# Adapted from the Dolphin project: https://dolphin-emu.org/ # This module can be used in two different ways. # # When invoked as `cmake -P PostprocessBundle.cmake`, it fixes up an # application folder to be standalone. It bundles all required libraries from # the system and fixes up library IDs. Any additional shared libraries, like # plugins, that are found under Contents/MacOS/ will be made standalone as well. # # When called with `include(PostprocessBundle)`, it defines a helper # function `postprocess_bundle` that sets up the command form of the # module as a post-build step. if(CMAKE_GENERATOR) # Being called as include(PostprocessBundle), so define a helper function. set(_POSTPROCESS_BUNDLE_MODULE_LOCATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") function(postprocess_bundle out_target in_target) add_custom_command(TARGET ${out_target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DBUNDLE_PATH="$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${in_target}>/../.." -DCODE_SIGN_CERTIFICATE_ID="${CODE_SIGN_CERTIFICATE_ID}" -P "${_POSTPROCESS_BUNDLE_MODULE_LOCATION}" ) endfunction() return() endif() get_filename_component(BUNDLE_PATH "${BUNDLE_PATH}" ABSOLUTE) message(STATUS "Fixing up application bundle: ${BUNDLE_PATH}") # Make sure to fix up any included ImHex plugin. file(GLOB_RECURSE extra_libs "${BUNDLE_PATH}/Contents/MacOS/plugins/*.hexplug") message(STATUS "Fixing up application bundle: ${extra_dirs}") # BundleUtilities doesn't support DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH behavior, which # makes it sometimes break on libraries that do weird things with @rpath. Specify # equivalent search directories until https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/16625 # is fixed and in our minimum CMake version. set(extra_dirs "/usr/local/lib" "/lib" "/usr/lib") # BundleUtilities is overly verbose, so disable most of its messages function(message) if(NOT ARGV MATCHES "^STATUS;") _message(${ARGV}) endif() endfunction() include(BundleUtilities) set(BU_CHMOD_BUNDLE_ITEMS ON) fixup_bundle("${BUNDLE_PATH}" "${extra_libs}" "${extra_dirs}") if (CODE_SIGN_CERTIFICATE_ID) # Hack around Apple Silicon signing bugs by copying the real app, signing it and moving it back. # IMPORTANT: DON'T USE ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory HERE (this follow symbolic links). execute_process(COMMAND cp -R "${BUNDLE_PATH}" "${BUNDLE_PATH}.temp") execute_process(COMMAND codesign --deep --force --sign "${CODE_SIGN_CERTIFICATE_ID}" "${BUNDLE_PATH}.temp") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory "${BUNDLE_PATH}") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rename "${BUNDLE_PATH}.temp" "${BUNDLE_PATH}") endif() # Add a necessary rpath to the imhex binary get_bundle_main_executable("${BUNDLE_PATH}" IMHEX_EXECUTABLE)