#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::builtin::recent { constexpr static auto MaxRecentEntries = 5; constexpr static auto BackupFileName = "crash_backup.hexproj"; static std::atomic_bool s_recentEntriesUpdating = false; static std::list s_recentEntries; void registerEventHandlers() { // Save every opened provider as a "recent" shortcut (void)EventManager::subscribe([](const prv::Provider *provider) { if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.general", "hex.builtin.setting.general.save_recent_providers", true)) { auto fileName = hex::format("{:%y%m%d_%H%M%S}.json", fmt::gmtime(std::chrono::system_clock::now())); // Do not save to recents if the provider is part of a project if (ProjectFile::hasPath()) return; // Do not save to recents if the provider doesn't want it if (!provider->isSavableAsRecent()) return; // The recent provider is saved to every "recent" directory for (const auto &recentPath : fs::getDefaultPaths(fs::ImHexPath::Recent)) { wolv::io::File recentFile(recentPath / fileName, wolv::io::File::Mode::Create); if (!recentFile.isValid()) continue; { auto path = ProjectFile::getPath(); ProjectFile::clearPath(); if (auto settings = provider->storeSettings(); !settings.is_null()) recentFile.writeString(settings.dump(4)); ProjectFile::setPath(path); } } } updateRecentEntries(); }); // Save opened projects as a "recent" shortcut (void)EventManager::subscribe([] { if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.general", "hex.builtin.setting.general.save_recent_providers", true)) { auto fileName = hex::format("{:%y%m%d_%H%M%S}.json", fmt::gmtime(std::chrono::system_clock::now())); auto projectFileName = ProjectFile::getPath().filename(); if (projectFileName == BackupFileName) return; // The recent provider is saved to every "recent" directory for (const auto &recentPath : fs::getDefaultPaths(fs::ImHexPath::Recent)) { wolv::io::File recentFile(recentPath / fileName, wolv::io::File::Mode::Create); if (!recentFile.isValid()) continue; std::string displayName = hex::format("[{}] {}", "hex.builtin.common.project"_lang, wolv::util::toUTF8String(projectFileName)); nlohmann::json recentEntry { {"type", "project"}, {"displayName", displayName}, {"path", wolv::util::toUTF8String(ProjectFile::getPath())} }; recentFile.writeString(recentEntry.dump(4)); } } updateRecentEntries(); }); } void updateRecentEntries() { TaskManager::createBackgroundTask("Updating recent files", [](auto&){ if (s_recentEntriesUpdating) return; s_recentEntriesUpdating = true; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { s_recentEntriesUpdating = false; }; s_recentEntries.clear(); // Query all recent providers std::vector recentFilePaths; for (const auto &folder : fs::getDefaultPaths(fs::ImHexPath::Recent)) { for (const auto &entry : std::fs::directory_iterator(folder)) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) recentFilePaths.push_back(entry.path()); } } // Sort recent provider files by last modified time std::sort(recentFilePaths.begin(), recentFilePaths.end(), [](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return std::fs::last_write_time(a) > std::fs::last_write_time(b); }); std::unordered_set uniqueProviders; for (u32 i = 0; i < recentFilePaths.size() && uniqueProviders.size() < MaxRecentEntries; i++) { auto &path = recentFilePaths[i]; try { auto jsonData = nlohmann::json::parse(wolv::io::File(path, wolv::io::File::Mode::Read).readString()); uniqueProviders.insert(RecentEntry { .displayName = jsonData.at("displayName"), .type = jsonData.at("type"), .entryFilePath = path, .data = jsonData }); } catch (...) { } } // Delete all recent provider files that are not in the list for (const auto &path : recentFilePaths) { bool found = false; for (const auto &provider : uniqueProviders) { if (path == provider.entryFilePath) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) wolv::io::fs::remove(path); } std::copy(uniqueProviders.begin(), uniqueProviders.end(), std::front_inserter(s_recentEntries)); }); } void loadRecentEntry(const RecentEntry &recentEntry) { if (recentEntry.type == "project") { std::fs::path projectPath = recentEntry.data["path"].get(); ProjectFile::load(projectPath); return; } auto *provider = ImHexApi::Provider::createProvider(recentEntry.type, true); if (provider != nullptr) { provider->loadSettings(recentEntry.data); if (!provider->open() || !provider->isAvailable()) { PopupError::open(hex::format("hex.builtin.provider.error.open"_lang, provider->getErrorMessage())); TaskManager::doLater([provider] { ImHexApi::Provider::remove(provider); }); return; } EventManager::post(provider); updateRecentEntries(); } } void draw() { ImGuiExt::BeginSubWindow("hex.builtin.welcome.start.recent"_lang, ImVec2(), ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeX); { if (!s_recentEntriesUpdating) { for (auto it = s_recentEntries.begin(); it != s_recentEntries.end();) { const auto &recentEntry = *it; bool shouldRemove = false; const bool isProject = recentEntry.type == "project"; ImGui::PushID(&recentEntry); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { ImGui::PopID(); }; const char* icon; if (isProject) { icon = ICON_VS_PROJECT; } else { icon = ICON_VS_FILE_BINARY; } if (ImGuiExt::Hyperlink(hex::format("{} {}", icon, hex::limitStringLength(recentEntry.displayName, 32)).c_str())) { loadRecentEntry(recentEntry); break; } if (!isProject) ImGui::SetItemTooltip("%s", LangEntry(recentEntry.type).get().c_str()); // Detect right click on recent provider std::string popupID = hex::format("RecentEntryMenu.{}", recentEntry.getHash()); if (ImGui::IsMouseReleased(1) && ImGui::IsItemHovered()) { ImGui::OpenPopup(popupID.c_str()); } if (ImGui::BeginPopup(popupID.c_str())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("hex.builtin.common.remove"_lang)) { shouldRemove = true; } ImGui::EndPopup(); } // Handle deletion from vector and on disk if (shouldRemove) { wolv::io::fs::remove(recentEntry.entryFilePath); it = s_recentEntries.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } } ImGuiExt::EndSubWindow(); } void addMenuItems() { ContentRegistry::Interface::addMenuItemSubMenu({ "hex.builtin.menu.file" }, 1200, [] { if (ImGui::BeginMenu("hex.builtin.menu.file.open_recent"_lang, !recent::s_recentEntriesUpdating && !s_recentEntries.empty())) { // Copy to avoid changing list while iteration auto recentEntries = s_recentEntries; for (auto &recentEntry : recentEntries) { if (ImGui::MenuItem(recentEntry.displayName.c_str())) { loadRecentEntry(recentEntry); } } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("hex.builtin.menu.file.clear_recent"_lang)) { s_recentEntries.clear(); // Remove all recent files for (const auto &recentPath : fs::getDefaultPaths(fs::ImHexPath::Recent)) for (const auto &entry : std::fs::directory_iterator(recentPath)) std::fs::remove(entry.path()); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } }); } }