754.mantissaBits = ExtractBits(mantissaBitPosition, ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount); static i64 inputFieldWidth = 0; ImGuiExt::TextFormattedWrapped("{}", "hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.description"_lang); ImGui::NewLine(); static i64 displayMode = ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.settings", "display_mode", 0); i64 displayModeTemp = displayMode; ImGui::RadioButton("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.settings.display_mode.detailed"_lang, reinterpret_cast(&displayMode), 0); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::RadioButton("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.settings.display_mode.simplified"_lang, reinterpret_cast(&displayMode), 1); if (displayModeTemp != displayMode) { ContentRegistry::Settings::write("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.settings", "display_mode", displayMode); displayModeTemp = displayMode; } auto tableFlags = ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit | ImGuiTableFlags_NoKeepColumnsVisible | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollX | ImGuiTableFlags_NoPadInnerX; const static auto IndentBoxOrLabel = [](u32 startBit, u32 bitIndex, u32 count, bool isLabel) { auto checkBoxWidth = ImGui::CalcTextSize("0").x + ImGui::GetStyle().FramePadding.x * 2.0F; auto columnWidth = ImGui::GetColumnWidth(); float boxesPerColumn=columnWidth/checkBoxWidth; float result; if (isLabel) { std::string labelString = fmt::format("{}", bitIndex); auto labelWidth = ImGui::CalcTextSize(labelString.c_str()).x; auto leadingBoxes = (boxesPerColumn-count) / 2.0F; if (leadingBoxes < 0.0F) leadingBoxes = 0.0F; result = checkBoxWidth*(leadingBoxes + startBit - bitIndex + 0.5F) - labelWidth / 2.0F; } else { if (count < boxesPerColumn) result = (columnWidth - count * checkBoxWidth) / 2.0F; else result = 0.0F; } if (result <= 0.0F) result = 0.05F; return result; }; const static auto DisplayBitLabels = [](int startBit, int count) { static i32 lastLabelAdded = -1; i32 labelIndex; if (lastLabelAdded == -1 || count < 4) labelIndex = startBit - (count >> 1); else labelIndex = lastLabelAdded - 4; while (labelIndex + count > startBit) { auto indentSize = IndentBoxOrLabel(startBit, labelIndex, count, true); ImGui::Indent(indentSize ); ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("{}", labelIndex); lastLabelAdded = labelIndex; ImGui::Unindent(indentSize ); labelIndex -= 4; ImGui::SameLine(); } }; const static auto FormatBitLabels = [](i32 totalBitCount, i32 exponentBitPosition, i32 mantissaBitPosition) { // Row for bit labels. Due to font size constrains each bit cannot have its own label. // Instead, we label each 4 bits and then use the bit position to determine the bit label. // Result. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Equals. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Sign bit label is always shown. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); DisplayBitLabels(totalBitCount + 1, 1); // Times. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Exponent. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); DisplayBitLabels(exponentBitPosition + 1, ieee754statics.exponentBitCount); // Times. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Mantissa. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); DisplayBitLabels(mantissaBitPosition + 1, ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount); }; const static auto BitCheckbox = [](u8 bit) { bool checkbox = false; ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FrameBorderSize, 1.0F); checkbox = (ieee754statics.value & (u128(1) << bit)) != 0; ImGuiExt::BitCheckbox("##checkbox", &checkbox); ieee754statics.value = (ieee754statics.value & ~(u128(1) << bit)) | (u128(checkbox) << bit); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); }; const static auto BitCheckboxes = [](u32 startBit, u32 count) { for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { ImGui::PushID(startBit - i); BitCheckbox(startBit - i); ImGui::SameLine(0, 0); ImGui::PopID(); } }; const static auto FormatBits = [](i32 signBitPosition, i32 exponentBitPosition, i32 mantissaBitPosition) { // Sign. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImVec4 signColor = ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_IEEEToolSign); ImVec4 expColor = ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_IEEEToolExp); ImVec4 mantColor = ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_IEEEToolMantissa); ImVec4 black = ImVec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); float indent = IndentBoxOrLabel(signBitPosition,signBitPosition, 1, false); ImGui::Indent(indent); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, signColor); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Border, black); BitCheckboxes(signBitPosition, 1); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::Unindent(indent); // Times. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Exponent. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); indent = IndentBoxOrLabel(exponentBitPosition,exponentBitPosition, ieee754statics.exponentBitCount, false); ImGui::Indent(indent); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, expColor); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Border, black); BitCheckboxes(exponentBitPosition, ieee754statics.exponentBitCount); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::Unindent(indent); // Times. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Mantissa. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); indent = IndentBoxOrLabel(mantissaBitPosition,mantissaBitPosition, ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount, false); ImGui::Indent(indent); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, mantColor); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Border, black); BitCheckboxes(mantissaBitPosition, ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::Unindent(indent); }; const static auto BitsToFloat = [](IEEE754 &ieee754) { // Zero or denormal. if (ieee754.exponentBits == 0) { // Result doesn't fit in 128 bits. if ((ieee754.exponentBias - 1) > 128) { ieee754.exponentValue = std::pow(2.0L, static_cast(-ieee754.exponentBias + 1)); } else { if (ieee754.exponentBias == 0) { // Exponent is zero. if (ieee754.mantissaBits == 0) ieee754.exponentValue = 1.0; else // Exponent is one. ieee754.exponentValue = 2.0; } else { ieee754.exponentValue = 1.0 / static_cast(u128(1) << (ieee754.exponentBias - 1)); } } } // Normal. else { // Result doesn't fit in 128 bits. if (std::abs(ieee754.exponentBits - ieee754.exponentBias) > 128) { ieee754.exponentValue = std::pow(2.0L, static_cast(ieee754.exponentBits - ieee754.exponentBias)); } //Result fits in 128 bits. else { // Exponent is positive. if (ieee754.exponentBits > ieee754.exponentBias) ieee754.exponentValue = static_cast(u128(1) << (ieee754.exponentBits - ieee754.exponentBias)); // Exponent is negative. else if (ieee754.exponentBits < ieee754.exponentBias) ieee754.exponentValue = 1.0 / static_cast(u128(1) << (ieee754.exponentBias - ieee754.exponentBits)); // Exponent is zero. else ieee754.exponentValue = 1.0; } } ieee754.mantissaValue = static_cast(ieee754.mantissaBits) / static_cast(u128(1) << (ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount)); if (ieee754.exponentBits != 0) ieee754.mantissaValue += 1.0; // Check if all exponent bits are set. if (std::popcount(static_cast(ieee754.exponentBits)) == static_cast(ieee754statics.exponentBitCount)) { // If fraction is zero number is infinity, if (ieee754.mantissaBits == 0) { if (ieee754.signBits == 0) { ieee754.valueType = ValueType::PositiveInfinity; ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } else { ieee754.valueType = ValueType::NegativeInfinity; ieee754statics.resultFloat = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); } ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Infinity; // otherwise number is NaN. } else { if (ieee754.mantissaBits & (u128(1) << (ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount - 1))) { ieee754.valueType = ValueType::QuietNaN; ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { ieee754.valueType = ValueType::SignalingNaN; ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::signaling_NaN(); } ieee754.numberType = NumberType::NaN; } // If all exponent bits are zero, but we have a non-zero fraction // then the number is denormal which are smaller than regular numbers // but not as precise. } else if (ieee754.exponentBits == 0 && ieee754.mantissaBits != 0) { ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Denormal; ieee754.valueType = ValueType::Regular; ieee754statics.resultFloat = ieee754.signValue * ieee754.exponentValue * ieee754.mantissaValue; } else { ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Normal; ieee754.valueType = ValueType::Regular; ieee754statics.resultFloat = ieee754.signValue * ieee754.exponentValue * ieee754.mantissaValue; } }; const static auto FloatToBits = [&specialNumbers](IEEE754 &ieee754, std::string decimalFloatingPointNumberString, int totalBitCount) { // Always obtain sign first. if (decimalFloatingPointNumberString[0] == '-') { // And remove it from the string. ieee754.signBits = 1; decimalFloatingPointNumberString.erase(0, 1); } else { // Important to switch from - to +. ieee754.signBits = 0; } InputType inputType = InputType::Regular; bool matchFound = false; // Detect and use special numbers. for (u32 i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (decimalFloatingPointNumberString == specialNumbers[i]) { inputType = InputType(i/3); matchFound = true; break; } } if (!matchFound) inputType = InputType::Regular; if (inputType == InputType::Regular) { try { ieee754statics.resultFloat = stod(decimalFloatingPointNumberString); } catch(const std::invalid_argument& _) { inputType = InputType::Invalid; } } else if (inputType == InputType::Infinity) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); ieee754statics.resultFloat *= (ieee754.signBits == 1 ? -1 : 1); } else if (inputType == InputType::NotANumber) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else if (inputType == InputType::QuietNotANumber) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else if (inputType == InputType::SignalingNotANumber) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::signaling_NaN(); } if (inputType != InputType::Invalid) { // Deal with zero first so we can use log2. if (ieee754statics.resultFloat == 0.0) { if (ieee754.signBits == 1) ieee754statics.resultFloat = -0.0; else ieee754statics.resultFloat = 0.0; ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Zero; ieee754.valueType = ValueType::Regular; ieee754.exponentBits = 0; ieee754.mantissaBits = 0; } else { long double log2Result = std::log2(ieee754statics.resultFloat); // 2^(bias+1)-2^(bias-prec) is the largest number that can be represented. // If the number entered is larger than this then the input is set to infinity. if (ieee754statics.resultFloat > (std::pow(2.0L, ieee754.exponentBias + 1) - std::pow(2.0L, ieee754.exponentBias - ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount)) || inputType == InputType::Infinity ) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Infinity; ieee754.valueType = ieee754.signBits == 1 ? ValueType::NegativeInfinity : ValueType::PositiveInfinity; ieee754.exponentBits = i64((u128(1) << ieee754statics.exponentBitCount) - 1); ieee754.mantissaBits = 0; } else if (-std::rint(log2Result) > ieee754.exponentBias + ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount - 1) { // 1/2^(bias-1+prec) is the smallest number that can be represented. // If the number entered is smaller than this then the input is set to zero. if (ieee754.signBits == 1) ieee754statics.resultFloat = -0.0; else ieee754statics.resultFloat = 0.0; ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Zero; ieee754.valueType = ValueType::Regular; ieee754.exponentBits = 0; ieee754.mantissaBits = 0; } else if (inputType == InputType::SignalingNotANumber) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::signaling_NaN(); ieee754.valueType = ValueType::SignalingNaN; ieee754.numberType = NumberType::NaN; ieee754.exponentBits = i64((u128(1) << ieee754statics.exponentBitCount) - 1); ieee754.mantissaBits = 1; } else if (inputType == InputType::QuietNotANumber || inputType == InputType::NotANumber ) { ieee754statics.resultFloat = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); ieee754.valueType = ValueType::QuietNaN; ieee754.numberType = NumberType::NaN; ieee754.exponentBits = i64((u128(1) << ieee754statics.exponentBitCount) - 1); ieee754.mantissaBits = i64((u128(1) << (ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount - 1))); } else if (static_cast(std::floor(log2Result)) + ieee754.exponentBias <= 0) { ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Denormal; ieee754.valueType = ValueType::Regular; ieee754.exponentBits = 0; auto mantissaExp = log2Result + ieee754.exponentBias + ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount - 1; ieee754.mantissaBits = static_cast(std::round(std::pow(2.0L, mantissaExp))); } else { ieee754.valueType = ValueType::Regular; ieee754.numberType = NumberType::Normal; i64 unBiasedExponent = static_cast(std::floor(log2Result)); ieee754.exponentBits = unBiasedExponent + ieee754.exponentBias; ieee754.mantissaValue = ieee754statics.resultFloat * std::pow(2.0L, -unBiasedExponent) - 1; ieee754.mantissaBits = static_cast(std::round( static_cast(u128(1) << (ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount)) * ieee754.mantissaValue)); } } // Put the bits together. ieee754statics.value = (ieee754.signBits << (totalBitCount)) | (ieee754.exponentBits << (totalBitCount - ieee754statics.exponentBitCount)) | ieee754.mantissaBits; } }; const static auto DisplayDecimal = [](IEEE754 &ieee754) { unsigned signColorU32 = ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_IEEEToolSign); unsigned expColorU32 = ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_IEEEToolExp); unsigned mantColorU32 = ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_IEEEToolMantissa); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted("="); // Sign. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // This has the effect of dimming the color of the numbers so user doesn't try // to interact with them. ImVec4 textColor = ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text); ImGui::BeginDisabled(); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, textColor); ImGui::Indent(10_scaled); ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, signColorU32); if (ieee754.signBits == 1) ImGui::TextUnformatted("-1"); else ImGui::TextUnformatted("+1"); ImGui::Unindent(10_scaled); // Times. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted("x"); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Exponent. ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, expColorU32); ImGui::Indent(20_scaled); if (ieee754.numberType == NumberType::NaN) { if (ieee754.valueType == ValueType::QuietNaN) ImGui::TextUnformatted("qNaN"); else ImGui::TextUnformatted("sNaN"); } else if (ieee754.numberType == NumberType::Infinity) { ImGui::TextUnformatted("Inf"); } else if (ieee754.numberType == NumberType::Zero) { ImGui::TextUnformatted("0"); } else if (ieee754.numberType == NumberType::Denormal) { ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("2^{0}", 1 - ieee754.exponentBias); } else { ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("2^{0}", ieee754.exponentBits - ieee754.exponentBias); } ImGui::Unindent(20_scaled); // Times. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted("x"); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Mantissa. ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, mantColorU32); ImGui::Indent(20_scaled); ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("{:.{}}", ieee754.mantissaValue,ieee754.precision); ImGui::Unindent(20_scaled); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::EndDisabled(); }; const static auto ToolMenu = [](i64 &inputFieldWidth) { // If precision and exponent match one of the IEEE 754 formats the format is highlighted // and remains highlighted until user changes to a different format. Matching formats occur when // the user clicks on one of the selections or if the slider values match the format in question. // When a new format is selected, it may have a smaller number of digits than // the previous selection. Since the largest of the hexadecimal and the decimal // representation widths set both field widths to the same value, we need to // reset it here when a new choice is set. auto exponentBitCount = ieee754statics.exponentBitCount; auto mantissaBitCount = ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount; if (ImGui::SliderInt("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.exponent_size"_lang, &exponentBitCount, 1, 63 - mantissaBitCount)) { inputFieldWidth = 0; ieee754statics.exponentBitCount = exponentBitCount; } if (ImGui::SliderInt("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.mantissa_size"_lang, &mantissaBitCount, 1, 63 - exponentBitCount)) { inputFieldWidth = 0; ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount = mantissaBitCount; } ImGui::Separator(); auto color = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive); bool needsPop = false; if (ieee754statics.exponentBitCount == 3 && ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount == 4) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, color); needsPop = true; } if (ImGui::Button("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.quarter_precision"_lang)) { ieee754statics.exponentBitCount = 3; ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount = 4; inputFieldWidth = 0; } if (needsPop) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::SameLine(); needsPop = false; if (ieee754statics.exponentBitCount == 5 && ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount == 10) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, color); needsPop = true; } if (ImGui::Button("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.half_precision"_lang)) { ieee754statics.exponentBitCount = 5; ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount = 10; inputFieldWidth = 0; } if (needsPop) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::SameLine(); needsPop = false; if (ieee754statics.exponentBitCount == 8 && ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount == 23) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, color); needsPop = true; } if (ImGui::Button("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.single_precision"_lang)) { ieee754statics.exponentBitCount = 8; ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount = 23; inputFieldWidth = 0; } if (needsPop) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::SameLine(); needsPop = false; if (ieee754statics.exponentBitCount == 11 && ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount == 52) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, color); needsPop = true; } if (ImGui::Button("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.double_precision"_lang)) { ieee754statics.exponentBitCount = 11; ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount = 52; inputFieldWidth = 0; } if (needsPop) ImGui::PopStyleColor(); ImGui::SameLine(); needsPop = false; if (ImGui::Button("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.clear"_lang)) // This will reset all interactive widgets to zero. ieee754statics.value = 0; ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::NewLine(); }; if (ImGui::BeginTable("##outer", 7, tableFlags, ImVec2(0, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * 5.5 ))) { ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.result.title"_lang); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##equals"); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.sign"_lang); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##times"); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.exponent"_lang); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##times"); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.builtin.tools.ieee754.mantissa"_lang); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); ImGui::TableNextRow(); FormatBitLabels(totalBitCount, exponentBitPosition, mantissaBitPosition); ImGui::TableNextRow(); // Row for bit checkboxes // Result. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); const auto mask = u64(hex::bitmask(totalBitCount + 1)); std::string maskString = hex::format("0x{:X} ", mask); auto style = ImGui::GetStyle(); inputFieldWidth = std::fmax(inputFieldWidth, ImGui::CalcTextSize(maskString.c_str()).x + style.FramePadding.x * 2.0F); ImGui::PushItemWidth(inputFieldWidth); u64 newValue = u64(ieee754statics.value & mask); if (ImGuiExt::InputHexadecimal("##hex", &newValue, flags)) ieee754statics.value = newValue; ImGui::PopItemWidth(); // Equals. ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted("="); FormatBits(signBitPosition, exponentBitPosition, mantissaBitPosition); ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ieee754.exponentBias = u64((u128(1) << (ieee754statics.exponentBitCount - 1)) - 1); ieee754.signValue = ieee754.signBits == 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0; BitsToFloat(ieee754); if (ieee754.numberType == NumberType::Denormal) ieee754.precision = std::ceil(1+ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount * std::log10(2.0L)); else ieee754.precision = std::ceil(1+(ieee754statics.mantissaBitCount + 1) * std::log10(2.0L)); // For C++ from_chars is better than strtold. // The main problem is that from_chars will not process special numbers // like inf and nan, so we handle them manually. static std::string decimalFloatingPointNumberString; // Use qnan for quiet NaN and snan for signaling NaN. if (ieee754.numberType == NumberType::NaN) { if (ieee754.valueType == ValueType::QuietNaN) decimalFloatingPointNumberString = "qnan"; else decimalFloatingPointNumberString = "snan"; } else { decimalFloatingPointNumberString = fmt::format("{:.{}}", ieee754statics.resultFloat, ieee754.precision); } auto style1 = ImGui::GetStyle(); inputFieldWidth = std::fmax(inputFieldWidth, ImGui::CalcTextSize(decimalFloatingPointNumberString.c_str()).x + 2 * style1.FramePadding.x); ImGui::PushItemWidth(inputFieldWidth); // We allow any input in order to accept infinities and NaNs, all invalid entries // are detected catching exceptions. You can also enter -0 or -inf. if (ImGui::InputText("##resultFloat", decimalFloatingPointNumberString, flags)) { FloatToBits(ieee754, decimalFloatingPointNumberString, totalBitCount); } ImGui::PopItemWidth(); if (displayMode == 0) DisplayDecimal(ieee754); ImGui::EndTable(); } ToolMenu(inputFieldWidth); } }