#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) #include #include #else #include #endif namespace hex { namespace { std::mutex s_deferredCallsMutex, s_tasksFinishedMutex; std::list> s_tasks, s_taskQueue; std::list> s_deferredCalls; std::list> s_tasksFinishedCallbacks; std::mutex s_queueMutex; std::condition_variable s_jobCondVar; std::vector s_workers; thread_local std::array s_currentThreadName; thread_local Task* s_currentTask = nullptr; } Task::Task(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, u64 maxValue, bool background, std::function function) : m_unlocalizedName(std::move(unlocalizedName)), m_maxValue(maxValue), m_function(std::move(function)), m_background(background) { } Task::Task(hex::Task &&other) noexcept { { std::scoped_lock thisLock(m_mutex); std::scoped_lock otherLock(other.m_mutex); m_function = std::move(other.m_function); m_unlocalizedName = std::move(other.m_unlocalizedName); } m_maxValue = u64(other.m_maxValue); m_currValue = u64(other.m_currValue); m_finished = bool(other.m_finished); m_hadException = bool(other.m_hadException); m_interrupted = bool(other.m_interrupted); m_shouldInterrupt = bool(other.m_shouldInterrupt); } Task::~Task() { if (!this->isFinished()) this->interrupt(); } void Task::update(u64 value) { // Update the current progress value of the task m_currValue.store(value, std::memory_order_relaxed); // Check if the task has been interrupted by the main thread and if yes, // throw an exception that is generally not caught by the task if (m_shouldInterrupt.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) [[unlikely]] throw TaskInterruptor(); } void Task::setMaxValue(u64 value) { m_maxValue = value; } void Task::interrupt() { m_shouldInterrupt = true; // Call the interrupt callback on the current thread if one is set if (m_interruptCallback) m_interruptCallback(); } void Task::setInterruptCallback(std::function callback) { m_interruptCallback = std::move(callback); } bool Task::isBackgroundTask() const { return m_background; } bool Task::isFinished() const { return m_finished; } bool Task::hadException() const { return m_hadException; } bool Task::shouldInterrupt() const { return m_shouldInterrupt; } bool Task::wasInterrupted() const { return m_interrupted; } void Task::clearException() { m_hadException = false; } std::string Task::getExceptionMessage() const { std::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); return m_exceptionMessage; } const UnlocalizedString &Task::getUnlocalizedName() { return m_unlocalizedName; } u64 Task::getValue() const { return m_currValue; } u64 Task::getMaxValue() const { return m_maxValue; } void Task::finish() { m_finished = true; } void Task::interruption() { m_interrupted = true; } void Task::exception(const char *message) { std::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); // Store information about the caught exception m_exceptionMessage = message; m_hadException = true; } bool TaskHolder::isRunning() const { auto task = m_task.lock(); if (!task) return false; return !task->isFinished(); } bool TaskHolder::hadException() const { auto task = m_task.lock(); if (!task) return false; return !task->hadException(); } bool TaskHolder::shouldInterrupt() const { auto task = m_task.lock(); if (!task) return false; return !task->shouldInterrupt(); } bool TaskHolder::wasInterrupted() const { auto task = m_task.lock(); if (!task) return false; return !task->wasInterrupted(); } void TaskHolder::interrupt() const { auto task = m_task.lock(); if (!task) return; task->interrupt(); } u32 TaskHolder::getProgress() const { auto task = m_task.lock(); if (!task) return false; // If the max value is 0, the task has no progress if (task->getMaxValue() == 0) return 0; // Calculate the progress of the task from 0 to 100 return u32((task->getValue() * 100) / task->getMaxValue()); } void TaskManager::init() { const auto threadCount = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); log::debug("Initializing task manager thread pool with {} workers.", threadCount); // Create worker threads for (u32 i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { s_workers.emplace_back([](const std::stop_token &stopToken) { while (true) { std::shared_ptr task; // Set the thread name to "Idle Task" while waiting for a task TaskManager::setCurrentThreadName("Idle Task"); { // Wait for a task to be added to the queue std::unique_lock lock(s_queueMutex); s_jobCondVar.wait(lock, [&] { return !s_taskQueue.empty() || stopToken.stop_requested(); }); // Check if the thread should exit if (stopToken.stop_requested()) break; // Grab the next task from the queue task = std::move(s_taskQueue.front()); s_taskQueue.pop_front(); s_currentTask = task.get(); } try { // Set the thread name to the name of the task TaskManager::setCurrentThreadName(Lang(task->m_unlocalizedName)); // Execute the task task->m_function(*task); log::debug("Task '{}' finished", task->m_unlocalizedName.get()); } catch (const Task::TaskInterruptor &) { // Handle the task being interrupted by user request task->interruption(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { log::error("Exception in task '{}': {}", task->m_unlocalizedName.get(), e.what()); // Handle the task throwing an uncaught exception task->exception(e.what()); } catch (...) { log::error("Exception in task '{}'", task->m_unlocalizedName.get()); // Handle the task throwing an uncaught exception of unknown type task->exception("Unknown Exception"); } s_currentTask = nullptr; task->finish(); } }); } } void TaskManager::exit() { // Interrupt all tasks for (auto &task : s_tasks) { task->interrupt(); } // Ask worker threads to exit after finishing their task for (auto &thread : s_workers) thread.request_stop(); // Wake up all the idle worker threads so they can exit s_jobCondVar.notify_all(); // Wait for all worker threads to exit s_workers.clear(); s_tasks.clear(); s_taskQueue.clear(); s_deferredCalls.clear(); s_tasksFinishedCallbacks.clear(); } TaskHolder TaskManager::createTask(std::string name, u64 maxValue, bool background, std::function function) { std::scoped_lock lock(s_queueMutex); // Construct new task auto task = std::make_shared(std::move(name), maxValue, background, std::move(function)); s_tasks.emplace_back(task); // Add task to the queue for the worker to pick up s_taskQueue.emplace_back(std::move(task)); s_jobCondVar.notify_one(); return TaskHolder(s_tasks.back()); } TaskHolder TaskManager::createTask(std::string name, u64 maxValue, std::function function) { log::debug("Creating task {}", name); return createTask(std::move(name), maxValue, false, std::move(function)); } TaskHolder TaskManager::createBackgroundTask(std::string name, std::function function) { log::debug("Creating background task {}", name); return createTask(std::move(name), 0, true, std::move(function)); } void TaskManager::collectGarbage() { { std::scoped_lock lock(s_queueMutex); std::erase_if(s_tasks, [](const auto &task) { return task->isFinished() && !task->hadException(); }); } if (s_tasks.empty()) { std::scoped_lock lock(s_deferredCallsMutex); for (auto &call : s_tasksFinishedCallbacks) call(); s_tasksFinishedCallbacks.clear(); } } Task& TaskManager::getCurrentTask() { return *s_currentTask; } std::list> &TaskManager::getRunningTasks() { return s_tasks; } size_t TaskManager::getRunningTaskCount() { std::scoped_lock lock(s_queueMutex); return std::count_if(s_tasks.begin(), s_tasks.end(), [](const auto &task){ return !task->isBackgroundTask(); }); } size_t TaskManager::getRunningBackgroundTaskCount() { std::scoped_lock lock(s_queueMutex); return std::count_if(s_tasks.begin(), s_tasks.end(), [](const auto &task){ return task->isBackgroundTask(); }); } void TaskManager::doLater(const std::function &function) { std::scoped_lock lock(s_deferredCallsMutex); s_deferredCalls.push_back(function); } void TaskManager::runDeferredCalls() { std::scoped_lock lock(s_deferredCallsMutex); for (const auto &call : s_deferredCalls) call(); s_deferredCalls.clear(); } void TaskManager::runWhenTasksFinished(const std::function &function) { std::scoped_lock lock(s_tasksFinishedMutex); s_tasksFinishedCallbacks.push_back(function); } void TaskManager::setCurrentThreadName(const std::string &name) { std::ranges::fill(s_currentThreadName, '\0'); std::ranges::copy(name | std::views::take(255), s_currentThreadName.begin()); #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) using SetThreadDescriptionFunc = HRESULT(WINAPI*)(HANDLE hThread, PCWSTR lpThreadDescription); static auto setThreadDescription = reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress( ::GetModuleHandle("Kernel32.dll"), "SetThreadDescription" ) ) ); if (setThreadDescription != nullptr) { const auto longName = hex::utf8ToUtf16(name); setThreadDescription(::GetCurrentThread(), longName.c_str()); } else { struct THREADNAME_INFO { DWORD dwType; LPCSTR szName; DWORD dwThreadID; DWORD dwFlags; }; THREADNAME_INFO info = { }; info.dwType = 0x1000; info.szName = name.c_str(); info.dwThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); info.dwFlags = 0; constexpr static DWORD MS_VC_EXCEPTION = 0x406D1388; RaiseException(MS_VC_EXCEPTION, 0, sizeof(info) / sizeof(ULONG_PTR), reinterpret_cast(&info)); } #elif defined(OS_LINUX) pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), name.c_str()); #elif defined(OS_WEB) hex::unused(name); #elif defined(OS_MACOS) pthread_setname_np(name.c_str()); #endif } std::string TaskManager::getCurrentThreadName() { return s_currentThreadName.data(); } }